Emulation Pod forM16C/20 Series
User's Manual
September 1, 2003
The M30200T-RPD-E is an emulation pod main unit for M16C/20 Series of Renesas 16-bit
microcomputers. The M30200T-RPD-E is used by connecting to the pod probe M302xxT-PRB and
the PC4701 emulator main unit, and is controlled by the emulator debugger.
This manual mainly explains specifications and setting up of the M30200T-RPD-E. For detail
information about the pod probe, the PC4701 emulator main unit and the emulator debugger, refer
to each user's manual.
To check the components of this product, refer to "Things to Check When Unpacking" in this manual.
If there is any question or doubt about this product, contact your local distributor.
To use the product properly
Precautions for Safety:
• Both in this User's Manual and on the product itself, several icons are used to insure
proper handling of this product and also to prevent injuries to you or other persons,
or damage to your properties.
• The icons' graphic images and meanings are given in Chapter 1 Precautions for
Safety. Be sure to read this chapter before using the product.
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Terminology ...........................................................................................................................7
Things to Check When Unpacking.........................................................................................8
Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety ...........................................................................................9
1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings ..............................................................................9
Warning for Installation .................................................................................10
Warning for Use Environment.......................................................................10
CAUTION Caution to be Taken for Modifying This Product..........................................10
Cautions to be Taken for This Product ..........................................................10
IMPORTANT Notes on PC4701 Emulator Main Units ........................................................11
Note on Abnormal Operation of PC4701 System .........................................11
Notes on the Target System ...........................................................................11
Notes on Connecting Pod Probe and Pitch Converter Board ........................12
Note on Starting Up the Emulator System.....................................................12
Note on Reset Input from the Target System ................................................12
Note on Address 0 Access .............................................................................13
Note on Differences between Actual MCU and Emulator ............................13
Note on Referencing and Setting the Work Area ..........................................13
Notes on MAP References and Settings ........................................................13
Note on Changing Settings of the Memory Area ..........................................13
Note on Stack .................................................................................................14
Note on BRK Instruction ...............................................................................14
Note on Software Break and Hardware Break...............................................14
Notes on Using Address-match Interrupts .....................................................14
Note on Software Reset .................................................................................14
Note on Stop and Wait Modes .......................................................................14
Note on Watchdog Function ..........................................................................14
Chapter 2. Introduction.........................................................................................................15
Chapter 3. Specifications ......................................................................................................16
Chapter 4. Setting Up ...........................................................................................................17
4.1 Removing the Upper Cover ................................................................................17
4.2 Setting Oscillation Frequency .............................................................................18
Chapter 5. Connection ..........................................................................................................22
5.1 Connection to the Emulator Main Unit ...............................................................22
5.2 Connection to the Emulation Pod .......................................................................23
5.3 Connection to the Pod Probe ...............................................................................24
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Chapter 6. External Dimensions ...........................................................................................25
Chapter 7. Maintenance and Warranty .................................................................................27
7.1 Maintenance ........................................................................................................27
7.2 Warranty..............................................................................................................27
7.3 Repair Provisions ................................................................................................27
7.4 How to Request for Repair..................................................................................28
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................29
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Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety
This chapter describes the precautions which should be taken in order to use M30200T-RPD-E safely
and properly. Refer to each manual of the pod probe, the emulator main unit and the emulator
debugger for their precautions.
Chapter 2. Introduction
This chapter provides the system configuration and overview of M30200T-RPD-E.
Chapter 3. Specifications
This chapter lists the product specifications of M30200T-RPD-E.
Chapter 4. Setting Up
This chapter describes how to set up the M30200T-RPD-E hardware according to your system.
Chapter 5. Connection
This chapter describes how to connect the M30200T-RPD-E, emulator main unit and pod probe. For
connection between the host machine and emulator main unit, connection between the pod probe and
the target system, and installation of the emulator debugger, refer to each user's manual of the
Chapter 6. External Dimensions
This chapter shows the external dimensions of M30200T-RPD-E and its probe.
Chapter 7. Maintenance and Warranty
This chapter describes maintenance and warranty of M30200T-RPD-E.
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting
This chapter describes what to do when the emulation pod main unit does not work properly.
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Some specific words used in this User's Manual are defined as follows:
Emulator system
This means an emulator system built around a PC4701 emulator. The PC4701 emulator system is
configured with the emulator main unit, emulation pod main unit, pod probe, host machine, and
emulator debugger.
Emulator main unit PC4701
This means a generic name for emulators for 8 and 16-bit MCUs. For details on specific models of
Emulation pod main unit
This means M30200T-RPD-E (this product). This emulation pod main unit is for M16C/20 series
Pod probe
This means a pod probe equipped with an MCU for each group of M16C/20 Series.
Host machine
This means a personal computer used to control the emulator and emulation pod.
Emulator debugger
This means the following software tool to control the emulator from the host machine through an
interface (serial, parallel, LPT parallel or LAN).
Emulator debugger M3T-PD30 V.4.00 or later
This means a program that analyzes contents of communication with the emulator debugger and
controls the emulator hardware. The emulator contains an EEPROM. You can download from the
emulator debugger when upgrading the version of the firmware itself or when handling another
Target MCU
This means the microcomputer you are going to debug.
Target system
This means a user's application system using the microcomputer to be debugged.
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Things to Check When Unpacking
The M30200T-RPD-E consists of the following parts and manuals. When unpacking, check to see
if your M30200T-RPD-E package contains all of these items.
Type name
Emulation pod main unit
Flexible cable for connecting PC4701 emulator
Pitch converter board for connecting the pod probe (pre-installed)
Oscillator circuit board (pre-installed)
Oscillator circuit board (pre-installed)
Oscillator circuit bare board
OSC-3 (10 MHz)
OSC-2 (32 MHz)
English user's manual (this manual)
English user's manual
Japanese user's manual
Japanese user's manual
Please keep the M30200T-RPD-E’s packing box and cushion material in your place for reuse at a later
time when sending your product for repair or other purposes. Always use these packing box and
cushion material when transporting the products.
If any of these items are missing or found faulty, please contact your local distributor. Also, if there
is any question or doubt about the packaged product, contact your local distributor.
Other tool products required for this product:
• Emulator main unit: PC4701 (essential)
• Pod probe with an MCU for M16C/20 Series: M302xxT-PRB (essential)
• Emulator debugger: M3T-PD30 (essential)
• PROM programming adapter: PCA7302xxx-xx
To purchase the products listed above, contact your local distributor.
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Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety
In both the user's manual and on the product itself, several icons are used to insure proper handling
of this product and also to prevent injuries to you or other persons, or damage to your properties.
This chapter describes the precautions which should be taken in order to use this product safely and
properly. Be sure to read this chapter before using this product.
1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings
If the requirements shown in the "WARNING"
sentences are ignored, the equipment may
cause serious personal injury or death.
If the requirements shown in the "CAUTION"
sentences are ignored, the equipment may
It means important information on using this
In addition to the three above, the following are also used as appropriate.
The following pages describe the symbols "WARNING", "CAUTION", and "IMPORTANT".
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Warning for Installation:
• Do not set this product in water or areas of high humidity. Make sure that the emulation pod main
unit does not get wet. Spilling water or other liquids into the emulation pod main unit can cause an
unrepairable damage.
Warning for Use Environment:
• The emulation pod main unit is air-cooled with the ventilation slot. Therefore, do not block the
ventilation slot. When heated to high temperatures, the emulation pod main unit may not work
• This equipment is to be used in an environment with a maximum ambient temperature of 35°C. Care
should be taken that this temperature is not exceeded.
Caution to be Taken for Modifying This Product:
• Do not disassemble or modify this product. Disassembling or modifying this product can cause
damage. Disassembling and modifying the product will void your warranty.
Cautions to be Taken for This Product:
• Use caution when handling the emulation pod main unit. Be careful not to apply a mechanical
• Do not touch directly the connector pins of the emulator main unit or the target MCU connector pins
with your hand.
• Do not pull the emulation pod main unit by the FLX120-RPD flexible cable or the FLX64 flexible
• The flexible cables FLX120-RPD and FLX64 are different from earlier models. The slits make
them more flexible. However, excessive flexing or force may break conductors.
• Do not use inch-size screws for this equipment. The screws used in this equipment are all ISO
(meter-size) type screws. When replacing screws, use same type screws as used on the equipment.
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Notes on PC4701 Emulator Main Units:
• EMI standards are not met when this product is used with the PC4700H or PC4700L emulator main
• The PC4700H emulator main units whose serial number ends with a number cannot be used with
M30200T-RPD-E. Use only products whose serial number ends with a letter of the alphabet. The
serial number is on the bottom of the PC4700H.
Example: 5KE100 .......... Can NOT be used with M30200T-RPD-E. Requires an upgrade.
Example: 5LE123B ........ Can be used with M30200T-RPD-E.
• Do not turn off the power when downloading firmware. If the emulator is powered off in the middle
of the process, it will become unable to start up normally. In cases when the power is inadvertently
shut off, re-execute downloading.
Note on Abnormal Operation of PC4701 System:
• If the PC4701 system does not pass all self-checks (excluding when an target system error occurs),
there is the possibility of trouble in the system. In such case, contact the place of purchase. (Self-
check should be executed when the target system is not connected.)
• If the emulator main unit malfunctions due to external interference or some other causes, follow
the steps given below.
(1) Press the system reset switch located on the front panel of the emulator main unit.
(2) If the emulator does not return to the normal operation despite the step (1) above, turn off the
power source of the emulator main unit, turn it on again.
Notes on the Target System:
• Because the emulation pod main unit does not have the capacity to supply power to other devices,
design your system so that the emulator MCU is powered by the target system.
• Make sure that the target's supply voltage is 2.7 to 5 V.
• Before turning on power to anything, check the host machine, emulator main unit, emulation pod
main unit, pod probe, converter board and user's target system are properly connected. As
explained here following, activate power to units as simultaneously as possible. Reverse the
procedure to turn them off.
(1) Turn on the target system.
(2) Turn on the emulator main unit.
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Notes on Connecting Pod Probe and Pitch Converter Board:
• Prepare the right pod probe for your MCU. Without a pod probe this product cannot be used.
• When connecting the pod probe and the pitch converter board, be careful not to forcibly press the
connector top of the converter board. (The flexible cable and the converter board are guaranteed
for only 20 insertion/removal iterations.)
• Especially be careful not to insert the converter board in the wrong direction.
Note on Starting Up the Emulator System:
• Check the emulator starts up properly from the target status LEDs on the front panel of the emulator
main unit itself.
When power is received from the target system: ... The POWER target status is ON.
When the clock starts oscillating:........................... The CLOCK target status is ON.
When the reset is released: ..................................... The RESET target status is OFF.
If the LEDs behave as described above within approximately 5 seconds of turning ON the power,
the emulator has started up properly.
Notes on Reset Input from the Target System:
• The reset input from the target system is accepted only during program execution (while the RUN
signal LED on the PC4701 is lit).
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Note on Address 0 Access:
• With the M16C/20 series MCU, when a maskable interrupt is generated, the interrupt data
(interrupt No. and interrupt request level) stored in address 0 is read out. Also, the interrupt request
bit is cleared when address 0 is read out. Consequently, when the address 0 read-out instruction is
executed or when address 0 is read out in the cause of a program runaway, a malfunction occurs
in that the interrupt is not executed despite the interrupt request, because the request bit of the
highest priority interrupt factor enabled is cleared.
Note on Differences between Actual MCU and Emulator:
• Emulator operation differs from mask MCU operation, as listed below:
(1) Initial values of internal resource data at power-on
(2) Internal ROM and RAM capacities, etc.
(3) A/D converter
A/D converter characteristics differ from actual MCU characteristics because the flexible
cable and other elements are used between the emulation MCU and target system.
Note on Referencing and Setting the Work Area:
• The work area given below is assigned as the initial setting at the time of starting up the emulator
02C0016 to 02C0F16: Work area
Notes on MAP References and Settings:
• When starting up M30200T-RPD-E, initial MAP settings are as follows.
0000016 to 003FF16: EXT
0040016 to FFFFF16: INT
• Always set the SFR area to EXT (external).
Note on Changing Settings of the Memory Area:
• To debug an MCU different in memory capacity, be sure to modify the settings in the memory area
before using the MCU. For memory maps of respective MCUs, see the MCU User's Manual.
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Note on Stack:
• This product uses up to 8 bytes for stack.
Note on BRK Instruction:
• BRK instruction cannot be used.
Note on Software Break and Hardware Break:
• A software break and a hardware break cannot be used simultaneously. If they are used
simultaneously, the emulation pod main unit may not work properly.
Notes on Using Address-match Interrupts:
• Do not set software breaks at the same addresses as address-match interrupts as the program may
run out of control.
• Do not set a hardware break within 4 instructions before an address at which an address-match
interrupt occurs. If you do set a hardware break in this range, the program will run out of control.
• When an address at which an address-match interrupt occurs is executed in one-step mode, the
program stops after executing the first instruction after returning from the address-match interrupt
Note on Software Reset:
• Do not use the software reset. It may not work properly.
Note on Stop and Wait Modes:
• Do not perform step execution at addresses in the stop or wait mode. It may cause communication
Note on Watchdog Function:
• Debug functions such as a single step cannot be used while using the watchdog function. Only GO
command (program execution) is possible. To use other debug functions, disable the watchdog
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Chapter 2. Introduction
M30200T-RPD-E is used by connecting to the PC4701 emulator main unit. Figure 2.1 shows the
system configuration.
Figure 2.1 System configuration
Products (1) to (4) shown in Figure 2.1 are included with this product.
(1) M30200T-RPD-E (Emulation pod main unit)
This emulation pod main unit contains emulation memory and debugging functions.
(2) FLX120-RPD (Flexible cable)
This 120-pin flexible cable connects the PC4701 emulator main unit and emulation pod main unit.
(3) FLX64 (Flexible cable)
This 64-pin flexible cable connects the emulation pod main unit and pod probe.
(4) FLX64-PRB (Pitch converter board)
This board connects the 64-pin flexible board and pod probe.
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Chapter 3. Specifications
Table 3.1 lists the specifications of M30200T-RPD-E.
Table 3.1 Specifications of M30200T-RPD-E
Usable emulator main unit
Usable MCU
M16C/20 Series MCUs
Single-chip mode
1 MB
Usable MCU mode
Emulation memory
Xin: 10 MHz
Xcin: 32.768 kHz
Power supply range
+2.7 to 5.5 V
Up to 8 bytes
Stack capacity used for emulator
Suspended cycles in run-time debug
16-byte dump: Approx. 312 BCLK cycle
16-byte fill: Approx. 283 BCLK cycle
Power supply to emulation pod
1.Supplied from an emulator main unit
2.The operating voltage of the emulation pod main unit is
determined by detecting the supply voltage of the target
system. When no target system is connected, or when
the supply voltage of the target system is more than 5.0
V, the operating voltage is 5.0 V.
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range
Overseas standards
5 to 35°C (no dew)
-10 to 60°C (no dew)
(1) U.S. EMI standards (FCC part 15 Class A)
(2) CE marking (EN55022, EN50082-1)
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Chapter 4. Setting Up
4.1 Removing the Upper Cover
If you need to change the input frequency, remove the upper cover of the product to change the
(1) Remove the four screws of both sides and lift off the upper cover. (see Figure 4.1)
(2) Change the input frequency following the instructions shown below.
(3) Replace the upper cover and tighten the four screws.
Figure 4.1 Removing the upper cover
Before Removing the Upper Cover:
• Always shut OFF power before removing the cover and changing the oscillator
circuit board. Removing the cover and setting switches in the power ON state could
destroy internal circuits.
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4.2 Setting Oscillation Frequency
When you are using the emulation pod main unit's internal oscillator, see (1) below, and when you
are using the target system's oscillator, see (2) on page 21.
(1) Using emulation pod main unit's oscillator
M30200T-RPD-E is available with two types of internal oscillator circuits:
• OSC-3 oscillator circuit board (default when shipped): Xin = 10 MHz
• OSC-2 oscillator circuit board (bare board)
a. OSC-3 oscillator circuit board
M30200T-RPD-E is equipped with a 10MHz internal oscillator circuit board (OSC-3). If
you are running M30200T-RPD-E at 10 MHz, you can use the OSC-3 oscillator circuit
b. OSC-2 oscillator circuit board
M30200T-RPD-E is supplied with the OSC-2 oscillator circuit bare board (connector pin
If you are using M30200T-RPD-E with internal oscillation frequencies other than 10
MHz, create the desired oscillator circuit on the OSC-2 bare board and replace the OSC-
3 board with the OSC-2 board.
Figure 4.2 shows the external view and connector pin layout of the OSC-2 oscillator circuit
J1-4: GND
J1-3: Oscillator output
J1-2: GND
J1-1: Vcc
Figure 4.2 External view of oscillator bare board OSC-2 and connector pin layout of OSC-2
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Figure 4.3 shows the OSC-2 circuit. Use the circuit constants recommended by the
manufacturer of the oscillator.
X1 ,X2
* X1: 5.08-mm-pitch 2-pin oscillator
* X2: 2.54-mm-pitch 2-pin oscillator
* X3: 2.54-mm-pitch 3-pin oscillator
IC1: Inverter (Unbuffer)
Figure 4.3 Circuit of oscillator board OSC-2
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How to replace the oscillator circuit board is shown in Figure 4.4 below.
(1) Unscrew the screw securing the oscillator circuit
(2) Lift off the OSC-3 board.
(3) Mount the J1 connector of the OSC-2 board into the
J5 connector of the M30200T-PRT board.
(4) Secure the OSC-2 board with the screw.
Figure 4.4 Replacing small oscillator circuit boards
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(2) Using target system's oscillator
a. To operate the emulator with an external clock, construct the oscillation circuit shown in
Figure 4.5 in the target system and input the oscillation output at 40-60% duty into the Xin
(Xcin) pin.
b. Make note of the fact that in the oscillation circuit shown in Figure 4.6 where a resonator
is connected between the Xin (Xcin) and Xout (Xcout) pins, oscillation does not occur
because a flexible cable, buffer IC and other devices are used between the evaluation MCU
and the target system.
Figure 4.5 External oscillator circuit
Figure 4.6 Circuit in which oscillation does not occur
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Chapter 5. Connection
5.1 Connection to the Emulator Main Unit
Use the FLX120-RPD 120-pin flexible cable (included with the package) to connect the emulator
main unit and M30200T-RPD-E. Figure 5.1 shows how to connect the emulator main unit and
Install the FLX120-RPD connector (emulator PC4701 side) on the cable connector of the PC4701.
To insert the FLX120-RPD connector, hold the cover of the connector with the "UPSIDE" label
facing up. Then fix the screws of the cover of the connector.
Figure 5.1 Connecting emulator main unit and FLX120-RPD
Note on Connecting the Cable:
• Be sure to turn off the power before making connections. Otherwise, the internal
circuits may be damaged.
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5.2 Connection to the Emulation Pod
Attach the FLX120-RPD to M30200T-RPD-E, then secure them with the screws. Figure 5.2 shows
how to connect M30200T-RPD-E and FLX120-RPD.
Figure 5.2 Connecting emulation pod and FLX120-RPD
Note on Connecting the Cable:
• Be sure to turn off the power before making connections. Otherwise, the internal
circuits may be damaged.
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5.3 Connection to the Pod Probe
The emulation pod for M16C/20 Series consists of the M30200T-RPD-E emulation pod main unit
and the M302xxT-PRB pod probe. Figure 5.3 shows how to connect the M302xxT-PRB pod probe.
And Figure 5.4 shows how to remove it.
(1) Attach the J1 and J2 connectors of M302xxT-PRB
to the J3 and J4 connectors of FLX64-PRB respec-
(2) Secure the FLX64-PRB with the two screws.
Figure 5.3 Connecting the M302xxT-PRB pod probe
(1) Unscrew the two screws of M302xxT-PRB.
(2) Lift off the M302xxT-PRB from the FLX64-PRB.
Pull the M302xxT-PRB straight down, being care-
ful not to break the connector.
Figure 5.4 Removing the M302xxT-PRB pod probe
Note on Connecting the Cable:
• Be sure to turn off the power before making connections. Otherwise, the internal
circuits may be damaged.
• The small connectors (J3 and J4) of M302xxT-PRB are guaranteed for only 20
insertion/removal iterations.
• The small connectors (J3 and J4) of FLX64-PRB and the small connectors (J1 and
J2) of M302xxT-PRB are guaranteed for only 50 insertion/removal iterations.
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Chapter 6. External Dimensions
Figures 6.1 shows external dimensions of M30200T-RPD-E.
Unit: mm
Figure 6.1 External dimensions of M30200T-RPD-E
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Figures 6.2 shows external dimensions of the FLX64-PRB pitch converter board for connecting to
the pod probe.
Unit: mm
Figure 6.2 External dimensions of FLX64-PRB
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Chapter 7. Maintenance and Guarantee
7.1 Maintenance
If dust or dirt collects on any equipment of your emulation system, wipe it off with a dry soft cloth.
Do not use thinner or other solvents because these chemicals can cause the equipment's surface
coating to separate.
7.2 Guarantee
If your product becomes faulty within twelve months after its purchase while being used under good
conditions by observing "Precautions for Safety" described in Chapter 1 of this user's manual, we will
repair or replace your faulty product free of charge. Note, however, that if your product's fault is raised
by any one of the following causes, we will repair it or replace it with new one with extra-charge:
• Misuse, abuse, or use under extraordinary conditions
• Unauthorized repair, remodeling, maintenance, and so on
• Inadequate user's system or misuse of it
• Fires, earthquakes, and other unexpected disasters
In the above cases, contact your local distributor. If your product is being leased, consult the leasing
company or the owner.
7.3 Repair Provisions
(1) Repair with extra-charge
The products elapsed more than twelve months after purchase can be repaired with extra-charge.
(2) Replacement with extra-charge
If your product's fault falls in any of the following categories, the fault will be corrected by
replacing the entire product instead of repair, or you will be advised to purchase new one,
depending on the severity of the fault.
• Faulty or broken mechanical portions
• Flaw, separation, or rust in coated or plated portions
• Flaw or cracks in plastic portions
• Faults or breakage caused by improper use or unauthorized repair or modification
• Heavily damaged electric circuits due to overvoltage, overcurrent or shorting of power supply
• Cracks in the printed circuit board or burnt-down patterns
• Wide range of faults that makes replacement less expensive than repair
• Unlocatable or unidentified faults
(3) Expiration of the repair period
When a period of twelve months elapses after the model was dropped from production, repairing
products of the model may become impossible.
(4) Transportation fees at sending your product for repair
Please send your product to us for repair at your expense.
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7.4 How to Request for Repair
If your product is found faulty, follow the procedure below to send your product for repair.
Fill in the Repair Request Sheet included with this product, then send it
along with this product for repair to your local distributor. Make sure
that information in the Repair Request Sheet is written in as much detail
as possible to facilitate repair.
After checking the contents of fault, the distributor should please send
the faulty product along with the Repair Request Sheet to Renesas
Solutions Corp.
Renesas Solutions When the faulty product is repaired, it will be returned to the customer
at the earliest convenience.
Note on Transporting the Product:
• When sending your product for repair, use the packing box and cushion material supplied with this
product when delivered to you and specify handling caution for it to be handled as precision
equipment. If packing of your product is not complete, it may be damaged during transportation.
When you pack your product in a bag, make sure to use conductive polyvinyl supplied with this
product (usually a blue bag). When you use other bags, they may cause a trouble on your product
because of static electricity.
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Chapter 8. Troubleshooting
When the M30200T-RPD-E does not work properly, check the items listed below.
(1) The emulator main unit cannot be powered up.
Check to see if the AC power cord is firmly plugged into the receptacle.
Check to see if the AC power 3P-2P converting connector is firmly connected.
(2) The M30200T-RPD-E does not start up when the target system is connected with the PC4701
system. (The Error LED of the emulator main unit lights up.)
Check (1) described above.
Check whether the emulator main unit and the FLX120-RPD are firmly connected.
Check whether the FLX120-RPD and the M30200T-RPD-E are firmly connected.
Check whether the M30200T-RPD-E and the pod probe are firmly connected.
Check whether the converter board and the target system are firmly connected.
Check whether the power and GND are supplied to the target system.
Check whether switches of the pod probe are properly set. (For details, refer to the user's manual
of the pod probe.)
Check whether the RESET pin is held 'HIGH' when the target system is connected.
Check whether the oscillator circuit of the target system is oscillating correctly when using the
oscillator of the target system.
Check whether proper firmware is downloaded in the emulator main unit. (Refer to the user's
manual of the emulator debugger about how to download firmware.)
When the condition does not improve even if you check the items above, troubles described below
are considered.
(1) Trouble of the evaluation MCU
(2) Trouble of the M30200T-RPD-E
(3) Trouble of the PC4701 emulator main unit
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M30200T-RPD-E User's Manual
September 1, 2003
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