Thank you for selecting an Iwaki America FA-2E Air Driven Bellows Pump. These pumps are designed
exclusively for pumping semiconductor grade, high purity liquids. To ensure safety and maximum service
life of the pump, please read this instruction manual thoroughly prior to installation and operation.
1. This instruction manual details the proper installation, operation and safety measures necessary to
ensure the safe and efficient use of this pump. Failure to adhere to the described handling, installation
and operating procedures may lead to malfunction or damage to the pump.
2. Always employ full safety measures and precautions when installing or servicing this type of pump
based on the liquid being handled. Common applications are hazardous strong acids. Follow all safety
procedures recommended by the chemical manufacturer.
3. To operate the pump, a controller system with adequate control and safety features is necessary. The
pump always requires the use of a 4-way solenoid valve. Please read the respective instruction manuals
carefully for the proper installation and operating guidelines.
4. Please ensure that the end-user receives a copy of this instruction manual for reference.
Open the package and check that the product conforms to your order. Also check each of the following
points. For any problem or inconsistency, contact Iwaki America at once.
1. Check that the model number indicated on the nameplate conforms to the specifications of your order.
2. Check that the pump body and parts have not been accidentally damaged or that any fasteners have not
been loosened in transit.
Figure 1
Iwaki America F Series Air Driven Bellows Pumps consist of a high purity virgin fluoroplastic pump head
assembly with dual bellows and internal valving. A bellows is affixed on each side of the pump head
assembly which houses the suction and discharge valves. A connecting rod and shaft system are mounted
to the bellows and structural air chambers which seal against the pump head assembly. The bellows move
reciprocally in the air chambers as a result of alternating pressurization of the air chambers, by which liquid
is pumped continuously. Position of each bellows is monitored by proximity sensors mounted in the air
chambers. Signals from the proximity sensors are used by the controller system to govern the 4-way
solenoid valve and subsequent pressurization of the pump air chambers.
Operation Sequence
Figure 2
Refer to Figure 2. When pressurized air is supplied to chamber 'a' of the pump, bellows 'A' is
compressed and fluid is discharged from the bellows through the pump head discharge (outlet) port.
Simultaneously, bellows 'B' is extended and fluid is drawn into the bellows through the pump head
suction (inlet) port. Air is being exhausted from pump chamber 'b' during this process. When bellows
'B' is fully extended, proximity sensor 'B' is activated to signal the completion of this stroke to the
controller system.
The controller system receives the input signal from proximity sensor 'B' and changes the output
signal to the 4-way solenoid valve to switch it from the a position to b position.
Refer to Figure 3. Once the 4-way solenoid valve is in the b position, pressurized air is supplied to
chamber 'b' of the pump and the process outlined above is reversed. Fluid is discharged from bellows
'B' while bellows 'A' is in its suction stroke and air is exhausted from chamber 'a.' Upon completion of
this pump stroke, proximity sensor 'A' is activated and the controller signals the valve to switch from
the b position to a .
With a constant air supply, this sequence is repeated continuously and the pump achieves a constant
flowrate based on installation and operating conditions.
Figure 3
FA - 2E - W02
1. Series code: FA: Non-metallic pump for medium temperature liquid
2. Maximum discharge volume: 0.5 Gal/min (2L/min)
3. Special specifications
No symbol: Threaded suction & discharge
W02: Tubing connections
FA-2E Pump Specifications
0.5 GAL/min
(2 L/min)
Max. discharge volume Note 1
Max. stroke speed
150 spm
Max. stroke length
Self-priming ability Note 2
0.2 in
3 ft
Liquid temp. range
56 PSI
Max. supply air pressure
Liquid-contacting material
Liquid piping connection port Note 3
Supply air connection port
Max. air consumption
Ambient temperature
(N 9.53 x N 6.3)
PFA 3/8" tubing
1/4" PT
13.2 CFM
( 50 NL/min)
Note 1: The maximum discharge volume is based on pure water at 38°F (20°C).
Note 2: The self-priming value is based on the maximum stroke rate with pure water at room temperature.
Note 3: In case of threaded type, 1/8 PT female threads.
Proximity Sensor Specifications (for FA-2E pumps)
High frequency oscillation switch
NPN DC open/close output
12-24 VDC ±10%, ripple (P-P): 10% max
13 mA max
Output system
Power source voltage
Current consumption
Setting distance
Less than 80% of the switching distance
10% max of detecting distance
1.5mm (0.06 in) ±10%
Switching distance
Switching frequency
Output characteristics
800 Hz
Load current/100 mA max (+12/+24 VDC)
Leakage current/less than 100 mA
Residual voltage/less than 1.5V (1.0 V typ)
-13°F to 176°F (-25°C to 80°C)
100 VAC 50/60 Hz 1 min.
More than 50 mΩ
Environmental temperature
Insulation voltage
Insulation resistance
Vibration resistance
Shock resistance
Protective construction
Case material
10-55 Hz, 1.5mm double amplitude
IEC IP-67, NEMA type 6
Oilproof vinychloride: length 6.56 ft (2m)
Diameter: 0.138 in (3.5mm)
+12/+24 VDC
FA-2E Pump Dimensions/Mass
Mass: 8.6 lbs (3.7kg)
Figure 4
The following information deals with measures to ensure safe operation of the pump system. Please read
the precautions carefully.
To operate this pump, a 4-way solenoid valve and a controller (Iwaki America supplied model or host PLC)
are required. In addition, to enhance system safety, a quick exhaust valve is recommended for air exhaust
General Handling Precautions
Do not remodel the pump:
Do not alter or modify the pump. Iwaki America takes no responsibility for accidents or damage that
may result from improper modification of the product. Consult Iwaki America to discuss any alteration
to the product.
Do not touch:
When the pump is handling liquids higher than 50°C, avoid direct contact with the pump or piping
system. Use appropriate hand protection if handling of the pump or piping is necessary.
Wear protection:
Always wear protective gear (goggles, face shield, acid resistant gloves, etc.) when maintaining,
removing or servicing the pump. In addition, flush the pump completely with DI water prior to any
service or maintenance.
Qualified operators:
Operation, service, maintenance and removal of the pump should be performed by trained personnel
Disposal of used pump:
Disposal of used or damaged pumps must be in accordance with all federal and local regulations.
Return to Iwaki America:
Contact Iwaki America prior to returning any product to discuss proper decontamination and return
procedures. Iwaki America will issue a return authorization number to track the return. Note: Avoid
cutting pump suction and discharge tubing. Leave existing fittings or adequate length of tubing to
facilitate testing or evaluation.
Pump Handling Precautions
Do not stop pump without opening discharge first:
When stopping pump operation, first release pressure in the discharge line & then shut off supply air
pressure. Residual pressure in the liquid discharge piping may result in deformation of the bellows due
to the force of hydraulic pressure.
Do not suspend operation for extended periods with liquid remaining in pump chamber:
Suspending pump operation for extended periods may allow permeation of gas into air chambers &
piping. This may cause corrosion of pneumatic components. To prevent this problem, purge air from
the air chambers to prevent corrosive gas build-up. (e.g., if pump operation is suspended for 2-3 days,
run pump for 10 minutes daily to replace air).
During pump operation:
Ensure suction or discharge line valves are fully opened during pump operation. Never close a suction
or discharge line valve during operation.
Pump at halt:
Do not supply air pressure to both air chambers simultaneously during operation or while the pump is
idle. Some types of double solenoid valves cause pressurization of the two air chambers while the
valve is idle. Do not use this type of valve with F Series pumps. Do not supply air pressure to either air
chamber when the pump is idle.
Lifting pump:
Do not lift the pump by the suction or discharge tubing while installing or removing the pump.
Pump stroke speed:
Air bubbles sucked through pump suction piping could cause an air lock condition and the stroke rate to
rise to an abnormal level. Safety measures should be taken to avoid running the pump above its
maximum stroke speed. See page 11 for details.
80 spm............. 40 liter models
120 spm........... 2, 10, 20 liter models
Supply air pressure:
Any fluctuation in supply air pressure or volume causes a change in pump discharge. Install a
regulating valve to stabilize supply air pressure.
Regulate supply air pressure below maximum settings for longer life and protection of the bellows.
Maintain differential pressure (supply air vs. discharge pressure) below 14 PSI (1 kg/cm2) to maximize
pump service life.
Liquid temperature range:
Temperature range of the liquid must be maintained within the specified temperature range for the
pump model. (See Specification Table)
Handle proximity sensor cables with care
When wiring or adjusting the sensor, take care not to twist or bend the cable excessively, as this may
cause damage to the cable leads or the internal switch connection.
Prohibited liquids:
The following liquids must not be used:
- Liquids that are easily crystallized
- Liquids containing slurry
- Solvent based fluids
Service life of the valve and bellows is shortened by liquids that are easily crystallized or contain slurry.
Some solvents may cause premature failure due to incompatability with liquid end materials.
System Safety Precautions
Ventilate site:
When pumping a hazardous liquid, ventilating the cabinet is advised to remove toxic gas which may
permeate components and build up inside the equipment.
Monitor operating condition:
Use a monitor, etc. to inspect running condition of the system.
Advance precautions:
Take advance precautions against pump or system abnormality and perform daily inspections.
Use clean, dry instrumentation air (CDA) or nitrogen as supply air:
Supply air mixed with water, oil or dust may affect smooth and normal functioning of the pump.
Excessive water in an air chamber may be detected by the leak detection sensor, leading to an alarm
Use an appropriate filter:
Select an appropriate filter for the pump, taking into consideration the filtering area, grain-blocking
capacity and flow rate characteristics. Venting of the filter is critical. Some filters, depending on
structure, may have low air bleeding performance and greatly affect capacity. Be aware of liquid
viscosity which may significantly influence flow rate.
Do not restrict air exhaust port:
CAUTION! Do not restrict air exhaust piping of the pump or pneumatic system. Keep
exhaust lines as short as possible. The bellows may be deformed as a result of excessive
pneumatic backpressure. Quick exhaust valves are recommended.
Pulse dampeners:
To reduce vibration in the liquid piping system or eliminate pulsation in the liquid flow stream, a full
series of pulsation dampeners are available from Iwaki America.
Liquid Circulation System Design Recommendations
In typical semiconductor wet process liquids, a catalyst such as H2O, O3 or H2O2 is added to the process
liquid. The subsequent reaction generates heat and produces extreme gassing of the liquid. Measures
should be taken to reduce the amount of gas laden liquid which can enter the pump chambers. Excessive
gas can cause an air lock condition for the pump which may increase the pump stroke rate to excessive
For safe and efficient circulation and feeding of liquid, it is necessary to carry out air elimination and take
proper safety measures.
Air elimination technique
When air enters the bellows and the pump becomes air locked, the pump stroke rate increases. If the
increase is excessive, that is, higher than the specified pump stroke rate, stop the pump or carry out air
Plan A (Bubbles are blocked by means of a baffle plate)
1. In case of flooded suction system (Figure 5)
A baffle plate is set in the overflow tank to separate bubbles
from the liquid, thus limiting the air content.
Reaction tank
Figure 5
2. In case of suction lift system (Figure 6)
A baffle plate is set in the lower level in the reaction tank. The
top of the suction port tube is positioned under the baffle so that
bubbles are not drawn into the suction piping with the liquid.
Plan B (Automatic air elimination with auto valve
1. Regardless of the occurrence of air locking, continuous
automatic air elimination is executed in the entire system. For
example, the air elimination process is activated every 2
minutes after the start-up of the pump by opening the auto
Bubbles are
drawn up.
Figure 6
valve for 10 seconds. (Figure 7)
Note 1: Some filters have diameters too small for air
Baffle plate
Air elimination line
elimination. Take the diameter into consideration when selecting a
Auto valve
H202, 03, H20
Note 2: Determine the open period of the auto valve on the basis of
the system performance.
2. If the conditions under which bubbles are created remain the
same, an air elimination technique which fits well with such
conditions may be applicable. For example, if bubbles are
generated only when feeding H202, open the auto valve to carry out
Figure 7
air elimination only when H202 is fed.
3. Another technique is to install an air detection sensor in the suction port area, so that the auto valve is
automatically opened by a signal sent out from the sensor and the air elimination operation is initiated.
1. Pump installation position
• In case of flooded suction system, set the pump as close to
the liquid supply tank as possible.
A flooded suction system is recommended for fluid
recirculation or transfer applications above room
Figure 8
• In case of suction lift system, set the suction side piping in accordance with the self- priming capacity
and as close to the liquid supply tank as possible. (SeePage5)
2. Installation foundation
Select a flat and level rigid foundation (such as a chassis) for installation.
3. Direction of pump
• FH-40 & FA-40 pump designs are vertical with suction and discharge ports 180 degrees apart on
center of pump head.
• FA-2 pumps are mounted horizontally, ideally with discharge vertical and suction 180° apart. The
pump may be mounted with suction and discharge in the horizontal plane.
• All other pump designs, FF, FF-H and FZ 10 & 20 liter models, are horizontal. Direct the
discharge port vertically and the suction port horizontally. Anchor the pump base to the
foundation securely with appropriate fasteners.
*Note: The self-priming capacity of F series pumps is based on a pump operating at maximum speed using
pure water at room temperature. The suction lift capacity differs with liquid characteristics, temperature,
suction piping configuration and pump model. For detailed information, contact Iwaki America.
5.2.1 General
1. Carry out sufficient air blowing or flushing of tubing and connectors to remove foreign matter from
inside surfaces prior to connecting them with the pump.
2. Tube connections should be done such that the extra load of piping is not applied to the pump, use pipe
supports as necessary. Supports also prevent the vibration and heat generated along the piping from
reaching the pump.
3. The connections on the piping should be assembled carefully, to prevent liquid leakage, air leakage, and
air suction.
4. Commercially available connectors and tubing may be used in the piping system. However, for the
liquid piping system, they must be designed to withstand leakage due to high temperature or heat cycle
operation as well as corrosion from the liquid and atmosphere..
5.2.2 Liquid piping
1. Pump port diameters and materials
The standard material of the pump discharge and suction port is PFA tube. The applicable tube
diameters are as follows:
FF-10, FH-10
FF-20, FH-20, FZ-20
FA-40, FF-40, FH-40
Use tubing, piping and connectors with diameters corresponding to those of the pump tubes. The
inside diameter of the piping connectors and tubing should be larger than those of the discharge and
suction ports if possible. Never install connectors or tubing with smaller diameters than the pump
suction and discharge tubing.
2. The length of the piping should be as short as possible. The number of bends, couplings and valves
installed along the piping should also be minimized to keep the piping resistance as low as possible.
3. Design the piping to absorb linear expansion and thus prevent thermal stress onto the pump.
Points to be observed in suction pipe arrangement
1. The suction piping should be larger in diameter than the pump port if possible, and short in length.
Iwaki America recommends the flooded suction system, if possible, for optimum performance. In the
suction lift system, determine the height according to the self-priming capacity of the pump.
* The suction height differs with the liquid's characteristics, temperature & suction pipe length.
For more detailed information, contact Iwaki America.
2. Install a filter or strainer with low piping resistance on the suction piping to block the entrance of solid
particles or wafer fragments.
CAUTION! Wafer fragments inside the pump may get stuck in the bellows and cause
damage. If solid matter clogs the pump's valves, internal suction or discharge volume may
be affected with the normal checking function disabled.
3. When installing a valve on suction piping, select a valve with a larger orifice than the inner diameter of
the pipe. A smaller orifice may result in a larger suction piping resistance or an increased chance for
the valve to become clogged with a crystallized substance. Make sure to keep the valve open during
pump operation.
CAUTION! Operating the pump with the valve on the suction piping closed will cause
inward deformation of the bellows.
4. Do not create air traps in suction plumbing.
Points to be observed in the discharge piping arrangement
1. The pump discharge load increases with the length of the discharge piping and the number of bends
along the pipe. Install a dampener to decrease the load and prevent pulsation.
2. When installing a valve on discharge piping, select a valve with a larger orifice than the inner diameter
of the pipe. A smaller orifice may result in a larger discharge piping resistance or an increase chance
for the valve to become clogged with a crystallized substance. Make sure to keep the valve open during
pump operation. Do not close the valve until the discharge pressure is completely released after the
pump is stopped.
CAUTION! Do not close the discharge valve to stop the pump. The resulting impactive
pressure may deform the bellows.
3. A filter must be selected to meet the pump type. Filtering area, grain-removing performance and flow
characteristics should be taken into consideration in selecting the filter. A desired flow rate may not be
achieved if the selection is wrong. Proper filter venting is critical.
CAUTION! The filter should be wetted before running process liquid. A desired flow
rate may not be achieved if the filter is not wetted sufficiently. The filter dries out if the
process liquid is not supplied for a long time. Read the filter instruction manual for details.
4. The piping should be designed so that no residual pressure results on the discharge side upon stopping
the pump. (For example, filter air elimination should be set full open or a return circuit should be
employed to remove residual pressure.)
CAUTION! Residual pressure in the discharge piping upon stopping the pump may
deform the bellows.
5.2.3 Air Piping
It is critical that all pneumatic piping and components be sized according to the porting of the pump. Full
port components with matching effective cross-sectional area are recommended.
1. Effective cross-sectional area indicates the capacity to allow air to flow freely. When air is sent through
a pipe, the air cannot run totally through the actual cross-sectional area of the pipe due to the negative
effect of the piping resistance. The de facto cross-sectional area which serves the air flow is called the
effective cross-sectional area. (The value increases as the capacity to allow air or fluid to flow freely
For the effective cross-sectional area value of the pneumatic device, refer to the manufacturer's catalog
of each device.
2. Determination of composite effective cross-sectional area:
Air devices are connected in series with the pump. It is necessary to determine the composite effective
cross-sectional area of the entire system from the sum of the cross-sectional areas of each device.
S =
(S1)2 (S2)2
Composite effective cross-sectional area for entire system
Effective cross-sectional area of each part
Si =
Effective cross-sectional area of air device/air pipe: See the catalog issued by each manufacturer.
Composite effective cross-sectional area
6.0 mm
0.009 in
10.5 mm
11.8 mm
0.016 in
0.018 in
0.020 in
0.030 in
0.030 in
FF-20, FF-40
FH-20, FZ-20
FA-40, FH-40
3. Diameter of pump connection port:
The diameter of the connection port on the air supply side is as follows:
Pipe Thread Size
1/8" PTF
1/4" PTF
3/8" PTF (FZ: NPTF)
3/8" PTF
FF-10, FH-10, FF-20
FH-20, FZ-20
FA-40, FF-40, FH-40
• The inside diameter of the piping connectors and tubing should be larger than those of the pump
connection port, if possible. Never install connectors or tubing with smaller diameters than the pump.
2. Install a relief type regulating valve:
Fluctuation of supply air pressure results in fluctuation of the pump stroke rate as well as discharge
volume. Install a regulating valve to maintain the air pressure at a fixed level. Select the regulator
based on the air consumption rate of the pump. Pressure drop rating of the regulator should be less
than 2.8 PSI (0.2 kgf/cm2).
3. Install a safety valve:
Install a safety valve after the air pressure regulator to prevent the supply air pressure from exceeding
recommended maximum ratings.
4. Installation positions of regulating valve and 4-way solenoid valve.
Install these valves as close to the pump as possible, in consideration of operating efficiency and
pressure loss. Be sure to select valves that meet the air consumption rate of the pump. All pneumatic
components should be full port, unrestricted style. Install solenoid valves in an area where vapors or
liquids cannot harm them.
5. Installation of air exhaust port:
The exhaust ports of the air circulation system and the 4-way solenoid valve must be installed in correct
positions so that the exhaust air is released into the open air.
CAUTION! Narrowing the air exhaust port may restrict the air exhaust out of the pump. As
a result, the bellows may fail prematurely.
6. Measure to minimize air exhaust:
To minimize the noise of air exhaust, connect the exhaust port with a duct or attach a silencer on the
exhaust port.
7. Installation of multiple pumps:
The total air consumption of pumps installed on a common air supply line must be considered to ensure
adequate air volume/pressure supply. The diameter of the pipe must be determined taking into
consideration the total number of pumps and total air consumption.
8. Recommended use of quick exhaust valve:
As shown in Figure 9, the air exhausted out of the pump flows out of the system via the exhaust port of
the electromagnetic valve.
Depending upon the liquid handled, some permeated gas may be mixed into the exhaust air. (The inside
of the 4-way solenoid valve may be corroded and damaged by such permeated gas.) In such a case,
install a quick exhaust valve between the pump and the 4-way solenoid valve. The air will be exhausted
through the exhaust port of the quick exhaust valve, as shown in Figure 9. (A limited volume of air
will be exhausted through the 4-way solenoid valve.)
Note: The pump may be operated without quick exhaust valves, however air exhaust lines should be
kept as short as possible with no restrictions to reduce piping resistance.
Figure 9
Pneumatic Piping/Control
(FA-2E shown)
Wiring instructions
5.4.1 General
A. Extension of leak detector electrode wire:
Keep the resistance value at 5K ohms or below. A resistance greater than the above may make it
impossible to detect a conductivity change between the leak detection electrodes. (This is dependent on
the controller system.)
B. Wiring of proximity sensor:
Isolate the wires of the proximity sensor from the power line or other high-voltage cable. They should
not be installed in the same duct or in the same conduit, otherwise the sensor may malfunction. When
extending the wire, if it is not extended beyond 100 ft (30m), use 22 AWG wire. If the extension is for
more than 100 ft (30m), use a wire with a conductive resistance of 100 ohms/km or less.
5.4.2 For Use with Host PLC, Computer
Contact Iwaki America to discuss installation and wiring details for use with a PLC or host controller
system. In general, the control system should provide the following pump and system features.
• Control of 5 port, 4 way solenoid valve for proper switching of air supply to pump
• High speed (overspeed) limitation protection
• Slow speed (time-up) monitoring
• Leak detection alarm system (if applicable)
• Filter/air bleed system
The control system should ideally include these additional features:
• Pump stroke totalizer
• Pump stroke rate display (can be translated into flowrate display)
• Pressure monitoring and regulating system
• Slow speed start-up or drain cycle capability
5.4.3 Wiring for Iwaki America AC-1 Controller
For complete details for use with an AC-1 controller, refer to the AC-1 instruction manual. The following
information is supplied as reference.
5.4.4 Wiring for 4-way solenoid valve
Connect the two wires from the 4-way solenoid valve to terminals no. 1 (+) and 2(-) of the controller.
Terminals no. 1 and 2 of the AC-1 controller have polarity, the standard Iwaki America 4-way solenoid
valve also has no polarity. Some types with a built-in surge suppressor have polarity, which requires special
attention to the wiring polarity.
5.4.5 Wiring for proximity sensor
CAUTION! The proximity sensors of the F series pump have three leads. Faulty wiring may
cause the proximity sensor to short circuit. Carry out the wiring carefully and accurately.
• Connect the leads of proximity sensor A with terminals 6, 7, and 8 respectively of the controller.
• Connect the leads of proximity sensor B with terminals 3, 4, and 5 respectively of the controller.
• Symbols A and B are arbitrary. The A and B may be interchanged. However, consistency
between sensor and air supply lines is necessary.
FA,FH series
FF,FZ series
AC-1 Terminals
3, 6
4, 7
Power Source (10-30VDC) 5, 8
WARNING! A standard proximity sensor cannot be used when a flammable liquid is used.
Consult factory for details.
5.4.6 Wiring for Alarm Output 1
• Connect with terminals 13 & 14 for use of the leak detection alarm circuit.
• If the leak detection probes detect fluid in the pump air chambers, the circuit is closed. The red LED
(bellows) indicator is illuminated, power to the solenoid valve discontinued and alarm output 1 is activated.
5.4.7 Wiring for Alarm Output 2
• Connect with terminals 11 and 12 for the use of the time-up function alarm circuit.
• If the time set in the timer is exceeded due to suspended operation or reduced stroke rate of the pump,
the yellow time-up indicator (Time-Up) turns on. Simultaneously, the alarm output 2 is activated.
Carry out the following preparatory steps when starting pump operation for the first time after installation
or after a long suspension of the pump operation.
1. Confirm that all liquid connectors along the liquid piping system are fastened tightly.
2. Confirm that the valves on the suction and discharge piping (if applicable) are fully opened.
3. Confirm that the tank or bath has been filled with liquid. Allow the liquid to fill the entire piping
4. Confirm that the filter has been properly wetted. Follow the description in the filter instruction manual.
5. For initial installation start-up, a trial run using DI water is recommended. Confirm that no abnormal
condition exists before starting the practical operation of the pump and system.
Operation procedure
Following is a description of the operation and adjustment of the pump using the AC-1 controller. (For
pump operation using the FD-1, or SC-1 type controller, refer to the instruction manual of the selected
6.1.2 Pump start-up
1. Supply air to the pump by opening the supply valve. Adjust the air supply regulator to 14 PSI.
2. Turn on the power switch of the controller. The pump will start operation and the blue Operation
indicator LED on the controller will start flashing.
3. Adjustment of pump speed and flow rate is ideally achieved by regulating the air volume supply to the
pump via a bleed valve. Pump speed may also be adjusted by the air pressure regulator. Never exceed
maximum settings for the specific pump model.
6.1.3 Pump stopping
1. Turn off the power switch of the controller.
The pump will stop operation and the 'Operation' indicator LED will go out.
2. Make sure the discharge side valve, if applicable, is open upon stopping the pump.
CAUTION! Do not close the discharge side valve to stop the pump.
3. Make sure the system does not allow residual pressure to remain on the discharge piping upon the
stopping of the pump.
Pump does not
1 Inspect and repair or replace.
a Install quick exhaust valves if
damaged by corrosive gas
a Check if the three wires are
arranged as in the manual.
b Check air piping & wiring
Faulty operation of 4-
way solenoid valve
Wrong wiring or
disconnection in
proximity sensor
1 Inspect and correct wiring.
2 Replace if shorted.
a Check if supply air pressure is
within the specification.
Bellows are damaged
1 Replace pump.
b Check if the pump stroke speed is
within the specification.
c Check if liquid temperature is
within the specification.
d Check if residual pressure is
removed upon pump stoppage.
e Check for narrow & long air
f Check for restricted suction pipe.
a Check filter for clogging or dry-up.
b Check if filter is sufficiently
Increased discharge
1 Inspect filter and replace it.
2 Discharge side valve is closed.
1 Set back to initial set value
a Open discharge side valve.
a Set pressure higher than min.
operation pressure for 4-way
solenoid valve.
Supply air pressure or
volume is reduced.
b Secure a diameter and air flow
rate in consideration of the
number of pumps installed.
a Install an automatic venting
system for the filter.
a Install pump guard filter or the
like on pump suction piping.
a Open suction side valve.
Check if valve is blocked with
crystallized substance.
Pump operates but
no liquid is
Filter is not venting.
1 Check filter vent.
2 Open vent line.
1 Replace pump.
Valve is clogged with
foreign matter (such as
fragments of wafer, etc)
2 Suction side valve is closed.
Wear of valve or valve
1 Replace pump.
Discharge volume
is reduced.
Supply air pressure or air 1 Set back to initial set value or
a Secure a diameter & air flow rate in
consideration of the number of
pumps installed.
volume is reduced.
review air flow rate.
Increased discharge
1 Review discharge conditions.
a Check filter for clogging or dry-up.
b Check if air is removed from the
filter sufficiently.
c Check if discharge side valve is
open or restricted.
Valve is clogged with
foreign matter.
Insufficient NPSHa.
1 Replace pump head.
1 Check suction
a Install pump guard filter or the like
on pump suction pipe.
a Check if suction pipe is adequate
Liquid leaks.
Bellows are damaged.
1 Replace pump head.
a Check if supply air pressure is
within the specification.
b Check if pump stroke speed is
within the specification.
c Check if liquid temperature is .
within the specification.
d Check if residual pressure is
removed upon pump stoppage.
e Check for narrow and long air
f Check for restricted suction pipe.
Excessive air
Wear of shaft packing.
1 Replace packing.
Excessive vibration Pump stroke rate is
or noise. excessively high.
1 Set pump stroke rate within the a Lower supply air pressure or
reduce air flow.
Iwaki America Inc.
5 Boynton Road Hopping Brook Park Holliston, MA 01746 USA
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