Ricoh Window GLD0 0025 01 User Guide

InfoPrint XT for Windows:  
Installation Guide and User’s Guide  
Ve r s i o n 2 Release 1  
InfoPrint XT for Windows:  
Installation Guide and User’s Guide  
Ve r s i o n 2 Release 1  
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 155.  
Second edition (Devember 2007)  
This edition applies to the InfoPrint XT for Windows programming request for price quotation (PRPQ), 5799-RZA,  
Version (Product Update 11) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in  
new editions.  
This edition replaces GLD0-0025-00.  
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© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007. All rights reserved.  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
iv InfoPrint XT Guide  
vi InfoPrint XT Guide  
viii InfoPrint XT Guide  
InfoPrint XT Guide  
About this publication  
This publication describes how to install, configure, and use InfoPrint® XT for  
Windows (InfoPrint XT). With InfoPrint XT, you can process and print Xerox Line  
Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS) jobs and Xerox metacode jobs on Intelligent  
Printer Data Stream(IPDS) printers.  
You can use InfoPrint XT with InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager)  
or as a stand-alone transform. This publication describes how to use InfoPrint XT  
with InfoPrint Manager and points out differences for systems where InfoPrint  
Manager is not installed.  
Note: You can also use InfoPrint XT as a stand-alone transform when you access it  
from InfoPrint ProcessDirector (5697-N55) as an InfoPrint ProcessDirector  
external step.  
Who should use this publication  
This publication contains instructions and procedures for Windows administrators  
who install the InfoPrint XT software and do configuration tasks for the  
installation. It also contains information for printer operators who process and  
print the Xerox jobs on IPDS printers.  
How this publication is organized  
This publication contains these chapters:  
Describes InfoPrint XT functions and the restrictions that apply when  
InfoPrint XT processes Xerox jobs.  
Describes how to install the InfoPrint XT software on the Windows system.  
It also describes how to configure InfoPrint Manager objects, such as actual  
destinations, to work with InfoPrint XT. It includes test procedures to  
verify the installation.  
Describes how to customize InfoPrint XT through:  
v Environment variables  
v Custom parameter mapping files  
v Transform directives  
It also describes how to interpret the No Operation (NOP) structured fields  
that InfoPrint XT can include in the Advanced Function Presentation™  
(AFP) data stream that it produces.  
Describes how to load Xerox resources and how to print samples of the  
AFP resources that InfoPrint XT generates from Xerox resources.  
Describes how to process and print Xerox jobs. It also includes methods to  
streamline the specification of InfoPrint XT conversion parameters and  
InfoPrint Manager job and document attributes.  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
Describes how to set up Download for z/OS to work with InfoPrint XT.  
After you set this up, you can submit jobs from systems that have IBM  
Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS installed and convert them with  
InfoPrint XT.  
Describes how to diagnose and correct problems that might occur when  
you load Xerox resources or process Xerox jobs. It also discusses the  
information that you need to place a service call.  
This publication contains these appendixes:  
Describes the Xerox conversion parameters that are specific to InfoPrint XT.  
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you use InfoPrint XT  
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you load Xerox fonts,  
images, and logos.  
Lists the messages that the InfoPrint XT resource utility and data stream  
converter can issue when they process Xerox resources and jobs.  
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you request a report  
of the Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE) commands that a Xerox job  
This publication also contains two glossaries, a bibliography, and an index.  
Conventions used in this publication  
This publication uses conventions for:  
v Highlighting  
v Command syntax and example syntax, including special characters in  
These are the types of highlighting:  
Bold Identifies commands, attributes, files, directories, and other items whose  
names the InfoPrint XT installation predefines. For example, the pdxtx2afp  
command and the %PDXTINSTDIR% directory.  
Identifies a variable item whose actual name or value you supply. For  
example, local or ldest. Italics also identify publication titles.  
Bold Italic  
Syntax that combines bold and italic highlighting identifies a specific  
keyword or parameter name that you enter exactly as shown, and a  
variable value that you supply. For example, xjdl=jdl_name. Enter the string  
xjdl=. jdl_name is a value that you choose.  
xii InfoPrint XT Guide  
Understanding the syntax notation and the use of special  
These rules apply to the syntax diagrams and examples that this publication  
v Text that you type is case-sensitive. For example, p0612c.fnt and F$P0612C; type  
the font names in lowercase and uppercase characters exactly as they are shown.  
v Do not type any vertical bars, underscores, or brackets that command examples  
– A vertical bar or bars between two or more entries means that you can  
specify only one of the values. [xspacing=none | word | char] is an example  
of this notation. You can specify one of these values:  
- xspacing=none  
- xspacing=word  
- xspacing=char  
– An underscore identifies the default value for an option or parameter.  
InfoPrint XT uses the default value if you do not explicitly specify a value.  
none was the default value in the previous example.  
– Brackets around an item in an example mean that the item is optional. You do  
not have to include it.  
Note: This does not apply to the brackets that you can include in  
pattern-matching strings.  
Entering commands that this publication describes  
Procedures in this publication direct you to enter InfoPrint XT commands, such as  
pdxtloadres and pdxtx2afp. For installations that use InfoPrint Manager with  
InfoPrint XT, certain procedures also instruct you to enter InfoPrint Manager  
commands, such as pdls and pdpr. Enter these commands from a Windows  
Command Prompt window; InfoPrint XT does not provide a user interface.  
Related information  
Other sources of information that you can use with InfoPrint XT are:  
Web sites  
For additional information about InfoPrint Solutions Company products, including  
printers and software:  
InfoPrint Solutions Company information centers  
Information centers provide online, task-oriented information about InfoPrint  
Solutions Company hardware and software products:  
InfoPrint Solutions Company provides both hardcopy and viewable versions of  
publications. For a list of publications that you might find useful with the InfoPrint  
About this publication xiii  
InfoPrint XT manual (man) pages  
An InfoPrint XT installation includes online help in the form of man pages. To see  
the InfoPrint XT man pages, enter the pdxtman command, followed by the name  
of the man page. For example:  
pdxtman pdxt  
For a complete list of all the man pages that InfoPrint XT supplies, access the pdxt  
man page. Enter pdxtman pdxt or enter the pdxtman command by itself.  
xiv InfoPrint XT Guide  
Summary of changes  
These are brief descriptions of the functional updates to InfoPrint XT for Windows  
(InfoPrint XT) and the corresponding documentation changes that this publication  
Support for content-sensitive medium maps  
The InfoPrint XT data stream converter uses a sequentially numbered  
naming convention for medium map names in the inline form definition  
that it generates as it converts a Xerox job. The numbering sequence begins  
with AIO00001. You can now instruct InfoPrint XT to create medium map  
names that reflect certain characteristics of the medium map, such as  
whether it specifies simplex or duplex printing. InfoPrint XT provides the  
new xcsmmname conversion parameter that you can use to control the  
format of the medium map name. See these topics:  
v The xcsmmname conversion parameter on page 96  
Emulation of the Xerox ALIGN operator command  
InfoPrint XT can emulate the Xerox ALIGN operator command, which lets  
users adjust the position of page images in the AFP output that InfoPrint  
XT creates. InfoPrint XT uses two new conversion parameters for the  
alignment emulation. The xalign parameter controls how InfoPrint XT  
aligns the AFP output with the pages of the job. The xinvertalign  
parameter controls how InfoPrint XT aligns the AFP output for pages that  
Xerox OUTPUT INVERT commands or INVERT Dynamic Job Descriptor  
Entries (DJDEs) invert. See these topics:  
v The xalign conversion parameter on page 93  
v The xinvertalign conversion parameter on page 97  
Duplicate inline image checking for online jobs  
Xerox online jobs can use GRAPHIC DJDEs instead of IMAGE DJDEs to  
specify inline images. This can impact performance and increase the  
processing time that InfoPrint XT requires for the job. If the job contains  
many inline images, but there are few unique images and most are  
duplicates of images that were specified earlier in the job, the performance  
impact is greater. When possible, the best solution is to change the  
application that generated the job. To improve performance, the application  
should use IMAGE DJDEs to specify the inline images instead of  
GRAPHIC DJDEs. If changing the application is not possible, you can use  
the new xckdupnlimg conversion parameter. When you specify  
xckdupnlimg=yes, InfoPrint XT does a preliminary check of each inline  
image that a GRAPHIC DJDE specifies. If it determines that the image is a  
duplicate, InfoPrint XT does not process the image again. It uses the AFP  
output from the first conversion of the duplicated image that it generated  
earlier in the job. See page 95.  
Note: The xckdupnlimg conversion parameter does not apply to offline  
Controlling automatic carriage control verification  
You use the existing xcc conversion parameter to specify the type of  
carriage controls, ANSI or machine code, that the data for an online job  
contains. In addition, InfoPrint XT automatically reads the first records of  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
the job to further verify the type of carriage controls. If it detects a  
different type of carriage control, InfoPrint XT overrides the type that the  
xcc parameter specifies. With Download for z/OS, InfoPrint XT can use a  
download directive to convert ANSI carriage controls to machine code  
before it converts the job. When the job contains both ANSI and machine  
code carriage controls and you do not use Download for z/OS to transfer  
online jobs, the AFP output that InfoPrint XT generates can be wrong if the  
InfoPrint XT automatic carriage-control type verification returns an  
incorrect result. InfoPrint XT now provides the xpcctest conversion  
parameter that lets you prevent InfoPrint XT from reading the first records  
of the job. InfoPrint XT then uses the value of the xcc parameter to  
determine the type of carriage controls that the data for the job contains.  
See these new and revised topics:  
v -p download directive on page 76  
v xcc conversion parameter on page 94  
v xpcctest conversion parameter on page 99  
Enhancements for spacing characters in Xerox fonts  
With the default xspacing=none conversion parameter and value, InfoPrint  
XT converts spacing characters in Xerox fonts to Presentation Text Object  
Content Architecture (PTOCA) text characters in the AFP that it creates. It  
does the same for overlays that it creates from Xerox FRMs. You can now  
instruct InfoPrint XT to create Relative Move Inline (RMI) structured fields  
in the AFP output instead of the PTOCA text characters.  
This function is useful if you need to manually correlate Xerox fonts to  
AFP fonts rather than use the AFP fonts that InfoPrint XT creates. For  
example, you might need to correlate a Xerox Magnetic Ink Character  
Recognition (MICR) font to an AFP MICR font that is specifically tuned for  
a particular Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printer. In this case, a  
code page conflict might arise if the spacing characters in the Xerox font  
do not match any of the available characters in the manually correlated  
AFP font.  
You can avoid this type of conflict by instructing InfoPrint XT to generate  
RMI structured fields in the AFP output or in any overlays that it  
generates for Xerox fonts that you load with the new -b option of the  
pdxtloadres command. If you manually correlate an AFP font to a Xerox  
font that you load with the -b option, InfoPrint XT does not look for  
corresponding spacing characters in the AFP font.  
You can also use a new conversion parameter, xspcrmi, to control how  
InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in the Xerox fonts that FILE  
DJDEs specify. InfoPrint XT does not look for corresponding spacing  
characters in a manually correlated AFP font for any Xerox font that it  
loads when the xspcrmi=yes conversion parameter is in effect for the job.  
For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you  
install the product update:  
v Use the pdxtloadres command and its -b option to reload any Xerox  
fonts for which you want to use this function.  
v Use the pdxtloadres command to reload all forms that use the affected  
v Add the xspcrmi=yes conversion parameter to jobs that use FILE DJDEs  
to specify fonts for which you want to use this function.  
See these topics:  
xvi InfoPrint XT Guide  
v The -b option for the pdxtloadres command on page 42  
v The xspcrmi conversion parameter on page 101  
Enhancements to Xerox shading support  
The InfoPrint XT default is to convert Xerox shading patterns to raster dot  
patterns in the AFP output. InfoPrint XT also converts shading characters  
in Xerox FRMs to raster dot patterns in the corresponding AFP overlays.  
InfoPrint XT now can convert shading patterns and shading characters to  
grayscale. This improves the overall visual results and increases the  
readability for any text that is superimposed on the shading. The  
enhancement consists of these changes:  
v The pdxtloadres command has a new -c option that lets you specify  
how InfoPrint XT converts shading characters when it processes  
FORMS$, FORMSX, and ISISPX fonts in FRMs.  
v The new xshading conversion parameter controls how InfoPrint XT  
converts shading patterns in Xerox data streams. This parameter also  
controls how InfoPrint XT converts inline FRMs that FILE DJDE  
commands specify.  
For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you  
install the product update:  
v Reload any FRMs that contain shading that the SHADING parameter of  
the BOX FSL command controls. Use the pdxtloadres command with the  
-c option to reload the resources.  
v Specify the xshading conversion parameter for jobs that contain  
standard Xerox shading from FORMS$, FORMS, and ISISPX fonts. Also  
specify this conversion parameter for jobs that use FILE DJDEs with  
inline FRMs.  
See these topics:  
v The -c option of the pdxtloadres command on page 43.  
v The xshading conversion parameter on page 100.  
v Restrictions apply when you use InfoPrint XT shading support. See page  
OUTPUT INVERT command and INVERT DJDE support  
InfoPrint XT provides a new conversion parameter, xhonorinvert, that lets  
InfoPrint XT process jobs that contain OUTPUT INVERT commands and  
INVERT DJDEs. For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these  
tasks after you install the product update:  
v Reload any Job Description Libraries (JDLs) that contain OUTPUT  
INVERT commands.  
v Specify xhonorinvert=yes for jobs that invoke JDLs or Job Descriptor  
Entries (JDEs) that specify OUTPUT INVERT or that contain INVERT  
For information about the xhonorinvert conversion parameter, see page 96.  
OUTPUT XSHIFT command and XSHIFT DJDE support  
InfoPrint XT can now process OUTPUT XSHIFT commands and XSHIFT  
DJDEs with the existing xhonorshift conversion parameter. For this  
enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you install the  
product update:  
v Reload any JDLs that contain OUTPUT XSHIFT commands.  
v Specify xhonorshift=yes for jobs that invoke JDLs or JDEs that specify  
OUTPUT XSHIFT or that contain XSHIFT DJDEs.  
Summary of changes xvii  
For information about the xhonorshift conversion parameter, see page 96.  
Generation of NOP structured fields for C DJDE text  
Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (MO:DCA) No Operation  
(NOP) structured fields can store information in the AFP data stream. In  
addition to NOPs for OTEXT, AFP fonts and page segments, and highlight  
color, you can now instruct InfoPrint XT to generate NOPs for comments  
that C DJDEs contain. This is useful if you do indexing tasks on the AFP  
that InfoPrint XT generates from Xerox jobs that use C DJDEs. For more  
information, see these topics:  
v The xcmt2nop conversion parameter on page 95  
v The XRXCDJDE NOP keyword on page 33  
MICR font support  
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) fonts are used with financial  
applications, such as those that generate bank and payroll checks.  
Externally, standard Xerox MICR fonts are typically identified by their  
names. Xerox fonts whose names begin with E13B, E14B, or CMC7 prefix  
can be MICR fonts. When it loads a Xerox MICR font, InfoPrint XT uses  
internal bit settings in the AFP font that it generates to differentiate AFP  
MICR fonts from non-MICR AFP fonts. InfoPrint XT lets you request AFP  
MICR fonts when you load Xerox MICR fonts through the new -M option  
of the pdxtloadres command. You can also use the new xmicrfont  
conversion parameter to instruct InfoPrint XT to generate AFP MICR fonts  
from Xerox MICR fonts that FILE DJDEs in a job specify. For more  
information, see these topics:  
v xmicrfont conversion parameter on page 98  
This publication also includes editorial, stylistic, and typographical updates. These  
updates are not marked with revision bars.  
xviii InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT  
This chapter briefly describes the components of InfoPrint XT for Windows  
(InfoPrint XT), how it processes jobs, and its non-supported or restricted functions.  
InfoPrint XT is the Xerox transform technology that you can use to print Xerox jobs  
on high-speed, Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printers.  
Note: This publication identifies the system on which you install InfoPrint XT as  
the Windows system.  
InfoPrint XT overview  
InfoPrint XT transforms Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS) jobs and  
metacode jobs to jobs that you can print on IPDS printers. InfoPrint XT converts  
the jobs and the resources that they require, such as fonts and forms, to the  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) format. AFP is part of the InfoPrint  
Solutions Company presentation architectures for creating, storing, retrieving,  
viewing, and printing data.  
Benefitting from AFP and InfoPrint XT  
The presentation architectures represent documents in a data format that is  
independent of the methods used to capture or create them. Documents might  
contain combinations of text, images, graphics, and bar code objects in  
device-independent formats.  
You can send the same document to a variety of destinations, including printers,  
without altering its format for the type of destination. Many methods exist by  
which you can generate Xerox LCDS and metacode data streams and send them to  
Xerox printers. Now, you can send Xerox jobs directly to InfoPrint XT without  
altering the applications that generate the jobs.  
InfoPrint XT converts the jobs, which you can then print on a wide variety of IPDS  
printers. For example, you can print the jobs on InfoPrint 4100 printers, which are  
nonimpact, all-points-addressable, laser electrophotographic printers. These  
continuous-forms printers are ideal for the high volume, production printing  
environment. If your printing needs require cut-sheet printers, with several bins for  
a variety of paper stocks, you can print the jobs on an InfoPrint 2190 or InfoPrint  
2210 printer. The InfoPrint 2190 prints at 110 pages-per-minute, and the InfoPrint  
2210 prints at 90 pages-per-minute. Both are modular, multifunction cut-sheet  
printers for use in the production printing environment.  
For in-depth information about the presentation architectures, see the publications  
information about InfoPrint Solutions Company printers, visit this Web site:  
Xerox resources and the InfoPrint XT load process  
Xerox jobs use a combination of printable and non-printable resources. In the  
Xerox environment, these resources are on the Xerox printer hardware. Before you  
convert a Xerox job to AFP, you must first convert its printable resources to AFP.  
You convert the Xerox resources to their AFP counterparts through the InfoPrint  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
XT load process. The InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command does the actual  
conversion. You also convert the non-printable resources.  
Printable Xerox resources  
Xerox jobs use specific printable Xerox resources, such as fonts, forms, images, and  
logos. Table 1 lists the major types of printable Xerox resources and their  
equivalent AFP resources.  
Table 1. Printable Xerox resources and their AFP functional equivalents  
Xerox Resources  
Xerox FNT (fonts)  
AFP Resources  
AFP code pages, character sets, and coded  
Xerox FRM (forms)  
Xerox IMG (images)  
Xerox LGO (logos)  
AFP overlays  
AFP page segments  
AFP page segments  
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT uses  
Xerox jobs use other types of Xerox resources, such as job descriptor libraries  
(JDLs) and page descriptor entries (PDEs). These resources control the data stream  
characteristics and the printing environment. While you must also load these Xerox  
resources on the Windows system, the load process does not produce any  
corresponding AFP resources. Instead, the InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command  
stores the necessary formatting information that the resources contain. When you  
process a job that uses these resources, InfoPrint XT creates a unique AFP form  
definition for the job from some of the formatting information. This list describes  
the non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT processes and uses:  
Cluster Library (LIB)  
Defines clusters, or groups of printer trays.  
Copy Modification Entry (CME)  
Defines changes to the printing characteristics of a job on a copy-by-copy  
Job Descriptor Library (JDL)  
A collection of compiled job descriptor entries (JDEs), which define the  
unique characteristics of one or more Xerox jobs.  
Page Descriptor Entry (PDE)  
A set of statements that define formatting information for each page of a  
job. This includes information such as the page orientation, the starting  
print line, and the fonts that the page uses.  
Routing Text (TST)  
Contains information that is specific to separator sheets, which precede  
individual Xerox reports.  
Stocksets (STK)  
Defines the types of paper that the job requires and associates them with  
the clusters of printer trays, as defined by clustr.lib.  
For more information about loading resources and the messages that InfoPrint XT  
can issue during the load process, see:  
InfoPrint XT Guide  
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT does not use  
The other types of non-printable Xerox resources that you can load through  
InfoPrint XT are:  
v CMD  
v DAT  
v FSL  
v ICT  
v IDR  
v ISL  
v JSL  
v MSC  
v PCH  
v TMP  
InfoPrint XT copies information for these non-printable resources when you load  
them. InfoPrint XT does not use these resources; it copies them for reference  
purposes only. For more information, see “Types of Xerox resources that you can  
Xerox data stream conversion  
The InfoPrint XT data stream converter reads and interprets internal Xerox entries  
and commands when it converts the Xerox job to AFP.  
Xerox START commands and InfoPrint XT conversion  
When you print a job on a Xerox printer, you enter a specific START command to  
run the job. The START command specifies the starting JDL and JDE pair to use  
for the job; the JDL and JDE specify the characteristics of the job. For example, they  
can specify an initial set of fonts and whether duplexing is in effect. They can also  
specify carriage control assignments and the delimiters that identify Dynamic Job  
Descriptor Entry (DJDE) commands. You might have a single START command  
that applies to all jobs, or several START commands that apply to specific jobs.  
When you submit a job to InfoPrint XT, you pass this same information to the data  
stream converter using InfoPrint XT conversion parameters. For more information,  
see these topics:  
which describes the InfoPrint XT parameters that you pass to the data stream  
messages that the data stream converter issues.  
Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)  
Xerox jobs can contain DJDEs, which invoke printable and non-printable Xerox  
resources and control the printing environment. You can use DJDEs in both LCDS  
and metacode jobs. They can make modifications to the printing environment that  
the starting JDL and JDE pair specifies. The data stream converter interprets a  
specific set of DJDE commands. For more information, see “Supported and  
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT  
Methods of sending jobs to the Windows system and submitting them  
to InfoPrint XT  
You can use these methods to send Xerox LCDS and metacode jobs to the  
Windows system and to process them with InfoPrint XT:  
Download for z/OS  
Download for z/OS is a separately orderable, licensed feature of IBM Print  
Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS. You can use it to transfer Xerox jobs over  
a TCP/IP network to a directory on the Windows system. You also need  
InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager), and an MVS  
Download receiver that it provides, to process jobs through Download for  
InfoPrint Select  
With InfoPrint Select, you can send jobs from word processors, spreadsheet  
programs, and other desktop applications. InfoPrint Manager provides the  
InfoPrint Select client; it is not a part of InfoPrint XT.  
If you have InfoPrint Manager installed, you can send Xerox jobs from any  
system that supports the line printer control program through the lpr  
pdpr command  
If you have InfoPrint Manager installed, you can use the InfoPrint  
Manager pdpr command to submit Xerox jobs for processing. For detailed  
information about the use of this command, see the InfoPrint Manager  
documentation listed in the “Bibliography” on page 171.  
pdxtx2afp command  
You can use the InfoPrint XT pdxtx2afp command to process Xerox jobs  
and create the corresponding AFP versions of the jobs.  
For more information about processing jobs, see Chapter 5, “Submitting Xerox jobs  
Xerox job restrictions  
These restrictions apply to Xerox jobs that you process with InfoPrint XT:  
Accounting statistics  
Xerox printers can provide information about job processing, which  
includes information that is specific to the reports in the job. You can use  
this information for purposes such as billing or supplies management.  
InfoPrint XT also collects accounting information at the report level.  
However, InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of matching the Xerox  
accounting information to the number of pages that actually print on the  
printer hardware. The InfoPrint XT accounting information is specific to  
the pages that it converts.  
FILE DJDE support  
In the Xerox environment, Xerox printers can only process one job at a  
time. InfoPrint XT can process two or more jobs concurrently. Do not  
submit two jobs at the same time that specify different versions of the  
same resource. Also, do not process any job that specifies more than one  
version of the same resource in the reports in the job. Unpredictable results  
can occur in both cases.  
InfoPrint XT Guide  
Grayscale substitution for Xerox shading  
InfoPrint XT can interpret and convert Xerox shading patterns and  
characters to grayscale. This improves the overall visual results and  
increases the readability for any text that is superimposed on the shading.  
These restrictions apply to grayscale substitution when you use the  
xshading conversion parameter or the -c option of the pdxtloadres  
v Grayscale interpretation of Xerox standard shading is only useful with  
printers, archival solutions, and viewing solutions that support Logical  
Page and Object Area Coloring.  
v In FRM conversion, this enhancement is only effective for shading that is  
accomplished by the SHADING LIGHT | MEDIUM | HEAVY  
parameter of the BOX FSL command. It has no effect on conversion of  
highlight color shading that is accomplished by the FILL parameter of  
the BOX FSL command.  
v In data stream conversion, this enhancement is only effective for shading  
that is accomplished by the use of the shading characters in FORMS$,  
FORMSX, or ISISPX fonts. The shading enhancement has no affect on  
shading that is produced by text fonts, custom fonts, or graphics fonts.  
v When converting data streams that use the FILE DJDE to specify one or  
more inline FRMs, this enhancement controls how InfoPrint XT  
interprets shading in all the inline FRMs in the job, regardless of  
whether the input data stream is LCDS or metacode.  
v The dot patterns in certain Xerox standard shading code points do not  
fill the entire area that the code point represents, which leaves white  
space on one or more sides. The grayscale that InfoPrint XT generates  
for these and other Xerox shading code points fills the entire area and  
leaves no white space. In certain shading configurations, this can cause  
solid grayscale areas to look larger than their dot pattern counterparts.  
Highlight-color form processing  
InfoPrint XT does not support highlight-color shading in Xerox FRMs. If  
the use of highlight color is restricted to only the text in the form, InfoPrint  
XT successfully converts the form. However, the resulting AFP overlay is  
black and white.  
Highlight-color image processing  
InfoPrint XT can process Xerox highlight-color images that use Restricted  
Raster Encoding and produce black-and-white AFP page segments that  
correspond to the images. These restrictions apply to the highlight-color  
image processing that InfoPrint XT does. InfoPrint XT only supports:  
v Interleaving by pixel for the color sample and the black sample that the  
Xerox image contains. InfoPrint XT does not support interleaving by  
scan line or interleaving by compressed-pixel vector array.  
v Highlight-color images that use the portrait scan orientation.  
v A maximum of two samples per pixel; one color sample and one black  
v A maximum sample value of one.  
For detailed information about Xerox highlight-color images and Restricted  
Raster Encoding, see the Xerox Interpress documentation:  
v Xerox Interpress Raster Encoding Standard: XNS Standard 178506, January,  
v Xerox Interpress Electronic Printing Standard: XNSS 048601, January, 1986  
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT  
Highlight-color job processing  
You can submit Xerox jobs that contain color-related metacodes or PDL  
commands, such as ICATALOG, IDR, ILIST, and INKINDEX. However,  
InfoPrint XT does nothing with the color information. The jobs print in  
black and white.  
OTEXT messages  
You can process jobs that contain OTEXT messages with InfoPrint XT.  
However, InfoPrint XT does not display the OTEXT message text or  
suspend printing.  
SHIFT and XSHIFT JDL and DJDE commands  
InfoPrint XT supports the Xerox SHIFT and XSHIFT JDL and DJDE  
commands with these exceptions:  
1. You must specify the xhonorshift=yes conversion parameter for  
InfoPrint XT to process jobs that contain SHIFT and XSHIFT  
commands. The default is that InfoPrint XT ignores SHIFT and XSHIFT  
2. Xerox LPS printers save DJDE SHIFT values between jobs, but they do  
not save JDL/JDE SHIFT values. Therefore, if the first SHIFT DJDE in a  
job specifies a value for only one side, the value for the other side is  
the last DJDE value specified for that side, even if a previous, unrelated  
job specified that value.  
InfoPrint XT initializes each job with SHIFT values of zero for both  
front and back sides. If the first SHIFT DJDE in a job specifies a value  
for only one side, the value for the side that was not specified is zero.  
Output does not shift on the unspecified side until InfoPrint XT finds a  
SHIFT value for that side in a JDL/JDE or in a DJDE in the job.  
This restriction does not apply to XSHIFT.  
3. When a Xerox LPS finds SHIFT DJDEs in the data stream, it sometimes  
misplaces graphic images for the page on which the new SHIFT values  
take effect. For example, in portrait mode, the images might move  
lower on the page instead of shifting to the right or to the left. This  
might even affect images that are specified by the FRM being printed  
on the page.  
InfoPrint XT correctly shifts all page segments as specified by the  
SHIFT command when you set up InfoPrint XT to honor SHIFT  
commands. InfoPrint XT does not try to emulate the incorrect image  
placement occasionally introduced by the Xerox LPS.  
This restriction does not apply to XSHIFT.  
Spacing characters in Xerox fonts  
With the default xspacing=none conversion parameter and value, InfoPrint  
XT converts spacing characters in Xerox fonts to Presentation Text Object  
Content Architecture (PTOCA) text characters in the AFP that it generates.  
It does the same for overlays that it generates from Xerox FRMs. You can  
instruct InfoPrint XT to create Relative Move Inline (RMI) structured fields  
in the AFP output instead of the PTOCA text characters. You use the -b  
option of the pdxtloadres command or the xspcrmi conversion parameter  
to generate RMI structured fields.  
Controlling how InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters is intended for  
limited use with a small subset of Xerox fonts in any given resource set.  
Use this function only if you have manually correlated Xerox fonts to AFP  
fonts and code page conflicts occur with Xerox spacing characters and AFP  
InfoPrint XT Guide  
code points. This function does not correct any other type of code page  
conflicts that occur after manually correlating Xerox resources to AFP  
Stapling support  
When you submit jobs that request stapling, these restrictions apply to  
InfoPrint XT processing:  
v You must specify the xhonorstaple=yes conversion parameter for  
InfoPrint XT to process jobs that contain stapling instructions. The  
default is that InfoPrint XT ignores stapling commands.  
v Differences exist in the stitching hardware of InfoPrint Solutions  
Company cut-sheet printers and Xerox LPS cut-sheet printers. Because of  
this, InfoPrint XT does not support the Xerox stapling commands  
FACEUP and NTO1, either when used independently or when used only  
with each other. InfoPrint XT only recognizes FACEUP and NTO1 when  
a job uses them with the STAPLE command. Together, STAPLE=YES,  
FACEUP=YES, and NTO1=YES or NTO1=n indicate that stapling should  
occur. n is a positive number.  
v When a Xerox LPS printer processes the STAPLE command, it always  
drives the staples into the upper-left corner of the sheets, as viewed in  
portrait orientation. This is true even if the report is actually in  
landscape orientation. If you specify the xstapleorient=yes conversion  
parameter for the job, InfoPrint XT detects any reports whose first pages  
are landscape. It then staples them in the lower-left corner of the sheets,  
as viewed in portrait orientation. This is equivalent to the upper-left  
corner when you view the sheet in landscape orientation.  
v InfoPrint XT assumes that the default printing order that was established  
on the Xerox printer at SYSGEN is 1TON. If you specify NTO1 at printer  
SYSGEN, you must include the xstaplesysgen=nto1 conversion  
parameter. Otherwise, InfoPrint XT ignores stapling commands in JDLs  
and JDEs that jobs invoke internally if the starting JDL and JDE pair  
does not specify that stapling should occur.  
v The Xerox NTO1 command forces the LPS printer to delay output  
processing until the input processing for the entire report is complete.  
For this reason, input processing might not recognize the end of the  
report until it identifies the beginning of the next report. This might not  
occur until input processing identifies a BANNER page at the beginning  
of the next job. This can cause the printer to retain attributes from one  
job and apply them to subsequent jobs. InfoPrint XT does not apply  
attributes of one job to the next job. Instead, it processes each job using  
only the attributes that are specific to the job.  
v InfoPrint XT cannot detect if the destination IPDS printer supports  
stapling. When you specify stapling with the xhonorstaple=yes  
conversion parameter and value and then convert a Xerox job that has  
JDEs that specify STAPLE=YES, InfoPrint XT includes stapling  
information in the AFP that it generates. This is always the case, even if  
the destination printer does not support stapling.  
v Each of the InfoPrint Solutions Company printer models that support  
stapling imposes its own limits on the number of sheets, the paper  
weights, and the paper sizes that it can staple. InfoPrint XT cannot  
automatically detect those limits. It does not reference any information  
about them when it generates an AFP job that includes stapling  
information. You must set the maximum number of sheets to staple with  
the xstaplemax conversion parameter, as needed.  
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT  
Note: For more information about the xhonorstaple, xstapleorient,  
xstaplesysgen, and xstaplemax parameters, see Appendix A,  
Other restrictions  
These InfoPrint XT restrictions apply to considerations other than Xerox job  
240-pel resolution support  
InfoPrint XT only supports 300-pel resolution. If you have older printer  
models that support 240-pel resolution, do not direct jobs from InfoPrint  
XT to them.  
Receipt of jobs over a channel connection  
For combined InfoPrint XT and InfoPrint Manager installations, InfoPrint  
XT uses the standard InfoPrint Manager methods for sending jobs to the  
Windows system. Neither InfoPrint Manager nor InfoPrint XT provides a  
method of sending jobs over a channel connection.  
Processing jobs on tape  
InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of processing jobs on tape.  
Processing resources on tape  
InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of processing resources on tape.  
Compilers for Xerox JSLs and FSLs  
InfoPrint XT does not provide compilers for Xerox Job Source Libraries  
(JSLs) or Forms Source Libraries (FSLs).  
Double-byte character set (DBCS) support  
InfoPrint XT supports the conversion of Xerox DBCS LCDS and metacode jobs. It  
also stores information from the Xerox DBCS fonts that the jobs require for use  
during data stream conversion. However, InfoPrint XT does not directly convert  
the Xerox DBCS fonts to the AFP DBCS outline fonts that it requires for DBCS data  
stream processing. It also does not automatically create the grid-mapping files that  
it requires to print DBCS output. These fonts and files are available from InfoPrint  
Solutions Company as a separately priced option. For more information about AFP  
DBCS outline fonts and grid-mapping files for use in Xerox DBCS data stream  
conversion, contact your marketing representative.  
Note: You can use AFP DBCS outline fonts from other sources. Those fonts must  
fully conform to the MO:DCA FOCA standards; see Data Stream and Object  
Architectures: Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference, S544-3285.  
Supported and unsupported Xerox DJDE and PDL commands  
InfoPrint XT does not support a subset of less-commonly used Xerox DJDE and  
PDL commands. Table 2 lists both the supported and unsupported commands.  
Table 2. Supported and unsupported PDL and DJDE commands  
Unsupported ¹  
InfoPrint XT Guide  
Table 2. Supported and unsupported PDL and DJDE commands (continued)  
Supported Unsupported ¹  
INK ²  
LOGO ⁵  
NTO1 ³  
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT  
v ¹ InfoPrint XT ignores these commands when it finds them in a job. InfoPrint XT  
processes the job and issues informational messages that state that it ignored the  
v ² This is a CME parameter.  
v ³ InfoPrint XT only supports this command when you use it with the STAPLE  
v Restrictions apply to this command. See page 6.  
v If you compile an FSL to an FRM that contains LOGO references in its internal  
font list or logo list, InfoPrint XT supports those references. However, InfoPrint  
XT does not support a LOGO DJDE in the data stream.  
v InfoPrint Solutions Company can negotiate support for non-supported DJDEs on  
the basis of customer need.  
10 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring InfoPrint XT  
This chapter describes how to install software, configure a base InfoPrint XT for  
Windows (InfoPrint XT) system, and test the installation.  
Understanding software requirements  
Before you install InfoPrint XT you must first install other required software  
products and their prerequisites. You might also want to install an optional  
software product that can benefit the installation.  
Required operating system  
Install one of these Microsoft Windows versions:  
v Windows 2000 Professional, Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later  
v Windows 2000 Server, SP4 or later  
v Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later  
v Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition, Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later  
v Windows XP Professional, SP2 or later  
Note: Make sure that you install the latest Service Pack and any fixes for the  
operating system before you install any other software, such as one of the  
UNIX emulation tools or InfoPrint XT. If you do not, problems can occur.  
Required UNIX emulation tools  
You must install a Microsoft UNIX emulation tool before you install InfoPrint XT.  
The tool that you install depends on the Windows version that you use. You can  
download the software for the tools, without charge, from the Microsoft Web site:  
Microsoft Services for UNIX  
You must install Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU), version 3.5 if you  
use one of these versions of Windows:  
v Windows 2000 Professional  
v Windows 2000 Server  
v Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition  
v Windows XP Professional  
Download the SFU35SEL_EN.exe file from Microsoft. Although the Web site  
provides detailed information about SFU system requirements, note these  
minimum and maximum considerations:  
v 16 MB of RAM (minimum).  
v 20 MB of hard disk space (minimum). Depending on the SFU installation  
options that you select, SFU can require up to 360 MB of hard disk space.  
v CD-ROM drive.  
v SFU is not compatible with file allocation table (FAT) file systems. You must  
install SFU in a partition that was formatted for the NT file system (NTFS).  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
You can select Standard Installation when you install SFU. Also, consider enabling  
setuid behavior and case-sensitivity during installation. Setuid behavior controls  
aspects of security and user privileges. Case-sensitivity changes the normal  
case-insensitivity of the Windows environment. The Microsoft Web site contains  
detailed information about these topics.  
Microsoft Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications  
You must install Microsoft Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA) if you  
use Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition. Part of SUA resides in Windows  
itself. After that Windows component is installed, you download the remaining  
utilities for SUA from Microsoft. Use the latest information from Microsoft to  
complete the SUA installation; you can use this procedure as a checklist.  
From the Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition workstation:  
1. Click Start->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs->Add/Remove  
Windows Components.  
2. Select Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications from the list. Click Next and  
complete the steps to add the SUA component.  
3. Download the Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based  
Applications_X86.exe file from the Microsoft Web site.  
4. Access the wizard for the utilities and complete the installation. You can select  
Standard Installation.  
1. You only need to install the base utilities and the base SDK components.  
2. Consider enabling setuid behavior and case-sensitivity during installation.  
Setuid behavior controls aspects of security and user privileges. Case-sensitivity  
changes the normal case-insensitivity of the Windows environment. The  
Microsoft Web site contains detailed information about these topics.  
Optional printer driver software  
InfoPrint Solutions Company recommends InfoPrint Manager for Windows  
(InfoPrint Manager) version 2.2 for printer management and for Advanced  
Function Presentation (AFP) job management. InfoPrint Manager is also useful if  
you process jobs other than Xerox jobs. For example, this software supports  
PostScript and PCL job processing, and job management. InfoPrint Manager also  
provides a configurable transform object that you can use specifically with  
InfoPrint XT when you process Xerox jobs.  
1. InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Getting Started G544-5717, describes all the  
InfoPrint Manager and Windows software requirements. It also describes how  
to install InfoPrint Manager. You must create a minimum configuration for the  
InfoPrint Manager installation.  
2. In addition to completing the base installation, make sure that you install the  
latest InfoPrint Manager 2.2 updates.  
3. Examples of InfoPrint Manager commands in this publication assume that you  
have set the InfoPrint Manager PDPRINTER environment variable for the  
4. Make sure that you can print non-Xerox jobs through InfoPrint Manager before  
continuing with the InfoPrint XT-specific tasks in this chapter. Verification  
includes submitting jobs from host systems or through other products, such as  
Download for z/OS, and printing from the command line with the InfoPrint  
Manager pdpr command.  
12 InfoPrint XT Guide  
5. You must complete other configuration tasks for combined InfoPrint Manager  
and InfoPrint XT installations. See “InfoPrint Manager configuration tasks.”  
Installing InfoPrint XT  
To install InfoPrint XT:  
1. Close any applications that you are running on the Windows system.  
2. Log on to the system with a Windows computer administrator account.  
3. Put the InfoPrint XT for Windows Base CD in the CD-ROM drive. The  
installation program starts automatically.  
4. Read the installation readme file on the CD for any last-minute updates that  
are not available in this publication.  
5. Click Next on the Welcome window to display the License Agreement. You  
must accept the terms of the License Agreement to continue with installation.  
6. Follow the directions that the installation program provides. Depending on the  
requirements of the installation, you can use installation directories that you  
specify, or you can use the default installation directories. If you specify  
directories that do not exist on the Windows system, the installation program  
creates them.  
7. Depending on the installation path that you specify, the installation program  
might require you to restart the system. If the installation program requires a  
system restart, you must do so before you can use InfoPrint XT.  
Note: The InfoPrint XT installation program automatically creates a directory  
structure for its software program files, and a directory structure for the  
variable data that it creates when it processes Xerox resources and jobs.  
Because the directory-structure names are lengthy, this publication uses this  
syntax for the names:  
This represents the base installation directory that contains the  
subdirectories for the InfoPrint XT software program files. The  
default base installation directory is:  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT  
If you specified a different location during installation, substitute  
that path for the base installation directory for all occurrences of  
%PDXTINSTDIR% in this publication. For example, if you chose to  
install InfoPrint XT in the directory C:\mypdxt, a publication  
reference to %PDXTINSTDIR%\samples represents:  
This represents the directory structure that InfoPrint XT uses for  
variable data. The installation program appends \var\pdxt to the  
base installation directory. If you used the default installation  
directory, a publication reference such as %PDXTWORKDIR%\  
resources\common represents:  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\common  
InfoPrint Manager configuration tasks  
If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, you must do these tasks. These  
tasks do not apply to installations that do not have InfoPrint Manager installed.  
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring InfoPrint XT 13  
Creating the InfoPrint XT configurable transform  
Use the pdxtcrtxform command to create an InfoPrint XT configurable transform  
object in the InfoPrint Manager server. This command creates the transform object  
with the name x2afp and sets the transform attributes that InfoPrint XT requires.  
For example, it sets the lcds and metacode values for the document-formats-  
supported attribute.  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
The syntax of the pdxtcrtxform command is:  
pdxtcrtxform [servername | *:]  
[servername | *:]  
As an option, specifies the name of the InfoPrint Manager server. If you do  
not specify a server name, InfoPrint XT tries to determine the name of the  
default InfoPrint Manager server. It then creates the transform in that  
Usage notes  
These items apply when you use the pdxtcrtxform command:  
v The InfoPrint Manager server name is case-sensitive.  
v If an InfoPrint XT configurable transform object already exists when you enter  
the pdxtcrtxform command, the command resets all attributes of the transform  
object to the values that InfoPrint XT requires.  
v The user account from which you enter the pdxtcrtxform command must have  
InfoPrint Manager authorization to enter the pdls command for servers. The  
user account must also have authorization to enter these commands for  
transform objects:  
See the InfoPrint Manager documentation listed in the “Bibliography” on page  
171, as required.  
v When the pdxtcrtxform command finishes successfully, it does not return a  
completion message. The command returns only the command prompt. To verify  
that the command created the transform object, enter this command:  
pdls -c transform servername:  
InfoPrint Manager returns information that is similar to this:  
Return codes from the pdxtcrtxform command  
Return codes from the pdxtcrtxform command are:  
The command successfully created the transform.  
An error exists with one of the command options.  
The command did not find a server.  
You specified both a server name and used *: to specify the server.  
A command option is missing.  
14 InfoPrint XT Guide  
ETIMEDOUT The pdls command did not respond to a query.  
Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes  
from C functions. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
Using the pdxtsetdest command to update InfoPrint Manager  
actual destinations  
Use the pdxtsetdest command to set up an InfoPrint Manager actual destination to  
accept and process Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS) jobs and Xerox  
metacode jobs. The pdxtsetdest command sets these attributes for the actual  
v document-formats-supported  
InfoPrint XT adds lcds and metacode to the values already supported by the  
actual destination.  
v transform-sequence  
InfoPrint XT adds x2afp to the values already supported by the actual  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
The syntax of the pdxtsetdest command is:  
pdxtsetdest adestname [...]  
adestname [...]  
Specifies the name of one or more InfoPrint Manager actual destinations.  
Usage notes  
These items apply when you use the pdxtsetdest command:  
v You must create the InfoPrint XT configurable transform object before you enter  
the pdxtsetdest command. See page 14.  
v The user account from which you enter the pdxtsetdest command must have  
InfoPrint Manager authorization to enter these commands for actual  
Streams used by the pdxtsetdest command  
The pdxtsetdest command uses some file descriptors while it configures actual  
destinations and ignores others:  
fd0 (STDIN) The command does not use this stream.  
fd1 (STDOUT)  
The command does not use this stream.  
fd2 (STDERR)  
The command writes messages to this stream.  
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring InfoPrint XT 15  
Return codes from the pdxtsetdest command  
Return codes from the pdxtsetdest command are:  
The command successfully updated the specified actual  
An error exists with one of the command options.  
You specified an actual destination name that was too long.  
You specified a command option without a value.  
You did not specify an actual destination name.  
Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes  
from C functions. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
Adding Windows user account names for InfoPrint Manager  
InfoPrint Manager uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) to protect your printing  
system by restricting the level of access that a user or a group of users has to  
certain operations. Although InfoPrint XT has no specific security requirements,  
you must complete certain InfoPrint Manager security tasks. At a minimum, the  
user account name that you use in combined InfoPrint Manager and InfoPrint XT  
installations must be a member of the InfoPrint Manager admin group. For  
information about managing security, see InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Procedures,  
Note: You can check the InfoPrint Manager status of a specific user account name  
using the InfoPrint Manager Management Console.  
Testing the InfoPrint XT installation  
Test the InfoPrint XT installation before you begin processing Xerox jobs through  
InfoPrint XT. There are two methods of processing an InfoPrint XT-supplied test  
job. The method to use depends on whether InfoPrint Manager is also installed. If  
you have a combined InfoPrint XT and InfoPrint Manager installation, see Testing  
Testing with the pdxtloadres and pdxtx2afp commands  
InfoPrint XT provides a small Xerox test job and the Xerox resources that it  
requires in the %PDXTINSTDIR%\testjob directory. Use the InfoPrint XT  
pdxtloadres command to load the resources and the pdxtx2afp command to  
process the test job.  
To test the InfoPrint XT installation:  
1. Access a Windows Command Prompt window.  
2. Make the directory that contains the test job the current directory. From the  
command line, enter:  
cd %PDXTINSTDIR%\testjob  
3. Load the resources for the test job:  
pdxtloadres -n "*" -g pdxttest  
16 InfoPrint XT Guide  
4. Copy the parameter mapping file for the test job to the %PDXTWORKDIR%  
copy C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt  
You can also use Windows Explorer to copy the file.  
5. Submit the test job. Replace AFPfile with a file name that you choose:  
pdxtx2afp -i pdxttest.xrxin -o AFPfile -p -opa=jobname=PDXTTEST  
InfoPrint XT writes information from the conversion process to standard error.  
6. Verify that the job converted with a return code of 0 and that the job contains  
four pages. Scroll through the messages and verify that it contains these  
5016-513 Impressions (pages): 4  
5016-502 2007-11-11 13:08:28 MDT (rc 0) - transform ended.  
Testing with InfoPrint Manager  
In addition to a Xerox test job and its resources, InfoPrint XT provides an InfoPrint  
Manager attributes file for the test job. The installation process writes this file to  
the %PDXTINSTDIR%\testjob directory. Use the attributes file to test the initial  
InfoPrint XT installation in a combined InfoPrint Manager and InfoPrint XT  
To test the InfoPrint Manager and InfoPrint XT installation:  
1. Access a Windows Command Prompt window.  
2. Make the directory that contains the test job the current directory. From the  
command line, enter:  
cd %PDXTINSTDIR%\testjob  
3. Load the resources for the test job:  
pdxtloadres -n "*" -g pdxttest  
4. Submit the test job:  
pdpr -d ldest -X pdxttest.att pdxttest.xrxin  
ldest is the name of the InfoPrint Manager logical destination that sends jobs to  
the actual destination that you have configured to print Xerox jobs.  
InfoPrint Manager prints four test pages. The first and second test pages are  
converted Xerox LCDS data that print in portrait and landscape orientation. The  
third and fourth test pages are converted Xerox metacode data, which also print in  
portrait and landscape orientation. Figure 1 on page 18 shows an example of the  
first test page.  
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring InfoPrint XT 17  
InfoPrint XT  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z P0612C  
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z P0612C  
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % ? & * ( ) - _ = + ; : P0612C  
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z P06BOB  
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z P06BOB  
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % ? & * ( ) - _ = + ; : P06BOB  
InfoPrint XT  
Figure 1. InfoPrint XT test page  
Applying an InfoPrint XT product update  
When an InfoPrint XT update is available, you can install it on the system to run  
the latest level of InfoPrint XT. The update can be on a CD that you receive, or you  
can download updates from this Web site:  
1. Back up the InfoPrint XT %PDXTINSTDIR% directory and the  
%PDXTWORKDIR% directory before you install any update. Use standard  
Windows procedures to do the backup. For example, use the Backup Wizard.  
2. The update program does not remove or change any information in the  
%PDXTWORKDIR% directory structure.  
3. Product update file names have this format:  
nn specifies the update level.  
To apply an InfoPrint XT product update:  
1. Close any applications that you are running on the Windows system.  
2. Log in to the system with a Windows computer administrator account.  
3. Depending on whether you have the update on a CD or in a file that you have  
downloaded, do one of these steps:  
v Put the InfoPrint XT for Windows Base CD in the CD-ROM drive. The  
installation program starts automatically.  
v Click StartRunBrowse and locate the pdxt-2.1.0.nn.exe file. Select the file  
and then click OpenOK. The installation program starts.  
4. Read the installation readme file for any last-minute information that is not  
available in this publication.  
5. Follow the directions that the update program provides. The update program  
determines directory information and other necessary settings from the original  
6. The update program might require you to restart the system. If the update  
program requires a system restart, you must do so before you can use InfoPrint  
18 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Rejecting an InfoPrint XT product update  
If you apply an InfoPrint XT update, and then want to return the Windows system  
to a previous version of InfoPrint XT, use this procedure. This procedure does not  
affect any of the resources or settings specific to InfoPrint XT.  
To reject an InfoPrint XT product update:  
1. Click StartControl PanelAdd or Remove Programs.  
2. Highlight the InfoPrint XT entry and click Change / Remove. Follow the  
instructions to complete the removal.  
3. Restart the Windows system.  
4. Reinstall the InfoPrint XT base product, and then install the InfoPrint XT  
update at the version you want.  
Note: When you reinstall InfoPrint XT, specify the same directory for the data  
folder that you previously used. Otherwise, InfoPrint XT cannot locate  
resources and settings specific to the previous installation.  
Permanently removing the InfoPrint XT software  
To permanently remove the InfoPrint XT software:  
1. Close any applications that you are running on the Windows system.  
2. Log on to the system with a Windows computer administrator account.  
3. Open a Windows Command Prompt window.  
4. Do this step only if you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT. Otherwise,  
continue with the next step:  
a. Enter these commands for each InfoPrint Manager actual destination that is  
currently configured to accept Xerox jobs:  
pddisable -c printer adestname  
pdset -c printer -x document-formats-supported-=lcds adestname  
pdset -c printer -x document-formats-supported-=metacode adestname  
pdset -x transform-sequence-=x2afp adestname  
pdenable -c printer adestname  
adestname is the name of the actual destination.  
b. Enter this command to delete the InfoPrint XT configurable transform:  
pddelete -c transform servername:x2afp  
servername is the name of the InfoPrint Manager server that contains the  
transform object.  
5. Remove the InfoPrint XT software files:  
a. Click StartControl PanelAdd or Remove Programs.  
b. Highlight the InfoPrint XT entry and click Change / Remove. Follow the  
instructions to complete the removal.  
6. Manually delete the InfoPrint XT directories:  
a. Use the method appropriate to your version of Microsoft Windows to open  
Windows Explorer.  
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring InfoPrint XT 19  
b. Select and delete the InfoPrint XT %PDXTWORKDIR% working directory.  
The default working directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint  
c. Select and delete the InfoPrint XT %PDXTINSTDIR% installation directory.  
The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT.  
7. Restart the Windows system.  
20 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT  
This chapter describes how to customize InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT).  
All procedures in this chapter are optional; you do not have to do them to use  
InfoPrint XT.  
Terms used in this chapter  
Some topics in this chapter use the term ServerName_JobIdentifier. In combined  
InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager) and InfoPrint XT installations,  
ServerName_JobIdentifier is the InfoPrint Manager job identifier. The job identifier  
consists of the name of the InfoPrint Manager server that processed the job,  
followed by an underscore and a 10-digit number.  
If you process a job using the pdxtx2afp command, InfoPrint XT uses a format of  
jobname-jobID-n as the job identifier. InfoPrint XT automatically derives the jobname  
and the jobID, and assigns a unique sequence number n. If InfoPrint XT cannot  
derive the job name and the job ID, it uses UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN-n as the job  
This chapter also uses specific terms to represent directories on the Windows  
system. %PDXTINSTDIR% represents the InfoPrint XT directory for its software  
files. The default directory is:  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT  
%PDXTWORKDIR% represents the InfoPrint XT directory for variable data. The  
default directory is:  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt  
If you installed InfoPrint XT in a different directory, or if you change the working  
directory, substitute the location that you specified for the base installation location  
of C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT in the paths. See “Installing InfoPrint XT”  
Setting environment variables  
You can set environment variables to control certain aspects of InfoPrint XT  
resource processing and job processing. If you set the InfoPrint XT environment  
variables as system variables, they are available to all user accounts on the system.  
If you set them as user variables, they are only available for the user account that  
you used when you set them.  
1. To change system variables, you must log in with a user account that is a  
member of the Windows computer administrator group.  
2. To access the Windows interface from which you can set environment variables,  
click StartControl PanelSystem. Then, click the Advanced tab and click  
Environment Variables.  
3. After you add an environment variable or change the value for an environment  
variable, restart the Windows system.  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
Controlling the working directory that InfoPrint XT uses for  
variable data (PDXTWORKDIR)  
The PDXTWORKDIR environment variable controls the working directory that  
InfoPrint XT uses for variable data. The default is that InfoPrint XT uses  
subdirectories in the %PDXTWORKDIR% directory to store the files that it creates  
or copies for Xerox resources and jobs. For example, InfoPrint XT uses  
subdirectories of %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources to store information for Xerox  
resources that you have loaded. InfoPrint XT creates the %PDXTWORKDIR%  
directory during installation. To have InfoPrint XT create subdirectories and store  
files in a different location on the Windows system, use the PDXTWORKDIR  
environment variable. The variable value that you specify becomes the replacement  
1. Include the drive designation for the directory in the Variable value field of the  
Windows System Properties interface.  
2. You can only use one working directory at any given time. For example, you  
cannot use the default %PDXTWORKDIR% directory for some jobs and a  
different directory, such as C:\mypdxt, for other jobs.  
3. If the directory you specify does not exist, InfoPrint XT creates it.  
Controlling how InfoPrint XT interprets directory names  
The InfoPrint XT commands, such as the pdxtloadres command that you use to  
load resources, run in the Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU)  
environment on the Windows system. They always convert any DOS directory  
names that you specify with command options, and that use backslashes, to the  
corresponding UNIX directory names. For example, InfoPrint XT commands  
always convert a DOS directory reference, such as C:\myfonts, to a reference to  
the UNIX /dev/fs/C/myfonts directory.  
You can also specify Windows directory names with forward slashes. For example,  
a DOS directory reference of C:/myfonts is valid. However, C:/myfonts is also a  
valid directory name in the UNIX environment. Whether InfoPrint XT treats the  
directory passed through a command option as a DOS directory or a UNIX  
directory affects whether it converts the directory name. A converted directory  
name of /dev/fs/C/myfonts and an unconverted directory name of /C:/myfonts are  
two distinct UNIX directories.  
You can explicitly control whether InfoPrint XT treats directory names that use  
forward slashes as DOS directories, or as UNIX directories using the  
PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX command. The settings for the variable are:  
InfoPrint XT treats the directory as a DOS directory and converts it to the  
corresponding UNIX directory name. This is the default.  
InfoPrint XT treats the directory as a UNIX directory and does not do any  
conversion. It uses the directory name as it is.  
Table 3. DOS-to-UNIX directory conversions  
Resulting directory  
pdxtloadres -n  
Either 1 or 0  
"c:\directory\*" ¹  
22 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Table 3. DOS-to-UNIX directory conversions (continued)  
Resulting directory  
pdxtloadres -n "/directory/*"  
/dev/fs/C/directory ²  
pdxtloadres -n "/directory/*"  
v ¹ InfoPrint XT always treats this as a DOS directory, regardless of the  
PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX setting, because it contains backslashes.  
v ² The conversion process derives the drive letter from the drive in use when you  
entered the command.  
1. The use of the PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX environment variable is intended for  
advanced users, or as directed by a technical support representative.  
2. The environment variable does not apply to the directory that the  
PDXTWORKDIR environment variable specifies, or to the directory that the  
PDXTINSTDIR environment variable specifies.  
Controlling the default arguments when you load resources  
You can change the default values that InfoPrint XT uses for the options of the  
pdxtloadres command. You use this command to load Xerox resources; see “Using  
PDXTLOADRES_ARGS environment variable to specify new default values for  
the options. For example, you might want the default value for the -m option to be  
A4 instead of letter.  
These are examples of values that you can enter in the Variable value field of the  
Windows System Properties interface:  
v If the option that you want to specify does not have an associated value, use this  
This causes InfoPrint XT to automatically add the -r option any time you enter  
the pdxtloadres command.  
v If the option or options that you want to specify have an associated value and  
the value does not contain spaces, use this format:  
-m A4 -s word  
-n C:\xyz\*.fnt  
v If the value contains a space, enclose the value in double quotation marks:  
-n "C:\Resource Files\xyz\*.fnt"  
Controlling the default arguments when you process jobs  
You can change the default values that InfoPrint XT uses when you convert Xerox  
jobs with the pdxtx2afp command. See “Using the pdxtx2afp command to process  
Xerox jobs” on page 61. You can use the PDXTX2AFP_ARGS environment variable  
to specify new default values. For example, you might want the default value of  
the -x option to specify a certain JDL and JDE pair.  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 23  
These are examples of values that you can enter in the Variable value field of the  
Windows System Properties interface:  
v To specify a single option and value:  
-g payroll  
v To specify the -x option with more than one value, use double quotation marks:  
-x "xjdl=tonl xjde=dflt xclb=pay"  
v To specify one option and value, and to specify the -x option with more than  
one value, also use double quotation marks:  
-g payroll -x "xjdl=tonl xjde=dflt xclb=pay"  
Note: InfoPrint XT uses the value of the PDXTX2AFP_ARGS environment  
variable only when you enter the pdxtx2afp command. If you convert jobs  
by submitting them to InfoPrint Manager, InfoPrint XT ignores this  
environment variable.  
Controlling resource-load messages for FILE DJDE jobs  
You can instruct InfoPrint XT to include messages about the resource-load process  
for jobs that use FILE DJDE commands. InfoPrint XT can write the messages to the  
x2afp.lst file; see “x2afp.lst file” on page 90. The PDXT_AIOLXDFE_TRACE  
environment variable controls the disposition of the resource-load messages. Set  
this variable to 1 to include the messages. Remove the environment variable to  
suppress the messages.  
Activating trace functions for the font converter  
If you place a service call, the technical support representative might ask you to  
run a trace of the InfoPrint XT font converter to aid in diagnosing a problem. The  
PDXT_XR2FAPI_TRACE environment variable controls tracing in the font  
converter. Set this variable to 1 to activate tracing. Remove the environment  
variable to turn tracing off.  
Note: You must include the -e listings command option and value with the  
pdxtloadres command after you activate tracing.  
Activating trace functions for the image and logo converter  
If you place a service call, the technical support representative might ask you to  
run a trace of the InfoPrint XT image and logo converter to aid in diagnosing a  
problem. The PDXT_XR2IAPI_TRACE environment variable controls tracing in the  
image and logo converter. Set this variable to 1 to activate tracing. Remove the  
environment variable to turn tracing off.  
Note: You must include the -e listings command option and value with the  
pdxtloadres command after you activate tracing.  
Controlling the content of error messages (PDXT_INTMSGIDS)  
Use the PDXT_INTMSGIDS environment variable to control the level of detail  
that InfoPrint XT provides in the messages that it issues for basic operations. You  
can use this environment variable for diagnostic purposes, and at the direction of a  
technical support representative. When you set this variable, InfoPrint XT writes  
the name of the module that issued the message before the message number. It  
24 InfoPrint XT Guide  
also writes a line number from the module, which indicates the line at which the  
condition that caused the message occurred. The expanded output is similar to  
pdxtclnwork: (aioxcwrk0139) 5016-001 The command option -o is not valid.  
This message shows that the error resulted from a pdxtclnwork command and that  
the error occurred at line 0139 of the module aioxcwrk.  
Set the PDXT_INTMSGIDS variable to 1 to include module and line number  
information. Remove the environment variable to suppress the module and line  
number information.  
Controlling the format of the error sheet (PDXT_MSGxxxxxxx)  
If you submit a Xerox job for processing in a combined InfoPrint Manager and  
InfoPrint XT installation and severe errors occur that prevent InfoPrint XT from  
generating AFP output, InfoPrint XT generates an error sheet. InfoPrint XT uses  
four environment variables and the InfoPrint Manager line2afp transform to  
generate the error sheet. Typically, you only change the default settings for these  
environment variables if you use a medium other than letter, such as A4 paper:  
Controls how the message lines of the error sheet wrap on the page.  
InfoPrint XT uses standard input (STDIN) to pass the messages to the  
command specified by the environment variable. Then, InfoPrint XT pipes  
the output from the command to the InfoPrint Manager line2afp  
command. If you do not set this variable, InfoPrint XT uses fold -w 120.  
Controls the font definition that InfoPrint XT uses to generate the error  
sheet. If you do not set this variable, InfoPrint XT uses trc=no chars=4282.  
Controls the form definition that InfoPrint XT uses to generate the error  
sheet. If you do not set this variable, InfoPrint XT uses F1MG0110.  
Controls the page definition that InfoPrint XT uses to generate the error  
sheet. If you do not set this variable, InfoPrint XT uses P1A08682.  
Note: When InfoPrint XT generates the error sheet, it also writes the results of  
line2afp transform processing for the error sheet. The line2afp.lst file in the  
working directory for the job contains the information. The default working  
directory is %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\ServerName_JobIdentifier.  
Environment variables for directives  
Two other InfoPrint XT environment variables are specific to transform directives  
and to installations that use Download for z/OS. Because other considerations for  
their use exist, this publication describes them in individual topics. See:  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 25  
Creating a custom parameter mapping file  
When you convert a Xerox job, you must specify certain parameters that equate to  
the Xerox START command for the job. The parameters include the starting Job  
Descriptor Library (JDL) and Job Descriptor Entry (JDE) pair. You might also  
specify other parameters that further define the job, such as how to process  
stapling commands. InfoPrint XT can use a parameter mapping file, which you  
create, to streamline the process of setting conversion parameters. You can  
automatically set certain parameters by instructing InfoPrint XT to use the  
pass-through values of the pdxtx2afp command to trigger which parameters to  
apply. The mapping file assigns parameters using these job characteristics:  
v Job class  
v Destination for the job  
v Form for the job  
v Job ID  
v Job name  
For information about the -p option of the pdxtx2afp command, see page 62. Also  
see the %PDXTINSTDIR%\testjob\ file, which is a mapping file  
that you can use with the test job that InfoPrint XT supplies.  
1. Any parameters that you specify with the pdxtx2afp command override the  
same parameters in the mapping file.  
2. If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, you can also use the parameter  
mapping file. Use the destination-pass-through document attribute to pass job  
characteristics. These are examples:  
3. If you submit jobs using Download for z/OS, the pdxtdownload program  
automatically sets the destination-pass-through attribute. See “What the  
Parameter mapping file syntax rules  
You can control how InfoPrint XT processes jobs that have specific characteristics  
using a custom parameter mapping file. Create a file with the name and then add entries that support the requirements of the  
installation. After you complete the entries, store the file in the  
%PDXTWORKDIR% directory. Table 4 shows the format of an entry in a mapping  
Table 4. Format of the transform parameter mapping file  
Mapping file lines  
# text  
Pass-through parameter and value to match  
Conversion parameter to set  
Additional conversion parameters, as required  
Use one of these as the keyword: class, dest, forms, jobid, or jobname. You can  
also use a special keyword and value pair, *=*, to apply parameters to every job.  
*=* specifies that any keyword and value pair is a match; InfoPrint XT applies the  
associated parameters to every job that it processes.  
26 InfoPrint XT Guide  
The parameters that you can assign are -g, -r, -t, and -x. These parameters  
correspond to a subset of the processing parameters that you can specify with the  
pdxtx2afp command.  
These rules apply to the parameter mapping file:  
v You must use lowercase keyword names in the mapping file: class, dest, forms,  
jobid, or jobname.  
v The values for the keywords are case-sensitive. For example, prt1 and PRT1 are  
two distinct values.  
v You can use asterisks and question marks as wildcard characters for keyword  
values. You can also use brackets to specify ranges of characters:  
To specify all jobs whose names begin with ORB:  
To specify all jobs with a destination of PRT, followed by any three  
To specify all jobs with a class value of any single character from A through  
v You cannot use wildcard characters or regular expressions to define the keyword  
to match. For example, job* is not valid for matching both the jobid and  
jobname keywords.  
v InfoPrint XT ignores blank lines and comment lines. Lines that begin with a  
number sign, #, are comments.  
v All keyword=value pairs must start in column one. The expression must include  
the equal sign, =, and the expression cannot contain spaces.  
v Parameter lines cannot start in column one; use at least one space before the  
v When a keyword match occurs, InfoPrint XT applies all the parameter lines that  
follow, up to the next keyword line or the end of the file.  
v You cannot include comments on keyword lines or parameter lines.  
v Two or more keywords on a single line represent an and condition. Jobs must  
match all keywords to use the associated parameters.  
v Two or more keywords on separate lines represent an or condition. Jobs can  
match any one of the keywords to use the associated parameters.  
v InfoPrint XT checks each keyword group in the file. A job can match more than  
one keyword group, so it uses parameters from several groups. For the -g, -r,  
and -t parameters, if the job matches several keywords groups that specify the  
same parameter, InfoPrint XT uses the value from the last group. For the -x  
parameter, InfoPrint XT merges all different conversion parameters together in  
the final pdxtx2afp command. For example, if one keyword group specifies -x  
xcopies=5 and another specifies -x xclb=pay1, InfoPrint XT includes both  
xcopies and xclb in the final command. If more than one keyword group  
specifies the same parameter, for example -x xjdl=strton and -x xjdl=dpljdl,  
InfoPrint XT uses the last value.  
Figure 2 on page 28 is an example of a completed parameter mapping file.  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 27  
Set the default for all jobs that do not match any #  
other criteria  
-x"xjde=base xjdl=base1"  
Set parameters for FORMS=STD and CLASS=K jobs  
forms=STD class=K  
-x"xjde=std xjdl=dpljdl"  
Set parameters for FORMS=RED or CLASS=J jobs  
-x"xjde=pay1 xjdl=bills"  
Set parameters for DEST=PRT17  
-x"xjde=strt xjdl=prt17"  
Set parameters for payroll jobs  
-x"xjde=strt xjdl=prt17"  
# Class D jobs, class E jobs, or any jobs whose  
# names starts with INV use resources from  
# %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\inventory.  
-g inventory  
# Jobs whose names start with PAY* use AFP  
# resources in the D:\pay\secure\monthly directory  
-r D:\pay\secure\monthly  
Figure 2. Completed parameter mapping file  
Verifying the parameter specification of the mapping file  
When you convert a job, InfoPrint XT writes messages to the pdxtx2afp.log file. If  
InfoPrint XT sets parameters from the parameter mapping file, it writes entries  
similar to these in the transform arguments section:  
5016-501 2007-11-01 21:51:40 (pid 83951854) - transform started  
5016-503 Transform arguments (/dev/fs/C/Program Files/IBM/Infoprint XT/var/pdxt/  
-x "xjde=pay1 xjdl=bills"  
28 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Using transform directives  
InfoPrint XT provides a set of internal directives that you can activate to control  
certain aspects of the overall data stream conversion process. For example, you can  
instruct InfoPrint XT to capture traces of the job data stream as it flows through  
the conversion process. You primarily use the transform directives for diagnostic  
purposes or when you require special modifications to the transform process.  
Transform directives and syntax  
You can set these transform directives:  
[-a0 | -a1]  
For installations that use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, this  
specifies whether InfoPrint XT captures the InfoPrint Manager document  
and job attributes. If you specify -a1, InfoPrint XT writes the directive  
output to the jobattr.ipm file in the working directory for the job. The  
working directory is %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\ServerName_JobIdentifier.  
The default is that InfoPrint XT does not capture the InfoPrint Manager  
[-j0 | -j1]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT enables online (jes3211) processing of  
carriage controls in the job. -j1 enables online processing. -j0 disables  
online processing. The default is that InfoPrint XT does carriage-control  
processing for online jobs.  
[-k0 | -k1]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT retains the working directory for a job after  
the data stream conversion process finishes. The default that InfoPrint XT  
uses for the directive depends on how you run the pdxtx2afp command. If  
you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT and you configure InfoPrint  
XT as an InfoPrint Manager configurable transform, the default is -k1.  
InfoPrint XT retains the working directory, which is %PDXTWORKDIR%\  
jobs\ServerName_JobIdentifier, until InfoPrint Manager removes the job  
from the system. If you specify -k0, InfoPrint XT discards the working  
directly immediately after data stream conversion finishes.  
If you enter the pdxtx2afp command directly, the working directory is  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\jobname-jobID-n and the default is -k0.  
Note: This directive applies only when InfoPrint XT creates the working  
directory. It does not apply if you use the -w option of the  
pdxtx2afp command to specify a working directory.  
[-t TraceType ...]  
Specifies how InfoPrint XT traces a job as it flows through the conversion  
process. InfoPrint XT writes all output from the -t directive to the working  
directory for the job. Valid values are:  
v - Saves a copy of the original Xerox job.  
v x2afp.out - Saves a copy of the AFP job generated by data stream  
v x2afp - Saves both the original Xerox job and the generated AFP job.  
Note: Multiple occurrences of the -t directive are cumulative. For example,  
you can specify -t with the PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES  
environment variable, and specify -t x2afp.out with the  
document-comment attribute. In this case, InfoPrint XT saves both  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 29  
the Xerox input to, and the AFP output from the conversion process.  
You can also specify more than one value on a single occurrence of  
the -t directive.  
[-x "conversion_parameters"]  
Specifies conversion parameters. Any parameters that you specify with this  
directive override the same parameters if you specify them with other  
methods. For example, if you specify them with the -x option of the  
pdxtx2afp command or if you specify them with the other-transform-  
options attribute in the InfoPrint Manager environment. Do not use this  
directive to specify parameters such as xjdl or xjde for your production  
environment. You might find this directive useful as a temporary override  
to the production environment for testing purposes. For more information  
about conversion parameters, see Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for  
Trace transform directives  
For service purposes, a technical support representative might ask you to activate a  
trace. The technical support representative instructs you to use this format:  
-x xztrace=all1:all2  
Use this only at the direction of a technical support representative. The technical  
support representative will provide further information about how to locate the  
trace output and provide it to service for analysis.  
Activating transform directives  
Several methods exist for activating InfoPrint XT transform directives. InfoPrint XT  
checks for an environment variable first and for a directives file second. If you  
enter the pdxtx2afp command directly, InfoPrint XT then checks for the -t  
command option. If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, InfoPrint XT  
checks for a document attribute instead of the command option.  
PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES environment variable  
You can add the environment variable as a system variable so that  
directives are active for any user account that runs the transform. Restart  
the Windows system after you add the environment variable. These are  
examples of values that you can enter in the Variable value field of the  
Windows System Properties interface:  
-t x2afp.out -k1  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\pdxtx2afp.directives file  
This is a plain text file that contains the directives. Each directive entry is  
specific to a destination. If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT,  
the destination is the name of an InfoPrint Manager actual destination.  
Otherwise, the destination is the destination that the -p option of the  
pdxtx2afp command specifies. You can also use *: as a destination so that  
the associated transform directive applies to all job destinations. You can  
include comments and blank lines in the directives file. Delimit comments  
with a number sign, #. These are examples of the types of entries that you  
can make in the transform directives file:  
# For all destinations, capture the InfoPrint Manager  
# attributes in the jobattr.ipm file.  
*: -a1  
30 InfoPrint XT Guide  
# Capture and keep the Xexox input and the AFP  
# output for all jobs with a destination of  
# PRT01.  
PRT01: '-t " x2afp.out"' -k1  
-t command option of the pdxtx2afp command  
If you enter the pdxtx2afp command directly to convert a Xerox job, you  
can specify directives using the -t command option. See “Using the  
document-comment document attribute  
If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, you can specify directives  
on a job-by-job basis, or, for a group of jobs, using InfoPrint Manager  
attributes. You can add the document-comment attribute when you submit  
the job. This example shows how to set an InfoPrint XT transform directive  
with the InfoPrint XT document-comment attribute:  
document-comment='PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES: -t x2afp.out -k1'  
1. If you specify the InfoPrint Manager document-comment attribute with the  
pdpr -x command option, you must include quotation marks around the entire  
document-comment attribute and value. For example:  
-x "document-comment='PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES: -x xztrace=all1:all2 -x xzdump=yes'"  
2. If you specify more than one occurrence of the -a, -j, or -k transform directive  
using more than one method, InfoPrint XT uses the last occurrence of the  
directive. For example, if you specify -j with the PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES  
environment variable and with the document-comment attribute, InfoPrint XT  
uses the value that the document-comment attribute specifies.  
Working with InfoPrint XT AFP structured fields  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
InfoPrint XT converts Xerox LCDS and metacode to AFP. The AFP that InfoPrint  
XT generates results in printed output that matches the original Xerox job.  
However, the content and form of the AFP can vary with different levels of  
InfoPrint XT code. The exception to this rule is a series of Mixed Object Document  
Content Architecture (MO:DCA) No Operation (NOP) structured fields that contain  
information about the job. You can use these data structures in your own  
application programs.  
InfoPrint XT NOP structured field format  
MO:DCA structured fields begin with a Structured Field Introducer that identifies  
the length and the function or type of the structured field. The Structured Field  
Data follows the Structured Field Introducer and contains the parameters that are  
specific to the type of structured field. Table 5 shows the format of the NOP  
Structured Field Identifier and Structured Field Data that InfoPrint XT inserts in  
the AFP data stream.  
Table 5. InfoPrint XT NOP structured field format  
Carriage control. InfoPrint XT always uses X'5A'  
for the carriage control.  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 31  
Table 5. InfoPrint XT NOP structured field format (continued)  
Total length of the structured field. This does not  
include the carriage control byte.  
X'D3EEEE' MO:DCA No Operation structured field identifier.  
Flags. InfoPrint XT always uses X'00'.  
Reserved bytes. InfoPrint XT always uses X'0000'.  
AIOX2AFP This parameter specifies that InfoPrint XT  
generated the NOP structured field. InfoPrint XT  
generates the parameter value in EBCDIC:  
The level of the InfoPrint XT Structured Field Data.  
The current level is X'0000'.  
This is the actual data for the structured field. Its  
format depends on the level. See “InfoPrint XT  
InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP level X'0000' format  
Table 6 shows the format of the InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP level X'0000' NOP, which  
consists of four parts.  
Table 6. InfoPrint XT NOP level X'0000' format  
An EBCDIC keyword that describes the InfoPrint XT  
The flag byte.  
The length of any associated data.  
The data itself, if any.  
InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP keywords  
InfoPrint XT uses these keywords in the NOP structured fields that it generates:  
InfoPrint XT generates one CTLHEADR record at the beginning of each  
job and uses it to identify whether the AFP data stream can contain  
XRXOTEXT records. The values for its flag byte at offset 27 are:  
Bit 0: Specifies whether the data stream can contain XRXOTEXT records.  
1 indicates that the data stream can contain XRXOTEXT records. 0  
indicates that the data stream does not contain XRXOTEXT records.  
Bit 1: Specifies whether the data stream can contain XRXCDJDE records.  
1 indicates that the data stream can contain XRXCDJDE records. 0  
indicates that the data stream does not contain XRXCDJDE records.  
Bit 2: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 3: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 4: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 5: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 6: Reserved for future use.  
32 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Bit 7: Reserved for future use.  
The CTLHEADR record has no associated data.  
A CTLHEADR record that indicates the possible presence of NOPs  
generated from OTEXT DJDEs might contain:  
A CTLHEADR record that indicates the possible presence of NOPs  
generated from C DJDEs might contain:  
InfoPrint XT generates one XRXOTEXT record for each OTEXT DJDE  
command that the job contains. The values for its flag byte at offset 27 are:  
Bit 0: Specifies whether the OTEXT DJDE command suspends printing  
until an operator acknowledges the message. 1 indicates that the  
OTEXT DJDE command suspends printing.  
Bit 1: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 2: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 3: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 4: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 5: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 6: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 7: Reserved for future use.  
The data for the XRXOTEXT record is the text of the OTEXT message.  
InfoPrint XT generates one AFPRLEVL record at the beginning of each  
AFP font and each AFP page segment that it creates from Xerox font,  
image, and logo resources. InfoPrint XT does not use the flag byte at offset  
27. The data length at offset 28 is always X'0002'. The data at offset 30 is  
currently X'0000', which indicates the base level for AFP resources created  
by InfoPrint XT.  
InfoPrint XT also converts Xerox images that contain highlight color  
controls to AFP page segments. InfoPrint XT generates an XRXHCINK  
record immediately following the AFP Begin Image Object (BIM) structured  
field for each image object in the page segment. It uses the data section of  
this record to identify the fully qualified Xerox ink name for the Xerox  
sample that corresponds to the image object. InfoPrint XT does not use the  
flag byte at offset 27.  
InfoPrint XT generates one XRXCDJDE record for each C DJDE that the  
job contains. The values for its flag byte at offset 27 are:  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 33  
Bit 0: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 1: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 2: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 3: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 4: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 5: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 6: Reserved for future use.  
Bit 7: Reserved for future use.  
The data for the XRXCDJDE record is the comment text in EBCDIC.  
An XRXCDJDE record for comment text might contain:  
!..LÓÓ...AIOX2AFP..XRXCDJDE...Data copied from a C DJDE  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
| Working with content-sensitive medium map names  
InfoPrint XT creates an AFP form definition for each Xerox job that it processes. It  
embeds the form definition in the AFP data stream that it generates from the Xerox  
data stream. Using the xcsmmname conversion parameter, you can instruct  
InfoPrint XT to use a specific naming convention for each medium map in the  
form definition. The format of the name defines the characteristics of the medium  
map. Table 7 describes the name format.  
Table 7. Format of content-sensitive medium map names  
Not applicable InfoPrint XT always uses X'C6'.  
2 through Not applicable InfoPrint XT always uses X'F0F0F0F0'.  
This byte consists of bit flags that represent medium map  
Reserved for future use.  
1 means that the medium map specifies duplexed printing. 0  
specifies simplexed printing.  
1 means that the medium map specifies an offset stack  
change. 0 specifies no offset stack change.  
Specifies the format that the E1 keyword of the Medium  
Modification Control (MMC) structured field uses. 1 means  
that the medium map specifies format one¹ for the keyword.  
0 specifies that the keyword uses format two².  
7 through Not applicable These bytes specify the bin number in hexadecimal format.  
¹ Bins are numbered 1 through 4; bin 65 is the envelope bin, and bin 100 is the  
manual bin.  
34 InfoPrint XT Guide  
² Bins are numbered 1 through 255.  
For information about the xcsmmname conversion parameter, see page 96.  
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 35  
36 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources  
This chapter describes how to use InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) to load  
the Xerox resources. Load all the Xerox resources before you begin to process jobs  
with InfoPrint XT. For an overview about working with Xerox resources, see the  
pdxt_resources man page that InfoPrint XT provides. Enter this command:  
pdxtman pdxt_resources  
For an overview on using the pdxtloadres command, which you use to load the  
Xerox resources, see the pdxtloadres man page.  
Transferring Xerox printer resources to the Windows system  
You must copy all the resources from each of your Xerox printers to a directory on  
the Windows system. InfoPrint XT does not provide an automated method of  
transferring the resources. Consult your local system support personnel for  
methods that you can use to transfer the resources.  
Understanding the load process for Xerox resources  
In the Xerox environment, all printable and non-printable Xerox resources are on  
the Xerox printer. When you print converted Xerox jobs on InfoPrint Solutions  
Company printers, the printable Xerox resources must be available in the  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) format on the InfoPrint XT system.  
InfoPrint XT must also have access to the information from the non-printable  
resources. You use the InfoPrint XT load process to create the AFP versions of  
printable Xerox resources and to gather information about the non-printable  
InfoPrint XT resource directories for the load process  
Several directory-related actions occur when you use InfoPrint XT to load Xerox  
AFP resource directory  
InfoPrint XT creates a directory for the AFP versions of Xerox font, image,  
logo, and form resources. You control the directory that InfoPrint XT  
creates when you enter the pdxtloadres command. The AFP resource  
directory is one of these:  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common. This is the common InfoPrint  
XT resource directory.  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp. You can specify an InfoPrint XT  
directory for a specific group of resources. resgrp is a name you choose.  
v C:\OtherDirectory. You can also specify a separate, existing directory on  
the Windows system. Include the drive that contains the directory.  
Metrics directory  
For each type of Xerox resource that you load, InfoPrint XT creates a  
related metrics file. This file contains information about the resource that  
InfoPrint XT uses to reduce processing time when it converts a Xerox job  
that uses the resource. The directory in which InfoPrint XT writes the  
metrics file depends on the load options. The metrics directory is one of  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\metrics  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\metrics  
v C:\OtherDirectory\metrics  
Xerox resource directory  
For all resources that successfully load, InfoPrint XT copies the original  
Xerox resource to the system. The directory in which InfoPrint XT writes  
the Xerox resources depends on the load options. The Xerox resource  
directory is one of these:  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\xrxres  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\xrxres  
v C:\OtherDirectory\xrxres  
Note: Use these directory definitions when InfoPrint XT procedures direct you to  
do actions that involve the AFP resource directory, the metrics directory, or  
the Xerox resource directory.  
Types of Xerox resources that you can load  
Table 8 contains information about the Xerox resources that you copy to the  
Windows system, and the files that InfoPrint XT creates when you load the  
v Column one lists the types of Xerox resources and the valid file extension for  
each type. The actual names of Xerox resources are up to 6 characters. Xerox  
resource names can also contain numbers and dollar signs ($). For example,  
p0612c.fnt is a common Xerox font.  
v Column two specifies the prefixes for the AFP files that InfoPrint XT generates  
from printable Xerox resources. InfoPrint XT generates a single AFP file for each  
form, image, and logo. It generates three AFP files for each single-byte font; a  
coded font file, a character set file, and a code page file. If the entry in this  
column is empty, the associated Xerox resource is a non-printable resource.  
v Column three specifies the extensions of the metrics files that InfoPrint XT  
generates from the Xerox resources.  
Table 8. Xerox resource extensions, AFP prefixes, and metrics extensions  
Xerox resource type and extension Resulting InfoPrint XT  
AFP prefixes  
Resulting InfoPrint XT  
metrics extensions  
Cluster Library - .lib  
Command - .cmd  
Copy Modification Entry - .cme  
Data - .dat  
Font - .fnt  
C0, T1, X0 ¹  
.afn (single-byte)  
.adm (double-byte)  
Form - .frm  
Forms Source Library - .fsl  
Image AFP files - .img  
Ink Catalog - .ict  
Ink Descriptor - .idr  
Ink Source Library - .isl  
Job Descriptor Library - .jdl  
38 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Table 8. Xerox resource extensions, AFP prefixes, and metrics extensions (continued)  
Xerox resource type and extension Resulting InfoPrint XT  
AFP prefixes  
Resulting InfoPrint XT  
metrics extensions  
Job Source Library - .jsl  
Logo - .lgo  
Miscellaneous - .msc  
Page Descriptor Entry - .pde  
Patch - .pch  
Stockset - .stk  
Routing Text - .tst  
Temporary - .tmp  
¹ Not generated for double-byte character set fonts.  
Loading Xerox double-byte character set (DBCS) fonts  
The InfoPrint XT process that loads Xerox DBCS fonts is different from the process  
that it uses for single-byte fonts. InfoPrint XT does not generate the AFP character  
sets, coded fonts, and code pages for the Xerox DBCS fonts. You must provide a  
set of double-byte AFP fonts that you use in place of the Xerox fonts. These fonts  
must be AFP outline fonts that fully conform to the MO:DCA FOCA standards; see  
Data Stream and Object Architectures: Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA)  
Reference, S544-3285. You copy the AFP outline fonts to the appropriate AFP  
resource directory before you actually load the Xerox DBCS fonts.  
During the load process, InfoPrint XT maps each Xerox DBCS font to an AFP  
coded font. It uses an AFP coded font name of XZxxxxxx. xxxxxx is the name of  
the corresponding Xerox DBCS font. For example, if you load the HST25P.FNT  
Xerox DBCS font, InfoPrint XT maps it to the XZHST25P AFP coded font. To use a  
different AFP coded font name, you must create a manual correlation table that  
maps the Xerox DBCS font name to the AFP coded font that you want to use. See  
To load Xerox DBCS fonts:  
1. Generate a resource group by loading all JDL, CME, PDE, STK, and TST  
resources first. You can use the common group or you can specify a group  
name that you choose.  
2. Copy the AFP DBCS outline font files to the AFP resource directory for the  
resource group.  
3. If the AFP coded font name does not match the XZxxxxxx naming convention,  
you must create a manual correlation table.  
4. Use the pdxtloadres command to load the Xerox DBCS fonts. See “Using the  
Loading order for Xerox resources by resource type  
You can load a single Xerox resource or you can load groups of Xerox resources.  
For groups, you can load resources that are all the same type, such as all fonts, or  
resources of different types. When you mix the types of resources, InfoPrint XT  
loads them in a specific order. This is because some resources, such as forms, can  
require you to load other resources first. Xerox form resources often require fonts.  
The information returned from the load process lists the order.  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 39  
Information files generated by InfoPrint XT during resource  
InfoPrint XT creates files in which it stores information about resource tasks, such  
as loading and deleting resources. The next topics describe the various files using  
the common resource group and its AFP resource directory. If you load the  
resources in a different directory, substitute that AFP resource directory name:  
This file contains information about each time the pdxtloadres command  
runs. InfoPrint XT writes new entries at the end of the file. The  
information for each invocation of the pdxtloadres command includes:  
v The time when the command started.  
v The options and values that were specified with the pdxtloadres  
v The resources that InfoPrint XT processed or tried to process. The entry  
for each resource includes the return code from resource processing. If a  
failure occurred, the entry includes the name of the processing step that  
failed. The entry also lists the path to the Xerox resource.  
v The time when the command ended.  
v The return code from the pdxtloadres command. If any of the resource  
entries has a non-zero return code, the command returns a non-zero  
return code.  
These are examples of pdxtloadres.log entries:  
2007-11-11 12:16:13 MST pdxtloadres -r -n *fnt  
16 XRHDR  
2007-11-11 12:16:17 MST pdxtloadres (16)  
2007-11-11 15:23:27 MST /dev/fs/C/Program Files/IBM/Infoprint XT/bin/pdxtloadres -f delete -np0612c.fnt -g payroll  
2007-11-11 15:23:28 MST pdxtloadres (0)  
Note: InfoPrint XT only records information in the log if the command  
tried to process a resource. For example, if you use the wrong  
command option or value, pdxtloadres stops immediately. It does  
not try to process any resources.  
This file contains the messages that InfoPrint XT wrote to standard error  
(STDERR) for the last time the pdxtloadres command ran. You typically  
direct standard error to the Windows display. InfoPrint XT overwrites the  
information in this file each time the command runs.  
InfoPrint XT creates a retry file if it did not load all the resources that the  
pdxtloadres command specified the last time the command ran. It writes  
the path and file name for each resource that failed on a separate line in  
the pdxtloadres.rty file. You can correct the problems that InfoPrint XT  
reported and then try to load the resource or resources again. When you  
enter the pdxtloadres command, include the -l option with the command  
40 InfoPrint XT Guide  
but do not enter a value for that option. This causes InfoPrint XT to use  
the information in the pdxtloadres.rty file to determine the resources to  
Note: InfoPrint XT overwrites the information in the pdxtloadres.rty file  
with each time the pdxtloadres command runs.  
Error information for resources that fail to load  
InfoPrint XT also stores information about the individual resources that fail in the  
working directory that it uses during the resource load process. Whether you load  
resources in the common resource group, a specific resource directory, or an  
existing directory determines what InfoPrint XT uses as the working directory. The  
working directory for the resource load process is one of these:  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\pdxtloadres  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\pdxtloadres  
v C:\OtherDirectory\pdxtloadres  
This list describes the various files in the working directory:  
Contains information that InfoPrint XT generates while it converts the  
resource. resname.ext is the actual name of the resource. If the resource load  
process failed, InfoPrint XT includes error information in this file.  
Contains information that InfoPrint XT generates while it builds the  
correlation table entry for one or more resources of a specific type. xxx  
specifies the type of Xerox resource.  
Contains information that InfoPrint XT generates while it creates the  
metrics files for one or more resources of a specific type. xxx specifies the  
type of Xerox resource. The file includes error messages about any resource  
for which InfoPrint XT did not generate a metrics file.  
InfoPrint XT generates this file when failures occur while it tries to create  
metrics files for a specific type of resource. xxx is the extension of the  
resource type, such as cme or fnt. The file lists those resources that  
InfoPrint XT processed successfully.  
Contains output that InfoPrint XT generates when a failure occurs while it  
tries to create a metrics file. resname is the actual name of the resource. axx  
is the extension of the metrics file for the resource. For example, ajd is the  
extension of a metrics file for a Xerox JDL resource. You can ignore the  
information in this file.  
1. InfoPrint XT deletes existing files in the pdxtloadres subdirectory and writes  
new information each time that you run the pdxtloadres command. It does not  
save any of the information for the previous time the command ran.  
2. InfoPrint XT provides a method to display the information from these files so  
that you do not have to go to the working directory to access the files. See the  
description of the -e command option for the pdxtloadres command in “Using  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 41  
Using the pdxtloadres command to load Xerox resources  
You use the InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command to load all the Xerox resources on  
the Windows system and to create the AFP versions of printable resources. The  
command provides options that you can use to control how and where InfoPrint  
XT creates the converted resource files. You can also use the pdxtloadres command  
to delete resources.  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
The syntax of the pdxtloadres command is:  
pdxtloadres [-f load ] [-a ioca_rt | no_ioca_rt] [-b spcprt | spcrmi]  
[-c xerox | grayscale | [lp]:[mp]:[hp]] [-e listings | nolistings]  
[[-g common | resgrp] | -o outputdirectory]  
[-i | -r] [-l listfile | -n pattern] [ -m letter | medium]  
[-M none | all | xerox | xerox+font1:font2:fontn |  
xerox-font1:font2:fontn | font1:font2:fontn]  
[-p 300_1 | 300_2] [-s none | word | char]  
pdxtloadres -f delete -l listfile | -n pattern [-g resgrp | -o outputdirectory]  
[-e listings | nolistings]  
Note: These descriptions use the default values that InfoPrint XT supplies for the  
pdxtloadres options. You can change the default values using the  
PDXTLOADRES_ARGS environment variable. See “Controlling the default  
[-a ioca_rt | no_ioca_rt]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT uses the IOCA replicate-and-trim  
function for the shading patterns in data streams and forms. Valid  
values are:  
InfoPrint XT uses the IOCA replicate-and-trim function.  
This is the default.  
InfoPrint XT does not use the IOCA replicate-and-trim  
Application programs that issue the pdxtloadres command can use  
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
v API:IOCART is the same as ioca_rt.  
v API:NOIOCART is the same as no_ioca_rt.  
1. If one or more of your printers do not support the IOCA  
replicate-and-trim function, specify no_ioca_rt.  
2. You can further refine the shading patterns with the -p option.  
See page 49.  
[-b spcprt | spcrmi]  
Controls how InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in a Xerox  
font during the load process. Valid values are:  
spcprt InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in the font as  
42 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (PTOCA)  
text-string characters. This is the default.  
InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in the font as  
Relative Move Inline (RMI) structured fields.  
Application programs that issue the pdxtloadres command can use  
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
v API:SPCPRT is the same as spcprt.  
v API:SPCRMI is the same as spcrmi.  
1. Restrictions apply when you use the -b option. See page 6.  
2. If you use this option to load specific fonts, reload any forms  
that use those fonts.  
3. You can also change how InfoPrint XT interprets spacing  
characters in Xerox fonts when FILE DJDEs in a job specify the  
fonts. See the xspcrmi conversion parameter on page 101.  
[-c xerox | grayscale | [lp]:[mp]:[hp]]  
Controls how InfoPrint XT interprets Xerox shading when it loads  
FRMs. Valid values are:  
xerox InfoPrint XT emulates Xerox shading and produces raster  
dot patterns in the AFP that it generates. This is the  
InfoPrint XT uses Logical Page and Object Area Coloring to  
substitute grayscale for the standard shading characters in  
FRMs. It uses default percentages of grayscale coverage for  
the levels of Xerox shading:  
Five percent (5%) coverage.  
Ten percent (10%) coverage.  
Fifteen percent (15%) coverage.  
InfoPrint XT substitutes grayscale for the Xerox shading  
and uses coverage percentages you specify. For each  
position in the value, you can specify an integer from 0  
through 100:  
The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for  
LIGHT shading.  
The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for  
MEDIUM shading.  
The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for  
HEAVY shading.  
Do not include the brackets in the value; the brackets  
indicate each position in the value is optional. Include the  
colons (:) between the positions of the value. If you omit  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 43  
any position, InfoPrint XT uses the default percentage for  
LIGHT, MEDIUM, or HEAVY. These are examples of  
values you can specify:  
-c :8:16  
InfoPrint XT uses 5% coverage for LIGHT shading,  
8% for MEDIUM, and 16% for HEAVY.  
-c 3  
InfoPrint XT uses 3% coverage for LIGHT shading,  
10% for MEDIUM, and 15% for HEAVY.  
-c :11 InfoPrint XT uses 5% coverage for LIGHT shading,  
11% for MEDIUM, and 15% for HEAVY.  
-c ::14 InfoPrint XT uses 5% coverage for LIGHT shading,  
10% for MEDIUM, and 14% for HEAVY.  
-c 4:9:12  
InfoPrint XT uses 4% coverage for LIGHT shading,  
9% for MEDIUM, and 12% for HEAVY.  
Application programs that issue the pdxtloadres command  
can use these universal values instead of the  
language-specific keywords:  
v API:SHDXRX is the same as xerox.  
v API:SHDGSC is the same as grayscale.  
v API:SHDGSU=[lp]:[mp]:[hp] is the same as -c  
Note: Restrictions apply when you use the -c option. See  
page 4.  
[-e listings | nolistings]  
Controls whether InfoPrint XT writes the listings from the  
individual steps of the resource-load or resource-delete process to  
STDERR. These listings can contain error information. Valid values  
InfoPrint XT writes the listings to STDERR.  
InfoPrint XT does not write the listings to STDERR. This is  
the default.  
Application programs that issue the pdxtloadres command can use  
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
v API:LISTINGS is the same as listings.  
v API:NOLISTINGS is the same as nolistings.  
[-f load | delete]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT loads or deletes Xerox resources.  
The default is that InfoPrint XT loads resources. Valid values are:  
InfoPrint XT loads Xerox resources. This is the default.  
delete InfoPrint XT deletes Xerox resources. InfoPrint XT deletes  
the information that it generated during the load process  
and deletes the original Xerox resources.  
44 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Application programs that issue the pdxtloadres command can use  
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
v API:LOAD is the same as load.  
v API:DELETE is the same as delete.  
Note: If the AFP resource directory contains DBCS fonts, InfoPrint  
XT does not delete them when it deletes the Xerox DBCS  
font resources.  
[-g common | resgrp]  
Specifies a resource group name that InfoPrint XT uses to build  
subdirectories in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources directory.  
InfoPrint XT uses these subdirectories to store the converted AFP  
resources, the metrics files, and copies of the original Xerox  
resource files. Valid values are:  
InfoPrint XT builds subdirectories in %PDXTWORKDIR  
%\resources\common. This is the default.  
resgrp InfoPrint XT builds subdirectories in %PDXTWORKDIR  
%\resources\resgrp. resgrp is a name that you choose. The  
name must be alphanumeric and it cannot contain any  
special characters.  
If you specify the -g option, you cannot specify the -o option. If  
you do not specify either -g or -o, the pdxtloadres command uses  
the common resource group, which is %PDXTWORKDIR%\  
For a specific Xerox resource that is already loaded, InfoPrint XT  
reconverts the resource. If the Xerox resource is a printable  
resource, InfoPrint XT also rebuilds the AFP file or files. InfoPrint  
XT uses the original version of the Xerox resource that it copied to  
the Xerox resource directory when you originally converted the  
resource. You might find this option useful for reconverting a  
resource to use a different medium or a different shading pattern.  
If you specify the -i option, you cannot specify the -r option.  
Note: If you specify a Xerox resource that is not currently loaded,  
InfoPrint XT issues an error message when you specify the -i  
[-l listfile]  
Specifies the resources that you want InfoPrint XT to load or  
delete. listfile is either a file on the Windows system that contains  
the resource names or it is a stream. Each resource that the file lists  
must be on a separate line. If you specify the list of resources in a  
stream, use this format:  
-l -  
If you use a dash as the value for the -l option, InfoPrint  
XT reads the resource names from standard input (STDIN).  
If you specify the -l option, you cannot specify the -n option. If  
you do not specify either -n or -l, the pdxtloadres command  
updates correlation tables, as needed.  
1. You cannot use wildcard characters in the entries in the list file.  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 45  
2. If you are loading resources, you can specify Xerox resources  
with names that follow IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS  
naming conventions. See Table 9 on page 48.  
3. If you are loading resources, you can specify the -l option  
without a value. InfoPrint XT tries to load resources using the  
retry file. See page 40.  
4. If you use both the -l option and the -i option, do not include  
path information with the resource names. Specify only the  
resource names in lowercase characters.  
5. If you are deleting resources, you must specify either the -l  
option or the -n option. The resource names that you specify  
for deletion must be lowercase. You cannot specify resource  
names that follow IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS naming  
[-m letter | medium]  
Specifies the medium (paper) size that InfoPrint XT uses when it  
loads Xerox forms. The letter paper size is the default that  
InfoPrint XT uses when it converts form resources.  
Valid paper sizes are:  
Corresponding values for  
application programs  
-m folio  
-m ledger  
-m legal  
-m letter  
-m A3  
-m A4  
-m A4LT  
-m B4  
1. InfoPrint XT only uses the paper size that you specify if the  
Xerox resource does not explicitly define the paper size. Any  
value in the resource overrides the value of the -m option.  
2. A4LT is a custom paper size that is 8.5 inches by 11.69 inches,  
or 216 mm by 297 mm.  
[-M none | all | xerox | xerox+font1:font2:fontn | xerox-font1:font2:fontn |  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT generates AFP magnetic ink  
character recognition (MICR) fonts when it loads Xerox fonts. You  
can specify one of these values:  
none InfoPrint XT does not generate AFP MICR fonts for any of  
the Xerox fonts that it loads. This is the default.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all the Xerox  
fonts that it loads.  
xerox InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all Xerox fonts  
whose names begin with these standard prefixes for MICR  
font names:  
v E13B  
v E14B  
46 InfoPrint XT Guide  
v CMC7  
For example, InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for  
these Xerox fonts: E13BPX.FNT, E14BL.FNT, CMC7J.FNT.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all Xerox fonts  
whose names begin with E13B, E14B, or CMC7. In  
addition, it generates AFP MICR fonts for up to 33 fonts  
that you specify by name. Separate the font names with  
colons (:). The fonts you specify can be any Xerox fonts.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all Xerox fonts  
whose names begin with E13B, E14B, or CMC7, except for  
the fonts you specify after the minus sign (-). You can  
specify up to 33 Xerox fonts that begin with the standard  
prefixes for MICR font names. Separate the font names  
with colons.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for the Xerox fonts  
you specify. You can specify up to 33 fonts. Separate the  
font names with colons (:). The fonts you specify can be  
any Xerox fonts. InfoPrint XT does not generate AFP MICR  
fonts for any Xerox fonts that begin with the standard  
prefixes for MICR font names unless you specify them in  
the list of fonts.  
Application programs that issue the pdxtloadres command can use  
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
Corresponding values for  
application programs  
-M none  
-M all  
-M xerox  
-M xerox+font1:font2:fontn  
-M xerox-font1:font2:fontn  
-M font1:font2:fontn  
[-n pattern]  
Specifies the Xerox resources to load or delete. You can use  
pattern-matching strings to specify groups of resources. You can  
specify more than one pair of -n options and patterns, up to a  
maximum of 50:  
v To load all Xerox font files in the directory My Fonts:  
pdxtloadres -n "C:\My Fonts\*.fnt"  
v To load all resources in the current directory that begin with the  
letter a:  
pdxtloadres -n a*  
v To delete a specific JDL file in a specific group:  
pdxtloadres -f delete -g payroll -n dplonl.jdl  
If you specify the -n option, you cannot specify the -l option. If  
you do not specify either -n or -l, the pdxtloadres command  
updates correlation tables, as needed.  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 47  
1. If you use both the -n option and the -i option, do not include  
path information in the value for the -n option.  
2. When you delete resources, you must specify resource names in  
3. When you load resources, the pdxtloadres command also  
recognizes IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS naming  
conventions for Xerox resource files. You can transfer Xerox  
resources from z/OS to the Windows system using a method  
such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The Xerox resource data  
sets have specific naming conventions. See Table 9.  
Table 9. IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS naming conventions for  
Xerox resource files  
Xerox resource extensions  
Corresponding z/OS name  
*.CLS ¹  
¹ This is the source code, in an InfoPrint XT format, for a  
reformatted Xerox cluster database LIB file.  
[-o OtherDirectory]  
Specifies an existing directory in which you want InfoPrint XT to  
store AFP versions of Xerox printable resources. Use this option to  
store AFP resources in a directory other than %PDXTWORKDIR  
%\resources\common or %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp.  
InfoPrint XT also creates a metrics subdirectory, an xrxres  
subdirectory, and a pdxtloadres subdirectory under the directory  
that you specify.  
48 InfoPrint XT Guide  
If you specify the -o option, you cannot specify the -g option. If  
you do not specify either -o or -g, the pdxtloadres command uses  
the common resource group.  
Note: If the directory that you specify does not exist, InfoPrint XT  
issues an error message.  
[-p 300_1 | 300_2]  
Specifies the type of shading patterns that InfoPrint XT uses when  
it converts Xerox forms. Valid values are:  
300_1 Specifies the shading patterns used by Xerox 9700, 4x50,  
and 4x90 printers. This is the default.  
300_2 Specifies the patterns used by Xerox 4x35 printers.  
For a specific Xerox resource that is already loaded, InfoPrint XT  
loads a new version of the Xerox resource. If the Xerox resource is  
a printable resource, InfoPrint XT also rebuilds the AFP file or files.  
If the load process is successful, InfoPrint XT replaces the original  
copy of the Xerox resource in the xrxres subdirectory.  
If you specify the -r option, you cannot specify the -i option.  
[-s none | word | char]  
Specifies the type of spacing fidelity adjustments that InfoPrint XT  
makes when it converts Xerox forms. Valid values are:  
none InfoPrint XT does not make any spacing adjustments  
during conversion. This is the default and is adequate for  
most Xerox forms. However, if you see a noticeable  
difference between the Xerox printed form and the  
corresponding AFP overlay printed on an InfoPrint  
Solutions Company printer, you can make adjustments  
with the other values for this option.  
word InfoPrint XT makes spacing adjustments at word  
InfoPrint XT makes spacing adjustments at both word and  
character boundaries.  
Application programs that use the pdxtloadres command can use  
these universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
v API:N is the same as none.  
v API:W is the same as word.  
v API:C is the same as char.  
Note: Use of word or character adjustments affects performance  
and results in larger AFP files.  
Streams used by the pdxtloadres command  
The pdxtloadres command uses some file descriptors while it processes Xerox  
resources and ignores others:  
fd0 (STDIN) The command does not use this stream.  
fd1 (STDOUT)  
The command does not use this stream.  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 49  
fd2 (STDERR)  
The command writes messages to this stream.  
Return codes from the pdxtloadres command  
Return codes from the pdxtloadres command mean:  
The command successfully loaded or deleted all the specified  
An error exists with one of the command options.  
The command contains too many command options.  
You specified a command option without a value, or you did not  
specify a required command option.  
The command did not locate the resources to load or delete. The  
file or pattern that the -l or -n command option specified did not  
contain or match any valid file names.  
Not enough memory is available for the command.  
A resource was already loaded; you did not specify the -r option  
with the command.  
The command did not load or delete one or more resources  
because of a non-zero return code from an associated  
The command did not load or delete one or more resources, but  
associated subcommands had return codes of zero.  
Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes  
from C functions. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
Examples: pdxtloadres command  
These examples show how you can use the pdxtloadres command to load Xerox  
v To load all the resources specified in a list file named resource.list and to use the  
common resource library:  
pdxtloadres -l %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resource.list  
v To load all the resources specified in a list file in the current directory:  
pdxtloadres -l resource.list  
v To load all fonts in the current directory in the payroll resource group:  
pdxtloadres -g payroll -n *fnt  
Scanning a job for required resources with the pdxtx2afp command  
When you initially set up InfoPrint XT, you loaded all the resources that were on  
the Xerox printer or printers. If you add applications that generate new jobs and  
that use new resources, you can scan the jobs to determine the resources they  
require. This is an iterative process because some Xerox resources require other  
Xerox resources. For example, a Xerox form might require one or more images and  
50 InfoPrint XT Guide  
You can use the pdxtx2afp command to create a preliminary list of the resources  
that a job requires. Before you scan the job, you must load the starting JDL for the  
job. When you scan the job, use the xafprc=12 and xconvert=no conversion  
parameters. For the syntax of the pdxtx2afp command and examples of its use, see  
Printing samples of overlays and page segments  
You can print copies of the AFP overlays that InfoPrint XT generates from Xerox  
forms, and you can print the AFP page segments that it generates from Xerox  
images and logos. For installations that use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT,  
you can use the InfoPrint Manager pdpr command to submit the print request. Use  
the resource-context document attribute to specify the location of the AFP  
v To print a copy of the AFP overlay named O1LBB007, which is in the common  
resource library:  
pdpr -d ldest -x resource-context=%PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\O1LBB007  
ldest is the name of the InfoPrint Manager logical destination.  
Note: Make sure that you include the resource-context attribute so that  
InfoPrint Manager can locate any fonts that the overlay might use.  
v To print a copy of the AFP page segment named SIBROM1, which is in the  
resource library for the resource group printrun:  
pdpr -d ldest %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\printrun\SIBROM1  
You can also use relative paths when you print copies of overlays and page  
segments. For example, if %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\printrun is the  
current directory, you can use this command:  
pdpr -d ldest .\SIBROM1  
Correlating font, image, or logo resources manually  
When you load Xerox fonts, images, and logos, InfoPrint XT automatically  
generates the corresponding AFP resources. InfoPrint XT also creates correlations  
that map the Xerox resources to their AFP counterparts. For most installations, the  
correlations that InfoPrint XT makes satisfy all printing requirements. However,  
advanced users might want to change the correlations for purposes like:  
v Substituting a new font or image for an old one, to change the appearance of the  
printed output. This eliminates any changes to the application that generates the  
v Substituting DBCS AFP outline fonts for DBCS Xerox fonts.  
v Substituting AFP page segments for Xerox signature fonts. The size of some  
signature fonts can prevent InfoPrint XT from creating a corresponding AFP  
v Adjusting the horizontal or vertical placement of a signature or a logo.  
To make correlation updates, create correlation tables in the metrics directory of the  
resource group. Separate tables exist for fonts, images, and logos. Each table has its  
own format. Each line in a correlation table is a separate entry consisting of  
keywords. All the text for the complete entry is in uppercase characters. No  
column restrictions exist. This means that the second keyword of one entry does  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 51  
not have to start at the same column location as the second keyword of another  
entry. You might want to use a specific columnar format, for readability, as you  
make entries.  
After you create the manual correlation tables, use the pdxtloadres command to  
apply the updates.  
Note: If Xerox spacing characters in fonts cause code page conflicts after you  
manually correlate a Xerox font to an AFP font, you can change how  
InfoPrint XT interprets the spacing characters. See the -b command option in  
Creating manual correlation entries for single-byte Xerox fonts  
To make manual correlations for single-byte fonts, create a tab.mft file in the  
appropriate metrics directory. In the table, you can correlate a Xerox font to an AFP  
coded font, to an AFP character set and code page pair, or to an AFP page  
segment. The syntax for single-byte character set (SBCS) font entries in the  
correlation table is:  
XName A2ETable CFont | CSet Cpage | PSeg {Char | XChar} [X=nn] [Y=nn]  
The entry is an SBCS font.  
The name of the Xerox font in uppercase, without the .FNT extension.  
P0612C is an example.  
The name of the ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation table that InfoPrint XT uses.  
Unless instructed otherwise by a technical support representative, this  
value is X2AFP.  
CFont The name of the AFP coded font to use in place of the Xerox font. X0KY96  
is an example.  
CSet CName  
The name of an AFP character set and code page pair to use in place of the  
Xerox font. C0H01030 T1H01030 is an example.  
PSeg {Char | XChar} [X=nn] [Y=nn]  
PSeg is the name of an AFP page segment to use in place of one character  
in the Xerox font. You can use these methods to identify the character:  
v Char specifies the literal ASCII character in the font.  
v XChar specifies the code point of the character in hexadecimal notation.  
If you have access to a Xerox printer, you can sample the font to  
determine the code point.  
These are examples of both methods:  
F ABC X2AFP S1ABC41 41  
As an option, you can also adjust the positioning of the character that the  
page segment represents. The adjustments that you make are relative to the  
page segment when you look at it in the portrait orientation. You can use  
X=nn to make a horizontal adjustment. nn is a value in pels. A positive  
value moves the page segment to the right. A negative value moves it to  
the left. Use Y=nn to make a vertical adjustment. A positive value moves  
the page segment down on the page. A negative value moves it up.  
52 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Figure 3 shows the various types of entries that you can make in a manual font  
correlation table for single-byte Xerox fonts.  
F CRC12P X2AFP X0P0612C  
F RK141P X2AFP C0UN411E T1UN411E  
F CSFL30 X2AFP S1L3021 41  
F CSFP01 X2AFP S1P0121  
F CSFP02 X2AFP S1P0122 21 Y=-7  
F CSFP03 X2AFP S1P0123 F X=3  
F CSFP04 X2AFP S1P0124 Y X=-3 Y=4  
Figure 3. Sample correlation entries for single-byte Xerox fonts  
Creating manual correlation entries for double-byte Xerox  
Correlation table entries for DBCS Xerox fonts are similar to entries for SBCS fonts.  
However, you can only correlate a DBCS font to an AFP coded font. Add the DBCS  
entry to the same tab.mft file that has any SBCS entries you require. The syntax for  
a DBCS font entry is:  
D XName A2ETable CFont  
The entry is a double-byte font.  
The name of the Xerox font in uppercase, without the .FNT extension.  
The name of the ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation table that InfoPrint XT uses.  
Unless instructed otherwise by a technical support representative, this  
value is X2AFP.  
CFont The name of the AFP coded font to use in place of the Xerox font.  
This is an example of an entry for a DBCS font in the tab.mft table:  
If you require AFP DBCS outline fonts for use with double-byte Xerox fonts,  
contact your marketing representative for more information. You can also use AFP  
DBCS outline fonts from other sources. Those fonts must fully conform to the  
MO:DCA FOCA standards; see Data Stream and Object Architectures: Font Object  
Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference, S544-3285.  
Creating manual correlation entries for images  
To create a manual correlation table for image resources, create a file in the  
appropriate metrics directory. You can correlate a Xerox image to an AFP page  
segment. You can specify horizontal and vertical spacing values if you require  
them. The syntax for an image entry is:  
I XName Pseg [X=nn] [Y=nn]  
The entry is an image.  
The name of the Xerox image in uppercase, without the .IMG extension.  
PSeg [X=nn] [Y=nn]  
The AFP page segment to use in place of the Xerox image. As an option,  
you can also adjust the position of the page segment on the page. The  
adjustments that you make are relative to the page segment when you look  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 53  
at it in the portrait orientation. You can use X=nn to make a horizontal  
adjustment. nn is a value in pels. A positive value moves the page segment  
to the right. A negative value moves it to the left. Use Y=nn to make a  
vertical adjustment. A positive value moves the page segment down on the  
page. A negative value moves it up.  
Figure 4 shows the various types of entries that you can make in a manual  
correlation table for Xerox images.  
X14BAR S1IBI13B X=-2  
AIR767 S1PIPERC X=3 Y=-2  
Figure 4. Sample correlation entries for Xerox images  
Creating manual correlation entries for logos  
To create a manual correlation table for logo resources, create a tab.mlt file in the  
appropriate metrics directory. You can correlate a Xerox logo to an AFP page  
segment. You can specify horizontal and vertical spacing adjustments if you  
require them. The syntax for a logo entry is:  
L XName PSeg [X=nn] [Y=nn]  
The entry is a logo.  
The name of the Xerox logo in uppercase, without the .LGO extension.  
PSeg [X=nn] [Y=nn]  
The AFP page segment to use in place of the Xerox logo. As an option, you  
can also adjust the position of the page segment on the page. The  
adjustments that you make are relative to the page segment when you look  
at it in the portrait orientation. You can use X=nn to make a horizontal  
adjustment. nn is a value in pels. A positive value moves the page segment  
to the right. A negative value moves it to the left. Use Y=nn to make a  
vertical adjustment. A positive value moves the page segment down on the  
page. A negative value moves it up.  
Figure 5 shows the various types of entries that you can make in a manual  
correlation table for Xerox logos.  
L1980 S1BLUE  
L1990 S1GREEN X=-2  
L2003 S1DKRED X=3 Y=-2  
Figure 5. Sample correlation entries for Xerox logos  
Processing a manual correlation table  
To process a manual resource correlation table and activate correlation entries:  
1. Copy the font and page segment files to the AFP resource directory. Copies of  
the AFP fonts and AFP page segments that you specify in a manual resource  
correlation table must be in the appropriate InfoPrint XT AFP resource  
directory. For example, you specified an AFP resource in the manual correlation  
54 InfoPrint XT Guide  
table that is in the C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\reslib directory.  
If you loaded the Xerox resources in the common resource group, the copy  
command is similar to this:  
copy C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\reslib\X0423002 %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common  
Note: You can also use Windows Explorer to copy the file.  
2. If you made modifications for the common resources (located in  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common), process the manual correlation  
table by entering the pdxtloadres command without any options:  
If you are working with a resource group or a separate directory, use the -g or  
the -o option with the pdxtloadres command. For example:  
pdxtloadres -g statements  
InfoPrint XT displays information that is similar to this:  
5016-600 Resource load process started for type "xxx".  
5016-614 Resource correlation process started.  
5016-615 Resource correlation process is complete.  
5016-601 Resource load process is complete for type "xxx".  
"xxx" is either fnt, img, or lgo.  
Deblocking and reblocking CMDs, FSLs, ISLs, and JSLs  
To see the contents of certain types of Xerox resource files, you must first change  
their format from blocked to deblocked. After you have completed the tasks for the  
deblocked resources, you reblock them. InfoPrint XT provides two commands,  
pdxtdblkres and pdxtblkres, that you can use to deblock and block resources.  
Using the pdxtdblkres command to deblock resources  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
You use the pdxtdblkres command to deblock one or more Xerox resource files.  
The syntax for the command is:  
pdxtdblkres [-p yes | no ] [file ...]  
[-p yes | no]  
Specifies whether the pdxtdblkres command passes through data from the  
deblocking process if the resource is already deblocked, or if the command  
cannot deblock the data. Valid values are:  
If the resource is already deblocked or it cannot be deblocked, the  
command passes the resource data through as it is. This is the  
If the resource is already deblocked or it cannot be deblocked, the  
command stops processing.  
Application programs that issue the pdxtdblkres command can use these  
universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:  
v API:YES is the same as yes.  
v API:NO is the same as no.  
[file ...] Specifies one or more Xerox resource files that you want the command to  
deblock. When the pdxtdblkres command deblocks a resource file, it  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 55  
replaces the contents of the existing file with the deblocked output. If you  
do not specify a file name, the command reads from standard input and  
writes to standard output.  
You can specify more than one file. Separate the file names with spaces.  
Streams used by the pdxtdblkres command  
The pdxtdblkres command uses file descriptors while it processes Xerox resources:  
fd0 (STDIN) If you do not specify any resource file names with the command,  
the command reads the blocked resource from standard input.  
fd1 (STDOUT)  
If you do not specify any resource files names with the command,  
the command writes the deblocked resource to standard output.  
fd2 (STDERR)  
The command writes messages from the deblocking process to  
standard error.  
Return codes from the pdxtdblkres command  
Return codes from the pdxtdblkres command mean:  
The command successfully deblocked the resource.  
An error exists with one of the command options.  
You specified a command option without a value.  
Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes  
from C functions. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
The pdxtdblkres command can only deblock these types of Xerox resources:  
v Command (CMD) files  
v Forms Source Libraries (FSLs)  
v Ink Source Libraries (ISLs)  
v Job Source Libraries (JSLs)  
Using the pdxtblkres command to block resources  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
You use the pdxtblkres command to block one or more Xerox resource files. The  
syntax for the command is:  
pdxtblkres [-f filename.ext] [file ...]  
[-f filename.ext]  
The file name that the command uses in the header record or label record  
of the blocked resource. If you do not use the -f command option, the  
default name that the command uses depends on how you specified the  
input data:  
v If you explicitly specify the name of a Xerox resource file, the command  
uses the name of the resource file. The extension for the file name that  
you specify must be .cmd, .fsl, .isl, or .jsl.  
56 InfoPrint XT Guide  
v If you use standard input to pass the Xerox resource, the command uses  
the default name dfault.jsl.  
Note: The pdxtblkres command does not verify that the Xerox resource  
is a JSL.  
If you use the -f command option, you can only block one resource at a  
[file ...] The name of the Xerox resource file to block. When the command blocks  
the resource, it replaces the contents of the existing file with the blocked  
output. If you do not specify a file name, the command reads from  
standard input and writes to standard output.  
You can specify more than one file. Separate the file names with spaces.  
Streams used by the pdxtblkres command  
The pdxtblkres command uses file descriptors while it processes Xerox resources:  
fd0 (STDIN) If you do not specify a resource file name with the command, the  
command reads the deblocked resource from standard input.  
fd1 (STDOUT)  
If you do not specify a resource file name with the command, the  
command writes the blocked resource to standard output.  
fd2 (STDERR)  
The command writes messages from the blocking process to  
standard error.  
Return codes from the pdxtblkres command  
Return codes from the pdxtblkres command mean:  
The command successfully blocked the resource.  
An error exists with one of the command options.  
You specified a command option without a value.  
You specified the -f command option and more than one input file  
Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
The pdxtblkres command can only block these types of Xerox resources:  
v CMDs  
v FSLs  
v ISLs  
v JSLs  
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 57  
58 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 5. Submitting Xerox jobs for data stream conversion  
This chapter describes how to convert Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS)  
and metacode jobs to the Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) format. For a  
brief overview about working with Xerox jobs, see the pdxt_jobs man page that  
InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) provides. Enter this command:  
pdxtman pdxt_jobs  
Whether you use InfoPrint XT with InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint  
Manager) determines how you use InfoPrint XT to convert the jobs. See the  
appropriate topic for the type of installation:  
Processing Xerox jobs with InfoPrint Manager  
These topics apply to installations that use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT.  
Document attributes that you specify for processing  
You can use several InfoPrint Manager document attributes when you process  
Xerox jobs with InfoPrint XT. Whether you use an InfoPrint XT parameter mapping  
file influences which attributes you use for a job. See “Creating a custom  
If you do not use a parameter mapping file, you must specify these attributes for  
every Xerox job:  
Specify this attribute with a value of either lcds or metacode. These values  
are equivalent and identify the associated job as a Xerox job.  
Specify this attribute with a value that lists the conversion parameters that  
Xerox jobs,” on page 93. This is an example of specifying conversion  
parameters with the other-transform-options attribute:  
-x "other-transform-options='xjdl=p1mvs xjde=dflt xrecfm=fixed xlrecl=133 xcc=m'"  
Note: At a minimum, you must know the starting JDL and JDE pair, the  
carriage-control type, and the record format of the job. If the job  
contains fixed records, you must also know the record length.  
Specify this attribute with a value that identifies the path to the AFP  
resources that the job requires. For example:  
-x "resource-context='C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\common'"  
Note: Whether you use a combination of double and single quotation  
marks depends on whether any portion of the path name contains  
spaces. If you use the default for %PDXTWORKDIR%, which is  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt, include the  
quotation marks.  
The value is the same as the path that the -o option of the pdxtloadres  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
command specifies, or the path to the resource group that the -g option  
If you use a parameter mapping file, how you set up the mapping file entries  
determines which of these document attributes you must specify for Xerox jobs:  
You must always specify lcds or metacode for this attribute.  
You can specify this attribute with the value or values that you want  
InfoPrint Manager to pass through. To have InfoPrint XT read information  
in the parameter mapping file and use the values to compare to mapping  
file entries, use this format:  
-x destination-pass-through=-opa=passthru_values  
The valid keywords and values that you can use with a parameter  
mapping file are the same ones that you can specify with the -p option of  
the pdxtloadres command. You can specify one or more keyword and  
value pairs. See page 62. This is an example of keyword and value pairs  
that InfoPrint XT can use with the destination-pass-through attribute:  
-x destination-pass-through=-opa=class=D,forms=BILLING  
If you use only *=* keyword and value pairs in the parameter mapping  
file, you can omit the destination-pass-through attribute.  
You can specify this attribute with a value that identifies the path to the  
AFP resources that the job requires. If you use the xinlr conversion  
parameter to embed the AFP resources in the data stream for the job, you  
can omit the resource-context attribute. For more information about the  
xinlr conversion parameter, see page 96.  
In addition to the attributes already described, as an option, you can specify the  
document-comment attribute. Use this attribute to activate transform directives.  
See “Using transform directives” on page 29. Whether you use a parameter  
mapping file does not affect the use of the document-comment attribute.  
Methods you can use to associate document attributes with a  
InfoPrint XT provides flexibility in the methods that you can use to associate the  
required attributes and any optional attributes with a job. The most common  
methods are using Download for z/OS and specifying the attributes directly with  
Less commonly used methods are associating an InfoPrint Manager default  
document with a logical destination or using an attributes file. To use one of these  
methods, see the InfoPrint Manager documentation for information about creating  
default document objects and attributes files. “Bibliography” on page 171 lists  
InfoPrint Manager publications.  
How InfoPrint XT searches for resources  
Before you submit Xerox jobs for processing by InfoPrint XT, you must load all the  
Xerox resources that the jobs require on the Windows system. The load process  
60 InfoPrint XT Guide  
creates AFP versions of the Xerox resources. When you submit a Xerox job, those  
AFP versions of the Xerox resources must be available to InfoPrint XT. This lists  
the locations in the order that InfoPrint XT searches them for the resources:  
1. The path that the InfoPrint Manager resource-context document attribute  
2. The path that the PSFPATH environment variable specifies.  
3. The path that the InfoPrint Manager resource-context actual destination  
attribute specifies.  
1. Other InfoPrint Manager attributes specify resource paths, such as  
resource-context-font and resource-context-form-definition. InfoPrint XT  
ignores the path information specified with these attributes.  
2. When you process jobs that contain FILE Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE)  
commands, InfoPrint XT also uses this search path hierarchy. For FILE DJDE  
commands that specify the P storage parameter, InfoPrint XT loads the  
associated resources in the first directory that it locates in the search order. For  
example, if the resource-context document attribute specifies  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\pdxttest and the resource-context actual  
destination attribute specifies %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common,  
InfoPrint XT loads the FILE DJDE resources in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\  
resources\pdxttest directory. For more information about FILE DJDE storage  
Using the pdpr command to transform and print Xerox jobs  
Use the InfoPrint Manager pdpr command and a combination of attributes to print  
Xerox jobs. You can specify all InfoPrint Manager job and document attributes and  
all InfoPrint XT conversion parameters directly from the command line.  
v To submit the job SIMPLEX, which is in the C:\Inputdata\Jobs directory, to the  
pdxt-ld logical destination:  
pdpr -d pdxt-ld -x document-format=metacode  
-x "other-transform-options='xjdl=p1mvs xjde=dflt xrecfm=f xlrecl=133 xcc=m'"  
-x "resource-context='%PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\test C:\Inputdata\Jobs\SIMPLEX'"  
Using the pdxtx2afp command to process Xerox jobs  
If you do not have InfoPrint Manager installed, use the InfoPrint XT pdxtx2afp  
command to process a Xerox job. If you only want to convert a job without  
printing it, you can also use this command in a combined InfoPrint Manager and  
InfoPrint XT installation. You might find this useful to use the AFP that InfoPrint  
XT generates for other purposes, or to verify that a job will convert.  
1. This topic shows the default values for pdxtx2afp command options as  
supplied by InfoPrint XT. You can change the default values using the  
PDXTX2AFP_ARGS environment variable. See “Controlling the default  
also affect the default values for the pdxtx2afp command using a parameter  
2. You can control some aspects of the conversion process using transform  
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
Chapter 5. Submitting Xerox jobs for data stream conversion 61  
The syntax of the pdxtx2afp command is:  
pdxtx2afp [-i inputfile | -] [-o outputfile | -]  
[[-g common | group ]|[-r resourcepath]]  
[-x "xjdl=dfault xjde=dflt" | "cparms"]  
[-p passthru_values] [-t "directives"] [-w workingdirectory]  
[-i inputfile | -]  
Specifies the name of the original Xerox LCDS or metacode job file.  
If you specify a dash, -, for this command option, InfoPrint XT  
reads from standard input (STDIN). If you do not specify the -i  
command option, InfoPrint XT reads from STDIN.  
[-o outputfile | -]  
Specifies the file in which InfoPrint XT writes the AFP output from  
the conversion process. If you specify a dash, -, for this command  
option, InfoPrint XT writes to standard output (STDOUT). If you  
do not specify the -o command option, InfoPrint XT writes to  
[-g common | group]  
Specifies the resource group that contains the resources for the job.  
This group name is the same name that you specified when you  
loaded the resources with the pdxtloadres command. See the -g  
command option on page 45. If you do not specify this command  
option, InfoPrint XT looks in the common resource group for the  
resources that the job requires.  
If you specify the -g command option, do not specify the -r  
command option. If you specify both, InfoPrint XT uses the value  
of the last command option specified with the command.  
[-x "xjdl=dfault xjde=dflt" | "cparms"]  
Specifies the Xerox-specific conversion parameters for the job. This  
corresponds to the values that you specify for the  
other-transform-options attribute if you submit the job using the  
InfoPrint Manager pdpr command. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
You can specify more than one pair of -x parameters and values,  
up to a maximum of 50. If you do not specify the -x command  
option, InfoPrint XT uses a default of xjdl=dfault xjde=dflt.  
[-p passthru_values]  
Specifies pass-through values that you can use to pass information  
to InfoPrint XT. If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT,  
this is equivalent to the InfoPrint Manager destination-pass-  
through document attribute. To pass information to InfoPrint XT,  
use one of these formats:  
-p passthru_values  
-p -opa=passthru_values  
When the value for the -p command option begins with -opa=,  
InfoPrint XT reads information from the parameter mapping file It also defines the temporary working directory in  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs. The remainder of the value is a series  
of one or more keyword and value pairs. Valid keywords and  
values are:  
62 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Specifies the class for the job. This corresponds to the  
CLASS parameter that you specify if you submit the job  
with job control language (JCL). n is a single character.  
Specifies the destination for the job. This corresponds to  
the DEST parameter that you specify if you submit the job  
with JCL. dest is a value from 1 through 8 characters.  
Specifies the name of the form for the job. This  
corresponds to the FORMS parameter that you specify if  
you submit the job with JCL. form is a value from 1  
through 8 characters.  
Specifies an ID for the job. jobid is a value from 1 through 8  
characters. If you do not specify this keyword, InfoPrint XT  
uses UNKNOWN for the job ID.  
Specifies a name for the job. name is a value from 1  
through 8 characters. If you do not specify this keyword,  
InfoPrint XT uses UNKNOWN for the job name.  
If you specify more than one keyword and value pair, separate the  
pairs with commas; do not include any spaces.  
Note: If you specify any keywords other than those that are  
shown, InfoPrint XT ignores them.  
These examples show different methods of specifying the -p  
command option, with keywords and values that InfoPrint XT can  
-p -opa=class=D,forms=BILLING  
-p -opa=jobname=NOV004  
[-r resourcepath]  
Specifies the AFP resource path. This corresponds to the value that  
you specify for the resource-context attribute if you submit the job  
using the InfoPrint Manager pdpr command. If you do not specify  
this command option, InfoPrint XT looks for resources in the  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common directory.  
If you specify the -r command option, do not specify the -g  
command option. If you specify both, InfoPrint XT uses the value  
of the last command option specified with the command.  
[-t "directives"] Specifies any job-specific transform directives. This corresponds to  
the values that you specify for the document-  
comment=PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES: attribute if you submit the  
job using the InfoPrint Manager pdpr command. For more  
[-w workingdirectory]  
Specifies the working directory that InfoPrint XT uses when it  
processes the job. Unless errors occur, InfoPrint XT always deletes  
the files that it creates in this directory after conversion finishes  
Chapter 5. Submitting Xerox jobs for data stream conversion 63  
successfully. If you do not specify this command option, InfoPrint  
XT uses a subdirectory of the directory that the PDXTWORKDIR  
environment variable specifies as the working directory. InfoPrint  
XT builds a subdirectory name of jobname-jobid-n. jobname and jobid  
come from the -p -opa values, and n is a sequence number. For  
more information about the PDXTWORKDIR environment  
1. Any directory that you specify must exist; InfoPrint XT does  
not create the directory for you.  
2. InfoPrint XT ignores the -k transform directive when you  
specify a working directory with the -w command option.  
3. Whether files remain in a user-specified working directory  
depends on the severity and the type of error.  
4. Only one instance of the pdxtx2afp command can use a given  
working directory at a time. This is because the pdxtx2afp  
command creates and uses files that are not job-specific. For  
example, the command writes messages to the x2afp.lst file. If  
two instances of the command share the same working  
directory, you lose the messages from one of the instances.  
Streams used by the pdxtx2afp command  
The pdxtx2afp command uses file descriptors while it processes Xerox jobs:  
fd0 (STDIN) You can pass the Xerox data stream as standard input to file  
descriptor zero.  
fd1 (STDOUT)  
You can instruct InfoPrint XT to write the AFP data stream that  
results from conversion to file descriptor one.  
fd2 (STDERR)  
InfoPrint XT writes messages from the conversion process to  
standard error.  
Return codes from the pdxtx2afp command  
Return codes from the pdxtx2afp command have these meanings:  
The command successfully produced one or more AFP pages.  
The parameter list for the command contains arguments that are  
not valid.  
The parameter list for the command contains too many arguments.  
A parameter is missing.  
The command converted the job, but it produced no pages because  
of a non-zero return code from an associated subcommand.  
The command converted the job, but it produced no pages.  
Associated subcommands had return codes of zero.  
64 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Any other return codes that are not in this list are return codes  
from C functions. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — +  
Examples: pdxtx2afp command  
These are examples of pdxtx2afp commands for conversion and scanning tasks:  
v In this example, the Xerox job and all files that the pdxtx2afp command  
generates are in the C:\Inputdata\Jobs\51230 directory. The resources for the  
job are in the InfoPrint XT common resource library:  
pdxtx2afp -i C:\Inputdata\Jobs\51230\103355000 -o C:\Inputdata\Jobs\51230\103355000.afp  
-r %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common -w C:Inputdata\Jobs\51230  
-x "xjdl=lbb xjde=pay xcc=machine xclb=none xrecfm=variable xlrecl=32760"  
2> C:\Inputdata\Jobs\51230\conversion.log  
v In this example, the Xerox job is in the current directory. The resources are  
loaded in the resource library for the resource group named payroll (the JDL for  
the job must be loaded before InfoPrint XT can scan the job successfully). The  
conversion process only scans the job for the resources that it requires, as  
specified by the xconvert=no conversion parameter. InfoPrint XT does not  
produce an AFP file for the job. The x2afp.lst section of the file scanlist contains  
the names of the resources that the job requires:  
pdxtx2afp -i .\103355000 -r %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\payroll  
-x "xjdl=lbb xjde=pay xcc=machine xclb=none xrecfm=variable xlrecl=32760  
xconvert=no xafprc=12" 2> .\scanlist  
Processing jobs that contain FILE DJDE commands  
In the Xerox environment, the use of FILE DJDE commands is a common method  
of updating the resources that are on the printer. InfoPrint XT supports jobs that  
include FILE DJDE commands; you do not have to specify any special conversion  
parameters to process jobs that contain them.  
InfoPrint XT loads the resource that each FILE DJDE specifies in a resource group  
or in a specific directory location. You control the resource group or location in  
which InfoPrint XT loads the resources when you submit the job for conversion.  
When you submit the job with the pdxtx2afp command, you can use the -g or the  
-r command option to specify the group or location. When you use the pdpr  
command in a combined InfoPrint Manager and InfoPrint XT installation, the  
search-path hierarchy determines where InfoPrint XT loads the resources. See  
The P or D storage parameter of the FILE DJDE command determines how long  
InfoPrint XT retains the files that it generates during the resource-load process in  
the resource group or location:  
v FILE DJDE commands that use the P storage parameter specify that the  
associated resources are permanent resources. They remain on the system after  
the job that specifies them finishes. Permanent resources are then available to  
subsequent jobs that specify the same resource group or location.  
v FILE DJDE commands that use the D storage parameter indicate that the  
associated resources are temporary. InfoPrint XT embeds all temporary resources  
inline in the AFP data stream that it generates for the job. It then deletes copies  
of the temporary resource files from the resource group or location after the job  
finishes conversion. Therefore, subsequent jobs cannot use them.  
Chapter 5. Submitting Xerox jobs for data stream conversion 65  
There might be occasions when you want to embed some or all the permanent  
resources inline with the AFP data stream for the job. InfoPrint XT provides the  
xinlr conversion parameter, which you can use to specify which permanent  
resources you want InfoPrint XT to embed. You can specify one or more types of  
printable resources, such as AFP page segments and AFP character sets. You can  
also specify that InfoPrint XT embeds all types of printable resources. For the  
syntax of the xinlr conversion parameter, see page 96.  
Processing limitations  
In the Xerox environment, the printer can only process one job at a time. Because  
InfoPrint XT can convert jobs simultaneously, a limitation exists that applies to  
concurrently processing jobs that use FILE DJDEs. If you have several jobs that  
specify the same resource group or location, do not submit them at the same time.  
Unpredictable results can occur.  
Do not submit a job that uses FILE DJDEs to load two different resources with the  
same name. For example, if the first report in the job loads one version of the  
image abc.img and the second report loads another version of abc.img,  
unpredictable results can occur.  
Including resource-load messages for FILE DJDE jobs  
The default is that InfoPrint XT does not include messages about the resources that  
it loads from FILE DJDE commands. You can instruct InfoPrint XT to include  
resource-load messages in the x2afp.lst file for the job by setting an environment  
variable. See:  
Processing jobs that contain stapling commands  
You can process jobs that contain Xerox stapling commands with InfoPrint XT.  
Xerox OUTPUT STAPLE PDL commands, combined with FACEUP and NTO1  
commands, specify stapling actions. InfoPrint XT supports these combinations of  
the three commands:  
InfoPrint XT provides these conversion parameters that you can specify with the  
job to control stapling: xhonorstaple, xstaplemax, xstapleorient, and  
xstaplesysgen. For more information about these parameters, see Appendix A,  
1. Some restrictions apply when InfoPrint XT processes jobs that contain stapling  
commands. See page 7.  
2. Always review the documentation for your particular printer for the latest  
information about features and capabilities. For example, stapling capacities  
and supported media differ between printer models. See these publications:  
v InfoPrint 2190, 2210, & 2235 Printers (MT 2707): Planning Guide, G550-0952  
v InfoPrint 2060ES/2075ES/2090ES/2105ES: Finishing Guide for Printing, S544-5845  
v InfoPrint 70 Plus: Introduction and Planning Guide, GA18-7726  
v InfoPrint 70: Introduction and Planning Guide, G544-5869  
66 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS  
This chapter describes how to set up and use Download for z/OS to submit Xerox  
jobs for processing by InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT).  
Download for z/OS is a communications mechanism that sends jobs to InfoPrint  
Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager). It is a separately orderable feature of  
IBM Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS. When you use Download for z/OS to  
send jobs for processing by InfoPrint XT, you use these major components:  
1. The first component is Download for z/OS. It operates as an output writer, or  
functional subsystem application, of the job entry subsystem (JES). The output  
writer sends the output data sets to remote systems on the TCP/IP network.  
2. The second component is part of InfoPrint Manager. MVS Download receivers  
receive data sets from the output writer on z/OS. You create MVS Download  
receivers through the InfoPrint Manager Management Console.  
3. The third component is a download program that the InfoPrint Manager MVS  
Download receiver calls. This program is typically specific to the data stream in  
v InfoPrint Manager provides two sample exit routines for use with  
MO:DCA-P data without inline resources, line data, and mixed mode data  
sets. One of the exit routines is written in Microsoft Visual Basic, and the  
other is written in Microsoft Visual C++. The associated file names begin  
with mvsdsubm.  
v InfoPrint XT provides a program that receives Xerox Line Conditioned Data  
Stream (LCDS) and metacode jobs. The program name is pdxtdownload.  
For more information about the output writer on z/OS, see Print Services Facility  
for z/OS: Download for z/OS, S544-5624. For more information about MVS Download  
receivers and the mvsdsubm exit-routine files, see the InfoPrint Manager  
documentation. “Bibliography” on page 171 lists InfoPrint Manager publications.  
1. You cannot use the download support that InfoPrint XT provides in  
installations that do not have InfoPrint Manager installed.  
2. For information about using download functions, see the pdxt_download man  
page that InfoPrint XT provides. Enter this command:  
pdxtman pdxt_download  
What the InfoPrint XT pdxtdownload program does  
The InfoPrint XT pdxtdownload program receives Xerox LCDS and metacode jobs.  
It then submits them to InfoPrint Manager using the pdpr command. During job  
processing, pdxtdownload merges data sets for jobs that contain more than one  
data set and translates z/OS job information to InfoPrint Manager attributes.  
1. You do not have to use pdxtdownload to receive Xerox LCDS and metacode  
jobs. You can write your own program, or you can modify the InfoPrint  
Manager mvsdsubm exit routines.  
2. The pdxtdownload program does not automatically set the document-format,  
other-transform-options, and resource-context attributes. You must define these  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
externally. For example, you can use an attribute mapping file to set the  
attributes based on the characteristics of the job. See “Using JCL parameters to  
3. You can use the pdxtdownload program to receive other data streams, such as  
PCL and PostScript jobs. This publication does not describe how to process  
PCL or PostScript jobs. Also, if you use the default setting of YES for the  
SEND_REC_LENGTH parameter on z/OS, z/OS adds a 2-byte length field to  
the beginning of each record. This prevents InfoPrint Manager from correctly  
recognizing the data format as PCL or PostScript.  
Note: Use a setting of SEND_REC_LENGTH=YES for Xerox data sets and set  
the xrecfm conversion parameter for the jobs to variable on the  
Windows system.  
Setting up Download for z/OS  
Print Services Facility for z/OS: Download for z/OS, S544-5624, contains detailed  
information about installing and configuring Download for z/OS. Use this as a  
checklist to make sure that the required tasks are done:  
1. Create one or more Download for z/OS functional subsystems (FSSs) on z/OS.  
You can then route jobs to Download for z/OS using routine methods for  
routing jobs to printers. For example, you can route them through the output  
class or the destination.  
2. Create a routing-control data set that specifies to Download for z/OS the  
TCP/IP address and port number of the Windows system. The port number  
must be the same as the port number that you use when you create the MVS  
Download receiver on the Windows system. Figure 6 shows a sample  
routing-control data set:  
/**** Route data sets with destination PRT01 or PRT02 **********  
/* All data sets with destination PRT01 or PRT02  
/* and a CLASS of Q  
/* Send to the Windows system with this IP address  
/* at this port number  
/**** Routing Criteria 2 ***********************  
/* All data sets with CLASS R  
/* and with form name BILLS  
/* or form name RECEIPTS  
/* Send to the Windows system with this IP address  
/* at this port number  
/* Retry 3 times if transmission fails  
/* Wait 60 seconds between retries  
Figure 6. Sample z/OS routing-control data set  
3. Set up the Download for z/OS Print Parameters Exit 15, either APSUX15 or  
APSUC15, as required for the installation. If you process jobs that contain more  
than one data set, you must make sure that the exit passes the output group  
identifier with the -opa parameter. The OUTGRP parameter specifies the  
output group identifier as FIRST, NEXT, or LAST.  
4. Start the Download for z/OS FSS on z/OS.  
68 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Creating InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receivers  
When you create an InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver through the  
InfoPrint Manager Management Console, you specify pdxtdownload as the exit  
program name. This causes the receiver to call pdxtdownload for each job that it  
receives. See the InfoPrint Manager publications for detailed information about  
creating MVS Download receivers. This is an abbreviated version of the steps, with  
information that is pertinent to InfoPrint XT:  
1. Open the InfoPrint Manager Management Console.  
2. From the menu bar, click EditNewMVS Download Receiver. The Add MVS  
Receiver dialog opens.  
3. In the Port Number field, enter the port number that you want this receiver to  
use when it communicates with the host system. This is the same number that  
you used for the Windows system when you updated the routing-control data  
set on z/OS. See Figure 6 on page 68.  
4. Select a logical destination for the Target Destination field. The logical  
destination must send jobs to an actual destination that is configured for use  
with InfoPrint XT. For more information, see “Using the pdxtsetdest command  
5. You can accept the default for the Destination Control File field. InfoPrint XT  
does not use information from this file. Instead, it uses its own file to automatically assign InfoPrint Manager document  
Note: The default destination control file that InfoPrint Manager provides  
causes the MVS Download receiver to use the DEST value for the job as  
the name of the logical destination. To specify a different logical  
destination, you can use the -q download directive, or you can set the  
destination-name-requested attribute in the attribute mapping file. See  
6. In the Exit Program Name field, enter the drive, path, and file name for  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\bin\pdxtdownload.exe  
You can use the Browse function rather than typing the path.  
Note: If you installed InfoPrint XT in a directory other than the default  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT directory, specify that path  
7. If you process jobs that contain several data sets and you want to merge the  
data sets, disable parallel processing. Clear the Enable parallel processing  
check box. For more information, see “Processing jobs that contain more than  
8. Clear the Retain command files check box. If you leave this selected, the  
receiver retains the JCL files for jobs, and you must manually discard them.  
9. Click OK to create and start the receiver.  
Note: When InfoPrint Manager creates the MVS Download receiver, it creates a  
working directory for the receiver. This directory is C:\Program  
Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\var\pd\mvsd\Receiver n. n is a unique  
number for the receiver. InfoPrint XT uses this directory to store certain files  
that relate to download processing.  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 69  
Using JCL parameters to assign InfoPrint Manager attributes  
When an MVS Download receiver receives a data set and calls the pdxtdownload  
program, it passes a series of options and values. Some of the values, such as the  
job title, come from the job control language (JCL) statements that submitted the  
data set. Other values, such as the job identifier, come from z/OS itself.  
The pdxtdownload program translates most of these options to InfoPrint Manager  
attributes. Table 10 shows how pdxtdownload uses the options and values that it  
receives from the receiver.  
Table 10. InfoPrint Manager attribute assignments when using the pdxtdownload program  
Information from  
Receiver options that InfoPrint Manager attributes that  
z/OS that passes to pass to  
the MVS Download pdxtdownload  
pdxtdownload assigns  
-opa OUTGRP  
Not applicable  
-opa class  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
-opa destination  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
-opa forms  
Job ID  
Not applicable  
-opa jobid  
Job Name  
70 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Table 10. InfoPrint Manager attribute assignments when using the pdxtdownload  
program (continued)  
Node ID  
Not applicable  
Not applicable1  
Not applicable1  
Not applicable1  
other attributes  
Not applicable  
-opa segmentid  
Source File  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
Not applicable  
User ID  
1. These apply to AFP (MO:DCA-P) data sets. They do not apply to Xerox jobs.  
2. This applies when you use the -m none download directive. See “Using  
3. This applies when you use the -q ldest download directive.  
4. This applies when you use the -q ldest or -q attr download directives.  
For jobs with more than one data set, pdxtdownload uses only the options from  
the last data set for the job. It ignores options for all preceding data sets.  
Creating an attribute mapping file  
InfoPrint XT can automatically assign InfoPrint Manager attributes to a job based  
on criteria that you specify. You specify the criteria in an attribute mapping file.  
The default attribute mapping file is It is in the  
%PDXTWORKDIR% directory. You can specify a different file with the -a  
download directive; see page 74.  
The attribute mapping file contains attribute groups. An attribute group consists of  
one or more expressions and one or more attribute-and-value pairs. The  
expressions are in the form keyword=value. They specify the criteria to match. When  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 71  
a job matches the criteria, InfoPrint XT assigns the attribute-and-value pairs that  
follow the expression to the job. When you edit an attribute mapping file, make  
sure that the expressions start in the first column of the file. Precede  
attribute-and-value pairs by one or more blank spaces. Put each  
attribute-and-value pair on a separate line. For example:  
These rules apply to attribute mapping files:  
v The keywords that you can use in the expressions are the same as the MVS  
Download receiver options shown in the middle column of Table 10 on page 70.  
The -opa option is further split into these individual keywords:  
v You can use the special keyword-and-value pair *=* to specify that the attribute  
group applies to all jobs.  
v Do not include spaces between a keyword and value. Do not include spaces in  
the value itself.  
v Values for the keywords can be any string. The value can include the wildcard  
characters ? and *. The question mark matches any single character. The asterisk  
matches any number of characters.  
v Both keywords and values are case-sensitive.  
v You cannot use wildcard characters to define the keyword to match. For  
example, -ooffx* is not valid for matching both the -ooffxb and -ooffxf  
v The attribute mapping file can contain blank lines and comment lines, which  
InfoPrint XT ignores. Comment lines start with a number sign, #.  
v You cannot include comments on keyword lines or on attribute lines.  
v Two or more keywords on a single line represent an and condition. Jobs must  
match all the keywords to use the associated attributes.  
v Two or more keywords on separate lines represent an or condition. Jobs can  
match any one of the keywords to use the associated attributes.  
v InfoPrint XT checks all attribute groups in the file. A job can match the criteria  
for more than one group and thereby use attributes from several groups. The  
associated attribute-and-value pairs can complement or override each other; if  
several groups specify the same attribute, InfoPrint XT uses the last occurrence  
of the attribute.  
Figure 7 on page 73 shows examples of various types of attribute groups.  
72 InfoPrint XT Guide  
# All jobs contain Xerox data streams  
# Send all jobs from userid SMITH to logical  
# destination smith and limit them to 10 pages  
# Class D jobs, class E jobs, and any jobs with #  
# names that start with INV use resources from  
# %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\inventory  
resource-context=C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\resources\inventory  
# Jobs with class D and forms INSURE use resources from  
# C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\insurance #  
class=D forms=INSURE  
resource-context=C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\insurance  
Figure 7. Completed attribute mapping file  
You can also use substitute values from the MVS Download receiver options in  
expressions. A substitute value is a keyword that you delimit with a leading and  
trailing pair of percent signs. This is an example of how to use a substitute value:  
# Use the FORMS value as the resource group  
# for all jobs  
resource-context=C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\%%forms%%  
In this example, if FORMS=BLUE is specified for the job on z/OS, InfoPrint XT  
assigns this InfoPrint Manager attribute to the job:  
resource-context=C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\BLUE  
If InfoPrint XT does not recognize the substitute value, it passes the  
attribute-and-value pair to InfoPrint Manager exactly as it is in the attribute  
mapping file.  
Processing jobs that contain more than one data set  
For jobs that contain several data sets, Download for z/OS sends each data set  
separately to the MVS Download receiver. In turn, the receiver calls the  
pdxtdownload program once for each data set.  
If you use the -m 1document, -m 1jobcop, or -m 1jobdup download directive,  
pdxtdownload can submit the data sets to InfoPrint Manager as a single job. You  
must do these tasks if you use any of the directives that cause pdxtdownload to  
merge the data sets:  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 73  
v You must install Print Parameters Exit 15 on z/OS. This causes the output writer  
to include sequence information with the data sets as it sends them. You can use  
either APSUX15 or APSUC15. PSF for z/OS provides these exits.  
v On the Windows system, make sure that you disable parallel processing when  
you create the InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver. If the receiver that  
you want to use to receive jobs that contain several data sets has parallel  
processing enabled, delete the receiver and re-create it.  
If you use the -m 1document download directive, all the data sets in the job must  
use the same type of carriage control. If one or more of the data sets uses a  
different type of carriage control, you can use the -p download directive to convert  
the carriage controls. For information about the directive, see page 76.  
Using download directives  
InfoPrint XT provides download directives that you can use to control some  
aspects of the overall download process. For example, you can use a download  
directive to tell InfoPrint XT how to handle jobs that contain more than one data  
InfoPrint XT provides these download directives:  
Specifies the name of an attribute mapping file. The default mapping file is It is in the %PDXTWORKDIR% directory. You can  
change the mapping file with the -a directive. The file that you specify  
must already exist. It can be in any directory. Include the path with the file  
name. For more information, see “Creating an attribute mapping file” on  
Specifies how pdxtdownload builds the InfoPrint Manager job-comment  
pdxtdownload stores all the MVS Download receiver options in  
the job-comment attribute for the job. This is the default.  
jobid pdxtdownload stores the z/OS job identifier in the job-comment  
attribute for the job.  
none pdxtdownload does not set the job-comment attribute for the job.  
This multi-valued directive specifies the debug options for the  
pdxdownload program. If you specify more than one value, separate the  
values with commas:  
Discards attributes files, *.att, and data set list files, *.dsl, after  
submitting jobs to InfoPrint Manager. This is one of the defaults.  
Keeps attributes files and data set list files after submitting jobs to  
InfoPrint Manager.  
Discards job data files after submitting jobs to InfoPrint Manager.  
This is one of the defaults.  
Keeps job data files after submitting jobs to InfoPrint Manager.  
Submits jobs to InfoPrint Manager. This is one of the defaults.  
74 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Does not submit jobs to InfoPrint Manager.  
Note: Use this download directive only at the direction of a technical  
support representative.  
Controls whether pdxtdownload adds the z/OS job identifier as a prefix to  
the input file name before it submits the job to InfoPrint Manager:  
pdxtdownload adds the z/OS job identifier to the input file name.  
This is the default.  
pdxtdownload does not add the z/OS job identifier to the input  
file name.  
Specifies what pdxtdownload writes to the receiver log. For more  
error pdxtdownload writes information to the receiver log for any jobs  
that had errors. It does not write information for jobs that  
completed processing successfully. This is the default.  
pdxtdownload writes information to the receiver log for all jobs.  
none pdxtdownload does not write information to the receiver log.  
Specifies how InfoPrint XT handles jobs that contain several data sets:  
pdxtdownload submits the data sets to InfoPrint Manager as a  
single job that contains a single document. Use this directive for  
Xerox LCDS and metacode data sets.  
pdxtdownload creates the single document by concatenating all the  
data sets together in a single file. If the JCL specified a number of  
copies, the file contains the copies.  
1document is the default.  
pdxtdownload submits the data sets to InfoPrint Manager as a  
single job that contains one document for each data set. If the JCL  
specified a number of copies, pdxtdownload sets the copy-count  
document attribute. Use this directive for data sets that contain  
data streams other than Xerox LCDS or metacode, such as PCL or  
PostScript data sets.  
1. This publication does not go into detail about processing PCL  
or PostScript jobs. Also, make sure that z/OS does not prepend  
record-length information to each record in the job. InfoPrint  
Manager recognizes PCL and PostScript data by the values in  
the first bytes of the job. Record-length information prevents  
InfoPrint Manager from correctly identifying the type of data.  
2. Because Xerox data streams are record-oriented, they require  
record-length information to distinguish between the individual  
records, if the records vary in length. Non-Xerox data streams,  
such as PCL and PostScript, are stream-oriented, so record  
lengths corrupt the data stream.  
pdxtdownload submits the data sets to InfoPrint Manager as a  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 75  
single job that contains one document for each copy of each data  
set. Use this directive for data sets that contain data streams other  
than Xerox LCDS or metacode, such as PCL or PostScript data sets.  
none pdxtdownload submits each individual data set to InfoPrint  
Manager as a separate job that contains a single document. If the  
JCL specified a number of copies, pdxtdownload sets the  
results-profile attribute for the job.  
Note: pdxtdownload always processes jobs that contain a single data set  
as though the -m none command option is in effect.  
Specifies how pdxtdownload pre-processes data sets as it receives them.  
For Xerox LCDS and metacode jobs, you might need to pre-process the  
data sets before InfoPrint XT can process them. For example, if you merge  
multi-dataset jobs together as a single job, make sure that all data sets use  
the same type of carriage control.  
The operands for the -p directive consist of keyword=value pairs. You can  
specify more than one operand with the directive; separate operands with  
Specifies whether pdxtdownload converts ISO/ANSI carriage  
controls to machine carriage controls:  
pdxtdownload does not convert the carriage controls. This  
is the default.  
pdxtdownload converts the carriage controls for  
multi-dataset jobs.  
pdxtdownload converts the carriage controls for all jobs.  
Note: If you do not transfer online Xerox jobs from z/OS with  
Download for z/OS and the jobs contain both ANSI and  
machine code carriage controls, the AFP that InfoPrint XT  
generates can be wrong. You can use the xpcctest conversion  
parameter to process online jobs with mixed carriage  
controls that you transfer through methods other than  
Download for z/OS. See page 99.  
Specifies whether pdxtdownload adds machine carriage controls to  
data sets that have none:  
pdxtdownlad does not add machine carriage controls. This  
is the default.  
pdxtdownload adds machine carriage controls to  
multi-dataset jobs.  
pdxtdownload adds machine carriage controls to all jobs.  
Specifies whether pdxtdownload adds a skip-to-channel-one  
carriage control to the beginning of data sets that do not have one:  
76 InfoPrint XT Guide  
pdxtdownload does not add skip-to-channel-one carriage  
controls. This is the default.  
pdxtdownload adds skip-to-channel-one carriage controls  
to multi-dataset jobs.  
pdxtdownload adds skip-to-channel-one carriage controls  
to all jobs.  
Note: pdxtdownload adds skip-to-channel-one carriage controls  
only to data sets that you process with the a2m and addmcc  
operands. If you specify a2m=none and addmcc=none,  
pdxtdownload ignores the addskip operand.  
Specifies whether pdxtdownload counts records:  
pdxtdownload does not count records. This is the default.  
pdxtdownload counts records.  
When you specify countrec=yes to cause pdxtdownload to count  
records and pages, InfoPrint XT sets the InfoPrint Manager  
record-count and page-count document attributes. pdxtdownload  
counts pages by counting the number of records that have a  
skip-to-channel-one carriage control. If it does not find any  
skip-to-channel-one carriage controls, it does not set the  
page-count attribute. The number of skip-to-channel-one carriage  
controls does not always reflect the true number of pages in the  
data stream when the job prints. InfoPrint XT sets the page-count  
attribute to the true number of pages when it converts Xerox LCDS  
and metacode jobs to AFP. Operators can use the page-count value  
that pdxtdownload sets to estimate the size of the printed output  
for workflow purposes.  
1. pdxtdownload honors countrec=yes only when the resulting  
job contains a single document.  
2. At the point that pdxtdownload sets the initial value of the  
page-count attribute, it does not try to distinguish logical pages  
from physical pages.  
3. If you have multi-dataset jobs and their carriage controls are  
not consistent, specify the -p directive with these operands:  
-p a2m=multi,addmcc=multi,addskip=multi  
Specifies how pdxtdownload interprets the PRTQUEUE value from z/OS:  
ldest pdxtdownload uses the first word of the value for the  
destination-name-requested attribute. It passes any remaining text  
as InfoPrint Manager attributes. This is the default.  
For example, if the PRTQUEUE statement has this value:  
PRTQUEUE='IP4000 initial-value-document=dfault'  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 77  
pdxtdownload passes both the destination-name-requested  
attribute and the initial-value-document attribute.  
pdxtdownload uses the entire value as InfoPrint Manager  
attributes. For example, if the PRTQUEUE statement has this  
PRTQUEUE='room-text=B12-4 title-text=DRAFT'  
pdxtdownload passes the room-text and title-text attributes to  
InfoPrint Manager.  
ignore pdxtdownload ignores the PRTQUEUE value.  
Enabling download directives  
You can enable download directives using one or both of these methods:  
PDXTDOWNLOAD_DIRECTIVES environment variable  
Download directives defined by the PDXTDOWNLOAD_DIRECTIVES  
environment variable apply to any data set that pdxtdownload receives  
while the environment variable is in effect. If you set the environment  
variable as a system variable, it is available to all user accounts on the  
Windows system. If you set it as a user variable, it is only available to the  
user account from which you set the variable. For more information about  
setting environment variables, see “Setting environment variables” on page  
1. After you add the environment variable, log out of Windows and log  
back in to pick up the change.  
2. You must stop and restart the InfoPrint Manager MVS Download  
%PDXTWORKDIR%\pdxtdownload.directives file  
Download directives defined in the pdxtdownload.directives file can apply  
to any data set that pdxtdownload receives, or they can apply to data sets  
received on a specific port number. For example:  
# Port 6001:  
# - Do not merge jobs with more than one dataset  
6001: -m none  
# All ports:  
# - Do not prepend the job identifier to input file names  
*: -j no  
pdxtdownload file naming conventions  
These topics describe the various file naming conventions that the pdxtdownload  
program uses during job processing.  
Input data sets  
The InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver uses this file naming convention  
for data sets that it receives from z/OS:  
pdxtdownload always adds a data set sequence number to the end of the input file  
name. As an option, it can also add the z/OS job identifier to the beginning of the  
file name. The resulting file name convention looks like this:  
78 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Note: For single-data set jobs, the data set sequence number is always 0.  
Receiver log  
The file name of the receiver log is pdxtdownload.portnumber.log. portnumber is the  
port number that you specified when you created the InfoPrint Manager MVS  
Download receiver. The receiver log is in the directory for the MVS Download  
receiver. The receiver log contains information about the download process, such  
as the information sent from z/OS to the receiver for the job, download directives  
that are in effect, and the information that the pdxtdownload program passed to  
InfoPrint Manager. The log also contains error information that you can use for  
diagnostic purposes. This is an example of the type of information that the receiver  
log contains:  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 79  
5016-701 2007-11-11 13:48:31 MDT (ppid 1/pid 1355) port=6001 - receipt started  
5016-711 Download arguments:  
i_inpfile = DEVL.WALLINGK.STEPAAAA.XPORT.2004232.13482935529.PRD  
i_options = -odatat=line -ofileformat=record -occ=yes -occtype=a -ochars=GF10 -opagedef=P1A06462  
-of=F1A10110 -ocop=001 -odatac=block -ojobn=WALLINGK -ous=WALLING -ono=BLDPDEVL -opr=KATHYWALLING-WAITE  
-oprtqueue=KW7007-ld -opa=forms=XPORT,class=J,destination=BALLA,jobid=JOB00403,OUTGRP=FIRST  
i_queue = balla  
5016-721 Download directives (/dev/fs/C/Program Files/IBM/var/pdxt/pdxtdownload.directives):  
-l = "all"  
-p = "a2m=all,addmcc=all,addskip=all,countrec=yes"  
-j = "yes"  
-d = "files,jobs"  
5016-731 Command: cat JOB00403.DEVL.WALLINGK.STEPAAAA.XPORT.2004232.13482935529.PRD.1 >>  
5016-732 rc = 0  
5016-702 2007-08-19 13:48:31 MDT (ppid 1/pid 1355) port=6001 (rc 0) - receipt ended  
5016-701 2007-08-19 13:48:32 MDT (ppid 1/pid 1291) port=6001 - receipt started  
5016-711 Download arguments:  
i_inpfile = DEVL.WALLINGK.STEPAAAM.XPORT.2004232.13482955238.PRD  
i_options = -odatat=line -ofileformat=record -occ=yes -occtype=m -ochars=GF10 -opagedef=P1A06462  
-of=F1A10110 -ocop=001 -odatac=block -ojobn=WALLINGK -ous=WALLING -ono=BLDPDEVL -opr=KATHYWALLING-WAITE  
-oprtqueue=KW7007-ld -opa=forms=XPORT,class=J,destination=BALLA,jobid=JOB00403,OUTGRP=LAST  
i_queue = balla  
5016-721 Download directives (/dev/fs/C/Program Files/IBM/var/pdxt/pdxtdownload.directives):  
-l = "all"  
-p = "a2m=all,addmcc=all,addskip=all,countrec=yes"  
-j = "yes"  
-d = "files,jobs"  
5016-731 Command: cat JOB00403.DEVL.WALLINGK.STEPAAAM.XPORT.2004232.13482955238.PRD.2 >>  
5016-732 rc = 0  
5016-731 Command: pdpr -g -r brief -X pdxtdownload.6001.att -Z pdxtdownload.6001.dsl < /dev/null >&2  
5016-732 rc = 1  
pdpr: 5010-625 Cannot recognize attribute detsination-name-requested.  
5016-707 pdxtdownload.6001.att:  
job-=’-odatat=line -ofileformat=record -occ=yes -occtype=m -ochars=GF10 -opagedef=P1A06462 -of=F1A  
-ocop=001 -odatac=block -ojobn=WALLINGK -ous=WALLING -ono=BLDPDEVL -opr=KATHYWALLING-WAITE -oprtqueue=KW7007-ld  
-opa=forms=XPORT,class=J,destination=BALLA,jobid=JOB00403,OUTGRP=LAST ’  
5016-707 pdxtdownload.6001.dsl:  
-n 1  
-f JOB00403.DEVL.WALLINGK.STEPAAAM.XPORT.2004232.13482955238.PRD.2  
5016-702 2007-11-11 13:48:32 MDT (ppid 1/pid 1291) port=6001 (rc 1) - receipt ended  
Figure 8. Sample Download receiver log  
Note: InfoPrint XT only includes a 5016-707 message, which lists the contents of  
the pdxtdownload.port.att file, if pdpr errors occur.  
80 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Temporary files  
pdxtdownload uses several temporary files. The temporary files are in the  
directory for the MVS Download receiver. The names of these files all use the  
format pdxtdownload.*.extension:  
v The value of * depends on whether pdxtdownload merges data sets for jobs that  
contain several data sets. If pdxtdownload merges data sets, the value is the  
port number on which the data set was received. If pdxtdownload does not  
merge data sets, the value is pidnnnnn. pidnnnnn is the pdxtdownload process  
v The value of extension is one of these:  
Contains the document and job attributes. When pdxtdownload submits  
the job to InfoPrint Manager, it specifies this file with the pdpr -X  
command option.  
Contains the data sets for the job. It only exists when you use the -m  
1document download directive to merge data sets for jobs that contain  
several data sets.  
Contains record and page-count information.  
Contains the pdpr command options that specify the number of copies  
to print and the files that make up the individual documents of the job.  
The -n command option specifies the number of copies. The -f command  
option specifies the file name. The dsl file contains two lines for each  
document in the job:  
-n copies_for_document_A  
-f document_A  
-n copies_for_document_B  
-f document_B  
When pdxtdownload submits the job to InfoPrint Manager, it specifies  
the dsl file with the pdpr -Z command option.  
joblog Contains pdxtdownload messages for a given job. After pdxtdownload  
receives all the data sets for a job, it moves the contents of this file to the  
receiver log.  
Unless an unrecoverable error occurs, pdxtdownload removes all the temporary  
files except the receiver log.  
These restrictions apply when you use the pdxtdownload program:  
v Do not use pdxtdownload to receive AFP (MO:DCA-P) data streams. Use the  
InfoPrint Manager mvsdsubm exit routines for this instead.  
v If you use an InfoPrint Manager 2000 DSS, you must add these attributes to the  
document-attributes-supported attribute of the InfoPrint Manager 2000 actual  
v Do not create an MVS Download receiver with command-file retention enabled.  
Enabling this option causes the receiver to retain the JCL files for jobs. You must  
manually discard these files; no mechanism exists to remove them automatically.  
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 81  
82 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT  
This chapter describes how to diagnose and correct problems when you transform  
Xerox jobs with InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT). It also describes  
customer responsibilities for problem determination and how to place a service call  
to report a problem.  
Note: Some topics in this chapter use the term ServerName_JobIdentifier. In  
combined InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager) and InfoPrint  
XT installations, ServerName_JobIdentifier is the InfoPrint Manager job  
identifier. The job identifier consists of the name of the InfoPrint Manager  
server that processed the job, followed by an underscore and a 10-digit  
Problem determination: The job resulted in some type of printed  
If you experience problems when you process Xerox jobs, you can begin diagnostic  
testing by determining whether you received any type of printed output for the  
job. Printed output is anything that prints for the job, including an InfoPrint XT  
error sheet. For installations that use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, printed  
output includes an InfoPrint Manager header page or an InfoPrint Manager error  
page. Review the topics in this section if the job resulted in printed output:  
Did the job print, but the pages of the job contained printing errors?  
Printing errors on the pages of the job might include data placed at the  
wrong position on the page or Xerox control information, such as DJDE  
statements, that print as part of the job data. First, verify the Xerox-specific  
conversion parameters and values for the job. See Appendix A,  
Note: Whether InfoPrint XT creates Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)  
output for a Xerox job that has errors in the conversion parameters  
depends on the severity of the errors. Appendix D, “Resource utility  
page 121 describes error severities.  
If you use InfoPrint Manager, also verify that the value of the  
document-format attribute for the job is either lcds or metacode. If the  
attribute specifies a different format, and depending on what that format  
is, you might receive printed output that is completely incorrect. For  
example, if the value is ascii for a Xerox job, the printed output might be  
unreadable. If the job is still on the system, you can issue this command to  
determine the document format specified for the job:  
pdls -c job -r document-format ServerName_JobIdentifier  
If the job is not on the system, submit it again and specify the InfoPrint  
Manager job-hold=true attribute. InfoPrint Manager accepts the job, but  
does not continue to process it. You can then query for the value of the  
document-format attribute. This example shows how you can submit a job  
from the command line and specify the job-hold attribute. The example  
assumes that the logical destination supplies all other attributes and  
conversion parameters for the job:  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
pdpr -p ldest -x job-hold=true drive:\path\jobname  
Note: An incorrect document format value can also result in no printed  
Did an InfoPrint Manager header page and an InfoPrint XT error sheet print?  
InfoPrint XT generates an error sheet if it cannot create any AFP pages for  
the Xerox job. The error sheet prints after the InfoPrint Manager header  
page and includes messages from the transform process. See “Diagnostic  
If the InfoPrint XT error sheet printed, use the information that it contains  
to do diagnostic tasks. Some common things that you can check for include  
whether you specified the correct Xerox JDE and JDL pair for the job. You  
must provide the same Xerox START command information to InfoPrint  
XT that you enter at a Xerox printer. The JDL= and JDE= parameters in  
the x2afp.lst section of the error sheet that InfoPrint XT produces identify  
the starting JDE and JDL pair that InfoPrint XT used. Also, make sure that  
all values specified with the other-transform-options document attribute  
are correct. Then, verify that you have loaded the JDL and all other  
resources that the job requires on the system. See Chapter 4, “Loading  
Verify that the path you specified with the resource-context attribute is  
correct. This path specifies the location of the converted, AFP resources for  
the job. InfoPrint XT also uses this path to determine the location of the  
metrics files for the resources, which it uses in data stream conversion.  
Did an InfoPrint Manager header page and an InfoPrint Manager error page  
print? An InfoPrint Manager error page contains messages that begin with the  
prefixes 0420 through 0425, and 5010. A common cause of InfoPrint  
Manager errors is specifying the incorrect path to the AFP resources for the  
job. InfoPrint Manager uses the resources when the job actually prints. Use  
the InfoPrint Manager pdmsg command to determine the cause of the  
problem. For example, if the error page included error message 0423-311,  
enter this command:  
pdmsg 0423-311  
Were none of the previous items true?  
If none of the previous items were true, continue with combined InfoPrint  
Manager and InfoPrint XT diagnostic tasks. See “Problem determination:  
Problem determination: The job resulted in no printed output  
on page 87 if you submit the job from z/OS using Download for z/OS.  
If you submit a Xerox job and you receive no printed output, including no header  
page and no error sheet, check these items:  
Was the value of the document-format attribute for the job correct?  
For a Xerox job, the value of the document-format attribute must be either  
lcds or metacode. If the value of the attribute specifies another format that  
requires conversion processing by InfoPrint Manager, processing might fail.  
For example, if the document format value for a Xerox job was incorrectly  
specified as line-data, InfoPrint Manager tries to use its line2afp transform  
84 InfoPrint XT Guide  
to convert the job. When it cannot complete the conversion, InfoPrint  
Manager changes the status of the job to held and does not print any of  
the job. You can issue these commands to do diagnostic tests if nothing  
prints for the job:  
v Determine whether InfoPrint Manager still has control of the job and  
determine the job number for the job. Enter:  
pdls -f "job-name=jobname"  
jobname is the actual name of the job. If the job exists, InfoPrint Manager  
returns information that is similar to this:  
skye_289100001 jobname held  
Note: If you do not know the name of the job, you can enter the  
pdls | more  
If many jobs exist on the system, you can use the spacebar to  
advance through the list to locate a specific job. When you locate  
the job, make note of the number in the first column.  
v Determine the document format of the job by entering the pdls  
command and specifying the job number. For example, if the job number  
is 51, enter:  
pdls 51  
InfoPrint Manager returns information that is similar to this:  
Current Intervening Destination Destinations  
Job ID  
--- -------------- -------- ------- ----------- ----------- ------------  
skye_289100001 jobname  
Document File  
-------- --------- -------- -------  
line-data jobname  
The Format field identifies the value of the document-format attribute.  
v Determine the reason for the job state. Enter:  
pdls -r job-state-reasons 51  
InfoPrint Manager returns information that is similar to this:  
skye_289100001: job-state-reasons = rip-failed  
In this example, the value rip-failed indicates that InfoPrint Manager  
tried to do the conversion because the document format was a value  
other than lcds or metacode, which a Xerox job requires. For  
descriptions of any values returned for the job-state-reasons job  
attribute, see InfoPrint Manager: Reference, S544-5475.  
Is the actual destination enabled?  
The actual destination must be enabled and ready to accept jobs. You can  
issue this command to determine if the actual destination is enabled:  
pdls -c destination adestname  
If it is not enabled, you can issue this command to enable it:  
pdenable -c destination adestname  
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT 85  
Note: InfoPrint Manager sets the job state to pending for a job that you  
submit when the actual destination is disabled. You can issue these  
types of pdls commands to determine the job state:  
pdls -f "job-name=jobname"  
pdls jobnumber  
Does the InfoPrint XT configurable transform object exist in the InfoPrint  
Manager server?  
InfoPrint Manager does not automatically provide the InfoPrint XT  
configurable transform object. You must explicitly create the transform  
object during InfoPrint XT installation. See “Creating the InfoPrint XT  
Is the actual destination set up correctly for use with InfoPrint XT?  
Values for the document-formats-supported actual destination attribute  
must include lcds and metacode. The transform-sequence attribute must  
include the x2afp value. You can enter this command to verify that the  
actual destination settings are correct:  
pdls -c destination -r document-formats-supported,transform-sequence adestname  
If the destination settings are correct, the command returns information  
that is similar to this:  
adestname: document-formats-supported = ascii  
= x2afp  
adestname: transform-sequence  
If the actual destination settings are not correct, see “Using the pdxtsetdest  
Is the PATH environment variable set correctly?  
The PATH environment variable must include the path to the InfoPrint XT  
executable software, and to the local subdirectory. Also, you must start the  
InfoPrint Manager server with this path in effect. You can enter the echo  
command from a Windows Command Prompt window to determine if the  
PATH environment variable includes the directories for the InfoPrint XT  
executable software:  
echo %PATH%  
If the PATH is correct, Windows displays information that is similar to  
this. The highlighted portion of the value applies to InfoPrint XT:  
Path=C:\Program Files\IBM\InfoPrint XT\local;C:\Program Files\IBM\InfoPrint XT\bin;  
C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\bin;  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\jre\bin\classic;C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\npmweb;  
86 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Note: The C:\Program Files\IBM\InfoPrint XT portion of the path is the  
default directory in which the InfoPrint XT installation program  
installs files. Depending on the installation, you might have selected  
a different directory during installation.  
If the PATH value does not include the InfoPrint XT executable and local  
directories, update the environment variable through standard Windows  
Next, check the InfoPrint Manager error log to determine if InfoPrint  
Manager has access to the InfoPrint XT executable software. Use the  
InfoPrint Manager Management Console to see the server log, and check  
for messages that are similar to these:  
i 11/11/07 10:25:39 kwwadmin  
i 11/11/07 10:25:39  
i 11/11/07 10:25:39  
Job 32 (KW7007_3934900000,xerox.img.xrxin) is created.  
Job xerox.img.xrxin (KW7007_3934900000) is scheduled to destination PRT01-ad.  
Starting the create request for job 32 in server KW7007.  
The server KW7007 received a ready for job signal request for the destination PRT01-ad.  
Started processing job xerox.img.xrxin (3934900000)  
Running transform x2afp.  
'pdxtx2afp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,  
operable program, or batch file.  
i 11/11/07 10:25:39  
i 11/11/07 10:25:39 kwwadmin  
i 11/11/07 10:25:39 kwwadmin  
X 11/11/07 10:25:41 kwwadmin  
X 11/11/07 10:25:41 kwwadmin  
X 11/11/07 10:25:41 kwwadmin  
System function IPMXFORM returned error number 1.  
The highlighted lines indicate that InfoPrint Manager could not access the  
InfoPrint XT executable software. Shut down the InfoPrint Manager server  
and restart it. You can stop and restart the server through the InfoPrint  
Manager Management Console.  
Does the Windows system have adequate disk drive space and available  
Sufficient space and memory must be available for InfoPrint Manager to  
process the job. Check the disk space by clicking the My Computer icon.  
Right-click on a hard disk drive icon and then open the Properties  
notebook. Check memory usage by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then  
clicking Task Manager. The Performance tab displays memory and CPU  
Problem determination: Processing jobs through Download for z/OS  
Use this section for jobs that you submit from z/OS using Download for z/OS and  
that result in no printed output. If some type of printed output results, see  
Does submitting the job control language (JCL) on z/OS result in a return code  
of 0? Any return code other than 0 indicates that something is wrong with the  
JCL, or something is wrong elsewhere on z/OS. Diagnose the problem on  
the host system and resubmit the job.  
Does the job remain on z/OS after you submit it?  
Examine the SDSF Output Queue Panel on z/OS. If the job displays, it  
means that the job has remained on z/OS. Various conditions on z/OS can  
cause this. Check for these problems:  
v Errors in the routing-control data set. See “Setting up Download for  
z/OS” on page 68. If you use DEST in the routing-control data set, it  
must have the same value as the DEST parameter in the JCL. IPADDR  
must be the same as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the InfoPrint  
Manager system. PORTNUM must be the same as the port number that  
you specified for the InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver.  
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT 87  
v The JCL does not select a z/OS printer. The JCL selects a printer based  
on parameters such as DEST, CLASS, and FORMS. See the SDSF  
Printer Panel on z/OS for a possible printer based on these parameters.  
v You have not drained and restarted the z/OS printer after making  
changes to the routing-control data set. You must drain and restart the  
z/OS printer to pick up any changes you make.  
v The z/OS printer is in a state other than INACTIVE. Examine the SDSF  
Printer Panel to check for this problem. To solve this type of problem,  
restart the printer. The status must be INACTIVE.  
Does the SDSF Held Output Queue Panel contain an entry that indicates the  
This queue contains an entry that corresponds to the job that remained on  
z/OS. Review the entry to help determine the problem.  
Does a problem with the InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver cause the  
job to remain on z/OS?  
On the Windows system, an MVS Download receiver that is not running,  
or that started with incorrect parameter values can cause this problem. Use  
the InfoPrint Manager Management Console to determine the status of the  
Does the job have an entry in the InfoPrint Manager server error log?  
When InfoPrint Manager receives a job, it writes an entry to its server error  
log, which you can access from the InfoPrint Manager Management  
Console. If this occurs, correct any error that the log indicates and resubmit  
the job. If the job still does not print, see “Problem determination: The job  
Does the working directory of the InfoPrint Manager MVS Download receiver  
contain any .PRD or .JCL files for the job?  
Check the C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\var\pd\mvsd\  
Receiver n directory for any files that are associated with the job. There  
might be files whose names are the job name and number, with the  
extension .PRD or .JCL. This can indicate that the receiver had a problem  
when it tried to run the pdxtdownload program. Check these items:  
v Make sure that the path and the file name for the pdxtdownload  
program are specified correctly for the MVS Download receiver.  
v Make sure that the %PDXTINSTDIR%\bin\pdxtdownload.exe file  
Are you using download directive -l none ?  
The value of the -l download directive controls the creation of the receiver  
page 79. Do not use download directive -l none because this prevents  
InfoPrint XT from creating the receiver log. To set or change download  
What is the return code for the job in the receiver log?  
A non-zero return code indicates an error during job processing. A brief  
description of the error accompanies a non-zero return code. Correct the  
error and resubmit the job. If the return code is 0, see “Problem  
88 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Diagnostic and informational files that InfoPrint XT produces  
If InfoPrint XT cannot process the job, only a header page and an error sheet might  
print in place of the job data. If errors exist in the output that InfoPrint XT  
produced, it also records information about the failure. To determine the exact  
cause of the problem, you can use the listing files that InfoPrint XT produces. In  
combined InfoPrint Manager and InfoPrint XT installations, InfoPrint XT creates  
these listing files in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\ServerName_JobIdentifier  
v pdxtx2afp.log  
v x2afp.lst  
1. The error sheets that InfoPrint XT produces include the contents of the various  
listing files.  
2. If you process the job with the pdxtx2afp command, InfoPrint XT writes the  
pdxtx2afp.log file in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\jobname-jobID-n directory.  
The log file contains the x2afp.lst information.  
pdxtx2afp.log file  
This file contains sections that list the arguments, any transform directives, the  
commands that InfoPrint XT issued, and the return codes from those commands. It  
also includes the number of impressions (pages) of AFP output that InfoPrint XT  
produced. This is an example of the information in the pdxtx2afp.log file:  
5016-501 2007-11-11 14:46:26 MDT (pid 621) - transform started  
5016-503 Transform arguments (pdxtx2afp):  
-i "ow33607.xrxin"  
-o "afpout"  
-x "xjdl=xpfub1 xjde=b12 xrecfm=variable xcc=machine xaccount=no xclb=none"  
-g "ow33607"  
-t "-k1"  
5016-505 Transform directives (pdxtx2afp -t):  
5016-506 -k = "1"  
5016-509 Command Sequence:  
5016-510 1) x2afp xjdl=xpfub1 xjde=b12 xrecfm=variable xcc=machine xaccount=no xclb=none  
’respath=C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\ow33607’  
’xfmtlib=C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\ow33607\metrics;  
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\resources’  
’xcaobs=yes’ ’xonepass=no’ ’jobname=UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN-5’ ’C:\jobs\ow33607\ow33607.xrxin’ 2> x2afp.lst  
5016-511 Return codes:  
5016-512 1) 0 (pid -1)  
5016-513 Impressions (pages): 28 ꢀ5ꢁ  
5016-502 2007-11-11 14:46:27 MDT (rc 0) - transform ended  
5016-521 x2afp.lst:  
AIODSC207I Reading data stream conversion parameters.  
AIODSC209I The data stream conversion parameters in effect are:  
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT 89  
Processing ended with return code 0.  
The different sections of the pdxtx2afp.log file contain these types of information:  
5016-503 Transform arguments (pdxtx2afp): ꢀ1ꢁ  
Lists the transform arguments that were in effect for the job. The name in  
parentheses indicates the component that supplied the arguments. The  
arguments were explicitly specified, or InfoPrint XT derived the arguments,  
or they are a combination of specified and derived arguments. It is possible  
to have several transform arguments sections. For example, the file might  
contain a section for arguments that were specified through the  
PDXTX2AFP_ARGS environment variable, and a section for arguments  
that were specified by the pdxtx2afp command:  
5016-503 Transform arguments (PDXTX2AFP_ARGS):  
-x "xrptfile=."  
5016-503 Transform arguments (pdxtx2afp):  
-x "xjdl=pdxton xjde=strton xcc=a xrecfm=v xclb=none xafprc=4"  
5016-505 Transform directives (pdxtx2afp -t): ꢀ2ꢁ  
Lists the transform directives that the -t command option specified. This  
section is only present if you used the command option.  
If you specify transform directives with the pdxtx2afp.directives file or  
with the PDXTX2AFP_DIRECTIVES environment file, InfoPrint XT adds  
sections that show the directives that you specified through those methods.  
5016-509 Command Sequence: ꢀ3ꢁ  
Lists the commands, in order, that InfoPrint XT issued when it processed  
the job.  
5016-511 Return codes: ꢀ4ꢁ  
Lists the return codes from each of the commands that were identified in  
the Command Sequence section.  
5016-513 Impressions (pages): 28 ꢀ5ꢁ  
If InfoPrint XT generated AFP output for the job, this message lists the  
number of pages that InfoPrint XT produced.  
5016-521 x2afp.lst: ꢀ6ꢁ  
If you processed the job using the pdxtx2afp command, the log file also  
contains information from the InfoPrint XT data stream converter. If you  
processed the job with the pdpr command in a combined InfoPrint  
Manager and InfoPrint XT installation, the log file does not contain the  
x2afp.lst information. However, if the job had errors, InfoPrint XT includes  
the list information from the data stream converter on the error sheet that  
prints with the job.  
x2afp.lst file  
The x2afp.lst file contains the results of the data stream conversion process. The  
contents of this file can help you determine what caused the failure. InfoPrint XT  
also creates this file when the conversion process is successful. This is an example  
of how the information from the x2afp.lst file prints on the error sheet:  
5016-521 x2afp.lst  
AIOUT1002S Unrecognized option for the keyword: xrecfm=nv. Valid options for  
this keyword are:  
90 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Processing ended with return code 16  
General error 7 occurred (errno 0)  
Service coordinator responsibilities  
It is your responsibility to provide a service coordinator for InfoPrint XT. The  
service coordinator must be a knowledgeable Windows system support person.  
The service coordinator does these tasks:  
v Screens all on-site problems before reporting them to make sure that the  
problem is not a result of an operator error. The coordinator uses the  
troubleshooting information in this publication to do diagnostic tasks and  
corrects any condition that the troubleshooting information addresses. The  
coordinator also makes sure that the problem is not a previously reported  
v Establishes the severity for a reported problem using the severity definitions that  
the next topic lists.  
v Assists technical-support representatives in analyzing new problems.  
v Applies and verifies fixes that InfoPrint Solutions Company supplies. The  
service coordinator tests all fixes before releasing them to their production  
Determining problem severity  
InfoPrint Solutions Company supplies fixes for all valid defects in InfoPrint XT. A  
technical-support representative and your service coordinator assign a severity to  
each valid defect using this criteria:  
Severity 1  
Function is inoperable.  
Severity 2  
Function is operable, but has severe restrictions.  
Severity 3  
Function is operable with minor impact, or a work-around is available.  
Severity 4  
Function is operable with little or no impact.  
Placing a service call  
To report a problem, call 1-800-IBM-SERV. Make sure that you have the customer  
number for your account available. The program identification (PID) for InfoPrint  
XT is 5799-RZA and the component ID is 5799RZA00.  
Determining the version of InfoPrint XT  
To determine the version of the InfoPrint XT software:  
1. Click StartControl PanelAdd or Remove Programs.  
2. After the list of programs displays, select the entry for InfoPrint XT and then  
click the support information link.  
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT 91  
Using the pdxtcapture command  
After you place a service call, the technical-support representative might ask you  
to capture information from the InfoPrint XT system. InfoPrint XT provides the  
pdxtcapture command that you can use to make an image of the working  
directory for a job or an image of a resource directory. This image is a compressed  
tar file that the technical-support representative can use as an aid in problem  
determination. The syntax for the pdxtcapture command is:  
pdxtcapture [-o Outfile] { [-j ServerName_JobIdentifier ...]] [-r] | -g [Resgrp ...] }  
[-j [ServerName_JobIdentifier ...]  
Specifies one or more job identifiers for jobs whose working  
directories you want to capture. If you specify the -j option, but do  
not specify a job identifier, InfoPrint XT captures the working  
directory for the last job that it converted. You cannot specify the -j  
option if you specify the -g option.  
[-g [Resgrp ...] Specifies one or more resource groups whose resource directories  
you want to capture. The default resource group directories are  
subdirectories of %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources. If you do not  
specify the -g option, InfoPrint XT captures the resources in the  
common resource group. You cannot specify the -g option if you  
specify the -j option.  
[-o Outfile]  
Specifies the name of the file to which InfoPrint XT writes the  
output from the pdxtcapture command. If you do not specify this  
option, InfoPrint XT writes job information to the pdxtcapt.job file,  
and resource information to the pdxtcapt.res file. It stores these  
files in the directory from which you entered the command.  
When you specify the -j option to capture the working directory  
for a job, you can also include the -r option. This causes InfoPrint  
XT to include the resources for the job in the capture output.  
1. You cannot use the pdxtcapture command to capture information for jobs that  
you convert with the pdxtx2afp command. You must process jobs with  
InfoPrint Manager to use the pdxtcapture command.  
2. For a brief overview about using the pdxtcapture command, see the  
pdxtcapture man page that InfoPrint XT provides.  
3. Include an InfoPrint Manager job retention period for a job whose working  
directory you want to capture. This prevents InfoPrint XT from discarding the  
working directory for the job during the capture process.  
Using the pdxtclnwork command to clean work directories  
InfoPrint XT removes the job directories that it creates after the jobs print and  
when new jobs arrive on the system. If a failure occurs that prevents InfoPrint XT  
from removing the directories, use the pdxtclnwork command. This command  
manually removes job directories from the system. Use this command only at the  
direction of a technical-support representative. The technical-support representative  
will assist you with running the command.  
92 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs  
Conversion parameters control how InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT)  
converts the Xerox data stream to the Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) data  
stream. The conversion parameters are the same, whether the Xerox job is the Line  
Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS) or the metacode data stream. How you specify  
the conversion parameters depends on whether you use InfoPrint Manager for  
Windows (InfoPrint Manager) with InfoPrint XT.  
If you have InfoPrint Manager installed, you can use the other-transform-options  
attribute to pass Xerox-specific conversion parameters and values to InfoPrint XT.  
When you specify the attribute with the InfoPrint Manager pdpr command, use  
this format:  
-x "other-transform-options='parm=value parm=value parm=value'"  
If you do not have InfoPrint Manager installed, use the pdxtx2afp command to  
convert Xerox jobs. Include the -x command option to specify the conversion  
parameters. For more information about the -x option, see page 62.  
This list describes the conversion parameters for Xerox jobs:  
[xaccount=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT prints a Xerox-style accounting page for the  
job. The default is that InfoPrint XT prints the accounting page.  
Note: There can be occasions when you request the accounting page, but  
no accounting page prints with the job. If the job does not produce  
an accounting page on a Xerox printer, InfoPrint XT does not  
produce an accounting page regardless of the presence of this  
[xafpfunction=ioca_rt | no_ioca_rt]  
Specifies whether the printer supports the IOCA replicate-and-trim  
function. InfoPrint XT uses this function for the shading patterns in data  
streams and forms. The default is that InfoPrint XT assumes the printer  
supports the IOCA replicate-and-trim function.  
1. If one or more of your printers do not support the IOCA  
replicate-and-trim function, specify no_ioca_rt for the xafpfunction  
2. The value of this attribute affects how InfoPrint XT processes jobs that  
contain FILE DJDE commands.  
[xafprc=12 | 0 through 16]  
Specifies the largest return code that lets InfoPrint XT generate AFP output.  
If you do not specify this parameter, the default is 12. InfoPrint XT does  
not generate any AFP when the return code is greater than the value of  
this parameter.  
[xalign=0 | scan_value | dot_value]  
Controls how InfoPrint XT aligns the AFP output with the pages of the job.  
The value range for scan_value is -100 through 300 pels. The value range  
for dot_value is -300 through 1500 pels. Separate the scan value and the dot  
value with a colon (:). Scan and dot values have these effects:  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
v A positive scan value moves the page image to the right in the portrait  
orientation, or down in the landscape orientation.  
v A negative scan value moves the page image to the left in the portrait  
orientation, or up in the landscape orientation.  
v A positive dot value moves the page image up in the portrait  
orientation, or to the right in the landscape orientation.  
v A negative dot value moves the page image down in the portrait  
orientation, or to the left in the landscape orientation.  
If you do not specify the xalign conversion parameter, the default is 0 for  
both the scan value and the dot value. If you specify the xalign conversion  
parameter but omit either the scan value or the dot value, InfoPrint XT  
uses a default of 0 for the omitted value.  
1. InfoPrint XT only supports values for the Xerox scan and dot directions  
in 300 dots-per-inch (dpi) resolution. It does not support values in 600  
dpi resolution.  
2. InfoPrint XT does not support the TEST parameter of the Xerox ALIGN  
3. See the xhonorinvert conversion parameter on page 96 and the  
xinvertalign conversion parameter on page 97. These parameters affect  
how InfoPrint XT aligns inverted output.  
[xcc=ansi | machine]  
Specifies the type of carriage controls, if any, that are present in the  
original Xerox data. The xcc conversion parameter only applies to online  
jobs. For offline jobs, InfoPrint XT uses the carriage control definitions from  
the Job Descriptor Library (JDL). InfoPrint XT ignores this parameter for  
offline jobs:  
Specifies American National Standards Institute (ANSI) carriage  
controls. This is the default.  
Specifies machine carriage controls.  
1. If you manually specify the type of carriage control in the job control  
language (JCL) for a z/OS job, such as with the DCB=RECFM  
parameter, make sure that the type you specify matches what the data  
actually contains. If you specify a type that is different from the  
carriage controls in the data, z/OS can discard data before it sends the  
job to InfoPrint XT.  
2. If you use Download for z/OS to send jobs to InfoPrint XT and the  
jobs contain both ANSI and machine code carriage controls, you can  
use the -p download directive. With the directive, InfoPrint XT can  
convert ANSI carriage controls to machine code carriage controls so  
that the job contains only the one type. Then, use a value machine for  
the xcc conversion parameter. For more information, see “Using  
3. You cannot use the -p download directive for online jobs that you  
transfer from z/OS through methods other than Download for z/OS. If  
the jobs include the xpcctest conversion parameter with its default  
value of yes, InfoPrint XT reads the first records of the job to verify the  
type of carriage controls the job contains. If it determines that the  
carriage controls are different from the type the xcc parameter specifies,  
94 InfoPrint XT Guide  
it passes the type of carriage control it determined to its online (jes3211)  
carriage-control processing component. This can cause the AFP output  
that InfoPrint XT generates to be wrong. For more information, see  
page 99.  
[xckdupnlimg= yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT checks inline images to prevent duplicate  
image processing when it converts online jobs. When you specify  
xckdupnlimg=yes, InfoPrint XT can reduce its execution time for jobs that  
contain many duplicate inline images. The default is xckdupnlimg=no.  
1. This conversion parameter only applies to inline images that GRAPHIC  
DJDEs specify. It does not apply to inline images that IMAGE DJDEs  
2. xckdupnlimg does not apply to offline jobs.  
[xclb=clustr | clusterlib_name | none]  
Specifies the name of the cluster library in use, or specifies that no cluster  
library is in use. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is clustr  
for the cluster library name.  
1. If the job uses stocksets and you print the job on a continuous-forms  
printer, specify xclb=none. This causes InfoPrint XT to ignore stock  
references. Specifying a paper drawer has no meaning when the job  
prints on a continuous-forms printer.  
2. The clustr.lib file can specify both a preferred tray and a current tray  
for a specific cluster name. If a cluster name specifies both a preferred  
tray and a current tray, InfoPrint XT uses the value for the current tray.  
This matches the operation of a Xerox printer.  
[xcmt2nop=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT generates No Operation (NOP) structured  
fields for the text of C DJDEs in the job. If you specify xcmt2nop=yes,  
InfoPrint XT includes all C DJDE text for a Xerox input page in the  
corresponding page of the AFP output. The default is xcmt2nop=no. See  
the information about the XRXCDJDE keyword in Working with  
Note: The C DJDE is record-oriented and takes effect on the next record  
that follows the next END; DJDE packet terminator. If a C DJDE  
occurs in a packet that contains one or more page-oriented DJDEs,  
InfoPrint XT associates the AFP NOP that it creates from the C DJDE  
with the page on which the DJDE occurs. It does not associate the  
AFP NOP with the page on which the page-oriented DJDEs in the  
packet take effect.  
[xconvert=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT converts the job and produces AFP output.  
If you specify xconvert=no, InfoPrint XT lists the resources that the job  
requires. The default is that InfoPrint XT converts the job.  
Specifies the starting value for the number of copies. nnnnn is an integer  
from 1 through 32767. This parameter provides compatibility with the  
Xerox START command. If you specify this parameter and value, it  
overrides the number of copies for each file as requested by the Job  
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs 95  
Descriptor Entry (JDE) or Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE) COPIES  
option. If you do not specify this parameter, either the DJDE in the data  
stream or in the active JDE determines the number of copies.  
[xcsmmname=yes | no]  
Specifies how InfoPrint XT derives the medium map names that it uses in  
the inline form definition for a job. The default is that InfoPrint XT uses  
sequentially numbered names that are not related to the contents of the  
medium maps. The default numbering begins with AIO00001. If you  
specify yes as the value of this conversion parameter, InfoPrint XT creates  
medium map names in a format that describes the contents of the medium  
map. For information about the format that InfoPrint XT uses for  
content-sensitive medium map names, see Working with content-sensitive  
[xhonorfcb2=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT honors Forms Control Buffers (FCBs)  
specified by the JDL or JDLs for the job. If you specify xhonorfcb2=yes  
and the JDL specifies FCB=PROCESS, InfoPrint XT processes FCBs that it  
finds in the job data stream. If the JDL specifies FCB=IGNORE, InfoPrint  
XT ignores the FCBs. If you specify xhonorfcb2=no, or if you omit this  
parameter, InfoPrint XT does not process FCBs, regardless of whether the  
[xhonorinvert=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT honors INVERT commands that JDLs or  
DJDEs for the job specify. If you specify xhonorinvert=yes, InfoPrint XT  
processes INVERT commands that it finds in the job data stream. If you  
specify xhonorinvert=no, InfoPrint XT does not process INVERT  
commands. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is no.  
Note: See the xalign conversion parameter on page 93 and the  
xinvertalign conversion parameter on page 97. If you specify  
xhonorinvert=no or xinvertalign=no, InfoPrint XT aligns all output  
pages in the same direction.  
[xhonorshift=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT honors SHIFT and XSHIFT commands that  
JDLs or DJDEs for the job specify. If you specify xhonorshift=yes, InfoPrint  
XT processes SHIFT and XSHIFT commands that it finds in the job data  
stream. If you specify xhonorshift=no, InfoPrint XT does not process  
SHIFT or XSHIFT commands. If you do not specify this parameter, the  
default is no. Restrictions apply when you use xhonorshift=yes. See page  
[xhonorstaple=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT honors FACEUP, NTO1, and STAPLE  
commands, which are subparameters of the OUTPUT PDL command.  
These commands control how the printer hardware staples the reports in  
the job. The default is that InfoPrint XT ignores stapling commands. See  
the descriptions of xstaplemax, xstapleorient, and xstaplesysgen on page  
102. For information about stapling restrictions, see page 7.  
Specifies the printable AFP resources that InfoPrint XT embeds inline in the  
AFP data stream for the job. You can specify one or more values. If you  
specify more than one value, separate the values with colons (:). Do not  
include any spaces. Valid values are:  
96 InfoPrint XT Guide  
InfoPrint XT embeds all AFP character sets, code pages, coded  
fonts, overlays, and page segments that the job requires in the AFP  
data stream. Specifying xinlr=all is the same as specifying  
InfoPrint XT embeds all AFP character sets that the job requires in  
the AFP data stream.  
InfoPrint XT embeds all AFP code pages that the job requires in  
the AFP data stream.  
InfoPrint XT embeds all AFP coded fonts that the job requires in  
the AFP data stream.  
pseg InfoPrint XT embeds all AFP page segments that the job requires in  
the AFP data stream.  
InfoPrint XT embeds all AFP overlays that the job requires in the  
AFP data stream.  
InfoPrint XT embeds the resources that it loaded from the Xerox  
job, as directed by the FILE DJDE commands that the job contains.  
This includes both permanent and temporary resources, as defined  
by the storage parameter.  
The default is that InfoPrint XT only embeds temporary resources  
that it loaded through FILE DJDE commands with the D storage  
[xinvertalign=no | yes]  
Controls how InfoPrint XT aligns the AFP output with pages that are  
inverted by the Xerox OUTPUT INVERT command or INVERT DJDE.  
xhonorinvert=yes must be set for the job.  
If you specify xinvertalign=yes, scan and dot values that you specify with  
the xalign conversion parameter align output on the inverted pages in the  
opposite direction as the alignment of non-inverted pages. For example, if  
you specify xalign=0:-56 for a job that is in the landscape orientation,  
non-inverted pages are aligned 56 dots to the left, and inverted pages are  
aligned 56 dots to the right.  
If you specify xinvertalign=no or omit the xinvertalign conversion  
parameter, InfoPrint XT aligns all output pages in the same direction. This  
is also true if you specify xhonorinvert=no.  
Note: See the xhonorinvert conversion parameter on page 96 and the  
xinvertalign conversion parameter on page 97.  
[xjde=dflt | jde_name]  
Specifies the name of the Xerox JDE that the operator starts on the Xerox  
printer before the job prints. If you do not specify this parameter, the  
default is dflt.  
[xjdl=dfault | jdl_name]  
Specifies the Xerox JDL that contains the starting JDE. If you do not specify  
this parameter, the default is dfault.  
Specifies the maximum number of lines per page for jobs that have no  
explicit page breaks, as defined through the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) line  
spacing parameter.  
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs 97  
[xlrecl=80 | nnnnn]  
Specifies the record length of the records in the job. If you specify a  
corresponding xrecfm=fixed parameter, the valid range is 1 through 32760.  
If you specify xrecfm=variable, the valid range is 1 through 32756. If you  
do not specify this parameter, the default is 80.  
[xmicrfont=none | all | xerox | xerox+font1:font2:font3 | xerox-font1:font2:font3 |  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT generates AFP magnetic ink character  
recognition (MICR) fonts when it loads Xerox fonts that FILE DJDEs  
identify. You can use one of these values:  
none InfoPrint XT does not generate AFP MICR fonts for any of the  
Xerox fonts that it loads from FILE DJDE commands. This is the  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all the Xerox fonts that  
it loads from FILE DJDE commands in the job.  
xerox InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all Xerox fonts whose  
names begin with these standard prefixes for MICR font names:  
v E13B  
v E14B  
v CMC7  
For example, InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for these  
Xerox fonts: E13BPX.FNT, E14BL.FNT, CMC7J.FNT.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all Xerox fonts whose  
names begin with E13B, E14B, or CMC7. In addition, it generates  
AFP MICR fonts for up to three fonts that you specify by name.  
Separate the font names with colons (:). The fonts you specify can  
be any Xerox fonts.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for all Xerox fonts whose  
names begin with E13B, E14B, or CMC7 except for the fonts you  
specify after the minus sign (-). You can specify up to three Xerox  
fonts that begin with the standard prefixes for MICR font names.  
Separate the font names with colons.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP MICR fonts for the Xerox fonts you  
specify. You can specify up to three fonts. Separate the font names  
with colons. The fonts you specify can be any Xerox fonts.  
InfoPrint XT does not generate AFP MICR fonts for any Xerox  
fonts that begin with the standard prefixes for MICR font names  
unless you specify them in the list of fonts.  
Note: To name more than three fonts, you can specify more than one  
xmicrfont conversion parameter, up to 11 occurrences that specify a  
combined total of 33 fonts. Values for all occurrences of the  
conversion parameter must be of the same type, either xerox+,  
xerox-, or user-specified names.  
[xpaper=letter | ledger | folio | A3 | A4 | A4LT | B4]  
Specifies the paper size for jobs that specify inline forms through FILE  
98 InfoPrint XT Guide  
DJDEs. Use this parameter only if the inline forms do not specify a paper  
size internally, or if the JDL and JDEs for the job do not specify a paper  
1. A4LT is a custom paper size that is 8.5 inches by 11.69 inches, or 216  
mm by 297 mm.  
2. The value of this attribute affects how InfoPrint XT processes jobs that  
contain FILE DJDE commands.  
[xpattern_set=300-1 | 300-2]  
Specifies the type of shading patterns that InfoPrint XT uses when it  
processes Xerox FORMS$, FORMSX, and ISISPX fonts during metacode  
data-stream conversion. 300-1 specifies the shading patterns that Xerox  
97xx, 4x50, and 4x90 printers use. This is the default. 300-2 specifies the  
patterns that Xerox 4x35 printers use.  
Note: The value of this attribute affects how InfoPrint XT processes jobs  
that contain FILE DJDE commands.  
[xpcctest=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT automatically tests the onlineXerox data  
stream to verify whether the carriage controls are ANSI or machine code.  
InfoPrint XT passes the type of carriage control to its online (jes3211)  
carriage-control processing component. It first looks at the value of the xcc  
conversion parameter. Then, if the value of the xpcctest conversion  
parameter is yes, it reads the first records of the job to further verify the  
type of carriage controls. If InfoPrint XT determines that the carriage  
controls are different, it ignores the value of the xcc conversion parameter  
and passes the carriage control type that it found to jes3211. xpcctest=yes  
is the default.  
The xpcctest parameter is useful for installations that have Xerox jobs that  
contain both ANSI and machine carriage controls but that do not use  
Download for z/OS to transfer online jobs to InfoPrint XT. For example, a  
multi-step job on z/OS might have an initial step that consists of banner  
pages with ANSI carriage controls. The subsequent steps that contain the  
actual data for the job have machine code carriage controls. For  
installations that use Download for z/OS, InfoPrint XT provides the -p  
download directive. By using the -p download directive, InfoPrint XT can  
convert the ANSI carriage controls for the banner pages so that all the  
carriage controls in the job are machine code. Then, you can specify  
xcc=machine. As directed by the default value of xpcctest=yes, InfoPrint  
XT reads the first few records that have the converted ANSI carriage  
controls. Because all carriage controls are now machine code, it passes a  
carriage control type of machine to jes3211.  
If the installation does not use Download for z/OS and the Xerox data  
streams contain a mixture of ANSI and machine code carriage controls,  
you cannot use the -p download directive to convert carriage controls. The  
xcc conversion parameter should specify the type of carriage controls for  
the job data. Using the job described in the previous example, the xcc  
parameter should have a value of machine. However, when InfoPrint XT  
reads the first records of the job as directed by xpcctest=yes, it finds the  
ANSI carriage controls in the banner pages. It then ignores the value of the  
xcc parameter and passes a value of ANSI to jes3211. The AFP output that  
InfoPrint XT generates is not correct. In this case, you can use xpcctest=no.  
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs 99  
This prevents InfoPrint XT from verifying the carriage controls in the first  
few records of the job and it passes the value of the xcc parameter to  
[xrecfm= fixed | variable]  
Specifies the record format of the records in the job. For fixed length  
records, as specified by xrecfm=fixed, the xlrecl parameter specifies the  
length of the record. This is the default. xrecfm=variable specifies that the  
records are variable length, with a 2-byte length field at the beginning of  
each record. The record length does not include the 2-byte length field  
[xrptfile=. | path\file]  
Specifies the path and file in which InfoPrint XT writes a report of all  
DJDEs found in the job. Specifying xrptfile=. causes InfoPrint XT to write  
the report to the x2afp.djde file in the working directory for the job. The  
default working directory for the job is either %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\  
ServerName_JobIdentifier or %PDXTWORKDIR%\jobs\jobname-jobID-n. If  
you do not specify this parameter, InfoPrint XT does not generate a DJDE  
Note: If you specify a path, make sure that it is the full path. You cannot  
use a relative path with the xrptfile parameter.  
[xshading=xerox | grayscale | [lp]:[mp]:[hp]]  
Controls how InfoPrint XT interprets Xerox shading when it converts the  
Xerox data stream and any inline FRMs that FILE DJDEs specify. Valid  
values are:  
xerox InfoPrint XT emulates Xerox shading and produces raster dot  
patterns in the AFP that it generates. This is the default.  
InfoPrint XT uses Logical Page and Object Area Coloring to  
substitute grayscale for the standard shading characters in FRMs. It  
uses default percentages of grayscale coverage for the levels of  
Xerox shading:  
Five percent (5%) coverage.  
Ten percent (10%) coverage.  
Fifteen percent (15%) coverage.  
InfoPrint XT substitutes grayscale for the Xerox shading and uses  
the coverage percentages you specify. For each position in the  
value, you can specify an integer from 0 through 100:  
The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for LIGHT  
The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for  
MEDIUM shading.  
The coverage percentage that InfoPrint XT uses for HEAVY  
100 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Do not include the brackets in the value; the brackets indicate each  
position in the value is optional. Include the colons (:) between the  
positions of the value. If you omit any position, InfoPrint XT uses  
the default percentage for LIGHT, MEDIUM, or HEAVY. These are  
examples of values you can specify:  
InfoPrint XT uses 5% coverage for LIGHT shading, 8% for  
MEDIUM, and 16% for HEAVY.  
InfoPrint XT uses 3% coverage for LIGHT shading, 10% for  
MEDIUM, and 15% for HEAVY.  
InfoPrint XT uses 5% coverage for LIGHT shading, 11% for  
MEDIUM, and 15% for HEAVY.  
InfoPrint XT uses 5% coverage for LIGHT shading, 10% for  
MEDIUM, and 14% for HEAVY.  
InfoPrint XT uses 4% coverage for LIGHT shading, 9% for  
MEDIUM, and 12% for HEAVY.  
Restrictions apply when you use the xshading conversion  
parameter. See page 4.  
[xspacing=none | word | char]  
Specifies adjustments that InfoPrint XT makes to the spacing to match the  
original Xerox output as closely as possible:  
Specifies no spacing adjustment. This is the default.  
Specifies spacing adjustments between words only.  
Specifies spacing adjustments between words and characters.  
1. Use of word adjustments or character adjustments affects InfoPrint XT  
performance and results in larger AFP files.  
2. The value of this attribute affects how InfoPrint XT processes jobs that  
contain FILE DJDE commands.  
[xspcrmi=yes | no]  
Controls how InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in Xerox fonts  
during job processing for fonts that FILE DJDEs specify:  
InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in the font as  
Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (PTOCA) text-string  
characters. This is the default.  
InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in the font as Relative  
Move Inline (RMI) structured fields.  
Restrictions apply when you use the xspcrmi conversion parameter. See  
page 6.  
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs 101  
Note: The xspcrmi conversion parameter does not control how InfoPrint  
XT interprets spacing characters in Xerox fonts that you have  
previously loaded with the pdxtloadres command. If you specify  
xspcrmi=yes and the job does not contain FILE DJDE commands,  
InfoPrint XT does not generate RMI structured fields for any of the  
fonts the job uses. In this case, reload the fonts that the job requires  
with the pdxtloadres command and use the -b option.  
Specifies the maximum number of sheets that accumulate before a staple  
action occurs. You can specify a value from 1 through 32767. This matches  
the values that Xerox printers support. However, Xerox printers do not  
staple more than 102 sheets at a time. InfoPrint XT issues a warning  
message for each sheet, over 102 sheets, that accumulates for a single  
stapling action.  
1. The printer model that you are using determines the number of sheets  
that you can staple at one time. For detailed information, see the  
documentation for the printer.  
2. If you do not specify the xstaplemax conversion parameter, InfoPrint  
XT honors the NTO1 limits that the JDEs for the job specify.  
[xstapleorient=yes | no]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT honors the orientation of the first page of a  
report when it determines the corner in which to staple. The default is that  
InfoPrint XT always staples in the upper left corner of the pages, as you  
look at them in the portrait orientation. If you specify xstapleorient=yes,  
InfoPrint XT detects reports whose first pages are in the landscape  
orientation. It staples these in the lower-left portrait corner. This  
corresponds to the upper-left landscape corner.  
[xstaplesysgen=nto1 | 1ton]  
Specifies whether the default printing order that was specified to the Xerox  
printer at SYSGEN time was 1TON or NTO1. This determines whether the  
Xerox printer delivers the printed output starting with the first page of the  
job or with the last. If you use the default xstaplesysgen value of 1ton, the  
starting JDL and JDE pair for the job must include:  
v NTO1=YES or NTO1=n  
If these values are present in the starting JDL and JDE pair, InfoPrint XT  
includes stapling commands in the AFP output that it generates. If the  
values are not present, no stapling occurs. This is true even if subsequent  
JDL and JDE pairs in the job specify stapling.  
If you specify xstaplesysgen=nto1 and subsequent JDL and JDE pairs in  
the job specify stapling, InfoPrint XT includes stapling commands in the  
AFP regardless of whether the starting JDL and JDE pair specifies stapling.  
[xtrblanks= no | yes]  
Specifies whether InfoPrint XT removes the trailing blanks on each line of  
the input data stream. If you do not specify this parameter, InfoPrint XT  
does not remove the trailing blanks.  
[xzctrace=yes | no]  
Captures trace information that a technical support representative can use  
102 InfoPrint XT Guide  
for problem analysis. If you do not specify this parameter, InfoPrint XT  
does not capture trace information. Use this parameter only at the direction  
of a technical support representative.  
[xzdump=yes | no]  
Captures trace information that a technical support representative can use  
for problem analysis. If you do not specify this parameter, InfoPrint XT  
does not capture trace information. Use this parameter only at the direction  
of a technical support representative.  
[xztrace=all1 | all2 | all1:all2]  
Captures trace information that a technical support representative can use  
for problem analysis. If you do not specify this parameter, InfoPrint XT  
does not capture trace information. Use this parameter only at the direction  
of a technical support representative.  
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs 103  
104 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn  
This section lists the 5016 series of messages that InfoPrint XT for Windows  
(InfoPrint XT) can issue. Depending on the message, the message might include an  
additional error return code. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
explanations of these numbers.  
The command option -option is not  
Value "value" is not valid for command  
option -option.  
Explanation: You entered a command and included an  
option that is not valid. The message text identifies the  
Explanation: You entered a command and included a  
value for an option that is not one of the allowed  
values. Or, the value is not in the correct format. For  
example, you entered an alphanumeric value instead of  
a numeric value. The message text identifies the  
incorrect value and the name of the option.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Review the syntax for the command  
and enter the command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Review the command syntax and enter  
the command again.  
An error occurred while processing  
command option -option. The value for  
the option is missing.  
There are too many instances of the  
-option command option. You may  
specify up to number instances.  
Explanation: You entered a command with an option  
that requires a value. The value for the option was  
missing. The message text identifies the option that  
requires a value.  
Explanation: You entered a command and included  
more than one instance of a command option. You  
specified the command option more times than  
InfoPrint XT allows. The message text indicates the  
maximum number of times that you can specify the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a value for the option.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
The command did not expect the value  
User response: Review the command syntax and enter  
the command again.  
Explanation: You entered a command and included an  
option or other argument that is not valid. The message  
text identifies the unexpected value.  
One or more required parameters are  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered a command that has  
required parameters. You did not specify one or more  
of the required parameters.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a valid value.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Command options -option and -option are  
mutually exclusive.  
User response: Review the command syntax and enter  
the command again.  
Explanation: You entered a command and included  
two options that the command cannot process together.  
An error occurred while parsing evariable  
(error ReturnCode). ...msg  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered a command that reads an  
environment variable to obtain default command  
options. An error occurred when InfoPrint XT tried to  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
only one of the options.  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
parse the value of that environment variable. The most  
likely cause is a problem with the content of the  
variable. For example, it might require quotation marks  
because the command contains special characters, or  
the command might contain an unbalanced set of  
quotation marks.  
Value "value" is not valid for directive  
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive  
that was not in the correct format. For example, the  
directive specified an alphanumeric value instead of a  
numeric value.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Correct the value of the environment  
variable and enter the command again.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a valid value for the directive.  
One or more required command options  
are missing.  
The value for directive -directive is too  
Explanation: You entered a command that has  
required command options. You did not specify one or  
more of the required command options.  
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive  
value that was longer than the allowed length.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Review the command syntax and enter  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
the command again.  
a valid value for the directive.  
Value valueis too long for command  
option -option.  
An error occurred while parsing a  
directive (error Return Code). ...msg  
Explanation: You issued a command and included a  
value for an option that is too long.  
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive  
value that InfoPrint XT cannot parse. The most likely  
cause is a problem with the content of the directive. For  
example, it might contain an unbalanced set of  
quotation marks.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Review the command syntax and enter  
the command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a valid value for the directive.  
Specify a man page name.  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtman command, but  
you did not specify a man page name. You must  
specify a man page name to see further information.  
The resource resourcename is already  
loaded. Use the -r command option to  
replace it.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtloadres command  
to load the resource specified in the message. That  
resource is already loaded on the system. If this is a  
new version of the resource and you want to load it  
again, you must specify the -r option.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a man page name.  
An error occurred while processing  
directive -directive. The value for the  
directive is missing.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
the -r option.  
Explanation: You entered a command with a directive  
that requires a value. The value for the directive was  
The input list file did not contain any  
valid resources.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtloadres command  
and included the -l option, which specified a file that  
contains a list of resources. The entries in the file might  
not be in a valid format. Each entry in the file must be  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a value for the directive.  
106 InfoPrint XT Guide  
on a separate line. Or, the resources might not exist in  
the path explicitly specified in the file. You must  
specify a full path or a relative path in the file.  
InfoPrint XT also issues this message if the file is  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Examine the specified file or directory  
and correct the problem. Then, enter the command  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
An error occurred while opening file  
User response: Correct the problem with the input list  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
file and enter the command again.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot open the file  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the open action  
The input pattern-matching string used  
for the search did not match any valid  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtloadres command  
and included the -n option, which specified a  
pattern-matching string to use to locate specific Xerox  
resources. InfoPrint XT did not locate any valid  
resources when it used the pattern-matching string.  
User response: Examine the specified file, or the  
directory that contains the file, and correct the problem.  
Then, enter the command that resulted in this error  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
An error occurred while reading file  
User response: Correct the problem with the  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
pattern-matching string and enter the command again.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read the file  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the read action  
Command option -option cannot be used  
when you delete resources.  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtloadres command  
and included the -f delete option, which is a request to  
delete resources. You also included another option that  
does not apply when you delete resources.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Examine the specified file and correct  
the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
An error occurred while writing file  
User response: Review the command syntax and enter  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
the command again.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot write to the file  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the write action  
The command did not expect the value  
Explanation: InfoPrint Manager issued the pdxtx2afp  
command and included an option or other argument  
that is not valid. The attributes of the x2afp  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Examine the specified file or use the  
additional information that the message specifies, and  
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
configurable transform might not be correct.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: Enter the pdxtcrtxform command to  
File file does not exist.  
reconfigure the x2afp configurable transform.  
Explanation: The file identified in the message does  
not exist.  
Unable to access fileordirectory (error  
ReturnCode). ...msg  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: The file or directory identified in the  
message is not accessible. It might not exist or it might  
not have the permissions that are required to provide  
access. The message provides additional information  
about why the access action failed.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a valid file name.  
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 107  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
File file is empty.  
Explanation: The file identified in the message exists,  
but it does not contain any data.  
User response: Correct the AFP data stream. Then,  
enter the command again. If you cannot determine the  
cause of the problem, report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Correct the problem with the file and  
enter the command again.  
AFP record recordnumber (offset offset) is  
not valid. The structured field data is  
not complete.  
An error occurred while locking file  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read the AFP data  
stream. Not enough data exists to satisfy the length  
specified in the structured field introducer.  
Explanation: You entered a command, but InfoPrint  
XT cannot lock the file identified in the message. The  
message provides additional information about why  
the file-lock action failed.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Correct the AFP data stream. Then,  
enter the command again. If you cannot determine the  
cause of the problem, report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Examine the file identified in the  
message and correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
AFP record recordnumber (offset offset) is  
not valid. The carriage control is 0xnn,  
not 0x5A.  
An error occurred while reading from  
fdn (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read the AFP data  
stream. The carriage control is not correct.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read from the file  
descriptor identified in the message. The message  
provides additional information about why the read  
action failed.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Correct the AFP data stream. Then,  
enter the command again. If you cannot determine the  
cause of the problem, report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
An error occurred while creating  
directory directoryname (error ReturnCode).  
An error occurred while writing to fdn  
(error ReturnCode). ...msg  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot create the directory  
identified in the message. The parent directory might  
not exist or might not have the permissions required to  
create the specified directory. The message provides  
additional information about why the create action  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot write to the file  
descriptor identified in the message. The message  
provides additional information about why the write  
action failed.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
User response: Examine the specified directory or  
directories and correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
AFP record recordnumber (offset offset) is  
not valid. The structured field  
introducer is not complete.  
An error occurred while changing to  
directory directoryname (error ReturnCode).  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read the AFP data  
stream. The introducer portion of a structured field is  
not complete.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot change to the  
directory identified in the message. The message  
108 InfoPrint XT Guide  
provides additional information about why the change  
action failed.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
User response: Examine the specified directory and  
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
Unable to allocate storage (error  
ReturnCode). ...msg  
An error occurred while opening  
directory directoryname (error ReturnCode).  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot allocate the required  
storage. The message provides additional information  
about why the storage allocation action failed.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot open the directory  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the open action  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Examine the specified directory and  
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
Command command failed (error  
ReturnCode). stderr  
An error occurred while reading  
directory directoryname (error ReturnCode).  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issued the command  
identified in the message, but it failed. The message  
provides additional information about why the  
command failed.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read the directory  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the read action  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Use the information that the message  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
provides to correct the problem.  
User response: Examine the specified directory and  
Command command failed (error  
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issued the command  
identified in the message. The command did not return  
any standard error output when it failed.  
An error occurred while resolving  
directory directoryname (error ReturnCode).  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot resolve the directory  
identified in the message. The directory might not exist  
or might not have the correct permissions. msg  
provides additional information about why the resolve  
action failed.  
User response: Depending on the command, there  
might be additional information in an InfoPrint  
Manager error log or a system error log. Use the log  
information to correct the problem.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
The attempt to launch the command  
User response: Verify that the specified directory  
exists and that it has the correct permissions. Then,  
enter the pdxtloadres command again.  
command failed (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issued the command  
identified in the message, but it failed. The message  
provides additional information about why the  
command failed.  
An error occurred while searching  
directoryname (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered a command that required  
InfoPrint XT to scan a directory using a  
pattern-matching string. The scan operation failed. The  
message provides additional information about why  
the scan action failed.  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem.  
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 109  
An error occurred while reading from  
An error occurred while parsing line in  
command command (ReturnCode). ...msg  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot read the output from  
the command identified in the message. The message  
provides additional information about why the read  
action failed.  
Explanation: You specified parameters in the  
parameter mapping file. An error occurred when  
InfoPrint XT tried to parse the value of one of the lines  
in the file. The most likely cause is a problem with the  
content of a variable. For example, it might contain an  
unbalanced set of quotation marks.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
User response: Correct the line in the parameter  
mapping file and enter the command again.  
An error occurred while setting the  
effective group to groupname (error  
ReturnCode). ...msg  
Resource name file is not valid for  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot set the effective  
group to the value specified in the message. The  
message provides additional information about why  
the set action failed.  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtdblkres command  
and specified a resource name that is not supported.  
The pdxtdblkres command can deblock CMD, FSL,  
ISL, and JSL resources.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
a valid resource name.  
The label record is not valid.  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtdblkres command  
to deblock a resource. The first record in the resource is  
not a valid label record.  
You must be in the groupname group to  
issue this command.  
Explanation: You entered the command while logged  
in with a user name that is not in the required group.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a different resource.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Either add the user name to the group,  
or log in with a user name that is already in the group.  
Then, enter the command again.  
A block is too short. It should be number  
bytes, not number bytes.  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtdblkres command  
to deblock a resource. A block in the resource is too  
short. The resource itself might be truncated.  
An error occurred while querying the  
default server. stderr  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtcrtxform command  
to create an x2afp configurable transform object in the  
default InfoPrint Manager server. An error occurred  
when InfoPrint XT tried to determine the name of the  
default server. InfoPrint Manager sets the default server  
through the setting of the PDPRINTER environment  
variable. The message provides additional information  
about why the query action failed.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a different resource.  
Resource name file is not valid for  
Explanation: You entered the pdxtblkres command  
and specified a resource name that is not valid. The  
pdxtblkres command can block CMD, FSL, ISL, and  
JSL resources.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: Enter the command again and specify  
a valid resource name.  
110 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Date_Time (pid ProcessID) - transform  
Command Sequence:  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-510,  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT started to convert the Xerox  
lists the commands that make up transform processing.  
job to AFP.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
requires no user response.  
sequencenumber) commandstring  
Date_Time (rc ReturnCode) - transform  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-509,  
lists the position of the command in the sequence of  
commands, and the command string itself.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT completed converting the  
Xerox job to AFP.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
requires no user response.  
Return Codes:  
Transform arguments (argumentsource) :  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-512,  
lists the return codes from each of the commands in the  
transform process.  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-504,  
lists the transform arguments in use.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
User response: Depending on the return codes, you  
might need to do diagnostic tests or look through error  
logs to correct any problems.  
-Option Value″  
SequenceNumber) ReturnCode (pid  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-503,  
lists the transform arguments in use.  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-511,  
lists the return codes from each of the commands in the  
transform process. The first variable corresponds to the  
sequence number listed in message 5016-510. The  
second variable is the return code. The third variable is  
the process ID number for the command.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Transform directives: (directivesource)  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-506,  
User response: Depending on the return codes, you  
might need to do diagnostic tests or look through error  
logs to correct any problems.  
lists the transform directives in use.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Impressions (pages): number  
Explanation: This message shows the number of  
impressions that InfoPrint XT created for the job.  
-directive "value"  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-505,  
lists the transform directives in use.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Explanation: This message identifies the name of the  
log file or listing file that supplied the information  
about the error report.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 111  
User response: Use the information from the error  
report to correct the problem. Then, submit the job  
Note: InfoPrint XT overwrites the listing file each time  
you use the pdxtloadres command.  
number resources have completed  
Resource load process started for type  
Explanation: When converting a group of resources,  
InfoPrint XT periodically issues this message to show  
the progress of the conversion process.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message when it  
starts to load resources of a specific type. The message  
identifies the type of resource that InfoPrint XT is  
currently loading.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Resource conversion process is  
complete. Number of successes: number.  
Resource load process is complete for  
type "resourcetype"  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it  
converts a group of resources. The message specifies  
the number of resources that InfoPrint XT converted  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message when it  
finishes loading resources of a specific type. The  
message identifies the type of resource that InfoPrint  
XT loaded.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: If any accompanying messages  
indicate that conversion failures occurred, determine  
the cause of the conversion failures and correct the  
problems. Then, load the resources that initially failed  
conversion again. If no conversion failures occurred, no  
action is necessary.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Resource conversion process started.  
Number of resources to convert: number.  
Resource correlation process started.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message when it  
starts to convert resources of a specific type. The  
message indicates how many resources InfoPrint XT is  
Explanation: During the resource-load process,  
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it starts to build  
a resource correlation table.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
requires no user response.  
Conversion step stepnumber failed for  
resource resourcename (error ReturnCode).  
Resource correlation process is  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT writes this message to the  
listing file for the resource identified in the message.  
Depending on how you loaded the resource, the listing  
file is in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\  
common\pdxtloadres directory, or the directory for a  
specific resource group, or the directory specified by  
the -o option. The message indicates the conversion  
step that failed. The return code provides additional  
information about why the conversion failed.  
Explanation: During the resource-load process,  
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it finishes  
building a resource correlation table.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Resource correlation step stepname failed  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
(error ReturnCode).  
Explanation: During the resource-load process,  
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it cannot build a  
resource correlation table. The return code provides  
additional information about why the correlation failed.  
User response: Use the return code to determine why  
the conversion process failed and correct the problem.  
Then, load the resource again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
112 InfoPrint XT Guide  
User response: Use the return code to determine why  
the correlation process failed and correct the problem.  
Then, load the resource again.  
finishes copying the AFP resources and the metrics files  
to the appropriate directories.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Metrics generation process started.  
Explanation: During the resource-load process,  
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it starts to  
generate the metrics files.  
Resource delete process started for type  
resourcetype. Number of resources to  
delete: n.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message when it  
starts to delete resources of a specific type. The  
message indicates the type of resource and how many  
resources InfoPrint XT is deleting.  
Metrics generation process is complete.  
Number of successes: number.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it  
generates the metrics files for one or more resources.  
The message specifies the number of metrics files that  
InfoPrint XT created successfully.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Resource delete process is complete for  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
type resourcetype. Number of deletes: n.  
User response: If any accompanying messages  
indicate that failures occurred, determine the cause of  
the failures and correct the problems. Then, load the  
resources that initially failed again. If no other failures  
occurred, no action is necessary.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it  
deletes a group of resources. The message specifies the  
number of resources that InfoPrint XT deleted  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: If any accompanying messages  
Install process started.  
indicate that deletion failures occurred, determine the  
cause of the deletion failures and correct the problems.  
If no deletion failures occurred, no action is necessary.  
Explanation: During the resource-load process,  
InfoPrint XT issues this message when it starts to copy  
the AFP resources and metrics files to their appropriate  
Download directives:  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-722,  
User response: This is an informational message and  
lists the download directives in use.  
requires no user response.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
number resources have completed  
Explanation: When installing a group of resources,  
InfoPrint XT periodically issues this message to show  
the progress of the install process.  
evariable = "value"  
Explanation: This message, with message 5016-721,  
lists the environment variables and values that specify  
download directives.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the request.  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Install process is complete.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT issues this message after it  
Return code numbers  
Tables 11 and 12 describe the return code numbers that some InfoPrint XT  
messages contain.  
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 113  
Table 11. Return code numbers 1-64 in InfoPrint XT messages  
Symbolic constant and explanation  
EPERM Operation not permitted  
ENOENT No such file or directory  
ESRCH No such process  
Symbolic constant and explanation  
EDOM Numeric argument out of domain  
ERANGE Result too large  
EIDRM Identifier removed  
EINTR Interrupted function call  
EIO Input/output error  
EDEADLK Resource deadlock avoided  
EALREADY Operation already in progress  
ENAMETOOLONG File name too long  
ENOLCK No locks available  
ENXIO Device not configured  
E2BIG Argument list too long  
ENOEXEC Exec format error  
EBADF Bad file descriptor  
ENOSYS Operation not applicable  
ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty  
EILSEQ Illegal byte sequence  
ECHILD No child processes  
EAGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable  
ENOMEM Cannot allocate memory  
EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not support  
ESOCKETNOSUPPORT Socket type not  
EACCES Permission denied  
EFAULT Bad address  
EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported  
EPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not  
ENOTBLK Not a 'Block' device  
EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not  
supported by protocol family  
EBUSY Device busy  
EEXIST File exists  
EADDRINUSE Address already in use  
EADDRNOTAVAIL Cannot assign requested  
EXDEV Improper link across devices  
ENODEV No such device  
ENETDOWN Network is down  
ENETUNREACH Network is unreachable  
ENOTDIR Not a directory  
ENETRESET Network dropped connection  
on reset  
EISDIR Is a directory  
ECONNABORTED Software caused  
connection abort  
EINVAL Invalid argument  
ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer  
ENOBUFS No buffer space available  
EISCONN Socket is already connected  
ENOTCONN Socket is not connected  
ENFILE Too many open files in system  
EMFILE Too many open files  
ENOTTY Inappropriate I/O control operation 057  
ETXTBSY Text file busy  
ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after socket  
EFBIG File too large  
ETOOMANYREFS Too many references:  
cannot splice  
ENOSPC No space left on device  
ESPIPE Invalid seek on non-seekable object  
EROGS Read-only file system  
ETIMEDOUT Operation timed out  
ECONNREFUSED Connection refused  
ELOOP Too many levels of symbolic links  
EMLINK Too many links  
EBADENCRYPTDATA Invalid encrypted  
data found  
EPIPE Broken pipe  
EHOSTDOWN Host is shut down  
114 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Table 12. Return code numbers 65-127 in InfoPrint XT messages  
Symbolic constant and explanation  
Symbolic constant and explanation  
EHOSTUNREACH No route to host  
ENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket  
ENOSETUID setuid/setgid bit feature is  
EDESTADDRREQ Destination address  
EPROCLIM Too many processes  
EUSERS Too many users  
EMSGSIZE Message too long  
EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for  
EDQUOTE Disc quota exceeded  
N/A Stale NFS file handle  
ENOPROTOOPT Protocol not available  
ENOMSG No message of desired type  
N/A Too many levels of remote in path  
EWINPATH Cannot map path name to  
Windows namespace  
N/A RPC struct is bad  
EOVERFLOW Value too large to be stored in  
data type  
N/A RPC version not available  
E2SMALL Data buffer too small to store  
N/A RPC program not available  
N/A Program version wrong  
EHOSTNOTFOUND Unknown host  
ETRYAGAIN Host name lookup failure (try  
N/A Bad procedure for program  
ENORECOVERY Unknown server error (no  
N/A Reserved  
ENODATA No address associated with name  
ENOTSUP Not supported  
EPROTO Protocol error  
N/A Reserved  
EEYPE Inappropriate file type or format  
EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress  
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn 115  
116 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Appendix C. Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn  
This section lists the messages that InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) can  
issue when you load Xerox fonts, images, and logos. Some messages might include  
an additional error return code. See “Return code numbers” on page 113 for  
explanations of these numbers.  
additional information about why the write action  
An error occurred while opening file  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not open the file  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the open action  
User response: Examine the specified file and use the  
additional information that the message provides to  
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
An error occurred while allocating  
storage (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
User response: Examine the specified file or the  
directory that contains the file and correct the problem.  
Then, enter the original command that resulted in this  
error message again.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not allocate the  
required storage. The message provides additional  
information about why the storage allocation action  
An error occurred while creating file  
filename (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not create the file  
identified in the message. The parent directory might  
not exist, or might not have the permissions required to  
create the specified file. The message provides  
additional information about why the create action  
User response: Use the information that the message  
provides to correct the problem. Then, enter the  
command again.  
Incorrect message level level (error  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: You entered a command and included an  
option that is not valid. The message text identifies the  
User response: Examine the file and directory, and  
correct the problem. Then, enter the command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
An error occurred while reading from  
file (error ReturnCode). ...msg  
User response: Review the syntax for the command  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not read the file  
identified in the message. The message provides  
additional information about why the read action  
and enter the command again.  
File resourcename is not a valid Xerox  
resource (error ReturnCode).  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT determined that the file is  
not a valid Xerox resource.  
User response: Examine the file and correct the  
problem. Then, enter the command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox resource. Correct the problem and enter the  
command again.  
An error occurred while writing to file  
(error ReturnCode). ...msg  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT could not write to the file  
identified in the message. The message provides  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
The image converter did not recognize  
the internal format of resource  
Unsupported Xerox logo type type found  
in filename.  
Explanation: The resource converter found a logo  
whose format is not single-byte-character-set (SBCS)  
with ASCII code points. Therefore, the converter cannot  
create an AFP page segment from the resource.  
Explanation: The image converter found an  
unexpected combination of internal data while it tried  
to determine the format of the resource.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox logo resource. If it is valid, contact your technical  
support representative.  
X scale sequenceRational  
'XsequenceRational' does not equal Y scale  
sequenceRational 'YsequenceRational' in  
resource ResourceName.  
An internal logic error occurred:  
Explanation: An incorrect structure pointer was  
passed to the InfoPrint XT application programming  
interface (API).  
Explanation: The Interpress sequenceRationals for X  
scale and Y scale are not equal. The image converter  
cannot determine the resolution of the image.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Contact your technical support  
Specified code point x'codepoint'exceeded  
Scan line length ’lengthvalue’ does not  
match image width ’widthvalue’ or image  
height ’heightvalue’ .  
the font high code point x'maxcodepoint'.  
Explanation: The specified code point exceeded the  
highest code point in the Xerox font that specifies a  
raster pattern.  
Explanation: The scan line length does not match  
either the width or the height of the image. The scan  
line length must match either the width or the height  
for InfoPrint XT to determine image orientation.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Specify a code point that is in the code  
point range available in the Xerox font. Enter the  
command again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
Unable to parse a valid Xerox resource  
name from the input file name of  
filename (error ReturnCode).  
Unsupported Xerox font type type found  
in filename.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot determine a valid  
Xerox resource name from the input file name. Valid  
Xerox input file names contain a 1-to-6 character  
resource name before the period. The valid Xerox  
resource name characters are uppercase alphabetic  
characters, numeric characters, and the dollar sign ($).  
Explanation: The resource converter found a font  
whose format is not single-byte-character-set (SBCS)  
with ASCII code points. Therefore, the converter cannot  
create an AFP font from the resource.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox font resource. If it is valid, contact your technical  
support representative.  
User response: Change the resource name to a valid  
Xerox resource name and enter the command again.  
118 InfoPrint XT Guide  
The image converter did not recognize  
scan orientation transformation input  
value inputvalue in resource resourcename.  
Current position in compressed image:  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found an error while  
processing the compressed image data. The message  
provides the offset for the compressed image data.  
Explanation: The transformation input value specified  
for the scan orientation is not valid.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
User response: See the error listing for error messages  
that identify the problem.  
The code page codepage does not contain  
Current position in uncompressed  
valid AFPDS.  
image: location.  
Explanation: The specified code page is not a valid  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) code page.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found an error while  
processing the uncompressed image data. The message  
provides the offset in the uncompressed image data.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Specify a valid AFP code page and  
enter the command again.  
User response: See the error listing for error messages  
that identify the problem.  
Xerox font fontname contains no valid  
code points.  
End of image not encountered.  
Explanation: Because the Xerox font does not contain  
any code points that the transform can process,  
InfoPrint XT cannot generate an AFP font.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find X'71' at the end  
of the image.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
User response: Do not request any more loads of this  
resource. Contact your technical support representative.  
The image converter found an  
unsupported scan orientation of  
scanorientation in resource resourcename.  
Error return code from compression  
algorithm: ReturnCode.  
Explanation: The scan orientation used to create the  
image is not portrait. InfoPrint XT only supports the  
portrait scan orientation in Restricted Raster Encoding  
image resources.  
Explanation: The compression algorithms reported an  
error while compressing the data.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
User response: See the error listing for error messages  
that identify the problem.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
The image converter found unknown  
Line Control Code x'linecontrolcode' (error  
Resource resourcename specifies  
samplecount samples per pixel.  
Explanation: While decompressing the Xerox image,  
InfoPrint XT found an incorrect Line Control Code  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT supports a maximum of  
two samples per pixel in Restricted Raster Encoding  
image resources.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
Appendix C. Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn  
Resource resourcename specifies a  
maximum sample value of samplevalue.  
The resource converter shifted an image  
down by n pels. This requires an  
upward shift by the same value.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT supports a maximum  
sample value of one in Restricted Raster Encoding  
image resources.  
Explanation: While converting a font code point or a  
logo to a page segment, InfoPrint XT shifted the image  
down from the media origin by the reported number of  
pels. The correlation table entry for this code point  
requires an equivalent upward shift.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
User response: Edit the correlation table entry for this  
page segment, and enter a negative y shift value that is  
equal to the downward shift reported in this message.  
Resource resourcename specifies an  
incomplete highlight color ink name.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expects fully qualified ink  
names (ink catalog name, palette name, and color  
name) in Restricted Raster Encoding image resources.  
Error occurred while compressing data  
(error ReturnCode).  
Explanation: The InfoPrint XT compression algorithms  
reported an error while compressing the data.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot convert the image.  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox image resource. If it is valid, contact your  
technical support representative.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox resource, and that the resource is not truncated.  
If it is valid and complete, contact your technical  
support representative.  
An error occurred while copying data to  
buffer (error ReturnCode).  
Explanation: The amount of data that InfoPrint XT is  
copying to a MO:DCA structured field exceeds the  
internal buffer size. The generated AFP resource is  
Error occurred while accessing memory  
beyond allocated buffer (error  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: The Xerox resource references image data  
that is not in the resource file.  
User response: Contact your technical support  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox resource, and that the resource is not truncated.  
If it is valid and complete, contact your technical  
support representative.  
Incorrect width: widthvalue (error  
Explanation: The Xerox resource specified an incorrect  
width value.  
The resource converter shifted an image  
to the right by n pels. This requires a  
shift to the left by the same value.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox resource. If it is valid, contact your technical  
support representative.  
Explanation: While converting a font code point or  
logo to a page segment, InfoPrint XT shifted the image  
right from the media origin by the reported number of  
pels. The correlation table entry for this code point  
requires an equivalent left shift.  
Incorrect height: heightvalue (error  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
Explanation: The Xerox resource specified an incorrect  
User response: Edit the correlation table entry for this  
page segment, and enter a negative x shift value that is  
equal to the right shift reported in this message.  
height value.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Verify that the resource is a valid  
Xerox resource. If it is valid, contact your technical  
support representative.  
120 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream  
converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx  
This section lists the messages that the InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT)  
resource utility and Xerox data stream converter programs can issue. Make sure  
that you see the appropriate set of messages, depending on whether InfoPrint XT  
issues them while loading a resource or while converting a job.  
Resource path names used in messages  
Some of the messages and message explanations include information about where  
the resource utility or data stream converter looked for reformatted Xerox  
resources and Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) resources. The reformatted  
Xerox resource path is the location of the metrics files that InfoPrint XT generates  
when you load a Xerox resource. Depending on whether you loaded them as  
common resources, loaded them in a specific resource group, or loaded them in a  
directory of your choice, the reformatted Xerox resource path is one of these:  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\metrics  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\metrics  
v C:\OtherDirectory\metrics  
Note: Reformatted Xerox resource path is equivalent to metrics directory, the term  
that other areas of this publication use.  
The AFP resource path is the directory that contains the AFP resources that  
InfoPrint XT generates when you load Xerox printable resources. The AFP resource  
path is one of these:  
v %PDXTWORKDR%\resources\common  
v %PDXTWORKDR%\resources\resgrp  
v C:\OtherDirectory  
Note: AFP resource path is equivalent to AFP resource directory, the term that other  
areas of this publication use.  
InfoPrint XT resource utility messages  
Many of the messages contain variable data, shown in italics, which InfoPrint XT  
replaces with specific information when it issues the messages. A vertical bar (|)  
between portions of variable data means that InfoPrint XT uses only one of the  
variable-data strings when it issues the message. The error condition determines  
the variable-data string that InfoPrint XT uses.  
The middle three characters of the message identifier indicate the program module  
that found the error. This chapter replaces these with the characters xxx. These  
characters are variable and have no meaning to users.  
The message identifier ends with a letter that indicates the severity:  
Informational. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 0. The  
resource or resources processed successfully.  
Warning. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 4. It alerts  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
the user that the resource utility found a possible problem in the input  
resource. However, the resource or resources processed successfully.  
Error. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 8. This  
indicates an error that caused InfoPrint XT to complete a default action.  
Error messages issued when the resource utility is converting an FRM  
indicate that the AFP overlay generated by InfoPrint XT and printed on an  
IPDS printer might or might not match the output of the same resource  
printed on a Xerox printer. Otherwise, an error prevented InfoPrint XT  
from loading the resource.  
Severe error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to return  
code 12. An error prevented InfoPrint XT from loading the resource.  
Unrecoverable error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to  
return code 16. An error prevented InfoPrint XT from loading the resource.  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx000S Unknown logic error.  
Explanation: An unexpected error condition occurred  
in the parameter parser.  
AIOxxx002S Unrecognized option for the keyword:  
keyword. Valid options for this keyword  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job  
this message to your technical support representative.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword  
option or value that is not valid.  
AIOxxx000S Unrecognized keyword: keyword. Valid  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
keywords are:  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword  
that it did not recognize.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx003S Value for keyword: keyword is out of  
range. Valid range is lower_limit to  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job  
this message to your technical support representative.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword  
value that is not in the range of valid values.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx001S Specified option for keyword: keyword is  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
too long. Maximum length is length.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a value for a  
keyword that is too long.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
AIOxxx004S Extra data: data_string was found after  
the file name. Data ignored.  
122 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Explanation: The parameter parser found extraneous  
data among the keywords.  
AIOxxx220I Processing selection criteria...  
Explanation: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx221E The following SELECT parameter value  
is too long: parameter.  
Explanation: An internal InfoPrint XT error occurred.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx203S code_module could not read parameters  
due to error_condition. Processing cannot  
continue without correction of  
parameter input error.  
AIOxxx222E Incorrect character character in SELECT  
parameter value value.  
Explanation: An internal InfoPrint XT error occurred.  
Explanation: An internal InfoPrint XT error occurred.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx204I Reading resource utility parameters.  
AIOxxx226I The resource utility found no resource  
names that match one or more SELECT  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates that InfoPrint XT has begun reading the  
resource conversion parameters. It requires no user  
criteria1 criteria2 criteria3 criteriaN  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
reports SELECT criteria for which the resource utility  
found no matching resource names. It requires no user  
AIOxxx208I The resource utility parameters in effect  
option1 option2 option3 optionN  
Explanation: This message reports the runtime  
AIOxxx227I The resource utility will process Xerox  
resources that match the following  
SELECT criteria:  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
criteria2 criteriaN  
User response: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
reports the types of resources that InfoPrint XT is  
processing. It requires no user response.  
AIOxxx211E Incorrect resource utility parameter  
AIOxxx228I Processing will occur for files with the  
following filetypes:  
Explanation: A user-supplied conversion parameter  
did not match the valid options.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Correct the option option and rerun the  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
reports the types of resources that InfoPrint XT is  
processing. It requires no user response.  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 123  
correlation table, complete the incomplete record and  
rerun the failing command. Otherwise, this indicates an  
internal error in InfoPrint XT. Report this message to  
your technical support representative.  
AIOxxx230I Processing Correlation Source File...  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates that InfoPrint XT is rebuilding the correlation  
tables. It requires no user response.  
AIOxxx235E The correlation source file processor  
found an incorrect X/Y offset for page  
AIOxxx231E Line line_number - correlation resource  
name resource_name contains incorrect  
segment psegname on line line_number.  
Explanation: The X- or Y-offset specified for a page  
Explanation: A resource name in the resource  
segment in the resource correlation table is not valid.  
correlation table contains characters that are not valid.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
resource, but it does not process line line_number.  
User response: Correct the offset value and rerun the  
User response: If you manually updated the  
correlation table, correct the entry and rerun the failing  
command. Otherwise, this indicates an internal error in  
InfoPrint XT. Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
failing command.  
AIOxxx236E The resource utility found an incorrect  
correlation for Xerox DBCS font  
font_name on line line_number. The  
correlated AFP object must be a coded  
AIOxxx232E Correlation source record line_number  
does not start with D, F, I, or L.  
Explanation: You must correlate each Xerox DBCS  
font to an AFP coded font, which associates an AFP  
code page with an AFP outline character set. You  
cannot correlate a DBCS font to an AFP character set  
and AFP code page pair.  
Explanation: An entry in the resource correlation table  
starts with an incorrect record type indicator.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
resource, but it does not process line line_number.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you manually updated the  
correlation table, correct the indicator and rerun the  
failing command. Otherwise, this indicates an internal  
error in InfoPrint XT. Report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Specify an AFP coded font for the  
Xerox DBCS font. Rebuild the font correlation table.  
AIOxxx237I The correlation source processor did not  
create the font correlation table.  
AIOxxx233E The correlation source file processor  
found a duplicate entry for resource_name  
on line line_number. The resource utility  
will use the last valid entry.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found no valid font entries  
in the correlation source file. Other messages might  
provide more information about the problem.  
Explanation: The resource correlation table contains  
more than one entry for a specific Xerox resource.  
System action: InfoPrint XT might continue  
processing, or it might not process a particular  
System action: Processing continues. InfoPrint XT uses  
the last valid correlation entry in the table.  
User response: Make sure that at least one font  
resource is loaded for the resource group. InfoPrint XT  
cannot process more resources without at least one font  
already loaded. If you manually updated the resource  
correlation table and expected InfoPrint XT to create  
the table, verify that the entries for the missing table  
are correct. Then, rerun the command that resulted in  
this message. If you did not update the resource  
correlation table, but you expected InfoPrint XT to  
create the table, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
correlation table, remove the duplicate entry and rerun  
the failing command. Otherwise, this indicates an  
internal error in InfoPrint XT. Report this message to  
your technical support representative.  
AIOxxx234E A required field on line line_number of  
the correlation source file is blank.  
Explanation: A correlation record is incomplete.  
System action: Processing continues, but InfoPrint XT  
does not process line line_number. This is the line with  
the incomplete correlation record.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
124 InfoPrint XT Guide  
error. Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx238I The correlation source processor did not  
create the table_name correlation table.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found no valid image or  
logo entries in the correlation source file. Other  
messages might provide more information about the  
AIOxxx243E Not enough records in translation table  
table_name on line line_number.  
Explanation: This message indicates that an internal  
error exists in a translation table source record.  
System action: InfoPrint XT might continue  
processing, or it might not process a particular  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you manually updated the resource  
correlation table and expected InfoPrint XT to create  
the table, verify that the entries for the missing table  
are correct. Then, rerun the command that resulted in  
this message. If you did not update the resource  
correlation table, but you expected InfoPrint XT to  
create the table, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
translation source file, correct the record identified in  
the message. Then, rerun the failing command.  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx244E Translation table name table_name has  
incorrect characters on line line_number.  
Explanation: This message indicates that an internal  
error exists in a translation table source record.  
AIOxxx239I The correlation source processor created  
table_name with n entries.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates the correlation table that InfoPrint XT created  
(table_name), and the number of entries (n) in the table.  
InfoPrint XT creates correlation tables for fonts, images,  
and logos. This message requires no user response.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
translation source file, correct the record identified in  
the message. Then, rerun the failing command.  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx240I Processing Translation Source File...  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates InfoPrint XT is rebuilding the translation  
tables. It requires no user response.  
AIOxxx245E The translation source file processor  
found an incorrect record on line  
Explanation: This message indicates that an internal  
error exists in a translation table source record.  
AIOxxx241E Hexadecimal value x'n' on line  
line_number of translation table  
table_name is not valid.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: This message indicates that an internal  
error exists in a translation table source record.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
translation source file, correct the record identified in  
the message. Then, rerun the failing command.  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx246I The translation source file processor  
wrote number translation tables to the  
reformatted Xerox resource path:  
AIOxxx242E The translation source file processor  
found duplicate translation table name  
table_name on line line_number. The  
processor will use the last valid  
table1 table2 table3 table4 tableN  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates the number of translation tables that the  
InfoPrint XT translation source file processor created. It  
requires no user response.  
Explanation: This message indicates that an internal  
error exists in a translation table source record.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
translation source file, correct the record identified in  
the message. Then, rerun the command that caused this  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 125  
different from the paper size defined internally in the  
form. InfoPrint XT used the internally specified paper  
AIOxxx247I The resource utility created no  
translation tables:  
Explanation: The translation source entries in the  
translation tables contained errors.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: No action is necessary, unless you  
want to use the paper size that you specified. In that  
case, you must specify the PAPER command in the FSL  
for the Xerox FRM resource, and recompile it using the  
Xerox FDL command. This sets the internally specified  
size to the size that you want. Then, reload the FRM  
using the InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
translation source file, correct the file and rerun the  
failing command. Otherwise, report this message to  
your technical support representative.  
AIOxxx250I Processing Xerox resources...  
AIOxxx254W While converting form form_name, the  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates that InfoPrint XT is creating the metrics tables  
for resources. It requires no user response.  
following errors occurred:  
Explanation: Additional error messages provide  
specific information about the errors that InfoPrint XT  
found during the conversion of form form_name.  
AIOxxx251I The resource utility found no  
reformatted Xerox DBCS fonts for  
metrics extraction.  
System action: InfoPrint XT might or might not have  
processed the resource, depending on the errors.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT tried to extract DBCS AFP  
font metrics, but it did not find a corresponding  
reformatted Xerox font file.  
User response: Review the errors listed and do  
corrective actions as necessary.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx255E The form converter could not find logo  
logo_name|image image_name in the logo  
| image correlation table.  
User response: Verify that the fonts you are loading  
include Xerox DBCS fonts.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find entries for the  
named logo or image in the correlation tables located in  
the reformatted Xerox resource path. The logo  
correlation tables are tab.alt and tab.slt. The image  
correlation tables are tab.ait and tab.sit.  
AIOxxx252W The data stream converter cannot use  
JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name pair for data  
stream conversion due to one or more  
unsupported BLOCK | RECORD  
command functions:  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Load the logo or image identified in  
the message.  
function1 function2 function3  
Explanation: The JDL/JDE pair successfully loads, but  
InfoPrint XT issues message AIOxxx775S and stops  
processing if data stream conversion uses the JDL/JDE  
pair. The unsupported functions that InfoPrint XT  
might list are FORMAT ¬= BIN, LMULT ¬= 1, and  
AIOxxx256E The form converter could not find logo  
logo_name|image image_name in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
Explanation: While processing a Xerox form, InfoPrint  
XT determined that the form referenced a Xerox LGO  
file (logo_name) or an IMG file (image_name) that is not  
loaded on the system.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
User response: If the JDL/JDE pair is essential to  
printing operations, report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Load the resource identified in the  
message and the form that generated the error.  
AIOxxx253W The resource utility will process Xerox  
resource filename.filetype by using paper  
size paper_size1 instead of the requested  
Explanation: The resource utility was given a paper  
size to use during Xerox form conversion that is  
126 InfoPrint XT Guide  
User response: Review the other messages and correct  
the problems. Then, load the resources again.  
AIOxxx259S The resource utility found an  
inconsistency in Xerox resource  
AIOxxx265I The resource utility skipped no Xerox  
phase_name: error_info  
Explanation: The program found a resource  
(filename.filetype) that it cannot process.  
Explanation: This is an informational message. Other  
messages indicate whether InfoPrint XT successfully  
completed the task.  
System action: Processing continues, but InfoPrint XT  
does not convert the resource.  
AIOxxx266I The number of Xerox resources skipped  
User response: A phase number and diagnostic  
information follow this message to help identify the  
problem. Use the diagnostic information to correct the  
problem. If the problem continues, report this message  
to your technical support representative.  
by the resource utility was number.  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
lists the internal names of the Xerox resources that the  
resource utility did not process. Other messages  
indicate whether InfoPrint XT successfully completed  
the task.  
AIOxxx260I The number of Xerox resources  
successfully processed was number.  
AIOxxx268W One or more Xerox resources do not  
conform to the typical source file format  
of sequenced 80-byte records. number  
resource1 resource2 resourceN  
Explanation: This is an informational message and  
requires no user response.  
may not have processed successfully. ...  
AIOxxx261I The resource utility processed no Xerox  
resources successfully.  
Explanation: This message indicates that InfoPrint XT  
might not have recognized the Xerox source file format  
in the files listed. Possible causes are that the internal  
record length was not 80, the sequence numbers were  
not found in columns 75 to 80 of every possible 80-byte  
record, or both conditions exist. InfoPrint XT tried to  
reformat the resource. However, because the listed files  
might not contain ASCII text, the corresponding  
resources might not be usable.  
Explanation: This is an informational message. Other  
messages report the reasons why InfoPrint XT cannot  
successfully process the resources.  
AIOxxx262I The number of Xerox resources not  
successfully processed was number.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not process number  
resources. Other messages explain the errors found by  
InfoPrint XT.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: Print a job that uses the resources to  
determine whether they are usable. If they are not,  
create them again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
resource or resources listed.  
User response: Review the other messages and correct  
the problems. Then, load the resources again.  
AIOxxx270I The table_name correlation table has  
number entries.  
AIOxxx263I The resource utility processed all  
requested Xerox resources successfully.  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
summarizes the number of entries in each resource  
correlation table (table_name). It requires no user  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT successfully processed all  
the Xerox resources. This is an informational message  
and requires no user response.  
AIOxxx271W AFP resource AFP_resource, correlated to  
Xerox resource Xerox_resource, does not  
exist in the AFP resource path.  
AIOxxx264S The resource utility processed none of  
the requested Xerox resources  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot find the  
AFP_resource resource for Xerox resource Xerox_resource  
in the AFP resource path. The AFP resource name  
might be incorrect, or it might not be available on the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot successfully process  
any of the Xerox resources. Other messages explain the  
errors found by InfoPrint XT.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: The process failed.  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 127  
User response: If you manually updated the  
correlation table, verify that the entry is correct and  
that the AFP resource exists. Then, rerun the failing  
command. Otherwise, report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
AIOxxx276W Xerox image image_name in the image  
correlation table does not exist in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not  
contain an entry for the Xerox image image_name. The  
reformatted Xerox resource path contains the  
reformatted resource.  
AIOxxx272W No correlation exists between Xerox  
resource Xerox_resource and an AFP  
System action: The process failed.  
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not  
contain a correlation entry for the Xerox reformatted  
resource Xerox_resource. The reformatted Xerox resource  
path contains the reformatted resource.  
User response: Reload the Xerox image resource and  
rerun the failing command.  
AIOxxx280I Processing cluster database source file  
System action: The process failed.  
User response: Reload the Xerox resource and rerun  
the failing command.  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
lists the name, cls_name, of the cluster database source  
file that InfoPrint XT is compiling. It requires no user  
AIOxxx273W Xerox font font_name in the font  
correlation table does not exist in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
AIOxxx281E The resource utility found incorrect  
cluster name cl_name in cluster database  
source file cls_name, line line_number.  
Cluster names must begin with a letter  
and must consist of 1 to 6 alphanumeric  
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not  
contain an entry for the Xerox font font_name. The  
reformatted Xerox resource path contains the  
reformatted resource.  
System action: The process failed.  
Explanation: Cluster names must conform to the  
convention for Xerox file names that the message  
User response: Reload the Xerox resource and rerun  
the failing command.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx274W Translation table table_name in the font  
correlation table does not exist in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
User response: Correct the cluster name and rerun the  
failing command.  
Explanation: The font correlation table contains an  
entry for the table table_name, but the table does not  
AIOxxx282E The resource utility found incorrect  
character string 'EBCDIC_char'  
(x'EBCDIC_hex') in cluster database  
source file cls_name, cluster name  
cl_name, line line_number, column  
column_number: error_description.  
System action: The process failed.  
User response: If you manually updated the  
correlation table, verify that the translation table  
identified in the message exists and correct the entry.  
Then, rerun the failing command. Otherwise, report  
this message to your technical support representative.  
Explanation: The cluster database source file cl_name  
contains an incorrectly coded character at the location  
described in the message. error_description can be any of  
AIOxxx275W Xerox logo logo_name in the logo  
correlation table does not exist in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
v ASIZ must be coded as 'A' or blank.  
v Preferred AFP MMC tray must be blank, 'E', 'M', or  
'1' - '255', right justified.  
Explanation: The resource correlation table does not  
contain an entry for the Xerox logo logo_name. The  
reformatted Xerox resource path contains the  
reformatted resource.  
v Preferred Xerox trays are positional and must be  
blank or '1' - '8'.  
v Incorrect preferred Xerox tray position.  
v Current AFP MMC tray must be blank, 'E', 'M', or '1'  
System action: The process failed.  
- '255', right justified.  
User response: Reload the Xerox resource and rerun  
the failing command.  
v Current Xerox trays are positional and must be blank  
or '1' - '8'.  
v Incorrect current Xerox tray position.  
128 InfoPrint XT Guide  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx290U The resource utility could not find the  
source_type source file.  
User response: Correct the character and rerun the  
failing command.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot find the correlation  
source file or the translation source file in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
AIOxxx283W Undefined cluster name cl_name in  
cluster database source file cls_name, line  
line_number, has no current or preferred  
AFP MMC trays assigned and will be  
excluded from reformatted cluster  
database clb_name.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
Explanation: The cl_name cluster entry on record  
line_number of a cluster database source file cls_name is  
not meaningful because it does not reference any  
current or preferred input media sources.  
AIOxxx292U File access error with return code  
return_code occurred during action  
operation of file file_name in the  
path_name path directory or DDNAME:  
System action: If InfoPrint XT finds no other errors  
that are more serious than this for cls_name, it writes  
the reformatted cluster database to the resource library  
without the undefined cluster entry.  
Explanation: An unidentifiable or unexpected I/O  
condition occurred during processing.  
User response: Check for any other errors that  
InfoPrint XT might have found while reformatting the  
cluster database.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx283W Undefined cluster name cl_name in  
cluster database source file cls_name, line  
line_number, has no current or preferred  
AFP MMC trays assigned.  
AIOxxx294W A record in file_name was longer than  
the maximum record length of nn. The  
transform ignored data in bytes beyond  
the expected length.  
Explanation: The cl_name cluster entry on record  
line_number of a cluster database source member  
cls_name is not meaningful because it does not  
references any current or preferred input media  
Explanation: A logic error occurred while reading  
from file file_name.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: Because InfoPrint XT found other,  
more serious errors in cls_name, it did not write the  
reformatted cluster database to the resource library.  
User response: Examine the file and make sure that it  
is not corrupt. Make sure that the xcc conversion  
parameter specified the correct type of carriage control,  
and that the data stream conversion parameters are  
correct. Then, do the operation that caused this error  
User response: Correct the cluster database source  
member and rerun the failing command.  
AIOxxx284E The resource utility found no valid  
cluster entries in Xerox cluster database  
file_name.lib, and could not process the  
AIOxxx298U A program or operating system error has  
occurred. Internal diagnostic  
information follows:  
Explanation: While processing Xerox cluster database  
file_name.lib, InfoPrint XT did not find any cluster  
Explanation: A logic error occurred in the resource  
utility program. InfoPrint XT supplies a phase name,  
diagnostic information, or both, to help identify the  
System action: InfoPrint XT did not reformat the  
database. If a source file was requested, InfoPrint XT  
did not produce it.  
User response: Verify that the Xerox cluster database  
that InfoPrint XT is processing contains cluster entries,  
and then reload the file.  
System action: The process failed.  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 129  
AIOxxx299U Resource utility processing aborted due  
to unrecoverable errors.  
AIOxxx444I The number of image references in form  
form_name was number.  
Explanation: This message occurs when the resource  
utility program ends abnormally. The previous  
messages give the reason for abnormal end of the  
.img name Page  
scaling position  
(x,y) inches or (x,y) pels  
(x,y) inches or (x,y) pels  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Review the other messages that  
InfoPrint XT issued and correct the problems. Then,  
rerun the failing command.  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates the fonts, logos, images, or highlight color  
resources that Xerox form form_name uses. x and y are  
numeric values. fnt_name identifies a Xerox font name,  
lgo_name identifies a Xerox logo name, and img_name  
identifies a Xerox image name. If Xerox highlight color  
resource references were found, ict_name identifies an  
ink catalog, palette_name identifies a palette in the  
catalog, and color_name identifies a color in the palette.  
AFP_name identifies the AFP font name (either a coded  
font name or a character set/code page pair). pseg_name  
identifies the AFP page segment name. hh is the  
hexadecimal value of the trigger character associated  
with a page segment. n and d are numeric values for  
the numerator and denominator of the scaling factor  
requested for images. The positions shown for logos  
and images reference the upper left corner of the  
associated page segments as viewed with the sheet in  
the portrait orientation. The list of logo references does  
not include the names of logos that might occur in the  
internal logo entries for the form, but that are not  
actually used in the form.  
AIOxxx444I The number of text and graphic fonts  
listed in the form form_name was number.  
.fnt name  
AFP name(s)  
line spacing value  
x inches or y pels  
x inches or y pels  
AIOxxx444I The number of fonts correlated to page  
segments in form form_name was number.  
.fnt name  
Page segment trigger line spacing  
x inches or y pels  
x inches o y pels  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the resources.  
User response: This message requires no user action.  
AIOxxx444I The number of logo references in form  
form_name was number.  
AIOxxx454E The resource utility could not identify  
AFP resources referenced in overlay  
.lgo name  
Page segment position  
overlay_name for form form_name.  
(x,y) inches or (x,y) pels  
(x,y) inches or (x,y) pels  
Explanation: The resource utility tried to collect global  
FRM information for form form_name, but it did not  
determine the list of AFP resources that the FRM  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
User response: Make sure that the AFP overlay is  
correct. If necessary, reload the Xerox FRM to create  
both the metrics file and the overlay again. This makes  
sure that the metrics information and the overlay match  
the original Xerox resource.  
AIOxxx444I The number of highlight color ink  
references in form form_name was  
Ink catalog  
Palette name  
Color name  
AIOxxx471E The transform could not identify AFP  
fonts and page segments from form  
form_name. Reload the form to verify  
resource availability.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found a reformatted list file  
130 InfoPrint XT Guide  
resource_list_name for a form resource in a format that is  
not at the current level. The file does not include some  
of the required information.  
AIOxxx490E The transform found a relative move in  
the dot | scan direction with no  
preceding absolute move on page  
page_number, logical record line_number.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
Explanation: Before the print position was established,  
InfoPrint XT either found characters to print or relative  
moves in a metacode print control record of a form.  
User response: Reload the corresponding Xerox form  
to update the resource list file to the latest format and  
to create the overlay again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the current print  
control record and continues processing with the next  
AIOxxx472E Overlay overlay_name does not match the  
overlay available when the transform  
converted resource_list_name.  
User response: Correct the input form and rerun the  
failing command.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found that overlay  
overlay_name has changed since the last time it was  
AIOxxx491W The transform detected an attempt to  
reshape graphic characters by using  
nongraphic Xerox font font_name on page  
page_number, logical record line_number.  
Of number active fonts, font_name is  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: Reload the corresponding Xerox form  
to make sure that the information in the resource list  
file resource_list_name matches the information in  
overlay overlay_name.  
number number and no graphic fonts  
were found in the active font list.  
AIOxxx491W The transform detected an attempt to  
reshape graphic characters by using  
nongraphic Xerox font font_name on page  
page_number, logical record line_number.  
Of number active fonts, font_name is  
number number. Active graphic fonts  
include graphic_font1 (number a),  
AIOxxx480E Unrecognized parameter: parameter.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not recognize the input  
parameter (parameter) as a valid parameter.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the parameter  
and continues processing.  
graphic_font2 (number b), and  
graphic_font3 (number c).  
User response: Correct the parameter and reconvert  
the job.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found a character-reshaping  
metacode print control sequence in a form, but a  
nongraphic font was in effect. The message either  
indicates that no graphic fonts were active, or lists up  
to three active graphic fonts.  
AIOxxx482E Incorrect numeric argument: argument.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expected a numeric  
argument in a parameter, but found a nonnumeric  
argument instead.  
System action: Processing continues, but graphics  
might be missing from the output.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the parameter  
and continues processing.  
User response: Compare the font list in effect to the  
font list expected at metacode generation. Correct the  
inconsistency between the font lists and reload the  
User response: Correct the parameter. Do the  
operation that caused the error again.  
AIOxxx483W Numeric argument numeric_argument is  
outside the range of permitted values.  
The transform will use a value of  
AIOxxx492E A translation error occurred while  
processing input character x’input_hex’ at  
logical record line_number. Code page  
code_page did not contain EBCDIC  
character x’EBCDIC_hex’. The transform  
substituted a blank. The original Xerox  
font was font_name.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expects the parameter  
(numeric_argument) for the job to be numeric. It is not  
numeric, or the numeric value is too large or too small.  
Explanation: While processing metacode print controls  
in a form, InfoPrint XT translated ASCII input character  
x’input_hex’ into EBCDIC character x’EBCDIC_hex’.  
However, because this character is not available in code  
page code_page, InfoPrint XT uses a blank in its place.  
This might occur because of incorrect characters, such  
System action: InfoPrint XT replaces the incorrect  
value with the system default value.  
User response: Correct the parameter and reconvert  
the job.  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 131  
as binary zeros, in a text line in a form. It might also  
occur if you have manually correlated a Xerox font to  
an AFP font and the AFP font does not have characters  
that correspond to some of the characters in the Xerox  
font. Or, a character translation table was altered so  
that a character in the job does not map to the correct  
character in the AFP font.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing.  
User response: Correct the form or correlation and  
reload the form.  
InfoPrint XT data stream converter messages  
This section lists messages that the InfoPrint XT data stream converter can issue  
and a short explanation of each message.  
Many of the messages contain variable data, shown in italics, which InfoPrint XT  
replaces with specific information when it issues the messages. A vertical bar (|)  
between portions of variable data means that InfoPrint XT uses only one of the  
variable-data strings when it issues the message. The error condition determines  
the variable-data string that InfoPrint XT uses.  
The middle three characters of the message identifier indicate the program module  
that found the error. This section replaces these with the characters xxx. These  
characters are variable and have no meaning to users.  
The message indicator ends with a letter that indicates the severity:  
Informational. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 0.  
InfoPrint XT generates AFP output for the job.  
Warning. Processing continues. This corresponds to return code 4. It alerts  
the user that the converter found a possible problem in the input data  
stream. However, InfoPrint XT generates AFP output for the job.  
Error. InfoPrint XT processing continues. This corresponds to return code 8.  
This indicates an error that caused InfoPrint XT to complete a default  
action. The error might or might not prevent InfoPrint XT from generating  
AFP output for the job.  
Severe error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to return  
code 12. An error that prevented InfoPrint XT from generating AFP output  
for the job.  
Unrecoverable error. InfoPrint XT processing stops. This corresponds to  
return code 16. An error that prevented InfoPrint XT from generating AFP  
output for the job.  
Note: You can use the xafprc conversion parameter to control when InfoPrint XT  
generates AFP output, based on the return code.  
AIOxxx000S Unknown logic error.  
AIOxxx000S Unrecognized keyword: keyword. Valid  
keywords are:  
Explanation: An unexpected error condition occurred  
in the parameter parser.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job  
this message to your technical support representative.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword  
that it did not recognize.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
132 InfoPrint XT Guide  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters for the job  
this message to your technical support representative.  
AIOxxx004S Extra data: data_string was found after  
the file name. Data ignored.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found extraneous  
data among the keywords.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx001S Specified option for keyword: keyword is  
too long. Maximum length is length.  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a value for a  
keyword that is too long.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx203S code_module could not read parameters  
due to error_condition. Processing cannot  
continue without correction of a  
parameter input error.  
Explanation: An internal InfoPrint XT error occurred.  
AIOxxx002S Unrecognized option for the keyword:  
keyword. Valid options for this keyword  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the input  
data stream.  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx207I Reading data stream conversion  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword  
value that is not valid.  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
identifies the source of the conversion parameters. It  
requires no user response.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx209I The data stream conversion parameters  
in effect are:  
option1 option2 option3 option4  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
reports the runtime options. It requires no user  
AIOxxx003S Value for keyword: keyword is out of  
range. Valid range is lower_limit to  
AIOxxx292U File access error with return code  
return_code occurred during action  
Explanation: The parameter parser found a keyword  
value that is not in the range of valid values.  
operation of file file_name in the  
path_name path directory or DDNAME:  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: An unidentifiable or unexpected I/O  
condition occurred during processing.  
User response: If you are converting a Xerox job,  
make sure that the conversion parameters and values  
for the job are valid. See Appendix A, “Conversion  
Otherwise, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 133  
v IBM3211 (machine code)  
AIOxxx293I The data stream converter needs Xerox  
resource resource_name for this  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues converting the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find a required  
Xerox resource during job conversion.  
User response: Check the printed output. If the output  
is not correct, specify the correct type of carriage  
control for the job. Use the xcc conversion parameter.  
Then, convert the job again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot complete the  
User response: Make sure that you load the resource  
on the system, and that you rerun the job. You might  
also receive this as an informational message when you  
scan jobs for required resources.  
AIOxxx407I Reading online / offline JDL query  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates that InfoPrint XT has begun to read the  
online/offline JDL query parameters to determine  
whether the job is an online or offline job. It requires  
no user response.  
AIOxxx294W A record in file_name was longer than  
the maximum record length of nn. The  
transform ignored data in bytes beyond  
the expected length.  
Explanation: A logic error occurred while reading  
from file file_name.  
AIOxxx408I Reading reformatted Xerox resource  
dump parameters.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: This is an informational message that  
indicates that InfoPrint XT has begun to read the  
reformatted Xerox resource dump parameters. It  
requires no user response.  
User response: Examine the file and make sure that it  
is not corrupt. Make sure that the xcc conversion  
parameter specifies the correct type of carriage control,  
and that the data stream conversion parameters are  
correct. Then, do the operation that caused this error  
AIOxxx420S UNDEFINEDFILE condition raised on  
name, ONCODE number. Check name  
path or file.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find the input file  
for the job, or it detected incorrect or conflicting  
attributes for the file.  
AIOxxx298U A program or operating system error has  
occurred. Internal diagnostic  
information follows:  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: If you are submitting a job from disk,  
check both the path to the file and the spelling of the  
file name to make sure that the path and file exist. If  
you are manually converting the job with the  
pdxtx2afp command, also make sure that the xrecfm  
parameter value correctly matches the fixed or variable  
record format of the input data, and that the xlrecl  
parameter value is in the valid range for the record  
format. If the problem continues after you have verified  
the path name, file name, file attributes, and parameter  
values, report this message to your technical support  
Explanation: A logic error occurred. InfoPrint XT  
supplies a phase name, diagnostic information, or both,  
to help identify the problem.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: Report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
AIOxxx400I Data stream converter processing  
aborted due to unrecoverable errors.  
Explanation: This message occurs when the  
conversion process ends abnormally. Previous messages  
give the reason for abnormal end of the process.  
AIOxxx421S RECORD condition raised on file_name,  
ONCODE nn. Check file_name file  
AIOxxx404I The data stream converter will process  
the input file by using cc_type carriage  
control characters.  
Explanation: The named file (file_name) has an  
incorrect record format (xrecfm=) or record length  
(xlrecl=) specified by the conversion parameters for the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT examined the job data to  
determine whether ANSI or IBM3211 control characters  
were in use. The type of controls found was different  
from the type expected. control_type is either:  
System action: InfoPrint XT produces no output, or  
produces incomplete output.  
134 InfoPrint XT Guide  
User response: Make sure that the xcc conversion  
parameter specifies the correct type of carriage control,  
and verify that the data stream conversion parameters  
are correct. Then, convert the job again.  
v The format of the E1 keyword of the MMC  
structured field  
v The input bin number  
The converter used the sequentially numbered name  
sequential_name instead of the content-sensitive name  
AIOxxx431E Resource conversion for inline resource  
resource_name ended with return code nn.  
Resource will not be used.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot dynamically load the  
resource that the message identifies. A FILE DJDE in  
the job specified the resource.  
User response: If the job finishes with no other errors,  
you might be able to print the output if you also  
specified the xafprc conversion parameter with a value  
of 8 or greater. If you cannot print the output, run the  
job again and specify xcsmmname=no.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: To get more information about why  
the resource did not load, set the  
AIOxxx470E The data stream converter could not  
find or validate reformatted Xerox FRM  
resource form_name and will not use  
fonts from the form.  
PDXT_AIOLXDFE_TRACE environment variable to 1.  
Restart the Windows system to pick up the change.  
Then, rerun the job and review the messages in the  
x2afp.lst file. Depending on the cause of the problem,  
you might need to create the Xerox resource and the  
job data stream again to correct the problem.  
Explanation: The data stream converter could not read  
the metrics file for form form_name in the reformatted  
Xerox resource path. The file might not exist, or there  
might be a problem with the file. InfoPrint XT cannot  
use any fonts that the form specifies and the printed  
output might not be correct.  
AIOxxx453E The transform could not find the  
overlay overlay_name in the AFP resource  
path and did not process form  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot find overlay  
overlay_name. Without the overlay, it also cannot track  
the resources that the overlay invoked and that the  
reformatted form resource list file resource_list_name  
User response: Reload the form and reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx471E The transform could not identify AFP  
fonts and page segments from form  
form_name. Reload the form to verify  
resource availability.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: Make sure that you have loaded or  
reloaded the overlay correctly.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found a reformatted form  
resource list file resource_list_name in a format that is  
not at the current level. The file does not include some  
of the required information.  
AIOxxx457E The data stream converter could not  
create a unique content-sensitive  
medium map name due to one or more  
Xerox commands:  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: Reload the corresponding Xerox form  
to update the resource list file to the latest format and  
to create the overlay again.  
The converter will use a medium map  
name of sequential_name instead of  
AIOxxx472E Overlay overlay_name does not match the  
overlay available when the transform  
converted resource_list_name.  
Explanation: The data stream converter found one or  
more Xerox commands command_names in the job that  
generated a request for a medium map subcommand.  
The data stream converter cannot represent the  
medium map subcommand in a content-sensitive  
medium map name. Content-sensitive medium map  
names can only represent:  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found that overlay  
overlay_name has changed since the last time it was  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
v Duplex or simplex  
v Offset stack change or no offset stack change  
User response: Reload the corresponding Xerox form  
to make sure that the information in the resource list  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 135  
file resource_list_name matches the information in  
overlay overlay_name.  
AIOxxx483W Numeric argument numeric_argument is  
outside the range of permitted values.  
The transform will use a value of  
AIOxxx473E The data stream converter detected one  
or more missing overlays or overlay  
resources. Data stream conversion to  
AFPDS may be successful, but the AFP  
file will not print correctly. Load the  
missing resources to ensure correct  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expects the parameter  
(numeric_argument) for the job to be numeric. It is not  
numeric, or the numeric value is too large or too small.  
System action: InfoPrint XT replaces the incorrect  
value with the system default value.  
Explanation: The job uses one or more overlays that  
are missing from the AFP resource library, or one or  
more reformatted Xerox forms that are missing from  
the reformatted Xerox resource path.  
User response: Correct the parameter and reconvert  
the job.  
AIOxxx484S The data stream converter could not  
find reformatted cluster database  
clb_name in the reformatted Xerox  
resource path.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: Make sure that you have loaded all  
the Xerox forms for this job, and any fonts, images, or  
logos that the forms use.  
Explanation: The conversion parameters for the job  
specified the CLUSTERLIB parameter (xclb=), or used  
the default cluster name, which is clustr.lib. However,  
the cluster database specified in the message does not  
exist in the reformatted Xerox resource path.  
AIOxxx480E Unrecognized parameter: parameter.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not recognize the input  
parameter (parameter) as a valid parameter.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the parameter  
and continues processing.  
User response: Correct the name of the cluster  
database or add the xclb=none conversion parameter.  
Then, reconvert the job.  
User response: Correct the parameter and reconvert  
the job.  
AIOxxx486S Incorrect parameter: parameter.  
AIOxxx481E Incorrect JDE/JDL argument:  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not recognize the input  
parameter (parameter) as a valid parameter. Processing  
cannot continue without producing potentially incorrect  
output or resource conversions in FILE DJDE jobs.  
Explanation: The JDE or JDL name specified in the  
conversion parameters is either too long or it contains  
non-alphanumeric characters.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
System action: InfoPrint XT uses the system default  
and continues processing.  
User response: Make sure that you specify the correct  
parameter. Then, reconvert the job.  
User response: Correct the JDE/JDL specification and  
reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx490E The transform found a relative move in  
the dot | scan direction with no  
AIOxxx482E Incorrect numeric argument: argument.  
preceding absolute move on page  
page_number, logical record line_number.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT expected a numeric  
argument in a parameter, but found a nonnumeric  
argument instead.  
Explanation: Before the print position was established,  
InfoPrint XT found characters to print or relative moves  
in a metacode print control record.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the parameter  
and continues processing.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the current print  
control record and continues processing with the next  
User response: Correct the parameter. Do the  
operation that caused the error again.  
User response: Correct the input data stream, and  
rerun the failing command.  
136 InfoPrint XT Guide  
AIOxxx491E The transform detected an attempt to  
reshape graphic characters by using  
nongraphic Xerox font font_name on page  
page_number, logical record line_number.  
Of number active fonts, font_name is  
AIOxxx493E The data stream converter found no font  
information for AFP DBCS coded font  
font_name. Characters will print as  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not process DBCS  
information for font_name.  
number number and no graphic fonts  
were found in the active font list.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
AIOxxx491E The transform detected an attempt to  
reshape graphic characters by using  
nongraphic Xerox font font_name on page  
page_number, logical record line_number.  
Of number active fonts, font_name is  
number number. Active graphic fonts  
include graphic_font1 (number a),  
User response: Reload the corresponding Xerox font  
to make sure that the information is available.  
AIOxxx500S The data stream converter could not  
find the image correlation table in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path, or the  
table contains no entries.  
graphic_font2 (number b), and  
graphic_font3 (number c).  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT requires a Xerox image  
(IMG) to process the job, but no image correlation  
records exist in the correlation table. Typically, this is  
because no IMG resources were loaded, or they were  
loaded as non-shared resources for a different resource  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found a character-shaping  
metacode print control sequence that specified a  
nongraphic font. The message either indicates that no  
graphic fonts were active, or lists up to three active  
graphic fonts.  
System action: Processing continues, but graphics  
might be missing from the output.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: Load the required resource as a shared  
resource or load it in the correct resource group for the  
job, and rerun the job. If the problem continues after  
you load the image, report this message to your  
technical support representative.  
User response: Compare the font list in effect with the  
font list expected at metacode generation. Correct the  
inconsistency between the font lists and rerun the job.  
AIOxxx492E A translation error occurred while  
processing input character x’input_hex’ at  
logical record line_number. Code page  
code_page did not contain EBCDIC  
character x’EBCDIC_hex’. The transform  
substituted a blank. The original Xerox  
font was font_name.  
AIOxxx550W The data stream converter ignored a  
DJDE identifier on record line_number:  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT ignored the DJDE record  
djde_record, which it considers to be extraneous. If the  
DJDE record was a downloadable PDE (FORMAT=*),  
djde_record contains a message that indicates that  
InfoPrint XT did not use the fonts listed in the  
downloadable PDE.  
Explanation: While processing metacode print  
controls, InfoPrint XT translated ASCII input character  
x’input_hex’ to EBCDIC character x’EBCDIC_hex’.  
However, because this character is not available in code  
page code_page, InfoPrint XT uses a blank in its place.  
This might occur because of incorrect characters, such  
as binary zeros, in the print data stream. It might also  
occur if you have manually correlated a Xerox font to  
an AFP font, and the AFP font does not have characters  
that correspond to some of the characters in the Xerox  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
User response: Check the input data stream for any  
occurrence of consecutive DJDE packets (one or more  
DJDEs ending with an END;) with no intervening data  
records. Correct the problem and rerun the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
AIOxxx562W The data stream converter found a  
conflicting COLLATE change request.  
User response: Correct the input data or correlation,  
and rerun the job.  
Explanation: The data stream specified  
COLLATE=NO, but also specified DUPLEX=YES,  
which implies COLLATE=YES.  
System action: InfoPrint XT processes the data stream  
using COLLATE=YES.  
User response: Make sure of the correct placement of  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 137  
the COLLATE DJDE in the input file and reconvert the  
copy-sensitive MODIFY, FORMS, and BFORM  
commands at the beginning of a report. The program  
ignores the request. After text has printed on a  
copy-sensitive report, you can only change a MODIFY,  
FORMS, or BFORM command to NONE.  
AIOxxx563W The data stream converter ignored an  
incorrect COLLATE change request.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output might not be correct.  
Explanation: The COLLATE DJDE that InfoPrint XT  
found is not valid after the first data record of the  
User response: Correct the request that was made  
after the beginning of the report and reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
AIOxxx568E The data stream converter could not  
find graphic image resource_name in the  
image correlation table and did not  
User response: Make sure of the correct placement of  
the COLLATE DJDE in the input file and reconvert the  
process the command DJDE command.  
Explanation: The named resource, resource_name, was  
not found. The resource name might be misspelled. The  
resource might not be loaded on the InfoPrint XT  
server or it might have been loaded as a resource that  
belongs to a specific resource group.  
AIOxxx564E djde_name - DJDE value value is not valid  
for the specified conversion units.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot process the value  
value correctly. For units such as IN (inches) or CM  
(centimeters), InfoPrint XT expects no more than three  
decimal places. For DOTS, InfoPrint XT expects an  
integer value.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output might not be correct.  
User response: Check the spelling of the resource  
name. Make sure that the resource has been loaded  
either as a shared resource or as a resource that belongs  
to a specific resource group. Then, reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output might not be correct.  
User response: Round any decimal values to three  
decimal places, or supply integer values for DOTS.  
AIOxxx569E The data stream converter found  
incorrect DJDE command command.  
AIOxxx565E djde_name - DJDE value input is not valid  
for a numeric entry field.  
Explanation: The listed command (command) is not a  
known DJDE command, or its specification or format is  
not correct. The program might not process the input.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot process the value  
input correctly. InfoPrint XT does not process the DJDE  
(djde_name). DJDE naming conventions require a  
numeric entry with specific rounding values.  
System action: InfoPrint XT might not continue to  
process the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output might not be correct.  
User response: Correct the command and reconvert  
the job. For SHIFT or XSHIFT DJDEs that are not valid,  
the previous front or back side SHIFT or XSHIFT value  
might remain in effect. The DJDE report provides  
User response: Correct the value and reconvert the  
AIOxxx566E DJDE_keyword — DJDE option_name is  
AIOxxx573W Graphic image image_name is not active.  
The data stream converter did not  
not valid.  
Explanation: The option_name option of the  
DJDE_keyword DJDE is not valid.  
process the command command.  
Explanation: The data stream converter did not find  
graphic image image_name before it found the ALTER  
or CANCEL command for the image.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the DJDE  
keyword and continues processing.  
User response: Correct the DJDE and reconvert the  
System action: InfoPrint XT might not continue to  
process the job.  
User response: Correct the original Xerox job so that it  
uses the syntax rules for graphic images. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx567E The data stream converter found an  
incorrect copy sensitive change request.  
Explanation: A copy-sensitive MODIFY, FORMS, or  
BFORM change request was made during the  
processing of the current report. You can only specify  
138 InfoPrint XT Guide  
AIOxxx574W The data stream converter ignored  
page-oriented keywords in the DJDE  
packet on record number due to a prior  
page oriented DJDE on this page.  
AIOxxx582E FILE - The data stream converter does  
not support inline files in the 80-byte  
card image format (file input format  
parameter C) and may print their  
contents as unusable data. The converter  
only supports the LPS format (file input  
format parameter L).  
Explanation: The data stream converter found more  
than one DJDE packet that contained page-oriented  
DJDEs on a page. You can only apply one  
page-oriented DJDE to each page. The converter  
ignores all packets after the first packet.  
Explanation: The data stream converter found one or  
more FILE DJDEs that specify the card image format  
instead of the required LPS format.  
System action: InfoPrint XT might not continue to  
process the job.  
System action: The data stream converter ignores the  
card-image inline Xerox file or files that follow the FILE  
User response: Correct the original Xerox job so that it  
uses the syntax rules for page-oriented DJDEs, and  
reconvert the job.  
User response: Regenerate the FILE DJDE job so that  
all inline resources are in the LPS format, and that all  
FILE DJDEs specify a file input format parameter of L.  
Then, rerun the job.  
AIOxxx575W The data stream converter found a  
GRAPHIC= DJDE with no options and  
no preceding IMAGE= DJDE that used  
option T. The converter discarded the  
GRAPHIC data for image image_name.  
AIOxxx589E The data stream converter found  
incorrect font enlargement factors *  
enl_vert * enl_horiz on record  
Explanation: The GRAPHIC DJDE can  
record_number and substituted factors * 1  
* 1. Valid factors are 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.  
document-interleave because it has no parameters other  
than the image name. However, two inconsistencies  
exist. First, document-interleaved GRAPHIC DJDEs  
must occur at the beginning of the job, but InfoPrint XT  
found this GRAPHIC DJDE after text data. This is  
where page-interleaved graphics occur. Second, a  
preceding IMAGE DJDE must reference a  
Explanation: The Xerox LPS does not support DBCS  
font enlargement factors other than 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the specified  
enlargement factor.  
page-interleaved GRAPHIC DJDE. InfoPrint XT found  
no prior matching IMAGE DJDE.  
User response: Correct the font enlargement factor.  
Then, submit the job and convert it again.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
AIOxxx590E The data stream converter could not  
find image image_name in the  
User response: Correct the application that created the  
data stream so that all document-interleaved  
GRAPHICs occur at the beginning of the job, and all  
page-interleaved GRAPHICS are referenced by a  
preceding IMAGE DJDE.  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
Explanation: While processing a Xerox data stream,  
InfoPrint XT determined that the data stream  
referenced a Xerox IMG, image_name, which is not  
loaded on the system.  
AIOxxx576E The number of inline graphics exceeded  
the maximum of 1,000,000. Inline  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job, but the AFP output that it produces is not correct.  
graphics will overlay existing images.  
User response: Load the resource identified in the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT tracks page segments that  
correspond to inline graphics using the naming  
convention SGnnnnnn. nnnnnn is a number from 0  
through 999999. If more inline graphics are found than  
can be tracked using this convention (after SG999999  
has been used), InfoPrint XT begins using previous  
names, starting with SG000000. InfoPrint XT replaces  
the page segments associated with the reused names.  
message and resubmit the job.  
AIOxxx591I FEED - The data stream converter will  
interpret FEED=tray_name as  
Explanation: While xclb=none was in effect, the data  
stream converter found a FEED DJDE that specified  
tray_name, which is a name other than MAIN, AUX, or  
OPR. The converter interprets the FEED DJDE as  
FEED=MAIN, and generates AFP that invokes input  
media source 1.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues processing the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
User response: Reduce the number of inline graphics,  
or split the job into smaller jobs.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 139  
User response: This is an informational message that  
requires no user response.  
AIOxxx624E The tiff2afp transform returned error  
code error_code while processing inline  
graphic number number.  
AIOxxx610E A translation error occurred while  
processing input character  
Explanation: Conversion of an inline TIFF graphic  
failed. err_code is the return code from the tiff2afp  
transform program. gr_name uses the naming  
convention SGnnnnnn. nnnnnn is a number from 0  
through 999999. Numbering begins with SG000000 for  
the first inline graphic found in the data stream,  
SG000001 for the next, and so on.  
x’EBCDIC_hex’ (ASCII x’ASCII_hex’) at  
logical record line_number. Code page  
code_page did not contain EBCDIC  
character x’EBCDIC_hex’. The data  
stream converter substituted a blank.  
The original Xerox font was font_name.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the inline  
graphic image.  
Explanation: While processing line data input,  
InfoPrint XT found that EBCDIC character  
x’EBCDIC_hex’ was not available in code page  
code_page. InfoPrint XT uses a blank in its place. This  
might occur because of incorrect characters, such as  
binary zeros, in the print data stream. It might also  
occur if you have manually correlated a Xerox font to  
an AFP font and the AFP font does not have characters  
corresponding to some of the characters in the Xerox  
font. Or, a character translation table was altered so  
that a character in the Xerox input does not map to the  
correct character in the AFP font.  
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.  
If it is, report this message to your technical support  
AIOxxx625E An internal error - error - occurred while  
processing inline graphic number  
Explanation: The data stream converter found an error  
during inline graphic processing. The error occurred  
while opening a TIFF image for input, opening a file  
for tiff2afp transform output, or while verifying the  
header record for the graphic.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues the process, but  
the output might not be correct.  
User response: Correct the input data correlation table  
or translation record, and reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the inline  
graphic image.  
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.  
If it is, report this message to your technical support  
AIOxxx621S The input data stream file is empty. The  
data stream converter could not produce  
printable AFP output.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find any input data  
in the Xerox job file.  
AIOxxx626E The image converter returned error code  
error_code while processing inline  
graphic number number ending near  
record rec_num.  
System action: Although InfoPrint XT might produce  
a small AFP output file to prevent errors, it contains no  
printable data.  
Explanation: Conversion of an inline image graphic  
failed. err_code is the return code from the image  
transform program. number uses the naming convention  
SGnnnnnn. nnnnnn is a number from 0 through 999999.  
Numbering begins with SG000000 for the first inline  
graphic found in the data stream, SG000001 for the  
next, and so on. rec_num is the approximate record  
number of the end of the inline graphic image in the  
input file.  
User response: Make sure the job contains data and  
transfer it to the InfoPrint XT system again.  
AIOxxx623E The data stream converter could not  
find the tiff2afp transform in the current  
search path.  
Explanation: The job contains an inline graphic image  
that is in the TIFF format, but the data stream converter  
cannot locate the InfoPrint Manager tiff2afp transform.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the inline  
graphic image.  
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.  
If it is, report this message to your technical support  
User response: Either add the path to the tiff2afp  
transform to the current path, or regenerate the Xerox  
job so that the inline graphics that it contains are in the  
Xerox Interpress IMG format.  
AIOxxx627E A memory allocation error occurred in  
the image/logo converter while  
processing inline graphic number  
Explanation: Conversion on an inline image graphic  
140 InfoPrint XT Guide  
failed because of insufficient memory. The image  
graphic uses the naming convention SGnnnnnn. nnnnnn  
is a number from 0 through 999999. Numbering begins  
with SG000000 for the first inline graphic found in the  
data stream, SG000001 for the next, and so on.  
finds after the end of the report.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
User response: Add an END; command at the correct  
location in the input data stream and reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
AIOxxx691W The data stream converter could not  
print an accounting page due to a font  
processing error.  
User response: Verify that the inline graphic is correct.  
If it is, report this message to your technical support  
Explanation: The data stream converter uses Xerox  
font p0612c.fnt to print accounting pages. It did not  
find the font.  
AIOxxx628W The data stream converter found an  
incorrect or unsupported Xerox file type  
in downloadable file file_name.file_ext  
System action: No accounting page prints.  
(internal name x’hex_name’) on record  
record_number. The file will print as data.  
User response: Load the p0612c.fnt font from your  
Xerox printer so that InfoPrint XT can access it.  
Explanation: The InfoPrint XT data stream converter  
expected to find a valid Xerox resource file name and  
extension, but found a string that it did not recognize  
AIOxxx710W The data stream converter collected  
sheet_count sheets for stapling. This total  
may be outside the range of supported  
values for the target printer.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the record and  
continues processing.  
Explanation: Although Xerox LPS printers support an  
NTO1 value of 1 through 32767 for stapling, data  
stream conversion might not produce the results that  
you want if the target printer does not support the  
User response: This message might indicate that a job  
that downloads resources through FILE DJDEs is  
corrupted. Verify that all resources that were copied  
from the job to the Xerox resource directory were  
processed successfully. If the input file is corrupt,  
correct the error or errors, regenerate the file, and rerun  
the job.  
System action: The data stream converter processes  
the data stream as it is, regardless of whether the target  
printer is capable of stapling the output as specified.  
User response: Verify that the job output is correct. If  
the target printer cannot staple as many sheets as  
requested, consider overriding the JDL NTO1 value by  
specifying the xstaplemax conversion parameter.  
Specify a value for the parameter that is consistent with  
the hardware stapling capabilities of the printer. For  
more information about limitations, see the printer  
AIOxxx629E The data stream converter did not find  
the expected end of an inline graphic on  
record line_number. Inline graphic  
number graphic_number may be corrupt.  
The graphic and data that follows it  
may not print correctly.  
Explanation: While processing an inline graphic in an  
offline job, InfoPrint XT did not find the end of the  
graphic where it was expected. The graphic might have  
been created incorrectly, it might have data missing, or  
it might be otherwise corrupted. While searching for  
the end of the graphic, InfoPrint XT might have read  
through some of the data that immediately follows the  
graphic, causing incorrect output.  
AIOxxx711W The data stream converter collected  
sheet_count sheets for stapling, but the  
NTO1 maximum is NTO1_value. The  
converter disabled stapling for the  
current report.  
Explanation: The number of report sheets collected for  
stapling either exceeds the limit that the NTO1  
command in the current JDL/JDE specifies, or the limit  
that the xstaplemax conversion parameter specifies.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job, but the output is not correct.  
User response: Correct the problem with the format of  
the graphic and reconvert the job.  
System action: The data stream converter processes  
the data stream, but the AFP generated for the report  
does not include stapling commands.  
AIOxxx690W The data stream converter found no  
'END;' DJDE command before the end  
of the report.  
User response: Verify that the job output is correct.  
Then, specify the xstaplemax conversion parameter  
with a value that is large enough to include all the  
sheets in the report and reconvert the job.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT found the end of a report  
before it found a DJDE record that contained the END;  
command. InfoPrint XT does not process DJDEs that it  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 141  
AIOxxx712W XHONORSTAPLE is in effect, but  
reformatted JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name  
does not include stapling information.  
The converter disabled stapling for the  
current report.  
AIOxxx761S No fonts available to print text.  
Explanation: The data stream converter did not find  
one or more fonts in the font correlation table, so no  
default text font was available for printing text.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: Although you requested that InfoPrint  
XT process Xerox stapling commands, you did not  
reload the JDL and JDE pair in effect after stapling  
support became available in InfoPrint XT. Because  
InfoPrint XT cannot determine whether the original  
JDL and JDE pair specified STAPLE=YES, NTO1=YES  
or NTO1=n, or FACEUP=YES, it uses STAPLE=NO.  
InfoPrint XT does not include stapling commands in  
the AFP that it generates for this report.  
User response: Make sure that the DJDEs in the Xerox  
data stream or the JDEs used to process the data stream  
contain valid font lists. Make sure that you load all  
fonts specified by the font lists. Then, reconvert the job,  
or load a default text font and reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx762E The font processor could not find  
reformatted font font_name in the  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job, but the printer does not staple the pages in the  
current report.  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find the metrics file  
for the named font in the reformatted Xerox resource  
path. It was looking for font_name.afn.  
User response: You must reload the JDL that the job  
uses for InfoPrint XT to process stapling commands.  
After you reload the JDL, reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
AIOxxx720E A text placement item specified font  
number number, but the maximum  
User response: Use the pdxtloadres command to load  
the font identified in the message.  
number of fonts per page is 128.  
Explanation: One page specified more than 128 fonts.  
AIOxxx763E The font processor could not find font  
resource resource_name in the AFP  
resource path.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Check the font list in effect at the time  
to make sure that no more than 128 fonts requests are  
present, and reconvert the job.  
Explanation: While loading a form, InfoPrint XT did  
not find the AFP font listed in the message.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job and tries to use the first correctly defined font as a  
AIOxxx721S A text placement item specified font  
number font_number, but the number in  
the active font list is font_maximum.  
User response: If you manually updated the resource  
correlation table, make sure the correlation record is  
correct, the font exists, and the font is accessible to  
InfoPrint XT. If the AFP font is a font that InfoPrint XT  
created from a Xerox font, reload the Xerox font. If the  
problem continues or if the font was supplied by  
InfoPrint Solutions Company, report this message to  
your technical support representative.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT tried to process AFP text  
placement items using the wrong font list.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: Contact your technical-support  
AIOxxx764E Font resource resource_name has an  
AIOxxx760E The font processor could not find font  
incorrect format.  
font_name in the font correlation table.  
Explanation: The AFP font resource identified in the  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not find entries for the  
named font in the correlation tables located in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path. The font correlation  
tables are tab.aft and tab.sft.  
message has an internal structure that is not valid.  
System action: InfoPrint XT continues to process the  
job, and tries to use the first correctly defined font as a  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
User response: If the font is a custom AFP font, a  
problem might have occurred during its transfer to the  
system. Make sure that you download or copy the  
resource in binary format. If the font is an InfoPrint  
Solutions Company-supplied font or a font that  
User response: Use the pdxtloadres command to load  
the font identified in the message.  
142 InfoPrint XT Guide  
InfoPrint XT created from a Xerox font, report this  
message to your technical support representative.  
code page and character set. Correct the correlation  
record and rebuild the correlation table. Then, reconvert  
the job. Otherwise, if the font was supplied by  
InfoPrint Solutions Company or if it is a font that  
InfoPrint XT created from a Xerox font, report this  
message to your technical support representative.  
AIOxxx766S The font processor could not find  
character translation table table_name in  
the reformatted Xerox resource path.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not locate the character  
translation table identified in the message in the  
reformatted Xerox resource path.  
AIOxxx770S A resource processor could not find  
reformatted JDL name in the reformatted  
Xerox resource path.  
System action: The process fails.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot locate the JDL  
specified in the message.  
User response: If you manually updated the resource  
correlation table, this can indicate a syntax error in the  
correlation record. Make sure that the correlation record  
is correct and rebuild the correlation table. Otherwise,  
this indicates an internal error in InfoPrint XT. Report  
this message to your technical support representative.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: Make sure that you specify the correct  
location for the JDL resource when you submit the job.  
Also make sure that you have loaded the JDL on the  
system. Make sure that you have spelled the name of  
the JDL correctly. The name is case-sensitive. After  
correcting the problem, submit the job again.  
AIOxxx767E Font resource resource_name does not  
contain a required character rotation.  
Explanation: An AFP font resource is incomplete.  
AIOxxx771S A resource processor could not find JDE  
jde_name in the reformatted jdl_name  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the  
Explanation: The program did not find JDE jde_name  
in JDL jdl_name.  
User response: Reload the corresponding Xerox  
System action: The process fails.  
AIOxxx768S The font processor could not find the  
font correlation table in the reformatted  
Xerox resource path, or the table  
User response: Make sure that the JDE and JDL  
names are correct and spelled correctly. Make sure that  
the correct version of the JDL was loaded on the  
InfoPrint XT system in the common resource library or  
in a resource group available to the job. Then, reconvert  
the job.  
contains no entries.  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT did not locate any font  
correlation in the reformatted Xerox resource path.  
System action: The process fails.  
AIOxxx772E A resource processor could not find  
cl_type cluster name cl_name in  
User response: Make sure that you load at least one  
font. Then, enter the command or do the task again.  
reformatted cluster database clb_name  
during processing of STOCKSET  
internal to JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name.  
AIOxxx769E Character ID character_id (EBCDIC code  
point x’EBCDIC_hex’) in code page  
code_page is not in character set  
character_set. The original Xerox font was  
font_name, correlated to coded font  
AIOxxx772E A resource processor could not find  
cl_type cluster name cl_name in  
reformatted cluster database clb_name  
during processing of external  
STOCKSET stk_name in JDL  
jdl_name/JDE jde_name.  
AIOxxx769E Character ID character_id (EBCDIC code  
point x’EBCDIC_hex’) in code page  
code_page is not in character set  
character_set. The original Xerox font was  
Explanation: The STOCKSET that InfoPrint XT was  
processing refers to a cluster entry, cl_name, which does  
not exist in cluster database clb_name. cl_type can be  
Explanation: Code page code_page and character set  
character_set do not match for character ID character_id.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: Verify that the job specifies the correct  
STOCKSET and that the xclb conversion parameter  
specifies the correct cluster database. Then, reconvert  
the job.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: If you manually updated the resource  
correlation table, you have specified an incompatible  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 143  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED  
AIOxxx773E A resource processor could not find  
cl_type cluster name cl_name in  
reformatted cluster database clb_name  
during processing of STOCKSET  
stk_name in DJDE packet ending on  
record record_number.  
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde  
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct  
JDL and JDE. Also, make sure that the xclb conversion  
parameter specifies the correct cluster database. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
Explanation: A stock reference in a FEED DJDE or in  
the STOCKSET clb_name during processing of external  
STOCKSET stk_name invoked by the STOCKS DJDE is  
correlated to a cluster entry, cl_name, which does not  
exist in cluster database clb_name. cl_type can be FEED  
for the STOCKS DJDE.  
AIOxxx777E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in  
STOCKSET stk_name during processing  
of DJDE packet ending on record  
System action: The process fails.  
AIOxxx777E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in  
STOCKSET internal to a JDL/JDE  
during processing of DJDE packet  
ending on record record_number.  
User response: Verify that the job correctly specifies  
the STOCKSET, FEED DJDE, and cluster database.  
Then, reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx774E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED cluster name cl_name in  
reformatted cluster database clb_name  
during processing of DJDE packet  
ending on record record_number.  
AIOxxx777E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in  
STOCKSET stk_name invoked by a  
JDL/JDE during processing of DJDE  
packet ending on record record_number.  
Explanation: A cluster name in a FEED DJDE has no  
corresponding entry in cluster database clb_name.  
InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED DJDE.  
Explanation: Stock reference stk_ref in a FEED DJDE  
has no corresponding entry in the STOCKSET  
identified in the message.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: Verify that the job specifies the correct  
FEED DJDE and the correct cluster database. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED DJDE.  
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde  
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct  
JDL and JDE, and that the STOCKSET is correct. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx775S Processing terminated due to  
unsupported BLOCK | RECORD  
command function | functions found in  
JDL jdl_name | jde_name:  
AIOxxx778E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in an  
internal STOCKSET during processing  
of JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name.  
function1 function2 function3  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot process the job  
because it uses the unsupported function  
AIOxxx778E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in  
external STOCKSET during processing  
of JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name.  
System action: The process fails.  
User response: If the JDL/JDE is essential to printing  
operations, report this message to your technical  
support representative.  
Explanation: A FEED command in a JDL/JDE  
specifies a stock reference, stk_ref, which has no  
corresponding entry in STOCKSET stk_name.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED  
AIOxxx776E The data stream converter could not  
find FEED cluster name cl_name in  
reformatted cluster database clb_name  
during processing of JDL jdl_name/JDE  
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde  
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct  
JDL and JDE, and that the STOCKSET is correct. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
Explanation: A FEED command in a JDE/JDL refers  
to a cluster, cl_name, which has no corresponding entry  
in cluster database clb_name.  
144 InfoPrint XT Guide  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the font.  
AIOxxx779E FEED command in DJDE packet ending  
on record record_number specified stock  
reference stk_ref, but no STOCKSET is  
in use; the data stream converter cannot  
resolve the stock reference.  
User response: Correct the entry in the font  
correlation table so that the correlation is between a  
Xerox DBCS font and an AFP DBCS outline font. Then,  
rebuild the font correlation table.  
Explanation: A FEED DJDE specifies a stock reference,  
stk_ref, but no STOCKSET is in effect. InfoPrint XT  
ignores the FEED DJDE command.  
AIOxxx791E Reformatted font information for Xerox  
font font_name is incomplete. Reload the  
resource to extract and store DBCS  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED DJDE  
and pulls paper from the main bin.  
Explanation: During AFP font processing, InfoPrint  
XT determined that the reformatted Xerox font metrics  
file for font_name does not contain DBCS information.  
User response: Verify that the job specifies the correct  
FEED DJDE and the correct STOCKSET. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the font.  
AIOxxx780E FEED command in JDL jdl_name/JDE  
jde_name specified stock reference stk_ref,  
but no STOCKSET is in use; the data  
stream converter cannot resolve the  
stock reference.  
User response: Reload the Xerox DBCS font. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
AIOxxx792E Font processing found a reference to  
Xerox DBCS font font_name, but option is  
in effect. DBCS mode requires  
Explanation: A FEED command in a JDL/JDE  
specifies a stock reference, stk_ref, but no STOCKSET is  
in effect.  
Explanation: During AFP font processing, InfoPrint  
XT found a reference to Xerox DBCS font font_name,  
but it also found an xresolution value other than 300.  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED  
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde  
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct  
JDL and JDE, and that the STOCKSET is correct. Then,  
reconvert the job.  
System action: InfoPrint XT cannot process the font.  
User response: Correct the resolution specification so  
that it specifies 300-pel resolution.  
AIOxxx781E A resource processor could not find  
reformatted resource_type resource  
resource_name in the reformatted Xerox  
resource path.  
Explanation: resource_type can be CME, PDE, STK, or  
TST. InfoPrint XT did not find the named resource  
resource_name in the reformatted Xerox resource  
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the reformatted  
resource and continues processing the job.  
User response: Verify that the spelling of the resource  
name is correct, and that you have loaded the resource  
as a common resource or as a resource that belongs to a  
specific group. Then, make sure that the path to the  
resource is available to InfoPrint XT and reconvert the  
AIOxxx790E Correlation of Xerox DBCS font  
font_name to non-DBCS AFP font  
resource resource_name is not valid.  
Explanation: During AFP font processing, InfoPrint  
XT found a correlation between a Xerox DBCS font and  
an AFP single-byte font. InfoPrint XT does not support  
this type of correlation.  
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx 145  
146 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Appendix E. DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP  
This section lists the possible messages that you might see in the Dynamic Job  
Descriptor Entry (DJDE) report generated by InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint  
XT), and includes a short explanation of each message. These messages can occur  
in any order in the DJDE report; they are listed in alphabetic order by DJDE name  
here. If the DJDE report contains a message with the AIOxxxnnns format, you can  
Many of the messages in the DJDE report contain variable data, shown in italics,  
which InfoPrint XT replaces with specific information when it issues the messages.  
A vertical bar (|) between portions of variable data means that InfoPrint XT uses  
only one of the variable-data strings when it issues the message.  
1. Any value that specifies inches as a unit of measure can have up to three  
decimal places.  
2. The default is that InfoPrint XT does not produce a DJDE report when it  
converts Xerox data streams. To generate a DJDE report, you must include the  
xrptfile conversion parameter when you submit the job. For more information  
about using the xrptfile conversion parameter, see page 100.  
3. For a list of supported and unsupported DJDE commands, see “Supported and  
does not support BATCH=START or BATCH=END.  
New position for img_name IMG (page  
segment pseg_name) is (x,y) inches or  
(x,y) pels. The requested graphic scaling  
factor was number.  
The new page position is (x,y) inches or  
(x,y) pels.  
Explanation: Specifies the new imaging parameters for  
a previously defined reference image. img_name  
identifies the Xerox IMG file. pseg_name identifies the  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) page segment. x  
and y are numeric values. x represents the horizontal  
coordinate. y represents the vertical coordinate.  
InfoPrint XT only includes the second sentence of the  
message when the scaling factor is a number other than  
Explanation: Specifies the starting position of one or  
more logical pages. x and y are numeric values. x  
represents the horizontal coordinate. y represents the  
vertical coordinate.  
Overlay overlay_name will appear on the  
back of subsequent sheets.  
Explanation: When used with DUPLEX=YES, this  
message specifies that a form prints on the back side of  
the page. overlay_name identifies the AFP overlay that  
The data stream converter made the  
following channel to line assignments:  
ch_number to line(s) line_num1 ...  
The following overlays will appear on  
the back of subsequent sheets.  
Explanation: Specifies the VFU channel-to-line-  
number assignments. ch_number is the channel number.  
line_num1 through line_numN specify the line numbers  
assigned to this channel.  
Overlaycopy ply  
overlay1x to y  
overlayNx to y  
The data stream converter does not  
support batch mode graphics. Parameter  
was START | END.  
Explanation: This message only occurs when the job  
specifies copy-sensitive forms. overlay1 and overlayN  
identify the AFP overlays. x and y are numeric values.  
Explanation: The job specified processing for online  
banner pages and batch-mode graphics. InfoPrint XT  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
No overlay will appear on the back of  
subsequent sheets.  
DJDE -  
The data stream converter found a DJDE  
identifier on record  
Explanation: A BFORM=NONE DJDE cancelled a  
previous BFORM DJDE.  
Explanation: Specifies that line_number contains one or  
more DJDEs (djde_record).  
BOF -  
The new bottom of form line number is  
Note: There is no DJDE with the name DJDE. The  
message title is for explanation retrievability  
Explanation: Specifies that number is the line number  
of the bottom of the form.  
The print mode will be duplex | simplex.  
C -  
The data stream converter found a  
comment DJDE.  
Explanation: Specifies whether the print mode is  
duplex or simplex.  
Explanation: A comment DJDE is present.  
END -  
The data stream converter found an  
CANCEL - The data stream converter will no longer  
automatically image the following  
graphics on each page:  
Explanation: An END; DJDE is present in the job data.  
.img namePage segment name  
FEED - The input tray will be auxiliary | main.  
Explanation: Specifies the tray that contains the  
Explanation: Specifies cancellation of automatic  
graphic imaging. img_name identifies the Xerox IMG  
file. pseg_name identifies the corresponding AFP page  
medium on which the job prints.  
FEED -  
The data stream converter does not  
support the tray_name option.  
Explanation: When you specify xclb=none, InfoPrint  
XT issues this message when it finds FEED DJDE  
values (tray_name) other than MAIN, AUX or OPR. It  
uses the MAIN input tray in the generated AFP. Verify  
that you specified the correct value for the xclb  
conversion parameter. Also, make sure that the value of  
the FEED command in the job is correct.  
COLLATE - The data stream converter will | will not  
collate multi-copy reports.  
Explanation: Specifies whether InfoPrint XT collates  
the reports.  
The number of report | sheet copies will  
be number.  
FEED -  
The input media source will be tray  
Explanation: Specifies whether the copies are report  
copies or sheet copies, and specifies the total number of  
Explanation: You specified a valid cluster database.  
InfoPrint XT indicates the number of the input tray  
with mmc_tray.  
DATA -  
Printable data now begins at byte x and  
continues for up to y bytes.  
FEED -  
The input media source will be  
INIFEED tray mmc_tray.  
Explanation: Specifies the beginning location of the  
printable data in the input record and the length of the  
printable information. x and y are integer values.  
Explanation: You specified a valid cluster database.  
InfoPrint XT indicates the number of the input tray  
with mmc_tray. If InfoPrint XT finds a STOCKS DJDE,  
but the DJDE packet does not specify FEED, it uses the  
INIFEED tray.  
DEPT -  
The department name for account  
billing is dept_name.  
Explanation: Specifies the dept_name to associate with  
accounting information.  
FONTINDEX - The data stream converter will no  
longer use table reference characters.  
Explanation: Specifies that the job contains a  
FONTINDEX= NONE DJDE, and that the data stream  
converter no longer uses table reference characters to  
select fonts.  
148 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Explanation: x and y are numeric values. fnt_name  
identifies the Xerox font name. afp_name identifies the  
corresponding AFP font name, which is either a coded  
font name or a character set and code page pair.  
FONTINDEX - The data stream converter will  
interpret data bytes at offset x as table  
reference characters, which number the  
fonts from number and contain font  
references in the low-order z bits.  
FORMAT - A DJDE referenced PDE pde_name,  
which contained the following  
Explanation: Specifies that the job contains a  
FONTINDEX DJDE, and identifies the location and the  
numbering of the font indexes that the data stream  
converter uses. x, y, and z are integer values.  
The print mode will be  
The number of fonts listed was x.  
font font_name does not meet naming  
.fnt name  
AFP name(s)  
line spacing value  
x inches or y pels  
x inches or y pels  
Explanation: The name of the Xerox font, font_name, is  
not in the correct format. Xerox font names must not  
exceed 6 characters and can include only uppercase  
alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and the  
dollar sign ($).  
The new page position is (x,y) inches or (x,y) pels.  
The number of fonts listed was number.  
Explanation: The job invoked a PDE. pde_name  
identifies the name of the PDE. InfoPrint XT indicates  
whether this PDE is landscape or portrait. fnt_name  
identifies the name of the Xerox font. afp_name  
identifies the corresponding AFP font name, which is  
either a coded font name or a character set and code  
page pair. m and n are numeric values. x and y are  
numeric values that represent the horizontal coordinate  
and the vertical coordinate.  
.fnt name  
AFP name(s)  
line spacing value  
x inches or y pels  
x inches or y pels  
Explanation: Specifies the fonts that the job lists. x  
and y are numeric values. fnt_name identifies the Xerox  
font name. afp_name identifies the corresponding AFP  
font name, which is either a coded font name or a  
character set and code page pair.  
No overlay will appear on the front of  
subsequent sheets.  
Explanation: Specifies that no overlay prints on the  
front of subsequent pages. This might be an  
informational message, or it might indicate that an  
internal error exists in the job, such as two DJDE  
packets set to take effect at the same time.  
FORMAT - font font_name does not meet naming  
Explanation: The name of the Xerox font, font_name, is  
not in the correct format. Xerox font names must not  
exceed 6 characters and can include only uppercase  
alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and the  
dollar sign ($).  
Overlay overlay_name will appear on the  
front of subsequent sheets.  
Explanation: The FORMS DJDE specifies one form  
and specifies either SIMPLEX or BFORM. overlay_name  
identifies the AFP overlay that prints on the front of  
subsequent sheets.  
FORMAT - The new page positions are:  
(x,y) inches or (x,y) pels  
Explanation: A new PDE has changed the page  
positions at a specific offset in the job. The message  
lists the new positions.  
Overlay overlay_name will appear on  
both sides of subsequent sheets.  
Explanation: The FORMS DJDE only specifies one  
form. overlay_name identifies the AFP overlay that  
prints on both sides of the sheet.  
FORMAT - The number of fonts listed was x.  
.fnt name  
AFP name(s)  
line spacing value  
x inches or y pels  
x inches or y pels  
Appendix E. DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP 149  
The following overlays will appear on  
the front of subsequent sheets.  
A DJDE referenced graphic image  
img_name (page segment pseg_name). The  
image position is (x,y) inches or (x,y)  
pels. The converter will | will not  
automatically image the graphic on each  
page. The requested graphic scaling  
factor was x.  
Overlaycopy ply  
overlay_name1x to y  
overlay_nameNx to y  
Explanation: img_name identifies the Xerox IMG file.  
pseg_name identifies the AFP page segment. x and y are  
numeric values. x represents the horizontal coordinate.  
y represents the vertical coordinate. InfoPrint XT  
indicates whether it automatically prints the graphic on  
each page. InfoPrint XT only includes the second  
sentence if the scaling factor is a number other than 1.  
Explanation: This message occurs when the job  
specifies copy-sensitive forms and either SIMPLEX or  
BFORM. overlay_name1 through overlay_nameN identify  
the names of the AFP overlays. x and y are integer  
GRAPHIC - The data stream converter found graphic  
image img_name (page segment  
INKINDEX - The data stream converter does not  
support the INKINDEX DJDE.  
pseg_name) imbedded in data stream.  
The image position is (x,y) inches or  
(x,y) pels. The converter will | will not  
automatically image the graphic on each  
page. The requested graphic scaling  
factor was x.  
Explanation: An INKINDEX DJDE, which InfoPrint  
XT does not support, is present.  
The data stream converter will ignore  
Explanation: img_name identifies the Xerox IMG file.  
pseg_name identifies the AFP page segment. x and y are  
numeric values. x represents the horizontal coordinate.  
y represents the vertical coordinate. InfoPrint XT  
indicates whether it automatically prints the graphic on  
each page. InfoPrint XT only includes the second  
sentence of the message when the scaling factor is a  
number other than 1.  
Explanation: The data stream converter found an  
INVERT DJDE, but the conversion parameters include  
xhonorinvert=no. xhonorinvert=no is the default.  
InfoPrint XT does not invert the output.  
The data stream converter will invert  
output on the front sides of subsequent  
ICATALOG - The data stream converter does not  
support the ICATALOG DJDE.  
Explanation: Specifies that front-side printing is  
inverted. Back-side printing is not inverted.  
Explanation: An ICATALOG DJDE, which InfoPrint  
XT does not support, is present.  
The data stream converter will invert  
output on the back sides of subsequent  
IDFAULT - The data stream converter does not  
support the IDFAULT DJDE.  
Explanation: Specifies that back-side printing is  
inverted. Front-side printing is not inverted.  
Explanation: An IDFAULT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT  
does not support, is present.  
The data stream converter will invert  
output on the both sides of subsequent  
IDR -  
The data stream converter does not  
support the IDR DJDE.  
Explanation: An IDR DJDE, which InfoPrint XT does  
not support, is present.  
Explanation: Specifies that front-side and back-side  
printing is inverted.  
The data stream converter does not  
support the ILIST DJDE.  
The data stream converter will not  
invert output on subsequent sheets.  
Explanation: An ILIST DJDE, which InfoPrint XT does  
not support, is present.  
Explanation: Specifies that front-side and back-side  
printing is not inverted.  
150 InfoPrint XT Guide  
IRESULT - The data stream converter does not  
support the IRESULT DJDE.  
x to y  
Explanation: The input data invoked one or more  
copy-sensitive CMEs to do copy modifications.  
cme_name identifies the CME file. x and y are integer  
Explanation: An IRESULT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT  
does not support, is present.  
The data stream converter does not  
support the ITEXT DJDE.  
NUMBER - The data stream converter will not  
number output pages.  
Explanation: An ITEXT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT  
does not support, is present.  
Explanation: The job contains a NUMBER=NO DJDE.  
InfoPrint XT does not number pages.  
JDE -  
A DJDE referenced Job Descriptor Entry  
NUMBER - The data stream converter will number  
output pages by using font fontname.  
The first page number will be x. The  
page number appears on line y. | The  
page number ends in column z. | The  
page number appears on line y and ends  
in column z.  
Explanation: The name of the JDE in use, which is  
JDL -  
A DJDE referenced Job Descriptor  
Library jdl_name.  
Explanation: The name of the JDL file, which is  
Explanation: The job contains a NUMBER DJDE that  
defines the numbering of the output pages. InfoPrint  
XT might report the location of the page number as  
line y, column z, or both. x, y, and z are integer values.  
MARGIN - The left margin will be position_count  
Explanation: InfoPrint XT calculates the left margin by  
multiplying position_count by the average character  
width of the font in effect.  
OVERPRINT - The data stream converter will print |  
ignore | merge overprint lines.  
Explanation: Specifies whether the OVERPRINT  
option is PRINT, IGNORE, or MERGE.  
MARGIN - The left margin will be x inches or y  
OVERPRINT - The data stream converter will print  
only the first line in each group of  
overprint lines.  
Explanation: This message occurs when the job  
specifies a left margin in terms of inches or centimeters,  
rather than positions. x and y are numeric values.  
InfoPrint XT uses pels as the unit of measure.  
Explanation: Specifies that the OVERPRINT option is  
MODIFY - The data stream converter will not apply  
a CME to the input data.  
PALETTE - The data stream converter does not  
support the PALETTE DJDE.  
Explanation: No copy modifications are in effect,  
starting at the point in the job where InfoPrint XT  
found this DJDE.  
Explanation: A PALETTE DJDE, which InfoPrint XT  
does not support, is present.  
The print mode will be portrait |  
MODIFY - The data stream converter will apply  
CME cme_name to the input data.  
Explanation: Specifies whether the print mode is  
portrait or landscape.  
Explanation: The input data invoked a CME that is  
not copy-sensitive to do copy modifications. cme_name  
identifies the name of the CME in effect.  
RAUX -  
The data stream converter selected the  
alternate paper source.  
MODIFY - The data stream converter will apply the  
following CMEs:  
Explanation: Specifies that InfoPrint XT pulls one  
sheet from the alternate paper tray.  
CME name  
copy ply  
x to y  
Appendix E. DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP 151  
sheet. InfoPrint XT indicates whether the page offsets.  
Overlay overlay_name will appear on the  
front of routing text pages.  
RRESUME - Printing will resume. The RRESUME  
Explanation: Specifies that the AFP overlay  
overlay_name will print on all RTEXT pages.  
record will | will not print.  
Explanation: Specifies whether the current record  
prints when printing resumes.  
ROFFSET - The data stream converter will offset the  
current sheet.  
RSTACK - The data stream converter found the end  
of the current report. The RSTACK  
record will | will not print.  
Explanation: An ROFFSET statement is present.  
InfoPrint XT offsets the current sheet.  
Explanation: The starting print environment is now in  
effect. The message specifies whether the RSTACK  
record prints.  
The current logical page will move to  
the front | back of a new sheet.  
Explanation: This message occurs when the job  
specifies RPAGE WHEN=TOP and the SIDE=  
parameter forces the start of a new sheet. InfoPrint XT  
indicates whether the page moves to the front or back.  
RSUSPEND - The data stream converter will  
suspend printing until it finds the end  
of report or an RRESUME record. The  
RSUSPEND record will | will not print.  
The current logical page will move to  
the back of the current sheet.  
Explanation: Specifies whether print retention starts  
with the current record.  
Explanation: This message occurs when a specification  
of SIDE=NEXT or SIDE=BACK forces output to the  
back of the current sheet.  
A DJDE provided the following routing  
text information:  
line no. column no. Xerox  
The next logical page will begin on the  
front | back of a new sheet.  
font name name(s)  
copy_num line_num column_num xrx_name afp_name  
Explanation: This message occurs when the job  
specifies RPAGE WHEN=BOTTOM and the SIDE=  
parameter forces the start of a new sheet. InfoPrint XT  
indicates whether the page begins on the front or the  
back of the sheet.  
copy_num line_num column_num xrx_name afp_name  
The next logical page will begin on the  
back of the current sheet.  
Explanation: copy_num identifies the report copy.  
line_num identifies the line number of the report.  
column_num identifies the column number of the report.  
xrx_name identifies the name of the Xerox font.  
afp_name identifies either a coded font name or a code  
page and character set pair.  
Explanation: This message occurs when a specification  
of SIDE=NEXT or SIDE=BACK does not force a new  
The remaining text for the logical page  
will move to the front | back of a new  
The report will not include routing text.  
Explanation: The data stream converter found an  
Explanation: This message occurs when the job  
specifies RPAGE WHEN=NOW and the SIDE=  
parameter forces the start of a new sheet. InfoPrint XT  
indicates whether the remaining text moves to the front  
or back of a new sheet.  
SAVE -  
The data stream converter does not  
support the SAVE DJDE.  
Explanation: A SAVE DJDE, which InfoPrint XT does  
not support, is present.  
The remaining text for the logical page  
will move to the back of the current  
sheet. The data stream converter will |  
will not offset the page.  
Explanation: This message occurs when a specification  
of SIDE=NEXT or SIDE=BACK does not force a new  
152 InfoPrint XT Guide  
The data stream converter does not  
support the SEFFNT DJDE.  
SIDE -  
The current logical page will begin on  
the front | back of a new sheet.  
Explanation: A SEFFNT DJDE, which InfoPrint XT  
does not support, is present.  
Explanation: This message occurs when the SIDE=  
specification forces the start of a new sheet. InfoPrint  
XT indicates whether the page begins on the front or  
back of a new sheet.  
The data stream converter does not  
support the SEFMAP DJDE.  
SIDE -  
The current logical page will begin on  
the back of the current sheet. The data  
stream converter will | will not offset the  
Explanation: A SEFMAP DJDE, which InfoPrint XT  
does not support, is present.  
The data stream converter will ignore  
Explanation: This message occurs when the SIDE=  
specification does not force a new sheet. InfoPrint XT  
indicates whether the page offsets.  
Explanation: The data stream converter found a  
SHIFT DJDE, but the conversion parameters include  
xhonorshift=no. xhonorshift=no is the default.  
InfoPrint XT does not shift the output.  
STOCKS - A DJDE specified STOCKSET stk_name.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will not  
shift up or down | to the left or right.  
Explanation: The data stream converter found a  
SHIFT=NO DJDE, which prevents the output from  
shifting in the directions specified.  
Explanation: STOCKSET correlates each stock  
reference, stk_name, to a cluster name, cl_name. The  
reformatted cluster database in effect then correlates  
each cluster, cl_name, to an input media source tray,  
mmc_tray. INIFEED identifies the stock that InfoPrint  
commands are in effect. SYSPAGE identifies the stock  
that InfoPrint XT uses for Xerox system-generated  
pages, such as the accounting pages at the ends of  
reports. ASSIGN associates stock references with cluster  
Printing on subsequent sheets will not  
shift on front sides, but will shift  
bk_inches inches (bk_pels pels) to the left |  
to the right | up | down on back sides.  
Explanation: A SHIFT DJDE specified that front-side  
printing does not shift. Back-side printing does shift  
bk_inches inches in the direction specified.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will shift  
fr_inches inches (ft_pels pels) to the left |  
to the right | up | down on front sides,  
but will not shift on back sides.  
STOCKS - The data stream converter will ignore  
Explanation: A STOCKS DJDE is present. However,  
the value of the xclb conversion parameter is none. Or,  
xclb is not present and InfoPrint XT did not find the  
default clustr.alb in the reformatted Xerox resource  
directory. Verify that the xclb parameter has the correct  
Explanation: A SHIFT DJDE specified that front-side  
printing shifts fr_inches inches in the direction specified.  
Back-side printing does not shift.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will shift  
fr_inches inches (ft_pels pels) to the left |  
to the right | up | down on front sides,  
and bk_inches inches (bk_pels pels) to the  
left | to the right | up | down on back  
TOF -  
The new top of form (TOF) line number  
is number.  
Explanation: Specifies the line number for the top of  
the form.  
Explanation: A SHIFT DJDE specified that front-side  
printing shifts fr_inches inches and bk_inches inches on  
back sides, in the directions specified.  
XMP -  
The data stream converter does not  
support the XMP DJDE.  
Explanation: An XMP DJDE, which InfoPrint XT does  
not support, is present.  
Appendix E. DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP 153  
The data stream converter will ignore  
Explanation: The data stream converter found an  
XSHIFT DJDE, but the conversion parameters include  
xhonorshift=no. xhonorshift=no is the default.  
InfoPrint XT does not shift the output.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will not  
shift up or down | to the left or right.  
Explanation: Specifies that the data stream converter  
found an XSHIFT=NO DJDE, which prevents the  
output from shifting in the directions specified.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will not  
shift on front sides, but will shift  
bk_inches inches (bk_pels pels) to the left |  
to the right | up | down on back sides.  
Explanation: An XSHIFT DJDE specified that  
front-side printing does not shift. Back-side printing  
shifts bk_inches inches in the direction specified.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will shift  
fr_inches inches (ft_pels pels) to the left |  
to the right | up | down on front sides,  
but will not shift on back sides.  
Explanation: An XSHIFT DJDE specified that  
front-side printing shifts fr_inches inches in the direction  
specified. Back-side printing does not shift.  
Printing on subsequent sheets will shift  
fr_inches inches (ft_pels pels) to the left |  
to the right | up | down on front sides,  
and bk_inches inches (bk_pels pels) to the  
left | to the right | up | down on back  
Explanation: An XSHIFT DJDE specified that  
front-side printing shifts fr_inches inches and bk_inches  
inches on back sides, in the directions specified.  
154 InfoPrint XT Guide  
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.  
InfoPrint Solutions Company may not offer the products, services, or features  
discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local InfoPrint  
Solutions Company representative for information about the products and services  
currently available in your area. Any reference to an InfoPrint Solutions Company  
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that  
InfoPrint Solutions Company product, program, or service may be used. Any  
functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any  
InfoPrint Solutions Company intellectual property rights may be used instead.  
However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any  
non-InfoPrint Solutions Company product, program, or service.  
InfoPrint Solutions Company may have patents or pending patent applications  
covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this  
document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license  
inquiries, in writing, to:  
InfoPrint Solutions Company, LLC  
6300 Diagonal Hwy 002J  
Boulder, CO 80301-9270  
For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the  
InfoPrint Solutions Company Intellectual Property Department in your country or  
send inquiries, in writing, to:  
InfoPrint Solutions Company, LLC  
6300 Diagonal Hwy 002J  
Boulder, CO 80301-9270  
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other  
country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INFOPRINT  
do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions,  
therefore, this statement may not apply to you.  
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be  
incorporated in new editions of the publication. InfoPrint Solutions Company may  
make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) described in this publication  
at any time without notice.  
Any references in this information to non-InfoPrint Solutions Company Web sites  
are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an  
endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of  
the materials for this InfoPrint Solutions Company product and use of those Web  
sites is at your own risk.  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
InfoPrint Solutions Company may use or distribute any of the information you  
supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.  
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose  
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created  
programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the  
information which has been exchanged, should contact:  
InfoPrint Solutions Company, LLC  
6300 Diagonal Hwy 002J  
Boulder, CO 80301-9270  
Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,  
including in some cases, payment of a fee.  
The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material  
available for it are provided by InfoPrint Solutions Company under terms of the  
InfoPrint Solutions Company Customer Agreement, InfoPrint Solutions Company  
International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us.  
Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled  
environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may  
vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level  
systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on  
generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been  
estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document  
should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.  
Information concerning non-InfoPrint Solutions Company products was obtained  
from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other  
publicly available sources. InfoPrint Solutions Company has not tested those  
products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any  
other claims related to non-InfoPrint Solutions Company products. Questions on  
the capabilities of non-InfoPrint Solutions Company products should be addressed  
to the suppliers of those products.  
This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business  
operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the  
names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All these names are  
fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business  
enterprise is entirely coincidental.  
If you are viewing this information softcopy, the photographs and color  
illustrations may not appear.  
References in this document to InfoPrint Solutions Company products, product  
features, programs or services do not imply that InfoPrint Solutions Company  
intends to make such products, product features, programs or services available in  
all countries in which InfoPrint Solutions Company operates or does business.  
Programming interfaces  
This publication primarily documents information that is NOT intended to be used  
as a Programming Interface of InfoPrint XT.  
156 InfoPrint XT Guide  
This publication also documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the  
customer to write programs to obtain the services of InfoPrint XT. This information  
is identified where it occurs, either by an introductory statement to a chapter or  
section, or by this marking:  
+ — — — — — — — – — - Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +  
+ — — — — — – — End of Programming Interface information — — — — — - — - +  
These terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ricoh Co., Ltd., in the  
United States, other countries, or both:  
v Advanced Function Presentation  
v AFP  
v InfoPrint  
v Infoprint  
v Intelligent Printer Data Stream  
v IPDS  
v Ricoh  
These terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of the International Business  
Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:  
v IBM  
v MVS  
v OS/390  
v Print Services Facility  
v z/OS  
Note: InfoPrint XT:  
IBM VisualAge PL/I Version 2.1  
Runtime Modules  
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2007  
All Rights Reserved  
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered  
trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States  
and/or other countries.  
Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the  
United States, other companies, or both.  
MSN, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows NT are trademarks or registered  
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.  
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States, other  
countries, or both.  
Other company, product, or services names may be trademarks or service marks of  
Notices 157  
158 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Glossary of selected InfoPrint Solutions Company terms  
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). (1) A  
private, nonprofit organization whose membership  
includes private companies, U.S. government agencies,  
and professional, technical, trade, labor, and consumer  
organizations. ANSI coordinates the development of  
voluntary consensus standards in the U.S. (2) An  
organization consisting of producers, consumers, and  
general interest groups that establishes the procedures  
by which accredited organizations create and maintain  
voluntary industry standards in the United States.  
This glossary provides definitions of specialized  
terms that are used with InfoPrint XT for  
Windows (InfoPrint XT) and InfoPrint XT for  
Windows (InfoPrint Manager). This glossary does  
not include terms that non-technical dictionaries  
define, or that have no special meaning in  
information processing and printing.  
ANSI. American National Standards Institute.  
Access Control List (ACL). In computer security, a  
collection of all access rights for one object.  
attribute. (1) A property, quality, or characteristic  
whose value contributes to the specification of an  
element or program function. (2) In InfoPrint Manager,  
a defined characteristic of an object, such as the  
number of copies required of a job, or the document  
formats accepted by an actual destination.  
ACL. Access Control List.  
actual destination. In InfoPrint Manager, an object  
that represents the output device that does the printing  
or transmission function. See also physical printer,  
printer device; contrast with logical destination.  
addressable point. (1) In computer graphics, any  
point of a device that can be addressed. (2) Synonym  
for pel, or, in Xerox terminology, dot.  
CLI. Command line interface.  
character set. (1) A defined set of characters with no  
coded representation assumed that can be recognized  
by a configured hardware or software system. A  
character set might be defined by alphabet, language,  
script, or any combination of these items. (2) An AFP  
font file that contains the raster patterns, identifiers,  
and descriptions of characters.  
administrator. (1) A person responsible for  
administrative tasks, such as access authorization and  
content management. Administrators can also grant  
levels of authority to users. (2) In InfoPrint Manager,  
the person who creates and manages one or more  
components of a printing system, such as servers and  
actual destinations. (3) In InfoPrint XT, the person who  
creates the configurable transform object.  
code page. (1) A unique bit pattern that represents a  
character in a code page. (2) An AFP font file that  
associates code points and graphic character identifiers.  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP). The InfoPrint  
Solutions Company printing and presentation  
coded font. An AFP font file that associates a code  
page and a font character set. For double-byte fonts, a  
coded font associates more than one pair of code pages  
and font character sets.  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) data stream.  
(1) A presentation data stream that is processed in AFP  
environments. MO:DCA-P is the AFP interchange data  
stream. IPDS is the AFP printer data stream. (2) A data  
stream that includes composed text, page segments,  
electronic overlays, form definitions, and fonts.  
command line interface (CLI). (1) A type of computer  
interface in which the input command is a string of text  
characters. (2) An interface that lets users enter  
commands on a command line, such as the command  
line of a Windows Command Prompt window.  
Contrast with Graphical User Interface.  
AFP. Advanced Function Presentation.  
AFP resource directory. In InfoPrint XT, the directory  
in which it stores the AFP versions of Xerox printable  
resources. The AFP resource directory is one of these:  
common resource. In InfoPrint XT, resource files that  
are in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common  
directory and the %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\  
common\metrics directory. These resources are the  
AFP resource files and metrics files that correspond to  
Xerox resources that you have loaded on the system.  
Contrast with resource group.  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp  
v C:\OtherDirectory  
AFP resource path. One or more AFP resource  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
enable. In InfoPrint Manager, the action that makes a  
destination, queue, or server able to accept jobs, or a  
log able to accept information.  
data stream. (1) The commands, control codes, data,  
or structured fields that are transmitted between an  
application program and a device such as printer or  
nonprogrammable display station. (2) All data sent  
through a data channel in a single read or a single  
write operation. (3) A continuous stream of data  
elements in transmission, or intended for transmission,  
in character or binary-digit form that use a defined  
format. (4) Records sent to the InfoPrint Manager  
server from host systems that generate the print data  
environment variable. (1) Any one of the variables  
that describe the way that an operating system runs  
and the devices that it recognizes. The operating  
system can supply the variable, or applications can  
define the variables. (2) A variable that is included in  
the current software environment and is therefore  
available to any called program that requests it.  
error log. A data set or file in a product or system, in  
which the product or system stores error information  
for later access.  
default document. In InfoPrint Manager, an object  
that represents default attribute values for a document  
in a job. Synonymous with initial value document.  
destination. (1) Any point or location, such as a  
program, node, station, printer, or a particular terminal,  
to which information is sent. (2) For InfoPrint Manager,  
see actual destination, logical destination.  
FCB. Forms Control Buffer.  
File Transfer Protocol (FTP). (1) In TCP/IP, the  
application protocol that makes it possible to transfer  
data to and from host computers, and to use foreign  
hosts indirectly. (2) In the Internet suite of protocols, an  
application layer protocol that uses TCP and Telnet  
services to transfer bulk-data files between machines or  
document. (1) A machine-readable collection of one or  
more objects that represent a composition, a work, or a  
collection of data. (2) In InfoPrint Manager, an object  
representing a grouping of data in a job. A job can  
contain one or more documents. The documents in a  
job can differ from each other in some ways. For  
example, they can contain different data and can have  
different document formats. A document in a job can  
contain printable data or a resource that is not  
font. (1) A collection of characters of a given typeface  
and size. (2) Used generically to mean the collection of  
coded fonts, character sets, and code pages.  
form. In AFP, a physical sheet of paper on which data  
prints. Synonymous with physical page and sheet. See  
also medium.  
document format. In InfoPrint Manager, a document  
format describes the type of data and control characters  
in the document, such as line data, metacode, or  
PostScript. The format of the data determines which  
printer devices are capable of printing the document,  
and whether InfoPrint Manager or InfoPrint XT must  
transform the data.  
form definition. An AFP resource that defines the  
characteristics of the form, which include:  
v Overlays required, if any  
v Paper source (for cut-sheet printers)  
v Duplex printing  
duplex printing. Printing on both sides of a sheet of  
paper, with the placement of the output images in a  
head-to-head format on the page. This places the top of  
one image at the same edge as the top of the next  
image. Synonymous with normal duplex printing. See  
also tumble duplex printing. Contrast with simplex  
v Text suppression  
v Position of composed-text data on the form  
Forms Control Buffer. (1) An area of virtual storage in  
a printer control unit that contains the binary image of  
an IBM 3211 printer carriage control tape, the binary  
image itself, or a member of the z/OS system PDS  
SYS1.IMAGELIB, which contains such an image in the  
form of an assembled and linkedited CSECT. FCBs  
control vertical and horizontal placement of data on the  
page by assigning carriage control channels to line  
numbers, and designating a line number as the bottom  
of the form. (2) A buffer for controlling the vertical  
format of printed output. The FCB is a line-printer  
control that is similar to the punched-paper,  
electronic mail. Correspondence in the form of  
messages sent between workstations over a network.  
Synonymous with e-mail.  
electronic overlay. An overlay that is in an AFP  
resource directory and that you or an application can  
request for printing in a job. See also overlay.  
carriage-control tape. For Advanced Function  
Presentation (AFP) printers, the forms control buffer is  
replaced by the page definition.  
e-mail. Electronic mail.  
FTP. File Transfer Protocol.  
160 InfoPrint XT Guide  
the host sends to IPDS printers. This information  
generally contains basic formatting, error recovery, and  
character data, and enables the printers to make  
decisions. (3) An architected host-to-printer data stream  
that contains both the data (text, image, graphics, and  
bar codes) and controls the definition of how to present  
the data. IPDS provides a device-independent interface  
to control and manage APA printers.  
graphics. (1) Charts, pictures, illustrations, and tables  
created from fundamental drawing units such as lines,  
curves, and polygons. (2) Images, text, or a  
combination of both that you can put on an overlay by  
graphical user interface (GUI). A type of computer  
interface that presents a visual metaphor of a  
real-world scene, often of a desktop, by combining  
high-resolution graphics, pointing devices, menu bars  
and other menus, overlapping windows, icons and the  
object-action relationship. Contrast with command line  
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).  
An organization of national standards bodies from  
various countries established to promote development  
of standards to facilitate international exchange and  
services, and develop cooperation in intellectual,  
scientific, technological, and economic activity.  
IPDS. Intelligent Printer Data Stream.  
ISO. International Organization for Standardization.  
icon. (1) A graphical representation of a choice or  
object for the user to select. An icon can represent  
something a user wants to work with, such as a  
document, file, application, or user-created object or  
list. An icon can also represent an action a user wants  
to do. (2) A graphical symbol displayed on a screen  
that a user can select to call a function or software  
JCL. Job control language.  
JES. Job Entry Subsystem.  
job control language (JCL). A language of control  
statements used to identify a computer job or describe  
its requirements to an operating system.  
image. (1) An electronic representation of an original  
document or picture produced by a scanning device or  
created from software. (2) A pattern of toned and  
untoned pels that form a picture.  
Job Entry Subsystem (JES). (1) An IBM licensed  
program that receives jobs into the system and  
processes all output data that is produced by jobs. (2) A  
z/OS subsystem that receives jobs into the system,  
converts them to an internal format, selects them for  
execution, processes their output, and purges them  
from the system.  
image cell. A portion of an image that saves storage  
by defining only part of a raster pattern. Each image  
cell must also contain information that defines the  
placement of its raster pattern in the complete image.  
An image cell can repeat so that it fills a defined area.  
job ID. A local or global identifier that identifies a job  
to a job submitter, administrator, operator, or to  
InfoPrint Manager or to z/OS. See local job identifier,  
global job identifier.  
InfoPrint Manager. (1) A solution of software  
products and hardware products. The solution can  
supplement or replace the offset presses and copiers in  
print shops with high-quality, non-impact,  
black-and-white or process-color printers. InfoPrint  
Manager takes documents from creation to the  
published and kitted product. (2) In InfoPrint Manager  
and InfoPrint XT software publications, InfoPrint  
Manager for Windows or any of its components.  
jogging. A function that allows the printed output  
pages to be offset for easy separation of the print jobs.  
See also offset stacking.  
InfoPrint Manager for Windows. The software  
component of InfoPrint Manager. InfoPrint Manager for  
Windows handles the scheduling, archiving, retrieving,  
and assembly of a print job and its related resource  
files. It also tracks the finishing and packing of the  
printed product.  
landscape orientation. The position of a printed page  
on a sheet of paper, so that the longer edges of the  
paper are the top and bottom of the page, and the  
shorter edges of the paper are the sides of the page.  
Contrast with portrait orientation.  
line printer. A device that prints individual characters  
in sequence from left to right, and top to bottom.  
Contrast with page printer.  
initial value document. Synonym for default document.  
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). (1) An  
all-points-addressable (APA) data stream that enables  
users to position text, images, and graphics at any  
defined point on the printed page. (2) Information that  
local job identifier. In InfoPrint Manager, a job  
identifier that the server automatically generates, which  
Glossary of selected InfoPrint Solutions Company terms 161  
maps the job to the user who submitted it. InfoPrint  
Manager maps a local job ID to a global job ID.  
N_UP. (1) The partitioning of a side of a sheet into a  
fixed number of equal size partitions. For example,  
4-up divides each side of a sheet into four equal  
partitions. (2) Pertaining to the number of forms that  
you put together in a layout. Typical layouts are 2_UP,  
4_UP, 8_UP, 16_UP, and so on. You specify N_UP  
printing to use the maximum area of the print sheet.  
Synonymous with multiple-up printing.  
logical destination. In InfoPrint Manager, an object to  
which users or programs submit jobs. The destination  
routes the jobs to one or more actual destinations that  
represent output devices, such as printers, electronic  
mail systems, or fax machines.  
logical page. Synonymous with page.  
logical printer. In InfoPrint Manager, a type of logical  
destination. The logical printer routes jobs to one or  
more physical printers, which represent printer devices.  
non-process runout (NPRO). (1) An operation that  
moves paper or forms through the paper path of a  
printer without printing. (2) The process of removing  
the last few sheets of a job that has finished printing on  
a continuous-forms printer. Typically, the last sheets of  
a job remain in the printer, and the next job forces the  
last sheets of the previous job out of the printer. This  
procedure saves time when printing is continuous, but  
when a delay exists between jobs, it is necessary to  
remove the end of the last job. After a period of time,  
as specified by an NPRO parameter, the printer clears  
out the last sheets of the job.  
Management Console. In InfoPrint Manager, a  
graphical user interface for doing administrative tasks.  
medium. In InfoPrint Manager, an object representing  
the physical material on which the job prints.  
metrics directory. In InfoPrint XT, the directory in  
which it stores the metrics files for all the Xerox  
resources that you load. The metrics directory is one of  
normal duplex printing. Duplex printing for sheets  
that are bound on the long edge of the paper,  
regardless of whether the printing is in portrait  
orientation or landscape orientation. Contrast with  
tumble duplex printing.  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\metrics  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\metrics  
v C:\OtherDirectory\metrics  
NPRO. Non-process runout.  
message catalog. (1) A file that contains all the  
possible messages that can display during the  
processing done by an application. (2) An indexed table  
of messages. Two or more catalogs can contain the  
same index values. The index value in each table refers  
to a different language version of the same message.  
offset stacking. For certain printer devices, a function  
through which the printer can offset the printed output  
pages for easy job separation.  
Mixed Object Document Content Architecture  
(MO:DCA). An architected, device-independent data  
stream for interchanging documents.  
orientation. (1) In printing, the number of degrees an  
object is rotated relative to a reference; for example, the  
orientation of an overlay relative to the logical page  
origin, or the orientation of printing on a page relative  
to the page coordinates. Orientation usually applies to  
blocks of information. Character rotation applies to  
individual characters. (2) The angle between the top or  
bottom edge of the page and the baselines of text, as  
measured in a clockwise direction. (3) The rotation of  
an element relative to a fixed reference.  
Mixed Object Document Content Architecture-  
Presentation (MO:DCA-P). A subset of MO:DCA that  
defines presentation documents.  
MO:DCA. Mixed Object Document Content  
MO:DCA-P. Mixed Object Document Content  
operator. In InfoPrint Manager and InfoPrint XT, the  
person responsible for printer devices. Also, this person  
does a subset of tasks for InfoPrint Manager queues  
and actual destinations, and does some job-related  
monospaced font. (1) A font in which the spacing of  
the characters does not vary. (2) A font in which the  
graphic characters have uniform character increments.  
Contrast with proportionally-spaced font.  
output writer. On a z/OS system, the part of the job  
entry subsystem that receives job output from the  
system spool.  
multiple-up printing. The arrangement of more than  
one page of data on a single sheet of paper.  
Synonymous with N_UP.  
overlay. (1) A resource object that can contain text,  
image, graphics, and bar code data. Overlays define  
162 InfoPrint XT Guide  
their own environment and are often used as electronic  
forms. (2) A collection of predefined static data, such as  
lines, shading, text, boxes, or logos that can merge with  
variable data on a sheet while printing.  
Didot point system, a point is 0.0148 of an inch. Each  
cicero contains twelve Didot points.  
Portable Document Format. A standard specified by  
Adobe Systems, Incorporated, for the electronic  
distribution of documents. PDF files are compact; can  
be distributed globally via e-mail, the Web, intranets, or  
CD-ROM; and can be viewed with the Acrobat Reader.  
page. (1) In AFP, a data stream object delimited by a  
Begin Page structured field and an End Page structured  
field. A page can contain presentation data such as text,  
image, graphics, and bar code data. (2) A collection of  
data that can print on a physical sheet of paper.  
Synonymous with logical page.  
portrait orientation. (1) In printers, text and images  
that are printed parallel to the shorter side of the form.  
(2) The position of a printed page on a sheet of paper,  
so that the shorter edges of the paper are the top and  
bottom of the page, and the longer edges are the sides  
of the page. Contrast with landscape.  
page definition. (1) An AFP resource that defines the  
rules for transforming line data and XML data into  
MO:DCA-P data and text controls. (2) An AFP resource  
that contains a set of formatting controls for printing  
logical pages of data. It includes controls for the  
number of lines per sheet, font selection, print  
direction, and mappings for individual data fields to  
positions on the printed sheet.  
print fidelity. A function of InfoPrint XT that  
measures the length of a Xerox print line and makes  
sure that the corresponding AFP line it generates is the  
same length.  
print job. The data to print, with specific conversion  
parameters and print options that you submit to  
InfoPrint Manager for processing. A print job is similar  
to a report, which is the Xerox term used for the job.  
page printer. Any of a class of printers that accepts  
composed pages, constructed of composed text and  
images, among other things, and that prints any  
sequence of pels in any order on the page. Contrast  
with line printer.  
Print Services Facility (PSF). (1) An IBM licensed  
program that produces printer commands from the  
data sent to it. (2) A program that manages and  
controls the input data stream and output data stream  
required by supported printers.  
page segment. (1) An AFP resource object that  
contains text, image, graphics, or bar code data that can  
be positioned on any addressable point on a page or an  
electronic overlay. (2) An AFP resource prepared before  
formatting and included during printing. Synonymous  
with segment. Compare with electronic overlay.  
printer device. The actual printer hardware, such as  
an InfoPrint 4100. See also physical printer.  
proportionally-spaced font. A font in which the  
characters are contained in character cells that vary  
with the size of each character. Fonts of this type  
provide for even spacing between printed characters,  
and eliminate excess white space around narrow  
characters, such as the letter “i”. Contrast with  
monospaced font.  
path. The route used to locate files; the storage  
location of a file. A fully qualified path lists the drive  
identifier, if any, the directory name, the subdirectory  
name, if any, and the file name with its associated  
extension, if any.  
PSF. Print Services Facility.  
pattern. Synonymous with raster pattern.  
PDF. Portable Document Format.  
pel. Short for picture element. The smallest area that the  
printer can tone individually. Synonymous with  
addressable point or dot in Xerox terminology.  
raster pattern. A series of pels arranged in scan lines  
to form an image. The toned or untoned status of each  
pel creates an image. A digitized raster pattern is an  
array of bits. The on or off status of each bit determines  
the toned or untoned status of each pel.  
physical page. Synonymous with form. Contrast with  
logical page.  
physical printer. In InfoPrint Manager, a type of  
actual destination that represents a printer device. See  
also printer device.  
resource. In the AFP architecture, a collection of  
printing instructions and sometimes data that consists  
entirely of AFP structured fields. You store a resource  
as a member of a library, and InfoPrint Manager can  
call the resource when it needs it. Coded fonts, font  
character sets, code pages, page segments, overlays,  
form definitions, and page definitions are all AFP  
picture element. See pel.  
point. (1) A unit of measurement whose main purpose  
is to describe type sizes. Each pica contains 12 points,  
with approximately 72 points to an inch. (2) In the  
Glossary of selected InfoPrint Solutions Company terms 163  
reformatted Xerox resource path. Synonymous with  
metrics directory.  
STDERR. Standard error.  
STDIN. Standard input.  
STDOUT. Standard output.  
resource group. In InfoPrint XT, resource files that are  
in the %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp directory  
and the %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\  
metrics directory. These resources are the AFP resource  
files and the metrics files that correspond to Xerox  
resources that you have loaded on the system. Using  
resources groups, you can load several versions of  
Xerox resources that have the same names, but different  
internal characteristics. Contrast with common resource.  
structured field. A self-identifying string of bytes and  
either its data or parameters; the basic building blocks  
of AFP resources and formatted AFP output.  
superuser. Synonym for root user.  
rotation. The number of degrees to rotate a character  
relative to the print direction. One of four directions  
that define the orientation of text relative to a sheet,  
page, overlay, text block, or page segment.  
text orientation. A description of the appearance of  
text as a combination of inline directions, baseline  
directions, and character rotation.  
tumble duplex printing. Duplex printing for sheets  
that are to be bound on the short edge of the paper,  
regardless of whether the printing is portrait or  
landscape. Contrast with duplex printing.  
segment. Synonymous with page segment.  
server. In InfoPrint Manager, the object that accepts  
configuration, management, and printing requests, does  
the requested operations, and sends responses back as  
a result of the operations.  
ward. A section of a double-byte character set (DBCS)  
font. The first byte of all code points in the character  
set have the same value. Converting a single Xerox  
DBCS font creates several character set files and code  
page files, with a pair for each ward in the font.  
ServerName_JobIdentifier. An unambiguous job  
identifier. In InfoPrint Manager, it is the name of the  
server that manages the job, followed by an underscore,  
_, and a 10-digit, generated integer. This ID uniquely  
identifies the job in the InfoPrint Manager server.  
working directory. In InfoPrint XT, the main directory  
that InfoPrint XT uses when it creates subdirectories for  
a specific job, or subdirectories for resources. The  
default working directory is %PDXTWORKDIR%. You  
can change the default working directory with the  
PDXTWORKDIR environment variable.  
sheet. Synonymous with form.  
simplex printing. Pertaining to printing on only one  
side of the paper. Contrast with duplex printing.  
SPOOL (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations  
On-line). Auxiliary storage used as a buffer storage to  
reduce processing delays when transferring data  
between peripheral equipment and the processors of a  
Xerox resource directory. In InfoPrint XT, the directory  
in which it stores copies of all the Xerox resources that  
you load successfully. The Xerox resource directory is  
one of these:  
standard error (STDERR). The primary destination of  
the error messages that a command or a program  
generates. Standard error corresponds to file descriptor  
two; fd2.  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common\xrxres  
v %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\resgrp\rxres  
v C:\OtherDirectory\xrxres  
standard input (STDIN). The primary source of data  
that enters into a command. Standard input comes  
from the keyboard unless you use redirection or piping,  
in which case the input can be from a file, or from the  
output of another command. Standard input  
z/OS. An IBM operating system for the IBM zSeries  
family of enterprise servers that includes and integrates  
functions previously provided by many IBM software  
products (including the MVS and OS/390 operating  
systems). z/OS is an open, secure operating system for  
the IBM zSeries family of enterprise servers, complies  
with industry standards, is enabled for network  
corresponds to file descriptor zero; fd0.  
standard output (STDOUT). The primary destination  
of data that comes from a command. Standard output  
goes to the display unless you use redirection or  
piping, in which case the output can go to a file, or to  
another command. Standard error corresponds to file  
descriptor one; fd1.  
computing and e-business, and supports technology  
164 InfoPrint XT Guide  
advances in networking server capability, parallel  
processing, and object-oriented programming.  
Glossary of selected InfoPrint Solutions Company terms 165  
166 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Glossary of selected Xerox terms  
Xerox printer software versions still support the  
downloadable PDE. XICS and HFDL programs can  
optionally generate downloadable PDEs when  
producing metacode output. Metacode produced by  
customer-written programs might also contain the  
CMD. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox  
command file. These text files contain  
command-language statements for groups of related  
commands. The commands can do tasks, such as  
setting up a printing environment and running a  
specific job. Then, the operator can run all the  
commands in the CMD file by entering its name as a  
single command, rather than having to enter all the  
commands individually.  
Electronic Printer Image Construction (EPIC).  
Xerox host-resident software product (z/OS and  
/z/VM) that transforms graphics files to Xerox  
compressed raster image format for printing on an LPS  
printer equipped with the graphics handling option  
(GHO). Interfaces are provided to Dassault System of  
SAS Institute’s SAS/Graph, GDDM, and DCF.  
CME. Copy Modification Entry.  
Copy Modification Entry (CME). A Xerox page  
description language (PDL) construct that is present on  
the hard disk of the Xerox LPS printer, such as an 8700,  
a 9790, or a 4050. A CME contains the text changes or  
font changes to make at a specific location on the page.  
The change can occur on all copies of a job, or only on  
specific copies. For example, you can use a CME to  
replace or highlight text on line eight of page three, on  
the second copy of that page.  
EPIC. Electronic Printer Image Construction.  
FDL. Forms Description Language.  
copy-sensitive. A report that has multiple, collated  
copies, with CMEs, FORMS, or BFORMs that apply to  
specific copies. For example, you can request three  
copies of a particular report and specify that copy one  
of the report use CME1, and that copies two and three  
use CME2. Likewise, in a report with six copies, you  
can request that FORM1 be printed on copies one  
through four, and that BFORM2 be printed on the  
backs of copies three through six. The Xerox LPS  
processes copy-sensitive CMEs only in the offline  
environment. In online jobs, it ignores copy-sensitive  
specifications for CMEs, and it applies the CMEs to all  
the copies. You can specify copy-sensitive FORMS and  
BFORMs for both online and offline jobs.  
FNT. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox font file.  
InfoPrint XT converts Xerox FNTs to AFP fonts.  
form. A Xerox form is a collection of predefined data  
that is on the printer hard disk, such as lines, shading,  
graphics, and text, which can merge with variable data  
on a sheet while printing.  
Forms Description Language (FDL).  
command-oriented language that enables the user to  
create forms by specifying such things as page  
orientation, font selection, and rules. Customers use  
FDL commands by inputting them through the Xerox  
LPS printer console. FDL is also the Xerox LPS  
compiler task that creates FRMs from FSLs. InfoPrint  
XT does not use FSL commands in data stream  
conversion. Instead, it uses the actual form, as specified  
in an FRM file.  
DJDE. Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry.  
Forms Source Library (FSL). A file that contains FDL  
source statements, which define one or more electronic  
forms. InfoPrint XT does not use FSLs during data  
stream conversion.  
Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE). Commands in  
an input file for a Xerox LPS printer. The Xerox printer  
uses these commands to dynamically modify the  
printing environment; for example, DUPLEX, COPIES,  
COLLATE, FORMS, and SHIFT are representative of  
page-oriented commands. InfoPrint XT supports the  
majority of the common DJDE commands.  
FRM. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox forms file.  
InfoPrint XT converts Xerox FRMs to AFP overlays.  
FSL. Forms Source Library.  
downloadable PDE. A DJDE that begins with  
’FORMAT=*’ and that contains a list of fonts in a  
binary format. Xerox developed the downloadable PDE  
for use with early versions of Xerox printer software.  
Although the FONTS DJDE currently replaces it, later  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
Job Source Library (JSL). A Xerox LPS printer source  
file that contains statements that define the  
characteristics of one or more print environments  
(JDEs), such as tape formats for tape to print, logical  
processing requirements, and output formats (COPIES,  
OFFSET, DUPLEX, SHIFT, FORMS, and so forth). To  
run Xerox print jobs, the JSL must first be translated to  
an object form (compiled) JDL by the printer control  
unit. InfoPrint XT does not use JSL commands in data  
stream conversion.  
GHO. Graphics Handling Option.  
Graphics Handling Option (GHO). A collection of  
hardware and software that enables a Xerox LPS  
printer to print encoded, digitized graphic images.  
HFDL. Host Forms Description Language.  
Host Forms Description Language (HFDL). A Xerox  
host-resident software product (on z/OS and z/VM)  
that customers use to create electronic forms for Xerox  
LPS printers. The printer software (microcode) included  
with the Xerox LPS printer includes a printer-resident  
version of the software.  
Laser Printing System (LPS). A class of Xerox  
cut-sheet production printers that accept LCDS and  
metacode jobs. Most of the LPS printers, such as the  
4635, are in the DocuPrint series of printers.  
LCDS. Line Conditioned Data Stream.  
LGO. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox logo file.  
InfoPrint XT converts Xerox LGOs to AFP page  
IMG. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox image file.  
InfoPrint XT converts Xerox IMGs to AFP page  
LIB. The file type of a Xerox 80-byte text file, or a  
cluster library file (not in 80-byte text format). InfoPrint  
XT processes and uses information in the CLUSTR.LIB  
file. This file correlates clusters, which are individual  
paper drawers or groups of paper drawers, with names  
of paper drawers or paper drawer groups. STK files  
contain the name definitions.  
inline resources. In a Xerox printing environment, all  
resources, such as fonts and graphics, are on the Xerox  
printer. Xerox printers can accept jobs that specify FILE  
or GRAPHICS DJDEs, which cause new resources to  
load on the printer. In some cases, the incoming job  
contains no print data, but rather contains resources  
that load on the printer when the job runs.  
Line Conditioned Data Stream. Line data with  
embedded DJDEs that specify formatting instructions  
for the data.  
inverse landscape orientation. The position of printed  
data on a sheet of paper, 180° from standard landscape  
orientation for a device.  
line data. A data stream format that contains standard  
text data and impact printer controls, such as channels  
and carriage controls. Line data contains no metacodes  
or DJDEs.  
inverse portrait orientation. The position of printed  
data on a sheet of paper, 180° from standard portrait  
orientation for a device.  
logical page. An imaginary rectangular section of a  
physical side of a sheet. Using the BEGIN command,  
Xerox print jobs can specify that several logical pages  
exist on each physical page. Xerox data streams  
typically use skip-to-channel-one carriage controls to  
jump from one logical page to the next. When data  
processing finishes for all the logical pages on one side,  
the next skip-to-channel-one carriage control causes the  
printer to jump to the first logical page on the next  
JDE. Job Descriptor Entry.  
JDL. Job Description Library.  
Job Descriptor Entry (JDE). A set of print-job  
characteristics grouped together to represent the  
processing requirements for a specific print job. These  
are also known as job command sets. You can define  
one of the JDEs as the default job descriptor entry. You  
can then use this to establish a default print  
logical processor commands. Special Xerox commands  
that look for predefined character strings or  
character-string changes in the input data, and take  
various kinds of action when one of the strings is  
found. The logical processor commands include:  
environment, which DJDE statements embedded in the  
actual print job can then dynamically alter.  
Job Descriptor Library (JDL). The object file created  
by compiling the JSL, which contains one or more JDEs  
to use on a Xerox LPS printer.  
Detects banner pages. It might use some of the  
JSL. Job Source Library.  
168 InfoPrint XT Guide  
information about the banner pages for  
accounting purposes, or it might delimit  
reports in a print job.  
non-printable resource. In InfoPrint XT, a Xerox  
CMD, CME, JDL, LIB, PDE, STK, or TST file from  
which InfoPrint XT creates a metrics file when you load  
the resource.  
Deletes specified blocks from offline data to  
prevent them from printing.  
Selects specified blocks from offline data to  
cause them to print.  
offline environment. In an offline printing  
environment, the Xerox printer receives the incoming  
data from a tape drive directly attached to the printer,  
rather than from a channel-attached host. This  
environment requires operator intervention to send the  
data to the printer.  
RAUX Pulls a single sheet of paper from the auxiliary  
paper tray.  
Deletes specified records from offline data to  
prevent them from printing.  
RFEED Dynamically specifies a cluster of input paper  
online environment. In an online environment, the  
printer receives the incoming data directly from a  
channel-attached host. This environment requires no  
operator intervention to send the data to the printer.  
Causes the paper in the output tray to jog.  
OTEXT. A type of job that contains messages for the  
operator that display on the console of the printer. For  
example, the message might specify the type of paper  
to load.  
Moves the next or current logical page to the  
back of the current sheet, or to the front or  
back of the next sheet.  
Resumes printing after a group of records  
when the contents of the first and last records  
are known, but the contents of the records  
between them are not.  
Page Description Entry (PDE). A set of statements  
that define formatting information for each page of a  
print job, including page orientation, starting print line,  
and fonts.  
Selects specified records from offline data to  
cause them to print.  
PDE. Page Description Entry.  
PDL. Print Description Language.  
Delimits reports in a print job.  
PDL compiler. A printer, workstation, or host-based  
program that you use to translate PDL source  
commands to objects usable by the Xerox LPS.  
Prevents printing of a group of records when  
the contents of the first and last records are  
known, but the contents of the records  
between them are not.  
Print Description Language (PDL). Statements that  
define the characteristics of print jobs, such as tape  
formats for tape to print, logical processing  
requirements, and output formats. You use these  
statements to create CMEs, PDEs, JDLs, and so on.  
LPS. Laser Printing System.  
printable resource. In InfoPrint XT, a Xerox FNT,  
FRM, IMG, or LGO file from which InfoPrint XT  
creates both a metrics file, and one or more AFP  
resource files when you load the resource.  
metacode data stream. A data stream that contains  
embedded metacodes. It might or might not include  
DJDEs. Some Xerox host system software products,  
such as XICS, produce output with embedded  
metacodes. Additionally, some Xerox customers have  
written applications that embed metacodes in the print  
report. In Xerox terminology, a logical subset of the  
data in a Xerox print job. Each print job might consist  
of a single report, or might contain several reports.  
Delimiter pages might separate reports in the printed  
output. Each report might also end with an accounting  
information page. In the input data stream, character  
metacodes. Metacodes are a set of reserved character  
codes that convey formatting instructions to the printer.  
The metacode format is the native language of the  
Xerox LPS printer.  
Glossary of selected Xerox terms 169  
strings defined by the RSTACK or BANNER command  
serve to separate the reports.  
Xerox Job Control Facility (XJCF). A host-resident  
software product developed by Xerox Computer  
Systems as an extension to z/OS JES2 for the Xerox  
LPS printers. It builds and inserts DJDE records in the  
output file based on user job control statements,  
Xerox-extended JES2 parameters, initialization  
parameters, and JES2 system defaults. In addition to  
3800-1 compatibility support, it provides a mechanism  
for accessing other features of the Xerox centralized  
printers (such as duplex, two-up, and electronic forms  
merge) without user awareness of DJDEs.  
resource. See non-printable resource and printable  
signature font. A font that contains one or more  
images, logos, or signatures that are tiled into many  
characters. You can reproduce the image by printing  
the correct sequence of characters from the font.  
Xerox Production Print Mode (XPPM). Pertaining to  
printing to Xerox LPS printers using LCDS or metacode  
data streams.  
START. The command that a Xerox printer operator  
enters to start a print job from the console of a Xerox  
LPS printer. The command has two arguments,  
separated by a comma. The first argument is the JDE  
for the job and the second argument is the JDL. Each  
job must specify the appropriate starting JDE and JDL,  
otherwise the job either does not print, or prints with  
STK. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox stockset  
file. A stockset file defines paper drawers, such as  
which are the main and auxiliary drawers, and which  
is the default drawer. You use STK files with the cluster  
database (CLUSTR.LIB), which contains cluster  
information in a binary format. The stockset and the  
CLUSTR.LIB represent a specific printing environment  
when the operator loads specific types of paper in the  
drawers of the printer. For example, when printing  
checks, the customer might have forms in one drawer  
on which a monthly statement prints, and the actual  
checks in another drawer.  
TST. The file type, or extension, of a Xerox routing  
text file. These precompiled files contain text strings  
that print on separate pages, which precede the  
individual reports. These text strings are also called  
routing text and, as an option, you can print them with  
an overlay. You create TST files by compiling ROUTE  
commands in JSL files. The RTEXT JDL command or  
the RTEXT DJDE invokes them from the job data  
stream. The RFORM JDL command or RFORM DJDE  
specifies whether an overlay prints on the routing text  
Xerox Integrated Composition System (XICS).  
host-resident software product for composing text  
documents (z/OS, z/VSE, z/VM) that print on a Xerox  
centralized printer or photo-typesetter. XICS provides  
support for merging Xerox format graphic images  
inline or to reserve white space for merging at the  
printer. Commands are of the control word variety,  
rather than generalized markup.  
170 InfoPrint XT Guide  
You can find additional information about products that you can use with  
InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) in the publications listed in this  
The titles and order numbers may change from time to time. To verify a current  
order number or a current title, consult your marketing representative.  
Note: You can access viewable copies of many publications through the InfoPrint  
Solutions Company Web site:  
For online access and ordering for IBM publications, go to:  
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)  
v Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference,  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Bar Code Object Content Architecture Reference,  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA)  
Reference, S544-3285  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Graphics Object Content Architecture for  
Advanced Function Presentation Reference, S544-5498  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Image Object Content Architecture Reference,  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference,  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Mixed Object Document Content Architecture  
Reference, SC31-6802  
v Data Stream and Object Architectures: Presentation Object Content Architecture  
Reference, SC31-6803  
InfoPrint Manager for Windows  
v InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Introduction and Planning Guide, G544-5716  
v InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Getting Started, G544-5717  
v InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Procedures, G544-5814  
v InfoPrint Manager: Reference, S544-5475  
Note: Your InfoPrint Manager installation media includes a CD-ROM that contains  
all the InfoPrint Manager publications.  
Print Services Facility for z/OS  
v Print Services Facility for z/OS: Download for z/OS, S544-5624  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
InfoPrint Solutions Company printers  
v InfoPrint 2190, 2210, & 2235 Printers (MT 2707): Planning Guide, G550-0952  
v InfoPrint 2060ES/2075ES/2090ES/2105ES: Finishing Guide for Printing, S544-5845  
v InfoPrint 40 Infoprint 32: User’s Guide, S544-5484  
v InfoPrint 70: Introduction and Planning Guide, GA18-7726  
v InfoPrint 70 Plus: Introduction and Planning Guide, G544-5869  
172 InfoPrint XT Guide  
API values, command options (continued)  
attribute mapping file  
attributes, InfoPrint Manager for Windows  
actual destination  
Special characters  
assignment by  
actual destinations  
Advanced Function Presentation  
API values, command options  
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007  
attributes, InfoPrint Manager for Windows (continued)  
job (continued)  
conversion parameters for Xerox jobs (continued)  
carriage-control processing  
cluster library, Xerox clustr.lib  
CMD files  
correlation tables, resource  
DBCS support  
configurable transform  
content-sensitive medium map  
conversion parameters for Xerox jobs  
174 InfoPrint XT Guide  
directories (continued)  
EINVAL return code value  
ENOATTR return code value  
ENOENT return code value  
ENOMEM return code value  
environment variables  
DJDE commands  
download directives  
Download for z/OS  
using with InfoPrint XT  
error handling  
error sheet  
listing and log files  
resource load failures  
E2BIG return code value  
ECONNABORTED return code value  
ECONNRESET return code value  
EEXIST return code value  
file descriptors, fdn  
FILE DJDE support  
conversion parameters  
Index 175  
FILE DJDE support (continued)  
file name conventions, pdxtdownload processing  
InfoPrint Manager for Windows  
inline resources, embedding in AFP  
installation, InfoPrint XT  
internet sites  
INVERT command and DJDE, Xerox  
ISL files  
JCL parameters  
Forms Control Buffer (FCB)  
FSL files  
FTP sites  
highlight-color images, Xerox  
176 InfoPrint XT Guide  
JCL parameters (continued)  
MVS Download receivers  
NOP structured fields, InfoPrint XT  
name format  
JSL files  
OTEXT jobs  
NOP structured field keywords  
man pages  
parameter mapping file  
messages, error and informational  
pass-through values  
metrics files, for loaded Xerox resources  
MICR fonts, generating AFP  
Index 177  
programming interfaces  
pdxtloadres command  
resource correlation tables  
resource group directories, InfoPrint XT  
pdxtx2afp command  
correlation tables  
problem determination  
diagnostic files  
178 InfoPrint XT Guide  
restrictions, InfoPrint XT  
stapling support  
conversion parameters  
highlight color  
structured fields, AFP  
return codes  
transform directives  
routing-control data set  
scanning jobs for resources  
SHIFT command, Xerox  
transform object, IPM  
transform parameter mapping file  
diagnostic files  
software product prerequisites  
Index 179  
Xerox resources (continued)  
descriptions (continued)  
UNIX emulation tools, Microsoft  
updates, to InfoPrint XT software  
UNIX emulation tools, Microsoft  
Web sites  
working directories, InfoPrint XT  
Xerox conversion parameters  
Xerox resources  
180 InfoPrint XT Guide  
Program Number: 5799-RZA  
Printed in USA  

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